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Standard economic concepts are used to develop a model of individual behavior when subject to the constraints of the contingent valuation choice context. The model yields refutable consequences that are consistent with previously reported empirical findings, including some that have been thought to be anomalous. The model is used to show that different contingent valuation formats have predictably different performance characteristics. Notably, the Hicksian compensating measures are satisfactory benefit cost indicators when elicited using any one of several formats identified in the text. Of the formats examined, one form of a policy referendum appears to have the most satisfactory characteristics. Overall, we conclude that contingent valuation is a progressing research program.  相似文献   

This paper evaluates whether the time given people to think about their responses to CVM valuation questions influences their answers. Our study was conducted in Nigeria as part of an evaluation of rural households' willingness to pay for public taps and private connections to improved drinking water systems. Respondents who were allowed time to evaluate the proposed water system bid significantly less than those who did not have that time. Moreover, this conclusion was upheld regardless of whether the water system was a public tap or a private connection.  相似文献   

Results of research on the social psychology of human decision making that offer direction for improving the contingent valuation method are reviewed. The paper focuses on the findings of that literature related to (1) limitations of human information processing and judgment-making abilities, (2) the influence of elicitation stimuli and expectations, and (3) quality of decision making in the face of too much or too little stress. Within the context of this literature, specific research directions are recommended that can improve the validity and reliability of the results of contingent valuation studies. More multidisciplinary studies are encouraged.  相似文献   

The English derive a wide range of values from allotments, but nearly 35% of allotments have disappeared in the last 20 years. The real value of allotments has probably been underestimated. The contingent valuation method (CVM) was used to give a monetary value to benefits derived from allotments by allotment holders and local residents. The study was conducted in southeast England (Wye and Ashford, Kent and Greater London). A postal survey with open-ended questions was filled in by 124 allotment holders and 74 residents. Respondents were asked to express their maximum willingness to pay for allotments (WTP) and the minimum willingness to accept (WTA) compensation for loss of allotments. The mean annual WTP for keeping allotments of allotment holders were £78.93, £35.64 and £79.43, and for local residents were £41.66, £46.14 and £283.57, in Wye, Ashford and London, respectively. The allotment holders' WTP was strategically more than WTA compensation and they were only willing to pay rent for using allotments, not for retaining them.  相似文献   

The topic of congestion in the use of travel cost demand models has received a considerable amount of attention. A number of extensions of the original Wetzel article have extended the question raised in that article. The purpose of this paper is twofold. The first purpose is to raise the general issue of the use of short-run or long-run demand curves for policy analysis. The second purpose is to make some brief specific comments about certain sections of the extensions and corrections offered to the original Wetzel article.  相似文献   

基于利益相关方意愿调查的东江流域生态补偿机制探讨   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
流域生态补偿已经成为解决流域生态环境保护问题、协调流域上下游利益冲突的重要手段之一。以东江流域为例,通过实地问卷调查和条件价值评估法评估流域上下游利益相关方生态补偿意愿,并探讨构建东江流域生态补偿机制。流域生态补偿意愿调查结果表明,流域内居民对东江流域生态环境保护有很高的积极性,对建立流域生态补偿机制有较高的认同度;下游地区城市居民平均支付意愿为332.7-364.5元/(年·户),上游农民对于林地保护的平均受偿意愿为360.75元/(年·hm^2);通过回归分析发现,受教育水平、收入、自来水水质对支付意愿影响显著,而受偿意愿受性别和受教育水平影响明显;充分考虑并协调好流域上下游利益相关方的诉求对东江流域生态环境保护和生态补偿机制的建立有着重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

This study pursues external validation of contingent valuation by comparing survey results with the voting outcome of a Corvallis, Oregon, referendum to fund a riverfront improvement project through increased property taxes. Survey respondents hypothetically make a voting decision—with no financial consequences—on the upcoming referendum. The survey sample consists of respondents verified to have voted in the election. We use available precinct-level election data to compare the proportion of “yes” survey and referendum votes as well as estimate voting models and mean willingness to pay (WTP) based on the two sets of data. We find that survey responses match the actual voting outcome and WTP estimates based on the two are not statistically different. Contrary to similar studies, our statistical results do not depend on re-coding the majority of “undecided” survey responses to “no.” Furthermore, such a re-coding of responses may be inappropriate for our data set.  相似文献   

We present three arguments for using ongoing annual payments in contingent valuation (CV) surveys that estimate the benefit of a long-lasting environmental improvement. First, by matching the duration of the payments with the duration of the environmental benefits, survey respondents are spared from performing complicated present value calculations. Second, willingness to pay (WTP) estimates from CV surveys that include ongoing annual payments best match WTP estimates obtained using travel cost surveys. Third, respondents are less likely to face binding mental budget constraints with ongoing annual payments than with a larger one-time payment. In addition, respondents’ discount rates may be estimated by collecting non-hypothetical, individual time preference data as part of the valuation survey.  相似文献   

Time discounting is central to the valuation of future health and mortality risks in public sector allocative decision-making, particularly for environmental policies with delayed health impacts. Using a Risk-Risk trade-off survey, we elicit discount rates for fatality risks and establish discounting functional forms on both a sample and an individual level. We find wide variation in implicit discount rates for fatality risk between individuals, as well as between-individual heterogeneity in discounting functional forms. In aggregate, the sample is best characterised by subadditive discounting. Our work has implications for the academic investigation of intertemporal choice involving mortality risks, and potentially for the evaluation of policy options with delayed mortality risk outcomes. A thought experiment cautions against the standard practice of assuming that exponential discounting characterises society's time preferences.  相似文献   

Human activities have become so extensive that all ecosystems on the planet have been altered to some extent. The fate of humankind will be determined by how sustainable ecosystems and the renewable resources in them are managed. The implication of this is obvious: humanity must live within nature's carrying capacity. In recent years, humans have recognised that growth of the economy depends on natural capital, and it is important that we now recognise that we are part of an international ecological economics community, so as to better integrate the economy and ecology. However, there are few successful examples of this. The aim of this paper is to show a method for integrated analysis between economic growth and natural carrying capacity by linking the concepts of ecological footprint and valuation of ecosystem services. When applied to China for the period 1987–2003, the empirical evidence suggests that the size of the Chinese economy surpassed the carrying capacity in 1992. Perhaps, we should abandon our high-growth predilection and initiate a transition to a steady-state economy.  相似文献   

This study aimed at the ecological-economic valuation of the Potengi estuary mangrove wetlands, based on the integration of spatial data (mangrove forest coverage map, Nautical Chart, Environmental Sensitivity Chart) with data from literature on the biogeochemistry of nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and heavy metals in the mangrove estuary wetland Potengi) and field verification data (topographic profile of mangrove forest, GPS routes obtained in the field in the touristy sightseeing areas and plots of mariculture). The ecological and economic valuation of the services performed by the Potengi estuary mangrove wetlands, mainly as biogeochemical barrier for the transport of P, N and heavy metals in tropical coastal areas, were obtained just as if the retention of those elements was necessary by Wastewater Treatment Plants (WTP) with Stabilization Ponds, typical in the estuary, and Zeolitic plant, respectively. Closer to real scenarios were observed for obtaining the values of these ecological services, such as the release of the P, N and heavy metals in domestic and industrial sewage in the estuary, the capability of dilution and the influence of the tides in the estuary. The tourism potential of the Potengi estuary mangrove wetlands were assessed according to the current forms of use, and potential of aquaculture through the main types of farming in mangrove areas. For these ecological services, considerable values were obtained of about USS15,500/ha, such as costs of implementation and construction of sewage treatment plants, as well as costs of sewage treatment plants. Nearly US$ 12.500 / ha amount each year from tourism and aquaculture income, demonstrating the economic viability of the Potengi estuary mangrove wetlands conservation.  相似文献   

This paper examines the impact of urban afforestation on infant health outcomes by exploiting a quasi-experimental setting where one million new trees were planted in New York City (NYC), but not in counties surrounding NYC over the same time period. Using a near-universal birth record of NYC and surrounding counties over 2004–2015 and employing both the synthetic control method and a difference-in-differences model, we find that an approximately 20% increase in urban forest cover decreased prematurity and low birth weight among mothers in NYC by 2.1 and 0.24 percentage points, respectively, relative to similar mothers outside of NYC. The low birth weight finding is equivalent to getting a mother smoking two cigarettes a day during pregnancy to quit. An internal validity test suggests that changes in the composition of NYC mothers cannot explain the observed effects. Additionally, we find evidence that declines in PM2.5 concentrations and increases in outdoor walks are potential causal mechanisms. Results suggest that urban afforestation may be able to complement existing policies aimed at improving infant health.  相似文献   

Received: 18 February 1995/Accepted after revision: 6 January 1996  相似文献   

The interactions of 10 different chromium(III) complexes with isolated calf thymus DNA have been analysed by studying the electronic and fluoresence spectra of intercalated ethidiumbromide. Triply charged cationic complexes including: [Cr(urea)6]Cl3.3H2O, [Cr(1,10‐phenanthroline)3](ClO4)3.2H2O, [Cr(2,2'‐bipyridyl)3] (ClO4)3.2H2O, [Cr(ethylendiamine)3]Cl3.3.5H2O and [Cr(NH3)6](NO3)3 displaced the dye from DNA. Similar effects were observed in experiments using the non‐intercalating dye bisbenzimidazole ("Hoechst 33258"). However, singly charged cationic, anionic and uncharged chromium(III) complexes such as: cis‐[Cr(1,10‐phenanthroline)2Cl2]Cl.2H2O, cis‐[Cr(2,2'‐bipyridyl)2Cl2]Cl.2H2O, [Cr(glutathione)2]Na2, [Cr(cysteine)2]Na.2H2O and [Cr(glycine)3] were unable to displace both ethidiumbromide and bisbenzimidazole from DNA. There was no evidence for the formation of co‐ordinate bonds between chromium(III) and DNA for any of the above complexes. The charge and type of ligand are important in controlling the interaction of chromium(III) with isolated DNA in vitro. Our findings indicate that the outer sphere interaction of a chromium(III) complex with DNA is weak and unlikely to be the mechanism by which chromate causes DNA impairments in vivo and in vitro.  相似文献   

菜田土壤氮素淋失及其调控措施的研究进展   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11  
从菜田中硝态氮的动态变化、土壤氮素的矿化、硝态氮对地下水的影响等几方面概述了近年来国内外的研究进展,介绍了渗漏测定计法、土壤溶液提取器和15N同位素示踪技术等3种测定土壤氮素淋失的研究方法其应用前景;论述了影响菜田土壤氮素淋失的主要因素和降低菜田土壤氮素淋失的丰要调控措施;提出了今后菜田土壤氮素淋失应加强的研究方向。  相似文献   

Environmental Fluid Mechanics - A numerical model based on the double-averaged (spatial and ensemble averaged) method has been developed to simulate vegetated free surface flows. The classical $$k...  相似文献   

Most highways in urban China are tolled to finance their construction. During the eight-day National Day holiday in 2012, highway tolls were waived nationwide for passenger vehicles. We use this to identify the effects of highway tolls on air pollution. Using daily pollution and weather data for 98 Chinese cities in 2011 and 2012 and employing both a regression discontinuity design and differences-in-differences method with the 2011 National Day holiday as a control, we find that eliminating tolls increases pollution by 20% and decreases visibility by one kilometer. We also estimate that the toll elasticity of air pollution is −0.15. These findings complement the scant literature on the environmental impact of road pricing.  相似文献   

Several countries are considering using daylight saving time (DST) as a tool for energy conservation and reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, and the United States extended DST in 2007 with the goal of reducing electricity consumption. This paper assesses DST's impact on electricity demand by examining a quasi-experiment in which parts of Australia extended DST in 2000 to facilitate the Sydney Olympics. Using detailed panel data and a difference-in-difference-in-difference framework, we show that the extension did not reduce overall electricity consumption, but did cause a substantial intraday shift in demand consistent with activity patterns that are tied to the clock rather than sunrise and sunset.  相似文献   

运用三维TKohonen自组织人工神经网络,分析预测黄土高原生态经济破坏程度,预测成功率100%。结果表明,神经网络方法性能良好,可望成为生态经济破坏程度预测的有效的辅助手段。  相似文献   

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