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摘要点击 2396  全文点击 1375  投稿时间:2010-03-17  修订日期:2010-09-05
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中文关键词  Mann-Kendall方法  主成分分析  聚类分析  环境质量  区域差异  区域格局
英文关键词  Mann-Kendall method  principal component analysis  cluster analysis  environment quality  regional pattern  regional differences
管卫华 南京师范大学地理科学学院南京210046 
孙明坤 南京师范大学地理科学学院南京210046 
陆玉麒 南京师范大学地理科学学院南京210046 
      从污染物排放量、污染物处理能力和单位土地面积的污染物排放量等方面选取中国28个省市区的18项环境指标数据,运用主成分分析、标准差、Mann-Kendall和聚类分析法,研究1986~2008年间中国区域环境质量差异及格局变化.研究表明,这期间中国区域环境质量差异呈现波动缓慢上升,分为1986~2000、 2000~2001、 2001~2005和2005~2008年4个阶段.中国区域环境质量格局总体表现为西部优于东部,而中东部地区有变化.其中,1986年中国区域环境质量表现为东、西格局.2000和2001年中国区域环境质量表现为东、中、西格局.2005年中国区域环境质量格局表现为西部优于东部,而东部则又呈现出南、中、北的格局,北部优于南部,南部又优于中部.2008年中国区域环境质量格局变化不大,而环境质量较差的地区范围扩大.单位土地面积的污染物排放量因子是形成中国区域环境质量东西格局的主要因素,而污染物排放因子和污染物回收利用因子则是影响中国区域环境质量格局变化的具体因素.此外,国家宏观政策和区域政策,以及各区域经济发展和产业结构的不同也是引起中国区域环境质量格局变化的原因.
      For further study of regional differences and the pattern of changes in environmental quality in China since 1986-2008,we perform the principal component analysis,standard deviation,Mann-Kendall and cluster analysis on 18 environmental quality indexes in 28 provinces of China in this paper.Those indexes refer to pollutant emission,pollutants treatment capacities and pollutant emission of per unit land area, etc.The paper indicates that regional environmental quality in China has been increased slightly during this period.It can be divided into four stages:1986-2000,2000-2001,2001-2005 and 2005-2008.The overall patterns of regional environmental quality is the West is higher than the East in general,while the environmental quality of the eastern part have been changed somewhat.For more details,the regional environmental quality in China in 1986 is composed of two parts,the eastern part and the western part,while in 2000 and 2001 the eastern part,the middle part and the western part appears as the overall pattern.For the year of 2005,the regional environmental quality in the western is higher than that of the eastern;meanwhile,the eastern can be divided into the northern part,the middle part and the southern part,and the environmental quality in northern part is better than that of the southern part,southern part is better than that of the middle part.This pattern hardly changed in 2008,except that the area with poor environment quality region had expanded.Pollutant emission of per unit land area played as a main factor;yet both the pollutant emission and the reuse of pollutants impacted the pattern specifically.In addition, the national macro policies,the regional policies, the regional economic and the industrial structure can be primary reason for the change of regional environmental quality pattern in China as well.

主办单位:中国科学院生态环境研究中心 单位地址:北京市海淀区双清路18号
电话:010-62941102 邮编:100085 E-mail: hjkx@rcees.ac.cn
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