Mixing regime shapes the community assembly process, microbial interaction and proliferation of cyanobacterial species Planktothrix in a stratified lake

Jiuhui Qu , Junwen Chen , Huacong Liu , Yaohui Bai , Jing Qi , Weixiao Qi , Huijuan Liu , Jianfeng Peng


Received April 12, 2021,Revised , Accepted July 05, 2021, Available online August 02, 2021

Volume 34,2022,Pages 103-113

Lake mixing influences aquatic chemical properties and microbial community composition, and thus, we hypothesized that it would alter microbial community assembly and interaction. To clarify this issue, we explored the community assembly processes and cooccurrence networks in four seasons at two depths (epilimnion and hypolimnion) in a mesotrophic and stratified lake (Chenghai Lake), which formed stratification in the summer and turnover in the winter. During the stratification period, the epilimnion and hypolimnion went through contrary assembly processes but converged to similar assembly patterns in the mixing period. In a highly homogeneous selection environment, species with low niche breadth were filtered, resulting in decreased species richness. Water mixing in the winter homogenized the environment, resulting in a simpler microbial cooccurrence network. Interestingly, we observed a high abundance of the cyanobacterial genus Planktothrix in the winter, probably due to nutrient redistribution and Planktothrix adaptivity to the winter environment in which mixing played important roles. Our study provides deeper fundamental insights into how environmental factors influence microbial community structure through community assembly processes.

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