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2010年初我国新疆发生了60年一遇的暴雪灾害,在这场暴雪灾害的应急管理中,新疆各级地方政府彰显了一定的应急管理能力和执政水平,成功塑造了政府的正面形象。本文主要分析了其通过信息发布制度塑造公开透明的政府形象,通过积极防范和有效应对塑造管理高效的政府形象,通过"以人为本"的举措塑造亲民服务的政府形象三个方面。  相似文献   

昆明市地质灾害易损性模糊综合评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
昆明市是地质灾害易发区,其灾害具有种类多、分布广、危害性大的特点。本文根据昆明市各县、区的具体情况,构建了地质灾害易损性评价指标体系,并运用改进的模糊综合评价方法对昆明市各县、区地质灾害易损性进行了定量评价,从而得出昆明市各县、区地质灾害易损性等级,该研究可为当地政府制定合理的经济发展规划和灾害防治规划提供科学依据。  相似文献   

芦山大地震造成了巨大的生态破坏,导致了生态系统发生退化,尤其是地形条件极其复杂的山地生态系统退化更加严重。由于地震而引发的次生灾害对于山地生态系统的影响也非常显著。生态系统及其服务的可持续性是人类社会可持续发展的决定性约束因素,震后人类赖以生存与发展的自然环境面临威胁。因此,修复生态系统,实施生态补偿是震后保护生态环境问题的迫切需要。文章分析了芦山地震对灾区生态环境及自然保护区的影响,提出了震后生态补偿的思路、重难点和对策建议,以供雅安灾后生态重建借鉴。  相似文献   

本文通过分析造成城市地震灾害严重的多种因素,从搞好建设工程的抗震设防、加强地震科普知识的宣传教育、推动城市社区地震应急救援志愿队和避难场所的建设四个方面提出了城市防震减灾的对策。  相似文献   

本文通过分析造成城市地震灾害严重的多种因素,从搞好建设工程的抗震设防、加强地震科普知识的宣传教育、推动城市社区地震应急救援志愿队和避难场所的建设四个方面提出了城市防震减灾的对策。  相似文献   

民国初年我国救灾的资金来源主要有包括地方和中央的两级政府的财政拨款,和社会各界的赈济款项,特别是后者,活动十分活跃,社会影响巨大,在民初救灾体系中具有举足轻重的地位、作用。此外,外国政府、华侨等也参与了救灾活动,提供了资金,遇有灾歉积极援助。资金的分配一般是分批次进行,数额是以各地灾情的轻重程度来权衡分配,分配方案一般由各地区省府主管官员根据资金总数制定。民初我国救灾的资金筹措方式多样化,以及分配的批次手法,对今天我国救灾有一定借鉴意义。  相似文献   

Most arthropods are hairy creatures. Some of them have several hundreds of thousands of hairs on their exoskeleton which in the majority of cases serve mechanosensory functions. Filiform hairs or trichobothria, as they are called in the arachnids, respond to the slightest movement of the surrounding air. They have repeatedly been shown to be involved in the guidance of escape and prey capture behavior and are indeed among the most sensitive biosensors known to date. Accordingly, the mechanical interaction between the air and the hair which is deflected and thus adequately stimulated by viscous forces is very close and to a large extent follows principles known in fluid mechanics. Both the experimental and theoretical analysis of this interaction has reached considerable depth. Using spider trichobothria as the main example the present review article strives to explain in a simple way the main mechanical parameters to be considered and how hair morphology and mechanics bring about such remarkable sensitivity.  相似文献   

森林火灾是当今世界上八大自然灾害之一,不仅具有灾害学中所描述的关于自然灾害的一般特性,而且具有自身的特点.本文从自然灾害的属性、特点、基本研究内容和方法等几个方面,论述了灾害学为森林火灾分区分类施治理论提供的理论依据.  相似文献   

Benefit distribution plays a central role in incentivizing action in REDD+ (Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation and forest enhancement). Conceived as a global performance-based incentive mechanism to reduce land-use emissions in developing countries, REDD+ involves changes in resource governance by many actors at multiple scales, in order to minimize the climate impact of land-use activities or to maximize their contribution to reducing greenhouse gas emissions. A key governance issue for developing countries is how to incentivize action among stakeholders and the way countries design their benefit-sharing mechanisms (BSMs) is therefore seen as a critical factor in determining the success of REDD+ in the long term. This comprehensive research investigates up-to-date national level REDD+ planning documents to provide new evidence on how countries are planning to implement BSMs, including an analysis of common governance themes and where gaps exist. Our unique comparative study based on five country cases reveals that there is a lack of comprehensive participatory, transparent and accountable processes among country strategies and in particular, shortcomings in preparation for local and subnational governance, financial disbursement and dispute-resolution mechanisms. Furthermore, countries are making slow progress on land tenure and carbon rights reform. In fact, such ambiguous legislation on carbon benefits, coupled with weak institutional capacity and ineffective dispute-resolution mechanisms, may make it difficult for REDD+ stakeholders to participate fully in initiatives and receive a fair distribution of benefits. This research indicates that REDD+ actors including donors and national governments will need to further rethink strategies and policy frameworks to improve their BSMs and to guarantee effective, equitable and efficient REDD+ outcomes in the long term.  相似文献   

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