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9月15日,第12个“9.16国际臭氧纪念日”纪念大会在长春召开。国家环保总局副局长祝光耀在会议上强调,要进一步行动起来,加速淘汰消耗臭氧层物质(ODS),努力实现2007年7月1日淘汰全氯氟烃(CFCs)和哈龙履约目标。  相似文献   

危废处置企业信息化管理是互联网时代背景下对危废处置企业管理的进一步扩展与提升。以危废处置企业的业务流程为根据,概括了危废处置企业信息化系统的基本模块,并结合北仑环保固废管理系统实例,进一步说明信息化管理系统如何规范危废处置企业流程管理及危废处置数据的收集汇总,并指导企业决策。  相似文献   

为保障环境安全,2016年6月6日起,天津市开展废机油和废铅蓄电池污染环境专项整治行动,规范废机油和废铅蓄电池收集、处置,打击非法转移行为,取缔关停非法收集、处置企业。治理对象主要为机动车维修企业、通讯运营商、废旧机动车拆解企业等产生废机油和废铅蓄电池的单位,重点检查上述单位废机油和废铅蓄电池的转移、贮存情况。采取企业自查、区县排查以及市局督查抽查的方式进行,为期2个月。对在检查中发现的环境违法行为立案处罚,并责令企业立即改正;对发现的无证无照,非法收集、转移废机油和废铅蓄电池的非法加工点,将采取综合措施取缔、关闭。同时,加强对涉嫌环境污染犯罪的单位和个人,及时移送公安部门。  相似文献   

我国风电行业每年产生大量热固性玻璃钢废弃物,这些废弃的热固性复合材料叶片、机舱罩等,在处置过程中广泛存在资源浪费和环境污染问题。对风电行业废玻璃钢的来源、产生量进行分析,概述废玻璃钢的生态毒性,阐述当前玻璃钢废弃物资源化处置技术及其优缺点,并提出风电行业废玻璃钢资源化处置技术的未来发展方向。  相似文献   

正受环境保护部委托,中国化工环保协会承担了"农药废盐污染控制技术政策和技术规范"研究任务。为充分了解目前农药企业含盐废水及废盐的产生及处理处置情况以及存在的问题和诉求,为科学制定处理处置技术规范和技术政策提供依据,解决农药行业含盐有机废水、废盐的处理和综合利用难题,中国化工环保协会于2017年9月20日在南京召开了"含盐废水及废盐污染控制技术政策研讨会",同期组织召开了"农药废盐污染控制技术政  相似文献   

日前,被列入国家计委高科技产业化示范工程项目的天津市危险废物处理处置中心在天津市津南区举行隆重的奠基仪式. 国家环保总局副局长王玉庆、天津市副市长孙海麟出席奠基仪式. 据悉,这座集资源回收、焚烧、安全填埋为一体的,具有国际先进水平的现代化危险废物处理处置示范基地,是在目前我国有毒有害危险废物种类、数量日益增长,而处理处置设施建设却相对滞后的形势下,在国家和天津市委、市政府有关部门的支持下,由天津市环保局、世界最大的环保集团 - - 法国威望迪集团奥绿思公司、天津津能投资公司、中国环境保护公司四方共同出资 1.3亿元人民币,组建天津合佳奥绿思环保有限公司,共同建设、管理和运营天津市危险废物处理处置中心. 该项目将于 2002年底建成并投入使用. 该处理中心占地 130亩,预计每年焚烧有毒有害废物量 1.35万吨,每年安全填埋有毒有害废物 6200吨 ; 每年可无害化处理及回收利用重金属废液与废溶剂 1万吨,该中心设备 90% 以上实现国产化. 这一项目建成后不仅可以解决天津市及其周边地区日益增长的工业废弃物的处理问题,也可以解决废电池的收集、处理难题. (郭文生 )  相似文献   

以潮州、汕头、揭阳等地农村为研究对象,通过问卷调查和实地考察方式,对农村工业固废处理处置现状进行调查,了解潮汕农村工业固废现状及其处理处置方法。调查结果表明:潮汕农村工业固废随地域不同、行业不同而不同,其处理处置方式多以回收利用为主,但部分地区仍存在随意丢弃、就地焚烧、回收利用率低、未分类等问题。结合当地实际情况,建议革新生产工艺,健全固废回收机制,完善法律法规,同时加强宣传教育,鼓励进行专业研究,以期将工业固废减量化、资源化,实现工业循环经济。  相似文献   

我国农业、工业和城市固体废弃物具有量大面广的特点,并表现出资源与污染的双重属性,亟需建立上述固废全生命周期的监管、处置和利用体系。鉴于此,固废全流程智慧管控策略应运而生并受到广泛关注。首先对全流程智慧管理进行概述,随后便依次对其在农业、工业和城市固废中的研究或应用现状进行了较为全面的梳理和评述。最后,从相关政策、主体和技术三个层面对固废全流程智慧管控策略的推广与优化提出了合理化建议,有望为固废精准监管与科学消纳,乃至乡村振兴、经济高质量发展和生态文明建设提供有价值的参考。  相似文献   

正"石油石化污染控制与处理国家重点实验室(长江大学)"在"中石油HSE重点实验室长江大学研究室"的基础上成立于2015年4月,成为我国石油石化领域环境染污控制与处置国家重点实验室。实验室以油气田环境保护、石化污染治理为目标,以引领石油石化污染治理技术前沿为导向,以污染物控制、绿色环保药剂、新技术集成为主线,围绕石油石化污染控制与治理开展技术创新和集成研究应用,形成了污水处理工程与技术、油气田固废处理与处置技术、油气田腐蚀与防护技  相似文献   

预处理是废铝再生的第一个工序,对后续的熔炼影响很大。良好的预处理需要将杂质进行分离,并按铝合金的成分牌号进行分类,对目前比较先进的杂质分离技术和废铝分类分选技术进行重点介绍,为再生铝预处理技术的研究及发展提供参考。  相似文献   

餐厨垃圾是一种具有较高再生利用价值的资源,但是处置不当会给社会造成危害。天津市餐厨垃圾的回收包括规范化的再生资源回收企业回收、以养猪和炼制餐厨再生食用油为目的的非法回收商贩回收、城市普通生活垃圾收集处理系统回收等三种形式。以源头单独集中、清洁化单独收运、无害化处理和资源化利用为指导原则,开展城市餐厨垃圾的规范化回收符合发展循环经济的根本要求。从加强宣传教育、加大食用油监管力度、健全行政监管体系、完善餐厨垃圾规范化收集网络等角度,提出推动天津市餐厨垃圾回收规范化发展的对策。  相似文献   

Urban solid waste management in Chongqing: challenges and opportunities   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The dual influences of the resource supply and protection in ecological environments will pose a significant challenge to China's sustainable development. Solid waste management offers opportunities to improve profits by conserving resources and improving environmental performance. This paper examines municipal solid waste (MSW) management in urban Chongqing, the nation's fourth largest municipality after Beijing, Shanghai and Tianjin. In this paper, we will provide information on the quantity and composition of MSW, as well as give an overview of different methods for collection, transport, treatment and disposal of MSW. At present the daily amount of MSW generated per person is about 1.08 kg; food waste accounts for about 59% of total MSW. MSW in Chongqing has a higher moisture content (64.1%) and a lower LHV (3728 kJ/kg) than other cities in Asia, which is an obstruction for incineration. Landfills are the main method of disposal in Chongqing, but pollution caused by simple landfills and lack of backup MSW disposal capacity are becoming major problems in the main districts of Chongqing. In this paper, the challenges being faced and opportunities to MSW in Chongqing are analyzed and some suggestions are given for improving the MSW system in the future.  相似文献   

随着危险废物政策的不断完善,以及重庆市对环境监管力度的不断加大,危险废物收集体系日益健全,危险废物产生、收集、集中处置量将继续增长.现有利用处置设施能力不足,规划的利用处置设施能力与处置缺口出现结构不平衡问题.针对这些问题,对重庆市危险废物的产量及处置现状、现有及规划的危废利用处置设施进行了统计整理分析,并对未来产量进...  相似文献   

Using the failure mode and effects analysis, this study examined biomedical waste companies through risk assessment. Moreover, it evaluated the supervisors of biomedical waste units in hospitals, and factors relating to the outsourcing risk assessment of biomedical waste in hospitals by referring to waste disposal acts. An expert questionnaire survey was conducted on the personnel involved in waste disposal units in hospitals, in order to identify important factors relating to the outsourcing risk of biomedical waste in hospitals. This study calculated the risk priority number (RPN) and selected items with an RPN value higher than 80 for improvement. These items included “availability of freezing devices”, “availability of containers for sharp items”, “disposal frequency”, “disposal volume”, “disposal method”, “vehicles meeting the regulations”, and “declaration of three lists”. This study also aimed to identify important selection factors of biomedical waste disposal companies by hospitals in terms of risk. These findings can serve as references for hospitals in the selection of outsourcing companies for biomedical waste disposal.  相似文献   

Ever since Taiwan’s National Health Insurance implemented the diagnosis-related groups payment system in January 2010, hospital income has declined. Therefore, to meet their medical waste disposal needs, hospitals seek suppliers that provide high-quality services at a low cost. The enactment of the Waste Disposal Act in 1974 had facilitated some improvement in the management of waste disposal. However, since the implementation of the National Health Insurance program, the amount of medical waste from disposable medical products has been increasing. Further, of all the hazardous waste types, the amount of infectious medical waste has increased at the fastest rate. This is because of the increase in the number of items considered as infectious waste by the Environmental Protection Administration. The present study used two important findings from previous studies to determine the critical evaluation criteria for selecting infectious medical waste disposal firms. It employed the fuzzy analytic hierarchy process to set the objective weights of the evaluation criteria and select the optimal infectious medical waste disposal firm through calculation and sorting. The aim was to propose a method of evaluation with which medical and health care institutions could objectively and systematically choose appropriate infectious medical waste disposal firms.  相似文献   

It is very important that waste should be controlled and appropriately handled in a waste disposal stream, considering its impact on the environment. In this research, the LCA-EA model was applied to the current waste disposal stream of the BMR as well as other waste disposal stream scenarios, so that treatment cost, environmental load and environmental cost were assessed quantatively. The results of this study showed that in the current waste diposal stream in Bangkok, there were large contributions from carbon dioxide and methane to the greenhouse gas emissions from the stream. The study was able to quantify the reductions in environmental load associated with various waste disposal stream scenarios, using the baseline scenario as a standard.  相似文献   

建筑垃圾的循环利用是今后建筑垃圾处理的必经之路。在对国内外建筑垃圾循环利用的相关政策、法律法规及回收现状进行比较分析的基础上,对目前建筑垃圾循环利用的案例进行调查整理,总结出建筑垃圾循环利用的一般过程;并在对目前建筑垃圾循环利用的方法进行研究后,介绍了一种先进实用的建筑垃圾循环利用方法;最后对我国建筑垃圾循环利用存在的问题进行剖析并提出解决问题的建议,以期对我国建筑垃圾循环利用的发展有所裨益。  相似文献   

In many cities of developing countries, such as Mekelle (Ethiopia), waste management is poor and solid wastes are dumped along roadsides and into open areas, endangering health and attracting vermin. The effects of demographic factors, economic and social status, waste and environmental attributes on household solid waste disposal are investigated using data from household survey. Household level data are then analyzed using multinomial logit estimation to determine the factors that affect household waste disposal decision making. Results show that demographic features such as age, education and household size have an insignificant impact over the choice of alternative waste disposal means, whereas the supply of waste facilities significantly affects waste disposal choice. Inadequate supply of waste containers and longer distance to these containers increase the probability of waste dumping in open areas and roadsides relative to the use of communal containers. Higher household income decreases the probability of using open areas and roadsides as waste destinations relative to communal containers. Measures to make the process of waste disposal less costly and ensuring well functioning institutional waste management would improve proper waste disposal.  相似文献   

Near surface disposal facility design and management are examined and compared using a systems approach that defines facility performance as a function of three components (or subsystems): the disposal facility design (cover systems and bottom liners); the properties of the waste (waste composition, waste form and waste package); and the site‐specific environmental features (climate, geology, and hydrology). We report an evaluation of five DOE near surface disposal facility case studies, selected to provide a “representative” sample that included disposal sites with a range of waste and environmental characteristics across the DOE. The facilities selected were the Savannah River E‐Area Engineered Trenches, Hanford Integrated Disposal Facility, Idaho Radioactive Waste Management Complex, Oak Ridge Environmental Management Waste Management Facility, and Nevada National Security Site Area 5. ©2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

热解技术处理废弃电路板的研究进展   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
介绍了回收废弃电路板的热分离方法,综述了热解技术在废弃电路板处理中的研究现状及其所具有的优势。阐述了废弃电路板热解产物的资源价值及热解油的分离与提纯的研究现状,讨论了热解技术处理废弃电路板过程中消除剧毒有机溴化合物及HBr回收的研究进展,同时简介了真空热解技术的研究概况,并指出真空热解技术是今后处理废弃电路板的研究方向之一,有广阔的应用前景。  相似文献   

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