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李国辉  赵力增  王颖 《火灾科学》2016,25(4):239-244
为提高和优化民航客机安全疏散效率,选取出口个数、出口位置、出口宽度和过道宽度四个因素,基于steering模型构建仿真模型,分析不同因素对疏散效率的影响。结果表明,前后出口疏散效率优于中间出口,且出口大于3个时,增加出口对疏散效率影响不显著;出口宽度从50cm增加到65cm,疏散效率提升明显,大于65cm之后,对疏散影响不显著;过道宽度设置为70cm较为合理;客舱前后区域疏散时间差异明显,前部疏散明显快于后部;通过优化客舱布局,设置合理的结构参数,消除了过道和出口瓶颈,并显著提升了客舱人员疏散效率。  相似文献   

为了提高工字形结构安全力学性能,采用设计软件建立结构优化模型,通过软件Workbench进行拓扑优化辅助设计。主要对工字形结构在静载作用下开展拓扑优化设计,以质量减少百分比、最大应力、最大形变为约束条件,结构材料密度为可变参数量,结构最小体积密度设为目标函数,得出拓扑优化理想模型,为运用拓扑技术对结构安全应用领域优化提供可行的参考方案。  相似文献   

采用ANSYS有限元分析软件,对一单层单跨变截面轻型门式刚架厂房进行有限元模拟与分析.对变截面轻型门式刚架试件进行单调和循环加载,得出试件荷载-位移曲线和滞回曲线.并对变截面柱和变截面梁翼缘进行路径分析,得出柱和梁Yon Mises应力较小与较大的位置.从结构的破坏结果得出结构易破坏与较安全的部位,以供类似工程在设计时作为参考.  相似文献   

随着医疗机构业务的不断增加,大多医疗机构衰变池的原设计规模已无法满足当下放射性医疗废水的处理需求,增加了放射性医疗废水超标排放的风险,因此需要对原有衰变池进行改造使排放水达到国家环保要求。以四川某院衰变池现存问题分析及改造为例,结合医院业务发展趋势与衰变池辐射防护的发展需求,对医院原有衰变池如何进行合理优化进行研究。科学地优化衰变池结构,同时采用自控技术以改良原有衰变池。增大了放射性废水的处理量,提高了系统的智能化程度与安全可靠性,确保改造后的医疗废水能长期稳定达标排放,为亟须改造衰变池的医疗机构提出了可供参考的方向。  相似文献   

为合理配置煤炭企业安全投入,优化企业安全结构,提高煤炭企业安全效率,结合我国煤炭企业发展实际,采用不变替代弹性(Constant Elasticity of Substitution,CES)生产函数分析方法,对2005—2011年我国煤炭企业安全效率进行评价与分析,进而利用最小二乘法估计最优CES生产参数,并对煤炭企业安全效率进行优化。结果表明,我国煤炭企业安全效率投入中的研发费用、从业人数、煤炭产量和安全投入比例为1.39∶1∶2.73∶2.28,而优化后的最优投入比例为5∶1∶8.09∶4.82。将CES优化结果与6家安全效率较高的煤炭企业比例(4.68∶1∶7.64∶4.35)相比较,发现二者十分接近,从而论证了该方法的实用性与有效性。研究表明,我国煤炭企业资源利用率低,人员冗余度高,人均安全投入和研发费用严重不足。  相似文献   

为提高企业安全培训效果和相应的事故预防和应急处理技能,增强员工的安全意识,基于CIPP评估模型的特点,初步建立企业安全培训评估指标体系,其中包含安全培训目标、安全培训计划、安全培训实施和安全培训成果等4个维度。采用PDCA循环方法筛选和优化指标群,得到18个指标。进一步构建结构方程模型(SEM),评估企业安全培训影响因素,对相应的指标体系结构进行优化,最终确定17个测评指标及其权重。结果表明,企业安全培训评估体系的4个维度,其重要度由高到低依次为成果、计划、实施和目标;企业安全培训工作的开展应该以安全培训成果为核心,且须注重4个维度的平衡。  相似文献   

随着通航产业的蓬勃发展,轻型飞机已成为通用航空市场中非常具有发展潜力的机型,保障飞行安全对于轻型飞机的长远发展而言至关重要。弹道式整机降落伞救生系统作为飞行安全的最后一道防线,可大大提升驾驶员和乘客的旅程安全性。本文以西锐公司飞机配备的整机降落伞系统为研究对象,详细介绍了CAPS系统的设计验证、结构、工作程序、适用情况、使用条件和着陆考虑因素等方面,以期使相关专业设计人员对CAPS系统有一个较全面的认识,更好地把握整机降落伞系统的研究和发展方向。  相似文献   

为解决高瓦斯工作面隅角封堵工人劳动强度大、效率低,封堵效果不佳易造成隅角瓦斯浓度超限等安全问题,研发设计了矿用阻燃内外胆组合结构的轻型柔性隅角封堵气囊,并相应提出了单体液压支柱配合轻型柔性气囊的隅角封堵新方法。通过实验室测试实验和现场工业性试验表明:选用PVC材料和双抗涂覆布材料的气囊质量小、轻便实用,大幅降低了工人的劳动强度,提高了工作效率,减小了传统封堵方式编织袋装碎煤造成的遗煤浪费;该气囊可适应大变形(变形率可达42.5%)、耐冲击(2×104J的冲击能量不破坏),抗撕扯能力强,且具有阻燃特性,重复使用率高,大大节约了隅角封堵的成本;使用气囊封堵后,采空区内瓦斯浓度显著增大,说明气囊封堵的密闭性增加,安全封堵效果十分明显。  相似文献   

为提高救生舱的安全性,设计了1种泡沫铝填充结构救生舱。利用Workbench对原型救生舱进行静力分析,以泡沫铝填充结构救生舱的内外板厚、泡沫铝厚、纵向和横向加强筋宽为设计变量,以原型救生舱的最大应力、最大位移以及模型质量为约束条件,以泡沫铝填充结构救生舱的静态最大应力、最大位移及质量为目标函数,分析各设计变量对目标函数的灵敏度并进行多目标优化设计;并利用数值仿真方法研究优化后的泡沫铝填充结构救生舱的抗爆炸冲击性能。结果表明:与传统救生舱相比,优化后的泡沫铝填充结构救生舱可以显著提高救生舱的静力及抗爆炸冲击能力,进而提高其安全性能。  相似文献   

安全工程特色专业建设研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
近年来,随着国家对安全的日益重视,社会对于安全人才的需求大幅增加,各大高校纷纷开设了相应的安全工程专业,安全工程专业人才的竞争也日益激励。因此,建设安全工程特色专业,提高安全人才的专业技术水平很有必要。进行安全工程特色专业建设,有利于优化专业学科结构,深化推进教研教学改革,加强安全学科内涵建设,提高人才培养质量,提升专业的竞争力,适应经济社会发展的需要。华北科技学院以煤矿安全、工业安全等为特色,通过更新教育观念;加强师资队伍建设;创新课程体系;加强教学条件建设,改革实践教学环节;重视和加强特色设课程与特色教材建设,改革课程教学内容和教学方法与手段;在这一些措施中,逐步形成了安全工程特色专业。  相似文献   

为了提高大跨度钢结构人行悬索桥的安全性能,以某实际工程为依托,采用有限元软件Midas/Civil建立整体空间模型,分析单缆体系和双缆体系在人群荷载和风荷载作用下的受力特点以及自振频率特性。结果表明:人群荷载作用下,双缆体系的底缆承担更多荷载,主梁挠度相比单缆体系减小约15%;风荷载作用下,两种结构体系主梁弯矩和挠度的变化趋势比较相似,双缆体系的弯矩和挠度均小于单缆体系;双缆体系的侧弯频率、竖弯频率、竖振频率以及侧振频率相比单缆体系均有所增加。双缆体系具有更优的力学性能,提高了工程安全性,并为类似工程的桥型选择提供有力参考。  相似文献   

Parked and stopped vehicles in the vicinity of an at-grade pedestrian crossing obstruct visibility between pedestrians crossing the roadway and approaching vehicles, leading into vehicle–pedestrian crashes. Pavement zigzag line markings at at-grade pedestrian crossings, mostly at mid-block locations are used to restrict parking, stopping, and overtaking within the crossing, to enhance driver–pedestrian visibility. Yet, in some countries zigzag lines are used as advance markings to the crossing. Like any other traffic control device, zigzag lines’ effectiveness hinges on road user’s understanding of their meanings.This paper reviews the literature on the applications and understanding of these lines at pedestrian crossings. The meaning of zigzag line pavement markings at pedestrian crossings has not been well understood to some road users and road safety stakeholders worldwide. This dilemma may suggest that educating road users, especially drivers, may be necessary in order to improve pedestrian safety. Documented literature such as this one may also improve the understanding of these lines to road safety stakeholders. Despite of the importance of unobstructed sight between the pedestrian and the driver, treatments in the forms of signs and pavement markings require continuous education and enforcement. Practicing traffic engineers may want to place more emphasis on engineering treatments that are more effective in improving pedestrian safety, such as those that manages vehicle speeds, than relying heavily on traffic control devices that are often misunderstood and lesser effective such as zigzag lines.  相似文献   

以某大跨连续高墩刚构桥为依托,采用Midas/civil软件建立仿真模型,通过时程分析方法研究双肢薄壁墩参数在地震响应下对高墩连续刚构桥抗震性能的影响。以桥墩高度为主要参数,以模型阵型频率、桥墩墩顶、墩底位移及内力变化三个方面对其抗震性能进行评价。研究结果表明,随着其中一个桥墩高度的增加,桥梁频率不断减小,矮墩墩底及矮墩主梁根部出现内力最大值。随墩高的增加,矮墩内力越来越大,高墩内力逐渐减小。  相似文献   

Introduction: Speeding is a crucial risk factor for pedestrian safety because it shortens reaction time while increasing the impact force in collisions. Various types of traffic calming measures to prevent speeding have been devised. A speed hump—a raised bump installed in the pavement—has been widely used for this purpose. Method: To evaluate the effectiveness of speed humps, the speed profiles of vehicles passing speed humps were analyzed along with pedestrian crash records near speed humps. Results: The speed profiles showed that vehicles gradually diminished their speeds starting 30 m ahead of speed humps and, immediately after passing the humps, accelerated to regain their original speeds within a distance of 30 m. This speed reduction effect is substantial on both local and major roads: 18.4% and 24.0% reduction in speeds, respectively. The analysis of pedestrian crash records revealed that, inside the zones of speed reduction effect near speed humps (i.e., ±30 m from speed humps), fewer pedestrian crashes per roadway distance occurred and pedestrian injuries were less severe, compared with events outside the effect zones. This safety improvement was greater on major roads than local roads. Practical Applications: This work finds that the speed reductions that occurred near speed humps were gradual and influential ±30 m from their locations, suggesting that the hump installations should be close enough to the pedestrian crossings. It is noteworthy that, albeit that speed humps are more prevalent on local roads, the benefits of speed reduction effects from speed humps were more pronounced on major roads than on local roads. Therefore, speed humps on major roads can be considered a more effective measure for pedestrian safety.  相似文献   

为了安全可靠地建好每座大跨桥梁,就要对每座桥的施工过程进行安全监测,传统的安全监测方法是采用电测技术,由于抗电磁干扰性差等原因,测试的数据真实性差。笔者在布拉格光纤光栅的传感原理、室内悬臂梁试验和埋设工艺的研究基础上,成功地在黑大公路牛头山大桥上布设了布拉格光纤光栅应变传感器,为对比布拉格光纤光栅的监测结果,埋设了应变砖测试混凝土的应变,监测了该桥预应力混凝土连续梁先简支后连续施工的全过程,施工监测结果表明:布拉格光纤光栅监测大桥施工结果准确、稳定和可靠,同时证明该光纤光栅测试技术可以用于桥梁施工过程的安全监测且结果明显好于传统的电测技术。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The current study aims to evaluate the influence of age-related stature on the frequency of body region injury and overall injury severity in children involved in pedestrian versus motor vehicle collisions (PMVCs). METHODS: A trauma registry including the coded injuries sustained by 1,590 1- to 15-year-old pedestrian casualties treated at a level-one trauma center was categorized by stature-related age (1-3, 4-6, 7-9, 10-12, and 13-15 years) and body region (head and face, neck, thorax, abdomen and pelvic content, thoracic and lumbar spine, upper extremities, pelvis, and lower extremities). The lower extremity category was further divided into three sub-structures (thigh, leg, and knee). For each age group and body region/sub-structure the proportion of casualties with at least one injury was then determined at given Abbreviated Injury Scale (AIS) severity levels. In addition, the average and distribution of the Maximum Abbreviated Injury Score (MAIS) and the average Injury Severity Score (ISS) were determined for each age group. The calculated proportions, averages, and distributions were then compared between age groups using appropriate significance tests. RESULTS: The overall outcome showed relatively minor variation between age groups, with the average +/- SD MAIS and ISS ranging from 2.3 +/- 0.9 to 2.5 +/- 1.0 and 8.2 +/- 7.2 to 9.4 +/- 8.9, respectively. The subjects in the 1- to 3-year-old age group were more likely to sustain injury to the head, face, and torso regions than the older subjects. The frequency of AIS 2+ lower extremity injury was approximately 20% in the 1- to 3-year-old group, but was twice as high in the 4- to 12-years age range and 2.5 times as high in the oldest age group. The frequency of femur fracture increased from 10% in the youngest group to 26% in the 4- to 6-year-old group and then declined to 14% in the 10- to 15-years age range. The frequency of tibia/fibula fracture increased monotonically with group age from 8% in the 1- to 3-year-old group to 31% in the 13- to 15-year-old group. CONCLUSIONS: While the overall outcome of child pedestrian casualties appears to be relatively constant across the pediatric stature range considered ( approximately 74-170 cm), subject height seems to affect the frequency of injury to individual body regions, including the thorax and lower extremities. This suggests that vehicle safety designers need not only account for the difference in injury patterns between adult and pediatric pedestrian casualties, but also for the variation within the pediatric group.  相似文献   

发热电缆加热桥面融雪化冰对于保障公路桥梁交通安全具有重要意义。制作了600mm×600mm×380mm的桥梁试件,通过低温人工环境室对 试件上表面结冰和融冰过程进行了模型试验。结果表明:在恒定线功率30W/m条件下,90mm间距发热电缆融冰系统的融冰能力要远大于140mm间 距融冰系统;若在90mm间距电缆敷设层采用隔热材料和SMA-13沥青上面层采用导热沥青,则可以缩短融冰时间,提高除冰能力;为有效防止桥 面结冰,桥面温度宜控制在2.5~3.0℃之间。研究结果对桥梁除冰系统设计和运行控制提供参考。  相似文献   

Because of rapid increase in the urban population and hence road traffic, the vehicle–pedestrian crashes are more frequent and have become a major concern in road traffic safety. Though the bumper of a vehicle plays an important role to protect the vehicle body damage in low speed impacts, many bumpers particularly in larger vehicles are too stiff for pedestrian protection and safety. To prevent lower extremity injuries in car–pedestrian collisions, it is important to determine the loadings that car front structures impart on the lower extremities and the mechanisms by which injuries are caused. In the present work, a dynamic legform impactor model is introduced and validated against EEVC/WG17 criteria. The collision mechanism between a GMT bumper and the legform impactor model is investigated numerically using LS-DYNA software. The effect of the height of the impact point of bumper assembly to lower extremity injuries is also investigated. In this paper, it is shown that changing the local stiffness of bumper assembly due to the change in the height of the bumper and distribution of stiffness from upper parts of the bumper assembly to lower parts are the most important parameters in the pedestrian’s leg injuries. As lower extremity injuries are related to the lower bumper height, developing special legform impactors for different countries with different average person height seems essential in investigating the effect of people’s height on lower extremity injuries.  相似文献   

ObjectiveCrash injury results from complex interaction among factors related to at-fault driver's behavior, vehicle characteristics, and road conditions. Identifying the significance of these factors which affect crash injury severity is critical for improving traffic safety. A method was developed to explore the relationship based on crash data collected on rural two-lane highways in China.MethodsThere were 673 crash records collected on rural two-lane highways in China. A partial proportional odds model was developed to examine factors influencing crash injury severity owing to its high ability to accommodate the ordered response nature of injury severity. An elasticity analysis was conducted to quantify the marginal effects of each contributing factor.ResultsThe results show that nine explanatory variables, including at-fault driver's age, at-fault driver having a license or not, alcohol usage, speeding, pedestrian involved, type of area, weather condition, pavement type, and collision type, significantly affect injury severity. In addition to alcohol usage and pedestrian involved, others violate the proportional odds assumption. At-fault driver's age of 25–39 years, alcohol usage, speeding, pedestrian involved, pavement type of asphalt, and collision type of angle are found to be increased crash injury severity.Practical ApplicationsThe developed logit model has demonstrated itself efficient in identifying the effect of contributing factors on the crash injury severity.  相似文献   

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