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摘要点击 2303  全文点击 1186  投稿时间:2009-11-24  修订日期:2010-01-28
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中文关键词  坡度  模拟降雨  坡地  径流  污泥氮
英文关键词  slope degree  simulated rainfall  sloping field  runoff  nitrogen of sewage sludge
陈炎辉 福建农林大学资源与环境学院福州350002 
陈明华 福建省水土保持试验站福州350003 
王果 福建农林大学资源与环境学院福州350002 
陈文祥 福建省水土保持试验站福州350003 
杨舜成 福建省水土保持试验站福州350003 
柴鹏 福建省水土保持试验站福州350003 
      研究了人工模拟降雨条件下,坡度对撒施于赤红壤坡地的污泥氮素随地表径流的流失影响.结果表明,各坡度污泥撒施的前期(1 d和18 d)径流中混匀样总氮(MTN)、静置样总氮(STN)、颗粒态总氮(TPN)、悬浮态总氮(TSN)、可溶性总氮(TDN)、NH+4-N浓度和流失量均达到峰值,氮素(MTN和STN)流失最为严重,对地表水的污染风险随坡度增大而升高,其中25°STN浓度和流失量峰值分别为126.1 mg·L-1和1788.6 mg·m-2,分别是10°对应峰值的4.6和5.8倍.此后撒施径流氮素(NO-3-N除外)浓度和流失量均呈先快速下降后逐渐趋于稳定,坡度处理间的氮素浓度和流失量差异较小.10°~25°处理径流中68.6%~73.4%MTN和62.3%~66.7%STN流失量发生在污泥撒施前期(1 d和18 d)径流中,MTN径流流失系数大小依次为:20°>25°>15°>10°,TDN是氮素流失的主体,但相当比例NH+4-N是通过吸附于颗粒相随径流流失的.
      The effects of different slopes on nitrogen transport along with runoff from sloping plots amended with sewage sludge on a lateritic red soil were studied under simulated rainfall conditions. When the sludge was broadcasted and mixed with surface soils(BM), the MTN (total nitrogen of mixing sample), STN (total nitrogen of settled sample), TPN (total particulate nitrogen), TSN (total suspended nitrogen), TDN (total dissolved nitrogen) and NH+4-N concentrations and nitrogen loss amounts in runoff of all treatments were highest at 1 day or 18 days after application. The highest concentrations and the loss amounts of MTN and STN in the slope runoff for the BM treatment increased with slope degree, showing increasing pollution risks to the surface waters. The STN concentration and loss amounts from the 25° plots were 126.1 mg·L-1 and 1788.6 mg·m-2, respectively, being 4.6 times and 5.8 times of the corresponding values from the 10° plots, respectively. Then the concentrations and the loss amounts of nitrogen (except NO-3-N) from the BM plots diminished rapidly first and then tended to be stable with dwindling differences between the slopes. The loss of MTN and STN in early runoff (1 day and 18 days) accounted for 68.6%-73.4% and 62.3%-66.7% of the cumulative loss amounts during the experimental period for all the broadcasted treatments. Runoff loss coefficients of MTN increased in the order of 20°>25°>15°>10°. Nitrogen was largely lost in dissolved species while large portion of NH+4-N was lost with particulates.

主办单位:中国科学院生态环境研究中心 单位地址:北京市海淀区双清路18号
电话:010-62941102 邮编:100085 E-mail: hjkx@rcees.ac.cn
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