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在群落调查的基础上,分析了古田山自然保护区常绿阔叶林的群落类型和群落物种多样性特征.结果表明:古田山自然保护区常绿阔叶林主要有6种类型(群系),即甜槠林、栲树林、野含笑-钩栗林、青冈林、虎皮楠-甜槠林、乌冈栎-青冈林,并对各群落类型的结构和物种组成进行了描述.从各群落的外貌、结构和种类组成上看,均具有我国典型常绿阔叶林的基本特征.不同群落类型其物种多样性大小不同,栲树林和野含笑-钩栗林物种多样性较高,虎皮楠-甜槠林和乌冈栎-青冈林物种多样性较低.在群落垂直结构中,灌木层→乔木层→草本层物种多样性依次降低,乔木层与灌木层之间物种多样性差异不显著,草本层的物种丰富度、物种多样性指数均明显小于乔木层和灌木层.与邻近4个山地常绿阔叶林物种多样性相比较,古田山常绿阔叶林物种多样性比纬度位置高的黄山和大别山要大,但比纬度位置低的乌岩岭和缙云山小.  相似文献   

本文选用几何级数分布、分割线段、对数级数分布和对数正态分布等模型研究了南岳广济寺森林群落植物物种相对多度的分布格局。结果表明,对数级分布模型适于拟合南岳广济寺森林群落乔木层和灌木层物种相对多度的分布格局;分割线段中的序列一多度模型仅适合于乔木层;对数正态分布模型仅适合于草本层;几何级数分布模型完全适合于拟合任何层次。此外,α指数值亦显示出本群落接近山地季雨林的多样性水平。  相似文献   

以川西周公山柳杉人工林林中5种不同大小(50~100、100~150、200~250、400~450、600~650 m2)的林窗为研究对象,通过对林窗内土壤pH值、有机质含量等指标和物种多样性的研究,探讨天然林窗的形成对土壤各理化指标以及物种多样性的影响。结果表明:(1)随着林窗面积的增大,群落各层次的物种数呈现出先升高后降低的趋势,灌木层、草本层的Shannon-Wiener多样性指数(H)、Simpson优势度指数(H')和Pielou均匀度指数(Jsw)均表现为林窗林下;(2)0~20 cm土壤速效钾含量表现为林窗林下;(3)各物种多样性指数变化与土壤理化指标存在一定相关性,草本层物种丰富度指数、Shannon-Wiener多样性指数及Simpson优势度指数与土壤pH值呈显著相关关系(P0.05),物种丰富度指数、Shannon-Wiener多样性指数与速效钾含量呈显著相关关系(P0.05)。  相似文献   

元宝山两类森林群落的乔木物种多样性   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
对元宝山保存的广西最古老、最原始、最完整的常绿落叶阔叶混交林和针阔混交林进行了乔木层物种多样性研究.结果表明:1)两类群落的物种多样性特征和群落各物种的重要值变化以及群落优势度反映出来的特征相一致;2)物种重要值和个体数作为测度指标所得结果相近;3)随着面积由500~3000m^2的变化,物种多样性指数差异不大,标准差和变异系数均较小,在不受面积大小影响,正确反映群落多样性方面,Shannon—Wiener指数优于Simpson指数;4)常绿落叶阔叶混交林和针阔混交林的多样性指数均较高,Shannon—Wiener指数分别为5.3507和4.5395,与北热带季节性热带雨林、南亚热带季风常绿阔叶林和中亚热带典型常绿阔叶林物种多样性比较,未表现出明显的纬度梯度特征.图4表4参20  相似文献   

基于野外样方数据,按照林龄与垂直分布层次,分别采用Margalef丰富度指数(Dm)、Pielou均匀度指数(J)与生态优势度指数(C)计算式,对闽西北地区主要优势种为米槠(Castanopsis carlesii)、栲树(Castanopsis fargesii)、甜槠(Cadtanopsis eyrei)、青冈(Quercus glauca)等壳斗科植物为主的天然常绿阔叶混交林群落的物种多样性进行了调查与对比分析。结果表明:(1)不同龄组常绿阔叶混交林乔木层的物种多样性存在显著差异(P<0.05),以中龄林最为丰富,近熟林与成熟林次之,幼龄林最低,各龄组间的物种分布的均匀度与优势度差异不明显(P﹥0.05),近熟林J值最大,幼龄林C值最大;(2)不同龄组常绿阔叶混交林灌木层间的Dm、J、C值差异显著(P<0.05),以中龄林与成熟林内物种较为丰富,近熟林次之,幼龄林最低,物种分布以幼龄林内最为不均;(3)不同龄组常绿阔叶混交林草本层间的Dm、J、C差异显著(P<0.05),物种多样性以成熟林内最为丰富,幼龄林次之,近熟林内最低,成熟林与幼龄林内草本层物种分布较均匀,中龄林与近熟林内则分布较集中,其物种优势度较高;(4)不同龄组常绿阔叶混交林乔、灌、草层间的物种多样性不同。在幼龄林中,Dm值大小顺序为:乔木层>草本层>灌木层,J值为草本层>乔木层>灌木层。中龄林、近熟林、成熟林的Dm值大小顺序均为:乔木层>灌木层>草本层,J值为灌木层>乔木层>草本层。研究结果可为了解闽西北地区不同龄组常绿阔叶混交林群落结构的物种组成与动态变化特征,探讨常绿阔叶混交林近自然经营及其残次林改造技术,制定其生物多样性的生态保护决策等提供理论依据。  相似文献   

广州市莲塘村风水林群落特征及植物多样性   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
风水林是极具南方地域特色的植被景观与物种储存库,是接近地带性植被特性的一种群落类型.研究风水林,对丰富和发展环境科学、生态科学、林业科学和园林科学,具有重要意义.本研究在广州市莲塘村村后风水林设立了样带、标准地和样方,对其乔木层、灌木层和草本层植物进行详细调查,结果表明,该区共有植物73种,隶属于33个科57个属.其植物种类丰富,以茜草科、樟科、大戟科、壳斗科、莎草科、桃金娘科植物占优势.该群落具有南亚热带常绿阔叶林群落的典型群落结构,垂直结构分层现象明显,层次清晰.文章对树种丰富度、Shannon-Winner指数、Simpson多样性指数、种间相遇机率以及均匀度等多样性指标的研究表明:该群落具有较大的物种丰富度,植物多样性较高,物种分布均匀,不同种之间相遇几率较大,其生物多样性各项指标远远大于尾叶桉人工纯林.该风水林群落是目前广州市保存较完好的具有典型地带特色的少数自然林之一,它的研究成果对以后生态公益林造林有极大的参考价值.  相似文献   

本文应用几何级数分布、分割线段、对数级数分布和对数正态分布等4种模型研究了南岳上封寺森林群落植物物种相对多度的分布格局。结果表明,几何级数分布模型适宜拟合乔木层和草本层,而不适宜于灌木层;分割线段模型适宜于乔木层,其中,多度一频度模型还适于草本层;对数级数分布模型完全适宜于拟合任何层次;对数正态分布模型仅适宜于拟合乔木层。此外,α-指数值介于季雨林-稀树草原之间。  相似文献   

深圳市盐田区植被格局分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
运用景观生态学的方法,选取斑块形状指数,斑块形状破碎化指数、分维数、景观多样性指数、均匀度、相对丰富度、优势度等指标,对深圳盐田区的植被格局进行分析。结果显示:在城乡发展过程中,盐田区植被景观保存较好,类型丰富;植被景观总体上呈现出符合其生境特征的规则分布;群落景观异质性较高,拥有南亚热带的沟谷雨林、山地常绿阔叶林、红树林等特色植被景观;沟谷雨林和季风常绿林是本区较脆弱的生态系统,应积极加以保护和发展。  相似文献   

南岭大顶山与鼎湖山常绿阔叶林种群分布格局对比研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了研究亚热带常绿阔叶林群落物种多样性的动态特征,在南岭大顶山和鼎湖山的常绿阔叶林各建立了1hm2永久样地。根据对样地植物物种多样性测定,研究了两地植物物种多样性的空间分布特征和多度分布特征。结果表明,位于南岭大顶山的常绿阔叶林群落较鼎湖山的季风常绿阔叶林具有更高的物种丰富度,但具有较少的胸径≥1cm的乔木个体。南岭大顶山的常绿阔叶林大多数优势种的种群为集中分布,鼎湖山的常绿阔叶林优势种的种群具有相对较多的规则分布。  相似文献   

根据野外典型样方调查结果,以群落植物种类组成、群落外貌特征、群落垂直结构特征、群落多样性几项指标,分析山东半岛昆嵛山国家级自然保护区盐肤木Rhus chinensis群落特征。结果表明:盐肤木群落共出现种子植物66种,隶属于32科57属。在盐肤木群落属的区系组成中,群落植物主要由温带区系和热带区系成分组成,其中温带植物属占显著优势,其次为热带分布属,说明该群落具有明显的温带性质,并具有过渡特征。群落层次分明,有乔木层、灌木层、草本层3个层次,各层次的优势种依次为盐肤木和赤松Pinus densiflora、麻栎Quercus acutissima、披针叶苔草Carex lanceolata。盐肤木群落的物种多样性由高到低依次为灌木层、乔木层、草本层,低均匀度导致物种丰富度最高的草本层具有最低的物种多样性。调查显示盐肤木幼苗幼树多,自我更新良好,群落处于稳定增长状态。通过对群落特征和物种多样性的研究,揭示了昆嵛山盐肤木群落的自然生态规律,为保护和开发利用盐肤木提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

Rare Species and Ecosystem Functioning   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Abstract:  The role of diversity in the maintenance of ecosystems has been studied widely in the past decade. By correlating richness and diversity with basic ecosystem processes, these investigations lend support to the hypothesis that species diversity significantly influences ecosystem functioning and, in turn, provide support for the conservation of biodiversity. Nonetheless, the majority of these investigations demonstrate that conservation of a relatively small number of generally dominant species is sufficient to maintain most processes. Indeed, there is remarkably little evidence to support the contention that less common species, those likely of highest conservation concern, are important in the maintenance of ecosystem functioning. Here we summarize studies, most employing alternative methodological strategies, wherein less common and rare species are demonstrated to make significant contributions to ecosystem functioning. Evidence exists among studies of keystone species, aggregate effects of less common species, and species turnover. Our findings suggest that (1) less common species can make significant ecosystem contributions; (2) further investigation into the effects of rare and less common species on ecosystem maintenance is sorely needed; (3) further investigation should embrace a variety of approaches; and (4) until further research is conducted a prudent conservation approach is warranted wherein the contribution of less common species to ecosystem functioning is assumed.  相似文献   

铜对水生生物的毒性:类群特异性敏感度分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
铜的毒性因受多种环境因素(如温度、pH等)的影响,其水质基准和标准经历过多次修改。由于不同区系生物受生活环境等因素的影响,不同物种对铜的耐受性和敏感度上存在很大的差异。本文通过构建类群特异性敏感度分布,以及对10%安全浓度值(10%hazardous concentration,HC_(10))及其95%置信区间(95%confidence interval,95%CI)的比较,分析了铜对淡水和海水各类群的敏感度差异,以期为我国在制定相关水质基准的物种选择上提供参考。结果显示,淡水系统中藻类为对铜毒性最敏感类群,其次为甲壳类,软体动物类,鱼类,寡毛类,而昆虫类为对铜的最耐受类群。海水各类群对铜的敏感度顺序与淡水类似,只是在寡毛类和鱼类顺序上有所不同。相对于海洋物种,淡水水体生物总体上比海水中各相应类群生物对铜更为敏感。  相似文献   

大型固定监测森林样地已成为研究森林群落组织机制的一个重要平台。群落里个体之间的相互作用对群落的构建有相当重要的作用。以往的研究主要针对于物种之间的相互作用,而用群落里单个物种与其它所有个体之间相互关系来解释群落构建的研究还很少。采用单个物种-面积关系(ISAR)这一指标对鼎湖山20 hm2样地和BCI 50 hm2样地数据分析,来研究不同样地单个物种是如何对森林群落进行构建的。结果显示,与BCI样地和Sinharaja样地不同,鼎湖山样地大树对周围其它个体的作用几乎是中性的;而对于小树(胸径小于10 cm)来说,鼎湖山样地和BCI样地一样,随着尺度的增加"吸引型"物种减少,而"中性"物种增加。说明了不同的群落在不同的发育阶段,单个物种对群落结构的构建有重要的作用不同,将来的研究应该结合群落其它方面的因素来分析群落内个体之间相互作用,例如从时间尺度的谱系和空间因素去分析。  相似文献   

大型固定监测森林样地已成为研究森林群落组织机制的一个重要平台。群落里个体之间的相互作用对群落的构建有相当重要的作用。以往的研究主要针对于物种之间的相互作用,而用群落里单个物种与其它所有个体之间相互关系来解释群落构建的研究还很少。采用单个物种-面积关系(ISAR)这一指标对鼎湖山20 hm2样地和BCI 50 hm2样地数据分析,来研究不同样地单个物种是如何对森林群落进行构建的。结果显示,与BCI样地和Sinharaja样地不同,鼎湖山样地大树对周围其它个体的作用几乎是中性的;而对于小树(胸径小于10 cm)来说,鼎湖山样地和BCI样地一样,随着尺度的增加吸引型物种减少,而中性物种增加。说明了不同的群落在不同的发育阶段,单个物种对群落结构的构建有重要的作用不同,将来的研究应该结合群落其它方面的因素来分析群落内个体之间相互作用,例如从时间尺度的谱系和空间因素去分析。  相似文献   

Abstract:  Although the shipping industry has received considerable attention as a dispersal mechanism for aquatic nuisance species, many invasions have been linked to other mechanisms of transfer. The threat posed to coastal ecosystems by these alternative mechanisms, however, remains largely unquantified. We assessed the potential risks of introducing marine and estuarine species associated with seven mechanisms of transfer: seafood companies, aquaculture operations, bait shops, stores that sell marine ornamental species, research and educational organizations, public aquariums, and coastal restoration projects. For each, we compiled a comprehensive database of organizations in coastal Massachusetts. We then designed and administered a survey to a subset of organizations that inquired about (1) their proximity to saltwater and methods of handling live imports; (2) the type and quantity of marine species being imported; and (3) the organization's familiarity with marine invasions. Respondents in five of the seven categories acknowledged importing nonlocal live marine species to the area. Seafood companies handled the majority of individuals but relatively few taxa. This mechanism of transfer also had the most complex trade patterns and the greatest number of operations located near saltwater. In contrast, the other transfer mechanisms each had simpler trade pathways and fewer operations but varied in the quantity and taxonomic diversity of their imports. Significantly, no single mechanism of transfer stood out as presenting a primary risk. Rather, each had characteristics or used handling practices at different points in the importation process that could facilitate introductions. To prevent future marine invasions, better reporting requirements for live species imports are needed, and best-management practices and outreach strategies specific to the transfer mechanism should be developed and implemented.  相似文献   

Abstract:  A promising shortcut for quantifying species patterns is to use genera and families as surrogates of species. At large spatial scales, concurrence between patterns of richness, rarity, and composition of species and higher taxa is generally high. Only a few researchers, however, have examined this relationship at the local scale, which is frequently the relevant scale in land-use conflicts. We investigated the reliability of the higher-taxon approach in assessing patterns of species richness, rarity, and composition at the local scale. We studied diversity patterns of three commonly used surrogate taxa: vascular plants, ground-dwelling beetles, and moths. We conducted year-round field surveys for these taxa in the Jerusalem Mountains and the Judean foothills, Israel. Richness and composition of species were highly correlated with richness and composition of genera for all taxa. At the family level, correlations with richness and composition of species were much lower. Excluding monotypic genera and families did not affect these relations. Rarity representation based on higher taxa varied considerably depending on the taxon, and rarity scale and was weaker compared with richness and composition representation. Cumulative richness curves of species and genera showed similar patterns, leveling off at equivalent sampling efforts. Genus-level assessments were a reliable surrogate for local patterns of species richness, rarity, and composition, but family-level assessments performed poorly. The advantage of using coarse taxonomic scales in local diversity surveys is that it may decrease identification time and the need for experts, but it will not reduce sampling effort.  相似文献   

Abstract:  Species conservation status is commonly used as a broad-scale indicator of the state of biological diversity. To learn about its value for tracking trends, we examined provincial lists of terrestrial vertebrate species and subspecies at risk in British Columbia, Canada, for 1992 and 2002 to see whether changes in these lists reflected changes in the status of the taxa they represent. Examination of the case histories of individual species and subspecies showed that 65% of additions and deletions to the British Columbia Red List were the result of improvement in knowledge of species status, changes in assessment procedures, and refinements in taxonomy rather than actual changes in a species' status. Comparison to an alternate set of rank scores provided by NatureServe for taxa that appeared on both 1992 and 2002 British Columbia Red Lists revealed changes in status that were not reflected by movement from the list. Estimates of historical conservation status for species on the 1992 British Columbia Red List demonstrated ambiguity around the natural baseline with regard to tracking changes in list composition over time. We discourage the continued use of indicators based solely on conservation status as a means of tracking biodiversity. Instead we recommend advancing strategic indicators around species at risk based on long-term monitoring data, deliberate and explicitly stated baselines, and consistent methods of conservation ranking.  相似文献   

Abstract:  The limited availability of resources for conservation has led to the development of many quantitative methods for selecting reserves that aim to maximize the biodiversity value of reserve networks. In published analyses, species are often considered equal, although some are in much greater need of protection than others. Furthermore, representation is usually treated as a threshold: a species is either represented or not, but varying levels of representation over or under a given target level are not valued differently. We propose that a higher representation level should also have higher value. We introduce a framework for reserve selection that includes species weights and benefit functions for under- and overrepresentation (number of locations for each species). We applied the method to conservation planning for herb-rich forests in southern Finland. Our use of benefit functions and weighting changed the identity of about 50% of the selected sites at different funding levels and improved the representation of rare and threatened species. We also identified a small area of additional land that would substantially enhance the existing reserve network. We suggest that benefit functions and species weighting should be considered as standard options in reserve-selection applications.  相似文献   

Abstract:  Invasibility is a critical feature of ecological communities, especially for management decisions. To date, invasibility has been measured in numerous ways. Although most researchers have used the richness (or number) of exotic species as a direct or indirect measure of community invasibility, others have used alternative measures such as the survival, density, or biomass of either a single or all exotic species. These different measures, even when obtained from the same communities, have produced inconsistent results and have made comparisons among communities difficult. Here, we propose a measure of the degree of invasion (DI) of a community as a surrogate for community invasibility. The measure is expressed as 2 independent components: exotic proportion of total species richness and exotic proportion of total species abundance (biomass or cover). By including richness and abundance, the measure reflects that the factors that control invasibility affect both of these components. Expressing exotic richness and abundance relative to the richness and abundance of all species in a community makes comparisons across communities of different sizes and resource availability possible and illustrates the importance of dominance of exotic species relative to natives, which is a primary management concern associated with exotic species.  相似文献   

Species-level study on arsenic availability from dietary components   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Arsenic (As) contaminated water and foodstuffs are of major concern. Samples of drinking–cooking water (n = 50), raw rice (n = 50), common vegetables (eight types), and common pulses (three types) were collected from households in the endemic region. The study found up to 70% As reduction by using safe water for cooking of rice and vegetables. Speciation study reflected more arsenate than arsenite and other organic arsenicals in all the types of samples. Male intake of 293 μg As through drinking water contained 38 μg arsenite and 246 μg arsenate, and female intake of 199 μg As contained 167 μg arsenate and 25 μg arsenite. In cooked rice, 108 μg As contained 69 μg arsenate and 17 μg arsenite with 9 μg dimethylarsonic acid (DMA). Total As consumption from cooked vegetables was 45 μg with 34 and 4 μg of arsenite and arsenate, respectively, and 5 μg of DMA. Data indicate that cooking with As-free water removes arsenic in already contaminated foodstuffs but without interconversion of the As species, from toxic inorganic to less toxic organic forms.  相似文献   

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