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Elaborate ornamental plumage has been associated with various measures of individual quality in many species of birds. Male plumage characteristics, which have been relatively well studied, have been shown to reflect past reproductive investment, as well as the potential for reproductive investment in the current breeding attempt. In contrast, the signalling functions of female traits remain largely unexplored. In this study, we investigated the relationship between plumage attributes of breeding adult tree swallows and past reproductive investment, current reproductive investment and social mate pairing strategy. Both males and older females possess metallic green to metallic blue iridescent plumage on their dorsal surface, making this a suitable species for this type of investigation. We did not find any effects of past reproductive investment and success on the plumage attributes of returning breeders. In contrast, female plumage hue covaried with fledging success, and female plumage brightness was positively associated with mean clutch egg mass. In addition, we found that social pairs mated assortatively with respect to plumage brightness. We argue that since plumage characteristics vary with age in both male and female tree swallows, plumage attributes in this species are indicative of breeding experience and may be honest signals of quality. Positive assortative pairing could be the result of mutual mate choice or intra-sexual competition for nest sites by both males and females.  相似文献   

To resolve conflicting field observations regarding the action of sexual selection, we used breeding experiments and paternity analysis of the 927 resulting offspring to assess how male size, condition, tail length, genetic similarity to the female, and variation in operational sex ratio (OSR) affected male reproductive success and the incidence of polyandry in northern watersnakes (Nerodia sipedon). Only size affected male mating success. Large males were more successful, but only when male size varied substantially and competition among males was intense (i.e., male-biased OSR). The conditional nature of the size advantage may explain why studies of free-living watersnakes have produced inconsistent results regarding the relationship between male size and mating success. Size differences between males did not affect the proportion of offspring each male sired within multiply sired litters. We found positive size-assortative mating, but only when the OSR was female biased, suggesting that smaller males had improved access to females when competition among males was reduced, but that competition with larger males still restricted mating opportunities of small males to less preferred, smaller females. Most litters (58%) were multiply sired and larger females were more likely to produce multiply sired litters, similar to free-living watersnakes. There was no association between the incidence of multiple paternity and OSR, however, suggesting that polyandry is not simply a function of opportunity, with females passively waiting for males to court them.  相似文献   

We tested whether the reproductive success of male red-winged blackbirds (Agelaius phoeniceus) varied with male secondary sexual traits or with haematozoa prevalence, and whether these patterns were consistent with females preferring genetically superior males. We also determined whether the traits that correlated with male success on their own territories were also correlated with male success at siring young on other males territories. Our analysis included data from a 6-year study involving 617 nestlings for which paternity was determined by DNA profiling. Larger males sired more young on their territories, principally because they obtained larger harems. The success of larger males at acquiring more mates did not appear to be a consequence of larger males holding larger or better-quality territories. Older and longer-lived males sired more young by extra-pair fertilizations. Larger males sired the most offspring overall (on territory + off territory). Variation in epaulet size and color, responses to male and female models, nest defence and parasitism was not correlated with male success either on or off their territories or overall. Male success in a given year was significantly correlated with success the previous year, as expected if females were selecting genetically superior males. The male that was by far the most successful individual in this study was highly consistent from year to year. Because male body size is positively correlated with survival in this population (although not within the sample of males included in this study), female preference for larger males may have reflected a general preference for males with superior Survival ability. We propose that the direct advantage realized by older males in extra-pair matings might indicate that experience is important, such that experienced males are better at creating or exploiting the opportunities for extra-pair mating. This hypothesis is consistent with a pairwise analysis of cuckoldry that showed that cuckolders were most often older than the males they cuckolded.  相似文献   

Several experimental studies have shown that female birds use ornamental melanin and carotenoid plumage coloration as criteria in mate choice. Whether females choose mates based on natural variation in structural coloration, however, has not been well established. Male eastern bluebirds (Sialia sialis) display brilliant ultraviolet (UV)-blue plumage coloration on their head, back, wings, and tail, which is positively correlated with condition, reproductive effort, and reproductive success. We experimentally tested the hypothesis that female eastern bluebirds prefer as mates males that display brighter structural coloration by presenting breeding-condition females with males of variable coloration. We conducted two types of mate-choice experiments. First, females chose between males whose coloration was manipulated within the natural range of variation in the population; feathers were either brightened with violet marker or dulled with black marker. Second, females chose between males with naturally dull or bright plumage coloration. In both manipulated and unmanipulated coloration trials, female choice did not differ significantly from random with respect to structural coloration. We found no support for the hypothesis that the UV–blue coloration of male eastern bluebirds functions as a criterion in female mate choice.  相似文献   

Empirical and theoretical studies have only recently begun to examine how females use complex multi-component displays when selecting mates. Superb fairy-wrens are well suited to the study of female choice because females have control over extra-group paternity and cuckold their mates at high rates, while males possess a variety of sexually selected traits. Available evidence suggests that females base their extra-group mate choice on the timing of male moult into breeding plumage or the onset of display. However, males continue to perform elaborate displays throughout the season, and direct most displays to females during their fertile period. We therefore conducted focal observations on fertile females to quantify the frequency of male display and used microsatellite genotyping to compare the role of display rate during the breeding season and the timing of male moult on female mate choice. We show that the addition of data on male display rate does not improve our ability to predict which males obtain extra-group paternity. The timing of male moult into breeding plumage remains the only predictor of male extra-group reproductive success. Nevertheless, we found that males displayed more to females that were unable to select extra-group mates on the basis of the timing of moult or the onset of display. This raises the possibility that there are circumstances when females use display rate to discriminate between potential extra-group sires. Overall this study supports the theoretical prediction that females are more likely to base their mate choice on reliable indicators of male quality such as fixed morphological traits and displays of endurance, in this case an early moult into breeding plumage and the performance of an elaborate display during the winter, than a flexible behavioural trait such as display rate during the breeding season. Received: 26 January 2000 / Revised: 1 August 2000 / Accepted: 26 August 2000  相似文献   

Salmonids are known for the occurrence in sympatry of two life-history forms, one that undergoes migration to sea before returning to freshwater to reproduce (anadromous) and one that inhabits freshwater without a migration phase (resident). Whereas one breeding population is often suggested by population genetic studies, mating patterns have rarely been directly assessed, especially when both sexes are found within each life-history form. By using highly polymorphic microsatellite loci and parentage analysis in a natural population of sympatric anadromous and resident brook charr (Salvelinus fontinalis), we found that gene flow occurred between the two forms and was mediated by resident males mating with both resident and anadromous females. Determinants of reproductive success, estimated by the number of surviving juveniles (ages 1 and 2 years), differed between the sexes. No strong evidence of the influence of size on individual reproductive success was found for males, whereas larger females (and hence most likely to be anadromous) were more successful. The higher individual reproductive success of anadromous fish compared to residents was mainly explained by this higher reproductive success of anadromous females. We suggest that resident males adopt a “sneaking” reproductive tactic as a way of increasing their reproductive success by mating with females of all sizes in all habitats. The persistence of the resident tactic among females may be linked to their advantage in accessing spatially constrained spawning areas in small tributary streams unavailable to larger females.  相似文献   

The risk of disease transmission can affect female mating rate, and thus sexual conflict. Furthermore, the interests of a sexually transmitted organism may align or diverge with those of either sex, potentially making the disease agent a third participant in the sexual arms race. In Drosophila melanogaster, where sexual conflict over female mating rate is well established, we investigated how a common, non-lethal virus (sigma virus) might affect this conflict. We gave uninfected females the opportunity to copulate twice in no-choice trials: either with two uninfected males, or with one male infected with sigma virus followed by an uninfected male. We assessed whether females respond behaviorally to male infection, determined whether male infection affects either female or male reproductive success, and measured offspring infection rates. Male infection status did not influence time to copulation, or time to re-mating. However, male infection did affect male reproductive success: first males sired a significantly greater proportion of offspring, as well as more total offspring, when they were infected with sigma virus. Thus viral infection may provide males an advantage in sperm competition, or, possibly, females may preferentially use infected sperm. We found no clear costs of infection in terms of offspring survival. Viral reproductive success (the number of infected offspring) was strongly correlated with male reproductive success. Further studies are needed to demonstrate whether virus-induced changes in reproductive success affect male and female lifetime fitness, and whether virus-induced changes are under male, female, or viral control.  相似文献   

When males become more ornamented and reproduce more successfully as they grow older, phenotypic correlations between ornament exaggeration and reproductive success can be confounded with age effects in cross-sectional studies, and thus say relatively little about sexual selection on these traits. This is exemplified here in a correlative study of male fertilization success in a large colony of American barn swallows (Hirundo rustica erythrogaster). Previous studies of this species have indicated that two sexually dimorphic traits, tail length and ventral plumage coloration, are positively correlated with male fertilization success, and a mechanism of sexual selection by female choice has been invoked. However, these studies did not control for potential age-related variation in trait expression. Here, we show that male fertilization success was positively correlated with male tail length but not with plumage coloration. We also show that 1-year-old males had shorter tails and lower fertilization success than older males. This age effect accounted for much of the covariance between tail length and fertilization success. Still, there was a positive relationship between tail length and fertilization success among older males. But as this group consisted of males from different age classes, an age effect may be hidden in this relationship as well. Our data also revealed a longitudinal increase in both tail length and fertilization success for individual males. We argue that age-dependent ornament expression and reproductive performance in males complicate inferences about female preferences and sexual selection.  相似文献   

Animals may assess the quality of other individuals by using information that different ornaments may provide. The European Roller (Coracias garrulus) is a socially monogamous species in which males and females display highly conspicuous plumage colouration. According to the mutual selection hypothesis, we predicted that, in this species, plumage coloration could signal individual quality in both sexes because both female and male rollers invest a considerable amount of time caring for their offspring. We used spectrophotometric measurements to investigate the information content of multiple plumage colour traits. We found that the roller is actually a sexually dimorphic and dichromatic species. Different plumage colours from different origins were correlated within individual. Head and back brightness correlated with body condition in both sexes, and in males, head brightness correlated with the number of fledglings in successful nests, while head green-yellow saturation correlated with parental provisioning. Meanwhile, in females, back brightness was related to the number of fledglings in successful nests and to parental provisioning rate. In addition, there was a positive assortative mating in relation to weight, body condition, head green-yellow saturation and back brightness. Finally, we found a positive correlation between parent and offspring coloration. Altogether, these results suggest that multiple colour traits may act as quality indicators in the roller and that they may be used by the two sexes to assess potential mate quality.  相似文献   

Summary The paper reports the results of a 2-year study of pairing success of male pied flycatchers in a homogeneous habitat. A handicapping experiment was carried out in which certain wing and tail feathers were removed from randomly selected males. Handicapped males had reduced pairing success, they lost weight, and they sang less frequently than control males. Male pairing success was positively correlated with the darkness of the plumage, body-size, and previous breeding experience. Earlier studies on the same species have failed to detect any relationships between pairing success and male characteristics, possibly because of habitat heterogeneity and variation in nest site quality. The evolutionary basis for female choice of male characteristics is discussed. There are reports that males with attractive traits (e.g. black plumage) provide a high quality of parental care. However, the fact that male pairing success was related to male conspicuousness makes it difficult to discriminate between active and passive female choice.  相似文献   

Previous studies of biparental care in birds have focused on the males contribution and experimental removal of males. Woodpeckers, with a high level of paternal care including nocturnal incubation and brooding by males, offer a meaningful system in which to examine the importance of care by females. I studied the reproductive performance of 17 widowed male and 8 widowed female northern flickers (Colaptes auratus) relative to biparental (control) pairs. Of these single parents all widowed shortly after hatching, only one female abandoned its nest. Single parents boosted their provisioning rates to achieve 83% the provisioning rate of control broods, but reared significantly fewer young and young of poorer quality. However, single males, with 85% of the reproductive success of controls, were more successful than females with 43% the success of controls. Among widowed birds, a not significant lower survival was observed, but the chance of re-pairing with the same partner in a subsequent year was only 16% in the natural population, so long-term costs of desertion may be small. Although females seem to have the incentive and ability to desert, a lack of available males may constrain opportunities. This study demonstrates that when parental care roles are reversed in altricial birds, asymmetric benefits can favor female and not male desertion.  相似文献   

Summary I present the results of experiments designed to measure the effects of spermatophores produced by male monarch butterflies on male and female reproductive success. There was wide variation in the number of matings by captive males, suggesting the potential for strong sexual selection on males. Male lifespan was not affected by total number of matings, nor did it differ between males that were allowed to mate and those not exposed to females. Two effects of spermatophores on female behavior or fecundity are reported; (1) Females that received large spermatophores delayed remating longer than those receiving small ones. (2) Females allowed to mate several times laid more eggs than singly-mated females. The relative importance of these effects is discussed in relation to monarch mating patterns.  相似文献   

Inbreeding has negative effects on individual and population performances. Therefore, enhancement of offspring genetic diversity is believed to play a major role in shaping mating systems. However, no study has clearly separated the direct effect of having multiple partners from the indirect effect of having more outbred offspring on the resulting reproductive success of individuals in the wild. In this study, we report significant associations between both multiple mating and within-individual genetic diversity of offspring, and an increased reproductive success of wild female Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar. Specifically, we found that females with a higher number of mates also have more outbred offspring (within-individuals), and that both of these characteristics increased their reproductive success expressed in terms of offspring surviving when combining all freshwater juvenile stages. Our findings also indicate that determinants of fitness are different among sexes as within-individual offspring genetic diversity was not a strong predictor of male reproductive success, while the number of mates was important. We also show that females mated with more outbred males than on average, which potentially increased their chances of producing outbred offspring. These results therefore suggest that there could be more important indirect genetic benefits of multiple mating for females than for males.Communicated by M. Abrahams  相似文献   

Summary Male sticklebacks (Gasterosteus aculeatus) actively competed for a limited number of clay flowerpots as nest sites in circular wading pools. Males nesting in pots spawned earlier and more often, had higher mean and lower variance for hatching success (number of fry per gram of estimated clutch weight), and suffered fewer stolen fertilizations, nest raids, and territorial encounters than did males nesting outside pots, and in pools without pots (Table 2). Males nesting in pots had the more even temporal distribution of fanning bouts and interfanning intervals; the durations of fanning bouts and interfanning intervals were less variable for these males (Table 2).In replicate aquaria, one male nested on each side of a glass partition and both males spawned approximately simultaneously. Flowerpots were provided to one, both, or neither male. Males with pots had higher mean hatching success, fewer territorial encounters, and the more even temporal distribution of fanning bouts and interfanning intervals (Table 4).Thus it appears that nest site concealment, in the form of clay flowerpots, affected male hatching success, reproductive success, and parental behavior, even when physical contact between males was prevented. These data suggest that a causal relationship may exist between the paternal fanning regime and the subsequent hatching success. Furthermore, these data suggest that males which nest in high concealment increase their reproductive success, and that females which spawn with these males reduce the variance of their hatching success as well as increase their mean hatching success.  相似文献   

In socially monogamous species, extra-pair paternity has the potential to increase the variance in male reproductive success, thereby affecting the opportunity for sexual selection on male extravagant ornamentation. In the European barn swallow (Hirundo rustica rustica), the tail streamer length is a sexually selected male ornament and an honest indicator of viability. The North American barn swallow (Hirundo rustica erythrogaster) also shows sexual dimorphism in tail streamer length, but whether this trait holds the same signalling function in this subspecies is a controversial issue, and the available literature is presently scarce. Here, we present data on paternity in the North American barn swallow, including a complete sampling of extra-pair sires in four colonies. We analysed how extra-pair paternity affected the variance in male fertilization success and examined whether male tail streamer (i.e. the outermost tail feather) length correlated with fertilization success (n=86 males). Extra-pair paternity constituted 31% of all offspring and significantly increased the variance in male fertilization success. The number of offspring sired by extra-pair males accounted for almost half of the total variance in male fertilization success. Males with naturally long tail streamers had a higher fertilization success than males with shorter tail streamers, and this pattern was mainly caused by a higher extra-pair success for males with long tail streamers. Males with long tail streamers also paired with early breeding females in prime body condition. These results are consistent with the idea that there is directional sexual selection on male tail streamer length, possibly mediated through male extra-pair mating success or the timing of breeding onset.  相似文献   

We studied pairing success in male rock ptarmigan (Lagopus mutus) in northern Alaska to learn whether males obtaining more females possessed phenotypic traits that influenced female choice directly, whether these traits permitted males to obtain territories favored by females, or whether both processes occurred. The number of females per male varied from zero to three. Several male and territory traits were significantly correlated with number of females per male. We used multiple regression to obtain a single measure of male quality and a single measure of territory quality. These measures of male and territory quality correlated with each other and with male pairing success. We used path analysis to separate direct effects of male quality on pairing success from indirect effects due to high-quality males obtaining high-quality territories. Both direct and indirect pathways had significant effects on pairing success, and direct and indirect effects of male traits on pairing success were about equal. This study illustrates an analytical approach for estimating the relative importance of direct and indirect causal relationships in natural systems. Received: 13 January 1998 / Accepted after revision: 7 November 1998  相似文献   

Although the effects of male mating history on female reproductive output and longevity have been studied in insects, few such studies have been carried out in spiders. In a mating system in which females are monandrous while males are polygynous, females may incur the risk by mating with successful males that have experienced consecutive matings and suffer from the possible depletion of sperm and/or associated ejaculates. Here, we examine the effects of male mating history on male courtship and copulation duration, female reproductive fitness, and female adult longevity of the wolf spider, Pardosa astrigera. Results indicated that male mating frequency had little effect on their subsequent copulation success, and of 35 males tested, about half of the males were able to copulate with five virgin females successively at an interval of 24 h. Male mating history had little effect on their courtship duration. However, male mating history significantly affected male copulation duration, female adult longevity, and reproductive output. Males that mated more frequently copulated longer and more likely failed to cause their mates to produce a clutch, although there was no significant difference in the number of eggs laid and the number of eggs hatched regardless of the first clutch or the second one. Multiple mating of male P. astrigera resulted in significant reduction in female adult longevity. Our results indicate that monandrous females mating with multiple-mated males may incur substantial fitness costs.  相似文献   

One of the most interesting aspects of the mating system of pied flycatchers is the regular occurrence of polygyny. Here we present data on the reproductive success of polygynously paired pied flycatcher males compared to monogamous males based on paternity analyses through DNA fingerprinting. Males paired with two females suffered a higher loss in reproductive output per female compared to monogamous males due to (1) a greater proportion of unhatched eggs in their broods, (2) greater nestling mortality and (3) a greater probability of being cuckolded. Nevertheless, the number of fledglings was significantly greater for polygynous males. Based on the number of nestlings that returned for subsequent breeding seasons, however, the reproductive success of monogamous and polygynous males did not differ significantly. These data raise the question as to why males attempt polygyny. Received: 16 August 1999 / Received in revised form: 15 March 2000 / Accepted: 18 March 2000  相似文献   

There are at least two mechanisms by which social monogamy in the absence of biparental care may evolve: as a form of territorial cooperation, in which one or both sexes benefits by sharing a territory with a partner, and as a form of extended mate guarding, in which males guard females through entire, and perhaps multiple, reproductive cycles. I examined the effects of population variables (density, sex ratio, female synchrony) on male pairing behavior in the snapping shrimp, Alpheus angulatus, to test the hypothesis that social monogamy in this genus has evolved as a result of selection on males for long-term mate guarding of females. There was no evidence that pairing behavior changes with differences in population density; in a natural population, there was a 1:1 relationship between the number in pairs and local population density. In a laboratory experiment, males altered their pairing behavior in response to manipulated differences in sex ratio. Males in female-biased sex ratios were significantly more likely to abandon recently mated females than males in equivalent sex ratios, though there was no significant difference in the duration of pairing or the number of times males switched females. Observations of shrimp maintained for an extended period in the laboratory revealed no evidence that females molt and become sexually receptive synchronously, which would reduce the likelihood that a searching male would encounter additional receptive females. These data suggest that sex ratio may have contributed to the evolution of social monogamy in snapping shrimp, but provide no evidence that population density or female synchronous receptivity have contributed to the evolution of social monogamy.  相似文献   

We experimentally studied the relative importance of plumage, dominance status, and courtship behavior in determining male pairing success in the northern pintail Anas acuta and assessed whether these traits function in female choice, male-male competition or both. In an experiment (experiment IA) that eliminated the confounding effects of male-male competition and social courtship, females chose males with pure white breasts and colorful scapular feathers. When the same group of birds were free to interact (experiment 1B), male behavior was more important: females chose males that courted them intensely and were attentive to them, although preferred males again had whiter breasts and more colorful scapulars. In a second experiment (experiment 2), testing the effect of age on pairing success, females showed a significant preference for 2-year-old males over yearlings: 2-year-old males courted more and were more attentive to the female than yearlings; they were also more colorful than yearlings in a number of plumage measurements. Although males (in both experiments 1B and 2) were aggressive to one another while courting the female and dominant males were sometimes able to exclude subordinates from social courtship, contrary to expectation, we found no relationship between initial dominance rank and pairing success or dominance rank and age. In addition, dominance was not correlated with any of the morphological traits measured. Once chosen, however, subordinate males typically initiated fights with the higher-ranked male(s) and quickly achieved dominance. These results suggest that (1) females choose males based on a suite of morphological and behavioral characteristics, (2) male dominance relationships do not constrain active female choice, (3) a male's position in a dominance hierarchy is largely a result rather than a cause of female choice, and (4) female choice plays a more significant role than male-male competition in the evolution of several secondary sexual traits in male northern pintails.  相似文献   

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