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In the present paper, we use numerical simulation to investigate currents, mixing and water renewal in Barcelona harbour under typical conditions of wind forcing for the winter season. This site is of particular importance due to the interplay between touristic and commercial activities, requiring detailed and high-definition studies of water quality within the harbour. We use Large Eddy Simulation (LES) which directly resolves the anisotropic and energetic large scales of motion and parametrizes the small, dissipative, ones. Small-scale turbulence is modelled by the anisotropic Smagorinsky model (ASM) to be employed in presence of large cell anisotropy. The complexity of the harbour is modelled using a combination of curvilinear, structured, non-staggered grid and the immersed boundary method. Boundary conditions for wind and currents at the inlets of the port are obtained from in-situ measurements. Analysis of the numerical results is carried out based on both instantaneous and time-averaged velocity fields. First- and second-order statistics, such as turbulent kinetic energy and horizontal and vertical eddy viscosities, are calculated and their spatial distribution is discussed. The study shows the presence of intense current in the narrow and elongated part of the harbour together with sub-surface along-shore elongated rolling structures (with a time scale of a few hours), and they contribute to the vertical water mixing. Time-averaged velocity field reveals intense upwelling and downwelling zones along the walls of the harbour. The analysis of second-order statistics shows strong inhomogeneity of turbulent kinetic energy and horizontal and vertical eddy viscosities in the horizontal plane, with larger values in the regions characterized by stronger currents. The water renewal within the port is quantified for particular sub-domain regions, showing that the complexity of the harbour is such that certain in-harbour basins have a water renewal of over five days, including the yacht marina area. The LES solution compares favourably with available current-meter data. The LES solution is also compared with a RANS solution obtained in literature for the same site under the same forcing conditions, the comparison demonstrating a large sensitivity of properties to model resolution and frictional parametrization.  相似文献   

A two-dimensional deterministic particle tracking model, in which the anisotropic-dispersive process is described by a particle strength exchange scheme, is established for the simulation of pollutant transport in vertically well-mixed rivers and estuaries. By simulating two benchmark problems with analytic solutions, the PSE scheme is shown to be accurate even if the anisotropic ratio of dispersion coefficients is very high. Further simulations of two specific problems concerning the optimal effluent discharge location and procedure are presented. The major conclusion is that in a tidal estuary with a relatively large fresh-water flow, setting the discharge position at the mixing center and making the discharge rate proportional to flow speed may minimize the peaks of concentration.  相似文献   

A. Clarke 《Marine Biology》1979,55(2):111-119
Comparison of the life-histories of two species pairs of caridean decapods, each pair containing a polar and a more temperate-water species (Chorismus antarcticus (Pfeffer, 1887)/Pandalus montagui Leach, 1814 and Notocrangon antarcticus (Pfeffer, 1887)/ crangon crangon (Linnaeus, 1758), suggested that in each case the polar species was more of a K-strategist than was the temperate species. In particular there were striking differences in brood size, egg weight and maturity of the newly hatched larvae. Measurements of individual annual reproductive effort, RE, as g fresh weight eggs per g fresh weight female indicated that in both species pairs the RE of the polar K-strategist was significantly less than that of the comparable temperate water r-strategist. Results expressing RE as g total egg lipid per g fresh weight female were equivocal. These data are discussed in relation to available autecological information for Anterctic marine invertebrates and it is concluded that many features of the polar benthos are explicable in terms of a general evolution of typical K-strategies. The role of low temperature in the widespread evolution of K-strategies may be crucial; consideration of this leads to a re-appraisal of cold-adaptation.  相似文献   

An adequate reserve of dissolved oxygen in a receiving stream is extremely important for protecting aquatic plants and animals, and for conserving our water resources. This paper briefly describes the environmental engineering significance of the stream self-purification, the current stream quality standards on dissolved oxygen concentration, and the solubility of dissolved oxygen in water. Special emphasis is placed on the modelling of the biological reactions and the dissolved oxygen saturation concentration in fresh water. The model can be used for calculating the dissolved oxygen saturation concentration, in turn, for determining the dissolved oxygen deficits, the critical dissolved oxygen concentration, and the allowable dissolved oxygen drop in a stream into which the waste water is discharged.  相似文献   

J. T. Beck 《Marine Biology》1977,41(3):253-257
We have monitored the incorporation of 3H-glycine into, and the excretion of, soluble tissue and extrapallial fluid proteins in the hardshell clam Mercenaria mercenaria in an attempt to follow some of the metabolic events that occur antecedent to shell deposition. After incubating at 20°C for 48 h, clams were killed and the distribution of incorporated and unincorporated tritium in seawater, mantle fluid, hemocoelic-tissue fluid, extrapallial fluid and tissue was determined. Most of the incorporated tritium was in the insoluble tissue proteins. Much more incorporated tritium was found in the hemocoelic-tissue fluid fraction than in the extrapallial fluid. We assume that most of the radioactivity we followed was due to free or incorporated radioactive glycine. The ratio of 3H-protein to 3H-glycine was greater in the extrapallial fluid than in the hemocoelic-tissue fluid, suggesting either protein secretion into or glycine removal from the extrapallium. We also observed that both 3H-protein and 3H-glycine concentrations were higher in the mantle fluid than in the external sea water, although the ratios of 3H-glycine to 3H-protein in these two fluids were not different.  相似文献   

Three taxonomically distant sponges Pericharax heteroraphis, Jaspis stellifera and Neofibularia irata contain phenotypically similar bacterial symbionts which differ from bacteria in the ambient water. These symbionts are predominant in the sponges and were detected after computer analysis of 526 heterotrophic bacterial strains tested for 76 characters. These facultative anaerobic symbionts metabolize a wide range of compounds and may be important in removing waste products while the sponges are not circulating water. The bacteria produce sticky-mucoid colonies and thus would contribute to sponge structural rigidity. The fourth sponge Ircinia wistarii contains a mixed aerobic population similar to that in the ambient water. The majority of the bacteria are located around the inhalant canals, facilitating the uptake of dissolved organic matter and oxygen from the incoming water.  相似文献   

Fish larvae were sampled in and below three separate sewage plumes associated with the cliff-face (shoreline) outfalls at North Head, Bondi and Malabar, and at three control (non-plume) sites located>8 km away from the sewage outfalls, at Long Reef, Port Hacking and Marley Beach, in nearshore waters off Sydney, south-eastern Australia. Samples were collected at the surface and at 20 m depth during three periods: December 1989, April/May 1990 and August/September 1990. In December 1989, a greater number of taxa were caught at both depths at the plume sites compared to the control sites, but this did not occur during the other two sampling periods. Similarly, in April/May 1990, greater numbers of the clupeid Hyperlophus vittatus but fewer anthiines were caught at both depths near the outfalls (plume sites). Myctophids were more numerous in surface samples, but not at 20 m, at the plume sites in both April/May and August/September 1990, whereas in April/May 1990, labrids and anguilliformes were less abundant at 20 m at the plume sites compared to the control sites. These differences in the numbers of fish larvae caught may have been an effect of the effluent plumes, but these results were only correlative. The results most probably reflect spatial heterogeneity in the distribution and relative abundance of fish larvae nearshore to Sydney. There were striking differences, however, in the number of fish larvae caught at the surface and at 20 m, and among sampling periods, but these differences were similar across all sites. Of the 46 taxa considered common, 33 occurred in greater numbers at 20 m than at the surface, whereas only 8 taxa were caught in greater numbers at the surface. The composition of the fish larvae also differed markedly among sampling periods; few taxa were common to all three sampling periods. Greater numbers of fish larvae were caught in April/May and August/September 1990 than in December 1989, particularly at 20 m depth. The data highlight the large spatial and temporal heterogeneity in the distribution and relative abundance of fish larvae nearshore to Sydney and the difficulty of identifying effects that are solely due to sewage plumes.  相似文献   

An experiment was conducted in fresh‐water fish (Cyprinus carpio) cultured, in small water tanks, artificially contaminated with radioactive 137Cs (3000 Bq/1) to determine the uptake of 137Cs and its physiological and histological effects in different fish organs.

It was found that 137Cs was located in muscular tissues, gills, head muscles, liver and kidneys. Moderate amounts were found in spleen, eyes, gonads, intestine and urinary bladder. It seems that sorption was of much less importance than ingestion in the uptake of 137Cs. The histological examination in musculature tissue, revealed an acute hyperemia with focal hemorrages which may be due to allergic effects of 137Cs. Hyperemia and focal fatty degeneration of hepatic cells was also noted in the liver which may be due to toxic effects of 137Cs diffused hyperemia has also occurred in the brain and focal degeneration of epithelial cells of renal tubules.  相似文献   

我国淡水藻华长期变动特征综合分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
陈能汪  章颖瑶  李延风 《生态环境》2010,19(8):1994-1998
水体富营养化与淡水藻华(水华)是全球普遍现象,我国是一个高氮磷投入的国家,在人类活动和全球气候变化背景条件下,河流湖库富营养化问题日益突出。文章收集了近30年来我国水华事件的相关文献资料,基于综合研究和统计学分析,回顾性评估了我国水华发生的基本特征、变动规律和成因。数据表明,自上世纪80年代以来,水华发生频率从上世纪80年代每年1~2次上升到2000年以后的每年近10次(不完全统计),总体呈现上升趋势;水华从湖泊向河流库区扩展,从点到面蔓延,且主要集中在人口密集、污染严重的长江中下游地区和东部沿海地区;在我国化肥施用、畜禽养殖、电站大坝建设等人类活动以及气候变暖的叠加影响下,河流湖库的氮磷浓度上升、氮磷比值下降,水体水化学和生态环境的长期变动加大了水华发生的风险。文章认为,在流域海域综合管理框架下进行氮磷污染的联合控制,以及多学科交叉开展特定水体的水华过程和机理研究是今后藻华防控的根本要求。  相似文献   

Fish exposed to 150 ppm and 250 ppm doses saparately, showed eratic swimming with hyper-excitability, spiralling, convulsion and mortality. However at 350 ppm dose fish became lethargic and steady at the bottom of aquarium. This behaviour appears to be due to sedative effects of fish implicating the phychoactive nature of the plant B. Ianzan. At 150 ppm to 350 ppm doses, fish scale changed from reticulate to punctate chromatophores; and treated fish when transferred to fresh water, were slowly regained to normal behaviour after 96 h exposure. Hence doses regaining from 150 ppm to 350 ppm is considered to be psychoative in nature. In higher doses 450 ppm and 550 ppm fish could survive only 76 h and 4.30 h respectively and then died indicating toxicity of plant for the said doses. It is found that scale present on its body is most suitable test system for the study of psychoactivity and toxicity of plant extracts on fish, Labeo rohita.  相似文献   

以黑河莺落峡流域的精度30m、地形图比例尺1∶5万的数字高程模型(DEM)栅格网为基础,辅以黑河地区水文站点降水资料,运用PRISM算法内插降水要素,充分考虑高程、地形、距离等因子对降水的影响,在内插结果与实测资料对比精度满意的前提下,使用TOPMODEL对黑河莺落峡流域(10009km2)径流流量进行逐日模拟,模型模拟精度达70%左右。  相似文献   

The joint effect of the distribution of the soil water potential and of the root mass in the crop root zone upon the water uptake by the crop is represented by a simple equation. This expression is used to join a layered crop canopy model for finding the evapotranspiration, as controlled by stomatal action and the weather, with a hydraulic flow model for the root zone and the underlying soil. The complete model is used for the calculation of the water extraction pattern and the changes, with time, of other plant and soil processes. A simulation of a 20-day drying period is performed, using S/360 CSMP, for a constant diurnal weather pattern, and for a fully developed sorghum crop. The results show that, after a few days of essentially constant water use by the crop, a monotonic decline sets in, that is principally attributable to the decrease in transpiration. For the entire drying period a substantial amount of water - about 30% of the total used - is contributed by upward flow into the root zone from the soil below. The results demonstrate the difficulty of quantitative definition of concepts such as “field capacity”, “wilting percentage”, and “available” or “extractable” water.  相似文献   

It is widely recognised that southwest Western Australia has experienced a decline in rainfall over the last 40 years. It is generally thought that this decline is due to natural periodic variations and changes induced by global warming, but recently evidence has emerged suggesting that a substantial part of the decline may be due to extensive logging close to the coast to make way for housing developments and the clearing of native vegetation for wheat planting on the higher ground. We compare coastal and inland rainfall to show empirically that 55% to 62% of the observed rainfall decline is the result of land clearing alone. Using the index of sustainable functionality, we show that the economic consequences associated with this change of land use on fresh water resource availability have been underestimated to date and disproportionately affect the environment and poorest members of the population.  相似文献   

Environmental Fluid Mechanics - Pedestrian level wind comfort, natural ventilation and pollutant dispersion are strongly influenced by building shape and orientation. In the recent years, the trend...  相似文献   

This study was aimed at determining microbial biomass at land water interface and the role it plays in regulating ecosystem properties of a fresh water dry tropical woodland lake. Four microbial variables namely biomass-C (Cmic), fumigated CO2-C, substrate induced respiration (SIR) and basal respiration (BR) were measured in humus samples collected from land water interface over a period of one year Microbial biomass (Cmic) was maximum during February (718 micorg CO2-C g(-1)). Similar was the case of fumigated CO2-C (560 microg CO2-C g(-1) 10 d(-1)), SIR (2900 microg CO2-C g(-1)) and BR (480 microg CO2-C g(-1)). Humus-N appeared maximum (1.60%) during November and phenolics (204 microg g(-1)) during December Gross primary productivity (GPP) was found maximum (3.30 g Cm(-2)d(-1)) during March. Almost similar trend appeared for chlorophyll and phytoplankton density. Variation in microbial biomass at land water interface can be explained by seasonality and the quality of substrate material. Asynchrony in the peaks of microbial variables with phytoplankton pulsation and GPP suggested that the microbial biomass through nutrient mineralization regulates ecosystem functioning of a fresh water woodland lake. This has relevance for evaluating the nature of anthropogenic perturbations and for maintenance of fresh water lakes void of human disturbances.  相似文献   

An air-breathing fresh waterfish Channa punctatus was exposed chronically to sublethal concentrations of mercuric chloride and the respiratory surface was found to exhibit lesions, lifting of lamellar epithelium and increased number of mucus gland openings. The damage increased with increase in the concentrations. The gill surface was studied using scanning electron microscope.  相似文献   

Statistic and econometric regression models were established in this study to analyze and predict industrial water demand, water deficits, and their future uncertainty in Beijing—a Chinese city with a severe water stress problem. A forecasting model was selected based on a modeling evaluation by comparing predictions with observations. Four scenarios were designed to simulate and analyze the future uncertainty of industrial water demand and the water deficit of Beijing. The modeling results for industrial water demand suggested that Beijing industry would face a water deficit between 3.06 × 108 m3 in 2008 and 2.77×108 m3 in 2015, though its industrial water demand would decrease from 6.31×108 m3 to 4.84 ×108 m3 during this period of time. Results from simulated scenario illustrated that, due to the extreme water scarcity situation, industry in Beijing would still face a serious water deficit problem even with a very optimistic scenario for the future.  相似文献   

Sewage discharges are among the most common anthropogenic stressors on rocky shores. However, studies on benthic invertebrates’ responses to sewage pollution on insular assemblages are rare. In order to fulfil this gap, (i) the effects of sewage pollution and (ii) the recovery capacity of eulittoral insular assemblages were examined. The study was conducted on Terceira Island (Azorean Archipelago, Portugal), in four distinct areas: one impacted area (outfall in operation), one post-impacted area (decommissioned outfall) and two undisturbed reference areas. Results showed that the abundance of the dominant species changed between reference and impacted areas. More specifically, the abundance of limpets Patella candei, and barnacles Chthamalus stellatus decreased, while the abundance of littorinids Tectarius striatus and Melarhaphe neritoides increased near the sewage discharges. Seventeen months after removal of the outfall, limpet and barnacle populations had partially recovered, but littorinid populations had still not fully recovered. This study confirms the negative effects of sewage discharges on eulittoral assemblages, and provides information on the resilience of benthic species following the cessation of sewage disposal.  相似文献   

● An approach for assessing the transport of benzene on the beach was proposed. ● The behavior of benzene in the subsurface of the beach was impacted by tide. ● Tidal amplitude influenced the travel speed and the benzene biodegradation. ● Hydraulic conductivity had the impact on plume residence time and biodegradation. ● Plume dispersed and concentration decreased due to high longitudinal dispersivity. The release and transport of benzene in coastal aquifers were investigated in the present study. Numerical simulations were implemented using the SEAM3D, coupled with GMS, to study the behavior of benzene in the subsurface of tidally influenced beaches. The transport and fate of the benzene plume were simulated, considering advection, dispersion, sorption, biodegradation, and dissolution on the beach. Different tide amplitudes, aquifer characteristics, and pollutant release locations were studied. It was found that the tide amplitude, hydraulic conductivity, and longitudinal dispersivity were the primary factors affecting the fate and transport of benzene. The tidal amplitude influenced the transport speed and percentage of biodegradation of benzene plume in the beach. A high tidal range reduced the spreading area and enhanced the rate of benzene biodegradation. Hydraulic conductivity had an impact on plume residence time and the percentage of contaminant biodegradation. Lower hydraulic conductivity induced longer residence time in each beach portion and a higher percentage of biodegradation on the beach. The plume dispersed and the concentration decreased due to high longitudinal dispersivity. The results can be used to support future risk assessment and management for the shorelines impacted by spill and leaking accidents. Modeling the heterogeneous beach aquifer subjected to tides can also be further explored in the future study.  相似文献   

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