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多溴联苯醚的生物富集效应研究进展   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
研究污染物的生物富集效应对于预测污染物在生物体内的含量、建立环境标准以及评估污染物的生态风险具有重要的意义.论文结合近年来国内外有关多溴联苯醚(PBDEs)的生物富集及其沿食物链(网)生物放大效应的研究文献,对PBDEs的生物富集效应进行了综述.文献计算的生物富集因子(BAFs)、生物-沉积物/土壤生物富集因子(BSAFs)和生物放大因子(BMFs)表明,生物对大多数PBDEs具有生物富集作用,且生物对PBDEs的富集能力与其生物进化等级及其营养级有关.文献计算的营养级放大因子(TMFs)表明,大多数PBDE单体可以在食物网上产生生物放大效应,但只有较少单体具有统计上的显著性.生物的生理生化参数、化合物本身的特性以及环境条件等因素影响了PBDEs在生物体内及食物链(网)上的富集与放大.  相似文献   

全氟化合物污染现状及风险评估的研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
全氟化合物(polyfluorinated compounds,PFCs)是近年来受到广泛关注的一类新型持久性有机污染物。PFCs因具有优良的化学稳定性、耐热性以及高表面活性,而被广泛应用于生活消费和工业生产等领域。PFCs具有难降解、生物富集和长距离迁移等特点,已在大气、土壤和水体等环境介质及生物体中检出。在生态环境中,PFCs能够通过食物链不断传递放大,其具有的多种毒性效应已对生态系统和人类造成了一定的威胁。本文主要综述了PFCs在各类环境介质的污染现状、生物的毒性效应、人类摄入健康风险评估以及PFCs的降解研究,以期为未来PFCs的研究提供参考。  相似文献   

卤系阻燃剂(Halogenated flame retardants,HFRs)是人工合成的,能阻止聚合物材料引燃或抑制火焰传播的含卤(主要是溴和氯)化合物,由于其具环境持久性、可生物富集性和潜在的生物毒性,近年来,HFRs所引起的环境问题已成为全球环境科学研究的热点。鸟类作为自然生态系统的重要组成部分,常被用作指示性生物来研究区域环境的污染现状。研究HFRs在鸟类体内的积累特性及其在鸟类食物链上产生的生物放大效应,对评价HFRs的环境行为和生态风险具有重要的意义。本文结合近年来国内外有关多溴联苯醚(Polybrominated diphenyl ethers,PBDEs)、六溴环十二烷(Hexabromocyclododecane,HBCDs)、十溴二苯乙烷(Decabromodiphenyl ethane,DBDPE)、1,2双(三溴苯氧基)乙烷(1,2-bis(2,4,6-tribromophenoxy)ethane,BTBPE)和双(六氯环戊二烯)环辛烷(Dechlorane Plus,DPs)等HFRs在鸟类体内的积累特性及在食物链上的生物放大效应进行了综述。已有的研究报道显示:在鸟类的脑、肌肉、肝脏、肾脏和鸟蛋等组织中都检测到了HFRs残留;而相关生物放大因子(Biomagnification factors,BMFs)的计算结果显示,几乎全部的PBDEs、α-HBCD和BTBPE都可以在鸟类食物链上产生生物放大效应,特别是BTBPE这种新型的替代型阻燃剂在鸟类食物链上产生的生物放大效应和已被禁用的五溴PBDEs相当,暗示这种新型溴系阻燃剂可能具有较大的生态风险。今后应对HFRs在陆生和水生鸟类中的生物放大效益及影响因素方面进行深入系统的研究,为认识HFRs的环境归趋,全面评价这些污染物的生态风险提供科学依据。  相似文献   

砷是世界范围内危害最大的环境污染物之一,也是近海区域一种常见污染物。本文综述了近年来砷在海洋生态系统中累积、转化及传递的最新研究进展。海洋生物普遍具有较高含量的砷,这些砷主要为低毒性的有机砷形态。砷在许多海洋食物链/网中被生物放大,造成高营养级生物中的砷富集,可对生物与人类健康产生潜在危害;这与砷在淡水食物链/网中普遍被生物减小的现象形成鲜明对比。海洋鱼类和贝类等生物可将吸收的无机砷通过生物转化合成砷甜菜碱等有机砷形态,而有机砷比无机砷具有更高的食物链传递能力,可导致海洋鱼类富集更高浓度的砷。因此,砷在海洋生物中的有机形态可能有助于砷沿着海洋食物链/网富集,在某些情况下被生物放大。今后应该加强对不同砷形态在海洋食物链/网中传递及相应影响因素的研究,并通过室内模拟实验与野外调查相结合进行验证,从而加深对砷的生态毒理和生物地球化学作用的科学认识,对准确评估预测砷的生态风险和保障海洋生态安全有重要意义。  相似文献   

借助环境模型模拟污染物在多介质间的迁移、归趋行为和生物积累放大,既是生态和健康风险的评估基础,又是研究污染物环境过程的一种重要的方法和手段。利用生物积累模型研究持久性有机污染物(POPs)在食物链中的生物富集和生物积累放大对于生态及健康风险评价具有重要意义。重点介绍了国内外关于POPs在陆生食物链中的各类生物积累模型及应用,包括原理、模型的特点和优势及不足之处,并对模型的改进提出了相应的建议。基础环境参数不足、实验数据缺乏和物种特异性是制约此类模型发展的主要原因。  相似文献   

污染物通过多途径进入海洋,以多种方式在海水和海洋沉积物中积累,成为海洋生物尤其是底栖生物体内污染物的主要来源.海洋无脊椎动物作为海洋食物链中的低营养级生物,多数种类均为底栖生活,具有较强的污染物富集能力.通过食物链的生物放大作用,其体内富集的污染物会传递到高营养级生物和人类体内,最终对海洋生物和人类产生危害,甚至引发公害事件.重金属(heavy metal)作为主要的污染物之一,具有毒性大、持续性长、耐还原性和耐降解性的特点,长久以来得到广泛的关注和研究.本文以海洋无脊椎动物为代表,从机体暴露途径、机体组织分布情况及过程、污染物在组织间的转移规律和变化因素4个方面入手,全面归纳和总结了重金属污染物在海洋生物体内富集的相关研究进展,并对目前的研究热点、存在的问题进行分析总结,对今后的研究方向进行展望,以期为国内外学者进一步开展海洋无脊椎动物重金属富集相关的研究提供有效参考.  相似文献   

以六溴环十二烷(HBCD)为代表的脂环族溴代阻燃剂(CBFRs)被广泛应用于纺织、建材、电子、电气、化工、交通、建材等领域.随着HBCD作为《关于持久性有机污染物的斯德哥尔摩公约》增列持久性有机污染物,与HBCD具有相似结构和性能的四溴环己烷(TBECH)和四溴环辛烷(TBCO)等CBFRs被当作HBCD的潜在替代产品.迄今为止,HBCD、TBECH和TBCO已在大气、水体、土壤等多种环境介质和生物体中被检出,它们在生物体内的代谢转化以及内分泌干扰、神经、生殖、发育等毒性效应亦受到广泛关注.值得指出的是,所有CBFRs均含有同分异构体,表现出异构体选择性的生物富集、代谢和毒性效应.遗憾的是,目前相关研究还十分匮乏.本文从CBFRs的环境暴露水平、生物富集、毒性效应、以及CBFRs的生物转化等方面展开综述,特别强调了从异构体水平研究HBCD及其替代物的必要性.本文有助于全面了解CBFRs生物富集、代谢及毒性效应,对于正确认识和准确评价CBFRs的生态和健康风险具有重要的科学意义.  相似文献   

从对映体水平上精准阐明新污染物的近海生态效应与机制、评价其潜在的近海环境风险不仅是近海环境生态学的研究热点与难点,更是国家的战略需求。第三代溴代阻燃剂六溴环十二烷(hexabromocyclododecanes, HBCDs)为我国重点管控的新污染物之一,具有明显的手性特征。本文综述HBCDs在近海生态系统中的分布及对映异构体选择性富集和生物放大效应,分析其对近海生物的毒性效应,探讨可能的潜在毒性作用机制,并对其未来的研究热点与研究方向进行展望。研究可望为从对映异构体水平上精准阐明手性新污染物的近海生态学效应与机制提供依据,为近海新污染物控制与环境管理服务。  相似文献   

全氟化合物(perfluorocarbons,PFASs)作为一种新型污染物已引起广泛关注.PFASs在环境中具有持久性和生物毒性,并可以通过食物链传递,在生物体内富集并产生生物学放大效应.近年来已成为全球性污染物,并已在各类环境介质、生物体及人体内被检出.因此本文主要综述了当前国内外PFASs在不同环境介质中的污染现状,比较分析了 PFASs及与其他有机污染物对生物的单一、联合毒性并对PFASs污染治理和防控提出了展望,为今后PFASs的研究及毒理学评价提供参考依据.  相似文献   

全氟化合物在天津大黄堡湿地多介质分布研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对天津市大黄堡湿地自然保护区内的水、底泥及生物样品的不同组织中的全氟化合物(PFCs)的污染水平进行了研究,分析了PFCs在水-底泥的分配系数,生物积累因子以及生物体内不同组织间的分配系数.水相中的PFCs以伞氟辛烷羧酸(PFOA)为主,浓度范嗣为24.8-48.2 ng·L-1,其次为伞氟辛烷磺酸(PFOS),浓度范...  相似文献   

Effective ecosystem‐based management requires understanding ecosystem responses to multiple human threats, rather than focusing on single threats. To understand ecosystem responses to anthropogenic threats holistically, it is necessary to know how threats affect different components within ecosystems and ultimately alter ecosystem functioning. We used a case study of a Mediterranean seagrass (Posidonia oceanica) food web and expert knowledge elicitation in an application of the initial steps of a framework for assessment of cumulative human impacts on food webs. We produced a conceptual seagrass food web model, determined the main trophic relationships, identified the main threats to the food web components, and assessed the components’ vulnerability to those threats. Some threats had high (e.g., coastal infrastructure) or low impacts (e.g., agricultural runoff) on all food web components, whereas others (e.g., introduced carnivores) had very different impacts on each component. Partitioning the ecosystem into its components enabled us to identify threats previously overlooked and to reevaluate the importance of threats commonly perceived as major. By incorporating this understanding of system vulnerability with data on changes in the state of each threat (e.g., decreasing domestic pollution and increasing fishing) into a food web model, managers may be better able to estimate and predict cumulative human impacts on ecosystems and to prioritize conservation actions.  相似文献   

Marcarelli AM  Baxter CV  Mineau MM  Hall RO 《Ecology》2011,92(6):1215-1225
Although the study of resource subsidies has emerged as a key topic in both ecosystem and food web ecology, the dialogue over their role has been limited by separate approaches that emphasize either subsidy quantity or quality. Considering quantity and quality together may provide a simple, but previously unexplored, framework for identifying the mechanisms that govern the importance of subsidies for recipient food webs and ecosystems. Using a literature review of > 90 studies of open-water metabolism in lakes and streams, we show that high-flux, low-quality subsidies can drive freshwater ecosystem dynamics. Because most of these ecosystems are net heterotrophic, allochthonous inputs must subsidize respiration. Second, using a literature review of subsidy quality and use, we demonstrate that animals select for high-quality food resources in proportions greater than would be predicted based on food quantity, and regardless of allochthonous or autochthonous origin. This finding suggests that low-flux, high-quality subsidies may be selected for by animals, and in turn may disproportionately affect food web and ecosystem processes (e.g., animal production, trophic energy or organic matter flow, trophic cascades). We then synthesize and review approaches that evaluate the role of subsidies and explicitly merge ecosystem and food web perspectives by placing food web measurements in the context of ecosystem budgets, by comparing trophic and ecosystem production and fluxes, and by constructing flow food webs. These tools can and should be used to address future questions about subsidies, such as the relative importance of subsidies to different trophic levels and how subsidies may maintain or disrupt ecosystem stability and food web interactions.  相似文献   

Lindegren M  Ostman O  Gårdmark A 《Ecology》2011,92(7):1407-1413
Small pelagic fish occupy a central position in marine ecosystems worldwide, largely by determining the energy transfer from lower trophic levels to predators at the top of the food web, including humans. Population dynamics of small pelagic fish may therefore be regulated neither strictly bottom-up nor top-down, but rather through multiple external and internal drivers. While in many studies single drivers have been identified, potential synergies of multiple factors, as well as their relative importance in regulating population dynamics of small pelagic fish, is a largely unresolved issue. Using a statistical, age-structured modeling approach, we demonstrate the relative importance and influence of bottom-up (e.g., climate, zooplankton availability) and top-down (i.e., fishing and predation) factors on the population dynamics of Bothnian Sea herring (Clupea harengus) throughout its life cycle. Our results indicate significant bottom-up effects of zooplankton and interspecific competition from sprat (Sprattus sprattus), particularly on younger age classes of herring. Although top-down forcing through fishing and predation by grey seals (Halichoerus grypus) and Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) also was evident, these factors were less important than resource availability and interspecific competition. Understanding key ecological processes and interactions is fundamental to ecosystem-based management practices necessary to promote sustainable exploitation of small pelagic fish.  相似文献   

Exotic species invasion is widely considered to affect ecosystem structure and function. Yet, few contemporary approaches can assess the effects of exotic species invasion at such an inclusive level. Our research presents one of the first attempts to examine the effects of an exotic species at the ecosystem level in a quantifiable manner. We used ecological network analysis (ENA) and a social network analysis (SNA) method called cohesion analysis to examine the effect of zebra mussel (Dreissena polymorpha) invasion on the Oneida Lake, New York, USA, food web. We used ENA to quantify ecosystem function through an analysis of food web carbon transfer that explicitly incorporated flow over all food web paths (direct and indirect). The cohesion analysis assessed ecosystem structure through an organization of food web members into subgroups of strongly interacting predators and prey. Our analysis detected effects of zebra mussel invasion throughout the entire Oneida Lake food web, including changes in trophic flow efficiency (i.e., carbon flow among trophic levels) and alterations of food web organization (i.e., paths of carbon flow) and ecosystem activity (i.e., total carbon flow). ENA indicated that zebra mussels altered food web function by shunting carbon from pelagic to benthic pathways, increasing dissipative flow loss, and decreasing ecosystem activity. SNA revealed the strength of zebra mussel perturbation as evidenced by a reorganization of food web subgroup structure, with a decrease in importance of pelagic pathways, a concomitant rise of benthic pathways, and a reorganization of interactions between top predator fish. Together, these analyses allowed for a holistic understanding of the effects of zebra mussel invasion on the Oneida Lake food web.  相似文献   

The number of energy transformation levels in trophic webs is usually below five, but can be extended up to ten when parasites and hyper-parasites are included. Research on the structure and function of food webs is relevant to the complexity–stability–productivity debate. The aim of this theoretical analysis is to link energetic and connectional aspects of ecosystems with information theory. Updating an energetic model reported by Ricklefs [Ecologia, Zanichelli Editore S.p.A., Bologna, Italy, 1993, p. 896], our approach is integrated with a static analysis of food webs. The length of food webs is theoretically associated with the average ecological efficiency which can be empirically correlated with the effective connectance between species. Furthermore, the advantage of greater complexity when applied to a signalling network is qualitatively addressed.The overall efficiency of energy transformation into biomass throughout a trophic web, in an ecosystem with a given number of species, is the resultant of the various ecological efficiencies, η, at the transitions between the trophic levels. However, we propose that an increment in effective connectance and interspecies connectivity based on a superimposed signalling web may increase the η values, despite the fact that signalling per se has an energetic cost. According to this hypothesis, ecosystem stability would not be necessarily reduced by increasing the number of trophic levels, N, whenever stability in terms of persistence is improved by a cost-efficient regulatory network.  相似文献   

In drinking water, arsenic (As) food chain accumulation may pose a risk to human health. An attempt was made to synthesise the published information concerning As trophic transfer along the food chain/web of various marine, freshwater, and terrestrial ecosystems. Some investigations included As speciation. Further objectives were to outline the factors potentially influencing As trophodynamics and to understand the consequence of As trophic transfer in the environment.  相似文献   

• Hg bioaccumulation by phytoplankton varies among aquatic ecosystems. • Active Hg uptake may exist for the phytoplankton in aquatic ecosystems. • Impacts of nutrient imbalance on food chain Hg transfer should be addressed. The bioaccumulation of mercury (Hg) in aquatic ecosystem poses a potential health risk to human being and aquatic organism. Bioaccumulations by plankton represent a crucial process of Hg transfer from water to aquatic food chain. However, the current understanding of major factors affecting Hg accumulation by plankton is inadequate. In this study, a data set of 89 aquatic ecosystems worldwide, including inland water, nearshore water and open sea, was established. Key factors influencing plankton Hg bioaccumulation (i.e., plankton species, cell sizes and biomasses) were discussed. The results indicated that total Hg (THg) and methylmercury (MeHg) concentrations in plankton in inland waters were significantly higher than those in nearshore waters and open seas. Bioaccumulation factors for the logarithm of THg and MeHg of phytoplankton were 2.4–6.0 and 2.6–6.7 L/kg, respectively, in all aquatic ecosystems. They could be further biomagnified by a factor of 2.1–15.1 and 5.3–28.2 from phytoplankton to zooplankton. Higher MeHg concentrations were observed with the increases of cell size for both phyto- and zooplankton. A contrasting trend was observed between the plankton biomasses and BAFMeHg, with a positive relationship for zooplankton and a negative relationship for phytoplankton. Plankton physiologic traits impose constraints on the rates of nutrients and contaminants obtaining process from water. Nowadays, many aquatic ecosystems are facing rapid shifts in nutrient compositions. We suggested that these potential influences on the growth and composition of plankton should be incorporated in future aquatic Hg modeling and ecological risk assessments.  相似文献   

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