
  • 赵文慧,宫辉力,赵文吉,唐涛,唐明.基于地统计学的北京市可吸入颗粒物时空变异性及气象因素分析[J].环境科学学报,2010,30(11):2154-2163

  • 基于地统计学的北京市可吸入颗粒物时空变异性及气象因素分析
  • Spatial and temporal variation of Beijing inhalable particulate matter and its meteorological factors based on geostatistical analysis
  • 基金项目:北京市自然科学基金重点项目基金(NoKZ200910028006)
  • 作者
  • 单位
  • 赵文慧
  • 1. 北京市城市环境过程与数字模拟重点实验室-省部共建国家重点实验室培育基地, 首都师范大学, 北京 100048; 2. 资源环境与地理信息系统北京市重点实验室, 首都师范大学, 北京 100048
  • 宫辉力
  • 1. 北京市城市环境过程与数字模拟重点实验室-省部共建国家重点实验室培育基地, 首都师范大学, 北京 100048; 2. 资源环境与地理信息系统北京市重点实验室, 首都师范大学, 北京 100048
  • 赵文吉
  • 1. 北京市城市环境过程与数字模拟重点实验室-省部共建国家重点实验室培育基地, 首都师范大学, 北京 100048; 2. 资源环境与地理信息系统北京市重点实验室, 首都师范大学, 北京 100048
  • 唐涛
  • Department of Geography and Planning, State University of New York College at Buffalo, USA
  • 唐明
  • 1. 北京市城市环境过程与数字模拟重点实验室-省部共建国家重点实验室培育基地, 首都师范大学, 北京 100048; 2. 资源环境与地理信息系统北京市重点实验室, 首都师范大学, 北京 100048
  • 摘要:大气颗粒物是造成城市空气污染的重要原因之一,并已经成为我国北京等大中城市空气污染中的首要污染物.为分析北京市采暖期大气中可吸入颗粒物的污染水平及其气象因素的影响作用,以大气可吸入颗粒物PM0.3,PM3.0,PM5.0为研究对象,于2007~2009年采暖期间在北京市城区设立了93个采样点进行定点采样监测,利用地统计分析工具和指示克里格方法,模拟分析了北京市城区2007~2009年采暖期PM0.3、PM3.0、PM5.0的时空变异性,并建立起可吸入颗粒物浓度与气象条件(风力、温度、湿度)的对应关系,由此分析气象因素对大气颗粒物污染水平的影响程度.结果表明:实验半变异函数符合具有块金值的球状模型;北京城区空气可吸入颗粒物的污染水平自2007年以来污染程度与污染面积均呈减小趋势,影响范围主要集中在西南部,西北次之,近郊区污染重于城区;气象条件是影响可吸入颗粒物污染程度的重要因素,在不同年份不同气象因子对颗粒物的影响是不同的.但另一方面,由于污染原因季节冷暖程度的不同,气象条件对颗粒物浓度的影响有不确定的一面,但仍可找到一些规律.
  • Abstract:The quality and pollution of inhalable particulate matter (IPM) and its impact on the environment and in particular on human health,is an issue of significant public and governmental concern.Analyzing IPMspatial characteristics and the factors influencing IP Mdistribution are therefore greatly significant.This research provides suggestions for more effective air particulate pollution control policies by the government.Inhalable particulate matter (IPM) samples 0.3,PM3.0,PM5.0 were taken in heating season from 2007 to 2009 in order to determine temporal and spatial variations of IPM concentration based on the indicator Kriging of geostatistics.The correlation between IPM and meteorological factors is discussed and the influences of different factors on pollutant concentration are compared.The results show:spherical models with nuggets could fit the variograms of airborne inhalable particulates; in the past three years,the inhalable particle pollution in Beijing has dramatically decreased both in pollution level and area; the main polluted area was centralized in the southwest area of the city.The pollution level in suburban areas was worse than in the central city.The meteorological factors are crucial elements influencing the concentration of IPM.Different meteorological factors had different influences on IP Min different years,as well as different average temperatures during different seasons.The pollutant sources were different at different times,too.The results suggest that the influence of meteorological factors on IPM has some uncertainty,however,some regular trends still can be found.

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