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Tail autotomy incurs energetic costs, and thus, a trade-off in resource allocation may lead to compromised immunity in lizards. We tested the hypothesis that tailless lizards will favor constitutive innate immunity responses over an energetically costly inflammatory response. The influence of fasting and colorful ornamentation was also investigated. We experimentally induced tail autotomy in the lizard Eutropis multifasciata and found that inflammation was suppressed by tail loss, but not further affected by fasting; the suppressive effect of colorful ornamentation was manifested only in males, but not in females. Constitutive innate immunity was not affected by any of these factors. As expected, only costly inflammation was compromised, and a less expensive constitutive innate immunity might be favored as a competent first-line defense during energetically demanding periods. After considering conventional trade-offs among tail regeneration and reproduction, further extending these studies to incorporate disease risk and how this influences escape responses to predators and future reproduction would make worthwhile studies.  相似文献   

Tail autotomy in lizards is an adaptive strategy that has evolved to reduce the risk of predation. Since tail loss reduces body mass and moving ability—which in turn are expected to influence thermal balance—there is potential for a trade-off between tail autotomy and thermoregulation. To test this hypothesis, we studied a common lizard (Zootoca vivipara) population at high latitude, inhabiting a high-cost thermal environment. Z. vivipara is a small, non-territorial lizard known as a very accurate thermoregulator. We made two predictions: (1) the reduced body weight due to tail loss results in faster heating rate (a benefit), and (2) the reduction in locomotor ability after tail loss induces a shift to the use of thermally poorer microhabitats (a cost), thus decreasing the field body temperatures of active lizards. We did not find any effect of tail loss on heating rate in laboratory experiments conducted under different thermal conditions. Likewise, no significant relationship between tail condition and field body temperatures, or between tail condition and thermal microhabitat use, were detected. Thus, our results suggest that tail autotomy does not influence the accuracy of thermoregulation in small-bodied lizards.Electronic Supplementary Material  Supplementary material is available in the online version of this article at  相似文献   

Caudal autotomy (tail shedding) is a defence mechanism against predation which is used by lizards when other tactics, such as crypsis and escape, prove ineffective. The speed at which autotomy occurs has important implications for survival, and the accuracy of tail loss is of consequence for an individual’s future fitness. Autotomy is shaped by both taxon-specific tail morphology as well as environmental factors such as predator history, and it can be difficult to distinguish between these processes. In this study, the frequency of tail-regeneration observed (field rate of autotomy), latency (speed of autotomy in the laboratory) and accuracy of tail loss were measured in six lizard species from two families (Scincidae and Diplodactylidae). The field rate and latency of autotomy was similar among all species except for the large nocturnal skink Oligosoma macgregori, which was less likely to autotomise. Latency and field rates of autotomy were not correlated, implying that the field rates of autotomy are related to predation attacks, social interactions, or some other environmental factor, rather than an innate disposition to autotomy. Further study, for example comparing populations with low and high predation pressure, will help to explain which of these factors are influencing autotomy rates.  相似文献   

Caudal autotomy is an effective antipredator strategy widespread among lizards. The shed tail thrashes vigorously for long periods to distract the predator and facilitate the lizard's escape. This movement is maintained by energy supplied by the anaerobic conversion of glycogen into lactate. It has been suggested that lactate accumulation serves as an index for the vigor of tail thrashing. We made three predictions: (1) tail loss frequency should be higher under heavier predation regime, (2) the duration of postautotomy tail movement should be extended in populations under heavy predation pressure as an adaptation to the higher risk and the increased need for defense, and (3) as result, lactate in these tail tissues should be concentrated at higher levels. To eliminate the impact of phylogeny and environmental factors on the interpretation of our result, we focused exclusively on one species, the Balearic lizard (Podarcis lilfordi). We studied three populations under different predation pressure but sharing the same climatic conditions. We found no differences among the studied populations either in postautotomy duration of tail movement or in levels of final lactate accumulation while autotomy frequency was higher where predation pressure was more intense. Tail loss effectiveness is directly influenced by the level of predation, while secondary features of the trait appear to remain independent from the impact of environment.  相似文献   

Running is essential in all terrestrial animals mainly for finding food and mates and escaping from predators. Lizards employ running in all their everyday functions, among which defense stands out. Besides flight, tail autotomy is another very common antipredatory strategy within most lizard families. The impact of tail loss to sprint performance seems to be species dependent. In some lizard species, tail shedding reduces sprint speed, in other species, increases it, and, in a few species, speed is not affected at all. Here, we aimed to clarify the effect of tail autotomy on the sprint performance of a cursorial lizard with particular adaptations for running, such as bipedalism and spike-like protruding scales (fringes) on the toepads that allow high speed on sandy substrates. We hypothesized that individuals that performed bipedalism, and have more and larger fringes, would achieve higher sprint performance. We also anticipated that tail shedding would affect sprint speed (though we were not able to define in what way because of the unpredictable effects that tail loss has on different species). According to our results, individuals that ran bipedally were faster; limb length and fringe size had limited effects on sprint performance whereas tail autotomy affected quadrupedal running only in females. Nonetheless, tail loss significantly affected bipedalism: the ability for running on hindlimbs was completely lost in all adult individuals and in 72.3% of juveniles.  相似文献   

动物消化机制用于木质纤维素的厌氧消化   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
木质纤维素是地球上最丰富的可再生资源,食草动物和食木昆虫能高效消化植物中的木质纤维素,模拟动物消化系统的厌氧消化反应器却达不到相应的效果.为了更好地理解动物消化机理,并应用于厌氧消化反应器的设计和运行,对食草动物和食木昆虫的消化机制以及木质纤维素厌氧消化工艺的发展趋势进行了综述.动物消化系统的高效消化是其消化道中各种酶的协同作用以及一系列物理和生物化学活动的结果.强大的预处理过程能有效支持微生物发酵系统,如反刍动物的反刍、食木昆虫分泌的纤维素酶的催化及食木昆虫其消化道中的碱处理等;沿消化道形成的氧浓度梯度可能刺激一些微生物的水解活性;固体停留时间、消化物流动和终产物排除的有序安排,均能促进动物高效消化木质纤维素.源于瘤胃的厌氧消化工艺接种了瘤胃中的微生物降解木质纤维素,但其厌氧反应器内的环境条件对发酵的限制远远大于瘤胃发酵或后肠发酵的情况.因此,模拟动物消化机制可以更有效促进厌氧消化工艺降解木质纤维素类固体有机物废物.  相似文献   

三种模拟消化液对土壤重金属的提取性比较   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
李仪  章明奎 《中国环境科学》2012,32(10):1807-1813
为了解不同方法的模拟消化液对土壤重金属提取性的差异性,比较了国际上广泛使用的3种代表性体外消化方法的模拟消化液(SBET, Simple Bioaccessibility Extraction Test;PBET, Physiologically-Based Extraction Test;SGET, Simple Gastrointestinal Extraction Test)对土壤中Cu、Zn、Pb和Cd的溶解效果.结果表明,3种方法的模拟消化液对土壤重金属的提取效果存在显著的差异.其中,3种模拟消化液对土壤中Zn和Cd的提取能力顺序为SBET>PBET>SGET;当胃液消化物进入肠液后,土壤中Zn、Cd和Pb在PBET及SGET中的溶解度都显著降低,而对于Cu,由于消化酶(胃蛋白酶、胰液素和胆汁盐)的络合作用,其在肠液中的溶解度不一定低于相应的胃液,因此土壤中Zn、Pb和Cd在胃液中的溶解度代表其在消化道中能被吸收的最大值,即其有可能被人体吸收的最大量.所以出于预防和保护的目的,在土壤重金属污染健康风险评价中可用只含有胃液的模拟消化液(如SBET法)评估土壤Zn、Cd和Pb的生物可接受性,但胃液中的提取量并不一定能代表土壤Cu在消化道中能被吸收的最大值,建议使用由胃液和肠液组成,且添加了相应消化酶的模拟消化液(如PBET法)对其生物可接受性进行评估.  相似文献   

沼气作为一种可再生生物质能源,对于解决世界能源紧缺问题具有重要意义,因而厌氧发酵产沼气技术受到人们越来越多的关注。文章从文献计量角度定量分析厌氧发酵产沼气研究趋势。数据来源于Web of Science中Science Citation Index-Expended以及Derwent Innovations Index数据库,并对1992-2009年间该库收录的相关文献及相关专利进行计量分析。结果表明:近年来,厌氧发酵产沼气领域发文量显著增长。统计时间范围内,美国发文量居榜首。研究机构中,俄罗斯科学研究院发文量位列第一。环境、生物、能源相关学科是厌氧发酵产沼气的主流领域。学术期刊主要有Bioresource Technology、Water Research、Applied and Environmental Microbiology。此外,关键词分析结果表明:反应过程、反应器、预处理、混合发酵等研究方向成为近18年内的研究热点。  相似文献   

超声波预处理对牛粪与玉米秸秆混合厌氧发酵特性的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
邹书珍  康迪 《环境科学学报》2018,38(7):2696-2704
为了探索超声波预处理提高厌氧发酵产气量的机理、优化超声波预处理工艺及分析超声波预处理的能量效益,利用因子分析法和通径分析研究不同发酵阶段各环境因子对发酵过程的影响,以及发酵初始环境与甲烷产量之间的关系.同时,用响应面优化法优化超声波预处理工艺,并且分析了超声波预处理的能量效益.结果表明,在40 k Hz和0.20 k W下,适宜的超声波预处理能显著提高厌氧发酵总产气量(p0.05),牛粪预处理17.68 min后与玉米秸秆预处理19.94 min混合发酵,甲烷产量最高为177.20 L·kg-1(以TS计),显著高于CK(未经预处理组,p0.05),其能量效益也最高,为1835.14 k J·kg-1(以TS计).超声波预处理通过改变发酵初始环境之间的相互关系和发酵过程环境的主要影响因素来使发酵系统更加稳定从而提高产气量.超声波预处理是一种能量输入的预处理方式,产气量高于CK处理组,但其能量效益不一定大于零.因此,在优化超声波预处理条件时必须对其能量效益进行分析.研究结果能为超声波预处理条件的优化方式提供理论依据.  相似文献   

Resource availability, competition, and predation commonly drive body size evolution. We assess the impact of high food availability and the consequent increased intraspecific competition, as expressed by tail injuries and cannibalism, on body size in Skyros wall lizards (Podarcis gaigeae). Lizard populations on islets surrounding Skyros (Aegean Sea) all have fewer predators and competitors than on Skyros but differ in the numbers of nesting seabirds. We predicted the following: (1) the presence of breeding seabirds (providing nutrients) will increase lizard population densities; (2) dense lizard populations will experience stronger intraspecific competition; and (3) such aggression, will be associated with larger average body size. We found a positive correlation between seabird and lizard densities. Cannibalism and tail injuries were considerably higher in dense populations. Increases in cannibalism and tail loss were associated with large body sizes. Adult cannibalism on juveniles may select for rapid growth, fuelled by high food abundance, setting thus the stage for the evolution of gigantism.  相似文献   

基于投入产出分析方法,将城镇居民按照收入水平高低分为7个收入阶层,通过计算Suits指数值分析了我国能源资源税由从量征收向从价征收改革对城镇居民的收入分配效应.研究指出:单独实施煤炭资源税或天然气资源税改革具有累退效应,不利于收入分配公平;单独实施石油资源税改革则具有累进效应,有利于收入分配公平;在当前税率下同时实施3种能源资源税改革对收入分配公平基本没有影响;同时,需要关注能源资源税改革对低收入群体的影响,针对能源资源税改革导致低收入群体消费支出增加的情况,应制定相应补贴政策,降低对其福利水平的负面影响.  相似文献   

废铁屑强化污泥厌氧消化产甲烷可行性分析   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
有关全球气候变化的《巴黎协定》落槌,预示着污水处理追求碳中和运行的时代已经来临.碳中和狭义理解即能源自给自足,这就要求污水处理厂应最大程度转化污水中有机物或产生的剩余污泥所蕴含的有机能源,并将其生成可再生能源——甲烷.然而,剩余污泥能源转化率较低一直都是限制厌氧消化技术广为应用的瓶颈.在污泥预处理技术之外,向厌氧消化系统中投加废铁屑强化甲烷生产有望成为另一个提高能源转化率的突破口,继而实现"以废促能、变废为宝"的目的.本综述从铁腐蚀析氢现象入手,在描述铁腐蚀析氢原理、析出H2对产CH4过程影响的基础上,对铁在厌氧系统ORP减少方面的作用、对厌氧微生物生理、生化特性的影响、对涉及微生物酶活的影响等进行了全面的介绍.最后,还通过生命周期评估(LCA)评价了基于废铁屑的污泥厌氧消化技术对环境的影响及经济合理性.  相似文献   

准确评估种养一体化奶牛场的经济性能与环境绩效,是相关支持政策制定的基础,也是促进奶业低碳生产的关键.本文基于生命周期视角,对非种养一体化奶牛场(non-IPBS)和种养一体化奶牛场(IPBS)养殖过程中的温室气体排放、能源消耗、水消耗、土地占用等环境成本和经济效益进行评估.结果表明,non-IPBS生产1t标准牛奶(FPCM)的净收益为1427元,而IPBS的实际净收益提高7%,如果青贮玉米自给率从当前的32%提升到100%,则实际净收益将提高19%,同时,该净收益的提高率取决于耕地流转费用,临界点为14695元/hm2;相比non-IPBS,IPBS生产1tFPCM的温室气体排放、能源消耗、水消耗、土地占用分别减少6%、6%、5%、7%,如果青贮玉米自给率提升到100%,则相应减少16%、16%、11%、14%.IPBS在降低青贮玉米种植的化肥施用、解决养殖场粪便污染等方面优势明显,在提升养殖经济效益、降低温室气体排放等方面具有巨大潜力,值得推广.  相似文献   

During female mate choice, conspicuous male sexual signals are used to infer male quality and choose the best sire for the offspring. The theory of parasite-mediated sexual selection (Hamilton–Zuk hypothesis) presumes that parasite infection can influence the elaboration of sexual signals: resistant individuals can invest more energy into signal expression and thus advertise their individual quality through signal intensity. By preferring these males, females can provide resistance genes for their offspring. Previous research showed that nuptial throat colour of male European green lizard, Lacerta viridis, plays a role in both inter- and intrasexual selections as a condition-dependent multiple signalling system. The aim of this study was to test the predictions of the Hamilton–Zuk hypothesis on male European green lizards. By blood sampling 30 adult males during the reproductive season, we found members of the Haemogregarinidae family in all but one individual (prevalence?=?96 %). The infection intensity showed strong negative correlation with the throat and belly colour brightness in line with the predictions of the Hamilton–Zuk hypothesis. In addition, we found other correlations between infection intensity and other fitness-related traits, suggesting that parasite load has a remarkable effect on individual fitness. This study shows that throat patch colour of the European green lizards not only is a multiple signalling system but also possibly acts as an honest sexual signal of health state in accordance with the Hamilton–Zuk hypothesis.  相似文献   

基于我国人群胃肠消化特征,采用医学配方模拟胃肠消化方法测试了来自大连、湖南和广西的13个受重金属污染土壤中As的人体可给性,分析了土壤理化参数与可给性的相关关系及提取液中酶、胃肠液pH值、提取时间对As的人体可给性的影响.结果表明,医学配方可给性测试中,供试土样在胃、肠阶段As的人体可给性分别为5.03%~44.54%和10.77%~51.46%,平均值为18.08%、29.32%.胃阶段As的可给性浓度与土壤中总As含量w(TAs)、总P含量w(TP)极显著正相关,与总Al含量w(TAl)、土壤pH值、总有机质含量w(TOM)显著相关;肠阶段As的可给性浓度与土壤中w(TAs)、胃阶段As的可给性浓度、w(TP)极显著相关,与土壤pH值、w(TAl)和w(TOM)显著相关.胃阶段提取液中的胃蛋白酶显著降低了As的可给性,而肠阶段添加胰蛋白酶As的可给性没有明显变化.胃、肠阶段分别在pH值为0.9和5.0时可给性最大,0.9和5.0可分别作为土壤As在可给性测试过程中模拟胃肠液的pH值.胃、肠阶段在提取时间分别为1.0h、4.0h时可给性达到最大,且之后基本不变,1.0h、4.0h可作为模拟测试As在胃肠中可给性的提取时间.研究结果表明开展基于我国人群胃肠消化特征的土壤重金属人体可给性测试方法具有重要意义.  相似文献   

Conventional measures aimed at tackling the energy and waste issues of island communities focus on technological solutions, such as the introduction of renewable energy sources. There exists a history of technology implementations on small islands that have failed because of a lack of continuing skills and financial resources needed for ongoing operation and maintenance. Despite these experiences, what has received little attention so far are measures aimed at achieving island-friendly solutions by reducing their material metabolism, for example, by recycling and re-use. The two case studies presented in this work show that conservation, efficiency and reductions of the overall material metabolism of economic activity can be as effective as purely technologically driven changes. Both case studies demonstrate exceptional sustainability performance in terms of material flow and greenhouse gas emissions. The income growth scenarios show that – from a sustainability point of view – increasing tourist yield rather than tourist numbers is preferable for coping with price hikes and a finite resource base, and is also more likely to keep within bounds the strain on the island's people and infrastructure.  相似文献   

利用压力釜在100500 kPa 压力和303500 kPa 压力和303323K温度下,研究了 2.0323K温度下,研究了 2.0 4.9的哌嗪水溶液对二氧化碳的平衡吸收量,测试了温度和浓度对平衡吸收量的影响。co2的平衡吸收量随着浓度的增加而增加。313 K的操作温度既能保证较高的吸收量,又能保证较快的吸收速率,因此是合适的操作温度。对3.5M的PZ水溶液,在温度为368 4.9的哌嗪水溶液对二氧化碳的平衡吸收量,测试了温度和浓度对平衡吸收量的影响。co2的平衡吸收量随着浓度的增加而增加。313 K的操作温度既能保证较高的吸收量,又能保证较快的吸收速率,因此是合适的操作温度。对3.5M的PZ水溶液,在温度为368383K的条件下进行再生。温度为368 K时,再生效率为82.13%,再生过程需 55 min,而升温至383 K后再生效率大幅提升至 95.98%,再生时间迅速降为41 min。考虑到再生的时间、效率及能耗等因素,在 378 K下进行再生相对适宜。在373K 的操作温度下进行多次再生实验,PZ 水溶液经过10个周期的实验后9.76%,吸收容量与新鲜溶液相比只损失了并且只降低了1.0个pH,这也说明,PZ水溶液再生效率及连续再生能力较为突出。  相似文献   

采用氯化锂除湿转轮,对环保型开式吸附空调制冷系统进行了实验研究。实验证明,该空调制冷系统可用90 ~100 ℃的热源作动力,制冷效率可以超过40 % 。这样,利用太阳能或工业余热就可以驱动该制冷系统,减少常规压缩式制冷产生的氟里昂及热岛对空气的污染。本文取得的实验数据为环保型开式吸附空调制冷系统的中试设计提供了可靠依据。  相似文献   

Some of the most spectacular visual signals found in the animal kingdom are based on dietarily derived carotenoid pigments (which cannot be produced de novo), with a general assumption that carotenoids are limited resources for wild organisms, causing trade-offs in allocation of carotenoids to different physiological functions and ornamentation. This resource trade-off view has been recently questioned, since the efficiency of carotenoid processing may relax the trade-off between allocation toward condition or ornamentation. This hypothesis has so far received little exploratory support, since studies of digestive efficiency of wild animals are limited due to methodological difficulties. Recently, a method for quantifying the percentage of fat in fecal samples to measure digestive efficiency has been developed in birds. Here, we use this method to test if the intensity of the carotenoid-based coloration predicts digestive efficiency in a wild bird, the house finch (Haemorhous mexicanus). The redness of carotenoid feather coloration (hue) positively predicted digestion efficiency, with redder birds being more efficient at absorbing fats from seeds. We show for the first time in a wild species that digestive efficiency predicts ornamental coloration. Though not conclusive due to the correlative nature of our study, these results strongly suggest that fat extraction might be a crucial but overlooked process behind many ornamental traits.  相似文献   

畜禽粪便资源化利用技术和厌氧发酵法生物制氢   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用微生物在畜禽粪便处理的同时获得能源主要有2种方式,分别是厌氧产沼气和厌氧发酵法生物制氢。利用厌氧微生物处理畜禽粪便,在去除有机污染物的同时获得沼气是比较成熟的技术,而利用畜禽粪便厌氧发酵制氢的研究开展较晚,仍处于实验室研究阶段。但畜禽粪便资源化利用和发酵生物制氢技术发展迅速,而且可以有机结合。本文对两者的基本原理和最新研究进展进行了介绍,并对其发展前景进行了展望。  相似文献   

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