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孙连超 中国科学院环境化学研究所 
      北京燕山石油化工公司(以下简称为燕化公司)是一个大型石油化工联合企业,位于北京西南郊邻近房山县的燕山区境内,占地面积为36km~2. 该公司始建于1967年,先后由石油部建成东方红炼油厂,化工部建成东风化工厂和胜利化工厂,轻工部建成曙光化工厂,北京市建成向阳化工厂等.
      The production processes at the Beijing Petrochemical Complex are quite complicated, and the pollutant emissions are multiple. The Complex itself is, however, located among the mountains, and the production districts intermix with the residential ones. All the things make environmental protection difficult. A team from Chinese Academy of Sciences helped the Complex, investigate environmental impacts there. The research program was divided into three parts, i.e. pollutant emission sources, environmental media and pollutant acceptors. In this district, waste gases, wastewater, solid wastes, offensive odour and some accidents were investigated separately. The situation of land-use was analysed with remote sensor images of aerophotography. Air currents which stayed around the mountains and valleys were studied with two-dimensional diffusion indicators. At the same time airborne particulates and gaseous pollutants were collected. According to the results, residential districts are suggested to be moved to the east. In this article, the models for purifying streams were introduced. Groundwater velocity and direction with pollutants therein were observed and trace organic compounds in water analysed and evaluated. Assessment of organic pollutants in soil was done. In this district, scientists watched the plant species and populations with damage by pollution, investigated animal community and its variations. Several items of human health investigation were carried out and data on incidence acquired. In the light of above-mentioned investigations and research work, eleven measures for protecting and improving environment were proposed so as to see environmental, economic and social benefits realized.

主办单位:中国科学院生态环境研究中心 单位地址:北京市海淀区双清路18号
电话:010-62941102 邮编:100085 E-mail: hjkx@rcees.ac.cn
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