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摘要点击 770  全文点击 729  投稿时间:1988-12-07  
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刘幼慈 华东师范大学地理系 上海 
应龙根 华东师范大学地理系 上海 
      Target programming as a kind of multi target optimization technique has been found to be increasingly utilized. Taking Shanghai Taopu Chemical Industry Dis-trict as a case study, the authors present three alternative s hem.es for reducing discharge of pollutants:(1) reduction by 5%; (2) reduction by 10%; (3) discharge in conformity with norm. Then, they set up a model of tar-get programming for the environment-economic system of this industrial district and performed multi-target optimization simulation for the system by means of a computer. The results of optimization provide concrete approaches to rational adjustment of trade structure, which will better coordinate the two principal factors of the system, i. e. environmenr and economy so as to redress the existing random state of environment-economic system of the district. The system has its integral and comprehensive functions. The optimization schemes not only realize effective control and considerable reduction of pollution discharge, but also raise the industrial output and environment economic benefit.

主办单位:中国科学院生态环境研究中心 单位地址:北京市海淀区双清路18号
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