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During the period May 18-May 22, 1999, a comprehensive study was conducted in the Tuscarora Mountain Tunnel on the Pennsylvania Turnpike to measure real-world motor-vehicle emissions. As part of this study, size distributions of particle emissions were determined using a scanning mobility particle sizer. Each measured size distribution consisted of two modes: a nucleation mode with midpoint diameter less than 20 nm and an accumulation mode with midpoint diameter less than 100 nm. The nucleation and accumulation components in some distributions also exhibited second maxima, which implies that such particle size distributions are superpositions of two particle size distributions. This hypothesis was utilized in fitting the particle size distributions that exhibited second maxima with four lognormal distributions, two for the nucleation mode and two for the accumulation mode. The fitting assumed that the observed particle size distribution was a combination of two bimodal log-normal distributions, one attributed to the heavy-duty diesel (HDD) vehicles and another attributed either to a different class of HDD vehicles or to the light-duty spark ignition vehicles. Based on this method, estimated particle production rates were 1.8 x 10(13) and 2.8 x 10(14) particles/vehicle-km for light-duty spark ignition and HDD vehicles, respectively, which agreed with independently obtained estimates.  相似文献   

机动车尾气扩散模型作为一种重要的工具被用于评估城市空气质量、为污染控制战略以及交通规划决策制定提供支持。对国内外机动车尾气扩散模式进行了回顾,结合各种模式的特征,将其分为综合扩散模式、开阔道路线源扩散模式、交叉口道路扩散模式以及街道峡谷扩散模式,分别对模式的优缺点以及其适用性进行了分析,针对我国道路交通特征,提出了模型本土化所需解决的问题和未来的研究趋势。  相似文献   

Vehicle particle emissions are studied extensively because of their health effects, contribution to ambient PM levels and possible impact on climate. The aim of this work was to obtain a better understanding of secondary particle formation and growth in a diluting vehicle exhaust plume using 3-d information of simulations together with measurements. Detailed coupled computational fluid dynamics (CFD) and aerosol dynamics simulations have been conducted for H2SO4–H2O and soot particles based on measurements within a vehicle exhaust plume under real conditions on public roads.Turbulent diffusion of soot and nucleation particles is responsible for the measured decrease of number concentrations within the diesel car exhaust plume and decreases coagulation rates. Particle size distribution measurements at 0.45 and 0.9 m distance to the tailpipe indicate a consistent soot mode (particle diameter Dp∼50 nm) at variable operating conditions. Soot mode number concentrations reached up to 1013 m−3 depending on operating conditions and mixing.For nucleation particles the simulations showed a strong sensitivity to the spatial dilution pattern, related cooling and exhaust H2SO4(g). The highest simulated nucleation rates were about 0.05–0.1 m from the axis of the plume. The simulated particle number concentration pattern is in approximate accordance with measured concentrations, along the jet centreline and 0.45 and 0.9 m from the tailpipe. Although the test car was run with ultralow sulphur fuel, high nucleation particle (Dp⩽15 nm) concentrations (>1013 m−3) were measured under driving conditions of strong acceleration or the combination of high vehicle speed (>140 km h−1) and high engine rotational speed (>3800 revolutions per minute (rpm)).Strong mixing and cooling caused rapid nucleation immediately behind the tailpipe, so that the highest particle number concentrations were recorded at a distance, x=0.45 m behind the tailpipe. The simulated growth of H2SO4–H2O nucleation particles was unrealistically low compared with measurements. The possible role of low and semi-volatile organic components on the growth processes is discussed. Simulations for simplified H2SO4–H2O–octane–gasoil aerosol resulted in sufficient growth of nucleation particles.  相似文献   

This paper presents the measurement of airborne particle properties with use of a dedicated sampling protocol and a measurement setup directly installed in the exhaust line of vehicles and engines. The sampling system dilutes a small part of the exhaust directly at the tailpipe without the need of exhaust gas transfer lines that may lead to sampling artifacts. Dilution takes place in two steps with a primary dilution ratio universally set at a value of 12.5:1 for all vehicles and engines tested, and subsequent dilution steps reducing particle concentration within the measuring range of the instruments used. Dilution air temperature and residence time were set at 32 degrees C and 2.5 sec respectively, to allow repeatable measurement of nucleation-mode particles. The paper summarizes the specifications of the system, evaluates its performance in comparison to real-world dilution (chasing experiments), and presents the repeatability and reproducibility of measurements performed in different laboratories. In general, after taking precautions for the setup and condition of instruments, both measurement quality indices reached levels similar to the measurement of particulate matter (PM) mass. Application of the system, using the same protocol, to measure many light-duty vehicles and engines is finally demonstrated, providing useful conclusions for the emission performance of different sized engines. The study concludes that the use of partial-flow sampling systems may offer advantages for the measurement of particle emissions from low-emission engines compared with constant volume sampling facilities, including lower cost of purchase and operation, versatility, lack of artifacts, and possibilities for standardization in different environments.  相似文献   

Over the past several years, numerous studies have linked ambient concentrations of particulate matter (PM) to adverse health effects, and more recent studies have identified PM size and surface area as important factors in determining the health effects of PM. This study contributes to a better understanding of the evolution of particle size distributions in exhaust plumes with unconfined dilution by ambient air. It combines computational fluid dynamics (CFD) with an aerosol dynamics model to examine the effects of different streamlines in an exhaust plume, ambient particle size distributions, and vehicle and wind speed on the particle size distribution in an exhaust plume. CFD was used to calculate the flow field and gas mixing for unconfined dilution of a vehicle exhaust plume, and the calculated dilution ratios were then used as input to the aerosol dynamics simulation. The results of the study show that vehicle speed affected the particle size distribution of an exhaust plume because increasing vehicle speed caused more rapid dilution and inhibited coagulation. Ambient particle size distributions had an effect on the smaller sized particles (approximately 10 nm range under some conditions) and larger sized particles (>2 microm) of the particle size distribution. The ambient air particle size distribution affects the larger sizes of the exhaust plume because vehicle exhaust typically contains few particles larger than 2 microm. Finally, the location of a streamline in the exhaust plume had little effect on the particle size distribution; the particle size distribution along any streamline at a distance x differed by less than 5% from the particle size distributions along any other streamline at distance x.  相似文献   

本文分析探讨了柴油机排气颗粒物的组成、危害及后处理技术。介绍了颗粒捕集器及其消极和积极再生方法、采用氧化催化剂或四效催化剂的催化净化器和低温等离子体 -催化净化技术。  相似文献   

Three diesel fuels, one oil sand-derived (OSD) diesel serving as base fuel, one cetane-enhanced base fuel, and one oxygenate [diethylene glycol dimethyl ether (DEDM)]-blended base fuel, were tested for their emission characterizations in vehicle exhaust on a light-duty diesel truck that reflects the engine technology of the 1994 North American standard. Both the cetane-enhanced and the oxygenate-blended fuels were able to reduce regulated [CO, particulate matter (PM), total hydrocarbon (THC)] and nonregulated [polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), carbonyls, and other volatile organic chemicals] emissions, except for nitrogen oxides (NO(x)), compared with the base fuel. Although burning a fuel that contains oxygen could conceivably yield more oxygenated compounds in emissions, the oxygenate-blended diesel fuel resulted in reduced emissions of formaldehyde along with hydrocarbons such as benzene, 1,3-butadiene, and PAHs. Reductions in nitro-PAH emissions have been observed in both the cetane-enhanced and oxygenated fuels. This further demonstrates the benefits of using a cetane enhancer and the oxygenated fuel component.  相似文献   

An improved version of the constant volume sampling (CVS) methodology that overcomes a number of obstacles that exist with the current CVS dilution tunnel system used in most diesel and gasoline vehicle emissions test facilities is presented. The key feature of the new sampling system is the introduction of dilution air immediately at the vehicle tailpipe. In the present implementation, this is done concentrically through a cylindrical air filter. Elimination of the transfer hose conventionally used to connect the tailpipe to the dilution tunnel significantly reduces the hydrocarbon and particulate matter (PM) storage release artifacts that can lead to wildly incorrect particle number counts and to erroneous filter-collected PM mass. It provides accurate representations of particle size distributions for diesel vehicles by avoiding the particle coagulation that occurs in the transfer hose. Furthermore, it removes the variable delay time that otherwise exists between the time that emissions exit the tailpipe and when they are detected in the dilution tunnel. The performance of the improved CVS system is examined with respect to diesel, gasoline, and compressed natural gas vehicles.  相似文献   

A laboratory study was conducted to evaluate the potential for secondary organic aerosol formation from emissions from automotive exhaust. The goal was to determine to what extent photochemical oxidation products of these hydrocarbons contribute to secondary organic aerosol (SOA) and how well their formation is described by recently developed models for SOA formation. The quality of a surrogate was tested by comparing its reactivity with that from irradiations of authentic automobile exhaust. Experiments for secondary particle formation using the surrogate were conducted in a fixed volume reactor operated in a dynamic mode. The mass concentration of the aerosol was determined from measurements of organic carbon collected on quartz filters and was corrected for the presence of hydrogen, nitrogen, and oxygen atoms in the organic species. A functional group analysis of the aerosol made by Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy indicated  相似文献   

The spatial variability of highly time resolved size distributions was investigated in a narrow valley which provides the opportunity to study the impact of different sources on ambient particle concentrations during summer and winter time. The measurements were performed with a Fast Mobility Particle Sizer (FMPS) from TSI, Inc. on a mobile laboratory in Southern Switzerland. The results indicate enhanced number concentrations (between 150 000 and 500 000 cm?3) along the busy highway A2 which is the main transit route through the Swiss Alps connecting the northern and southern part of Switzerland. Especially the nanoparticles with diameters lower than 30 nm showed strongly increased number concentrations on the highway both in summer and winter. In winter time, high aerosol volume concentrations (PM0.3) were found in villages where wood burning is often used for heating purposes. Both traffic and wood burning were found to be important sources for particulate mass which accumulates during temperature inversions in winter time. Traffic was the dominant and wood burning a minor source for the nanoparticle number concentration. This is important regarding health impacts and its attribution to different sources because wood burning might contribute most to particulate mass whereas at the same time and place traffic contributes most to particulate number. In addition, during summer time volatility measurements were performed with the FMPS showing that the nucleation mode prevalently seen on the highway was removed by more than 95% by thermal treatment.  相似文献   

Long-term measurements of spectral atmospheric transparency are analysed to describe the aerosol size distribution as well as the aerosol optical thickness in the urban region of Bratislava city, capital of Slovak Republic. Aerosol characteristics are related to the most frequent air masses, especially to the continental polar (cP—with a 54% occurrence) and maritime polar (mP—with 34% occurrence), to the wind direction and speed, as well as to the relative humidity. Including both random and systematic errors of the observations into the calculation procedures, the aerosol optical thickness is obtained with approximately 4% error at all wavelengths. Averaged values of the aerosol optical thickness τa(λ) at reference wavelength λ=520 nm vary over a wide range, from 0.1 to 0.7. Besides, the aerosol optical thickness of the continental polar air mass is obviously higher than corresponding values in the maritime polar air mass. It is shown that the transformation inside the air mass reflects the changes of the optical characteristics of aerosols, especially during decay of air mass. The function τa(λ) seems to be monomodal in the majority of cases, with the mode position about λ≈400 nm for cP, and λ≈500 nm for mP. A value of power parameter δ of the function τa(λ)≈λδ is about 0.8–1.6 for maritime polar and about 0.3–1.2 for continental polar. Two simple model functions (Junge and gamma) are examined to find a best fit of real distribution retrieved from the aerosol optical thickness data using the inverse techniques based on Mellin transform. The gamma function much better than Junge's function supply the real aerosol component of all studied air masses (mainly for cP and mP). The average modal radius of gamma distribution practically does not exceed the value of 0.06 μm. Real distributions retrieved using a Mellin transform give an averaged morning value of particle modal radius rm about 0.084 μm, and averaged daily value rm about 0.054 μm.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - The Moravian-Silesian region of the Czech Republic with its capital city Ostrava is a European air pollution hot spot for airborne particulate matter...  相似文献   

A new setup has been developed and built to measure number size distributions of exhaust particles and thermodynamic parameters under real traffic conditions. Measurements have been performed using a diesel and a gasoline passenger car driving with different speeds and engine conditions. Significant number of nucleation mode particles was found only during high load conditions, i.e. high car and engine speeds behind the diesel car. The number concentration of soot mode particles varied within a factor of two for different engine conditions while the concentration of nucleation mode particles varied up to two orders of magnitude. The results show that roadside measurements are still quite different from those behind the tailpipe. Beside dilution transformation processes within the first meter behind the tailpipe also play an important role, such as nucleation and growth. Emission factors were calculated and compared with those obtained by other studies. Emission factors for particles larger than 25 nm (primary emissions) varied within 1.1 × 1014 km?1 and 2.7 × 1014 km?1 for the diesel car and between 0.6 × 1012 km?1 and 3.5 × 1012 km?1 for the gasoline car. The advantage of these measurements is the exhaust dilution under atmospheric conditions and the size-resolved measurement technique to divide into primary emitted and secondary formed particles.  相似文献   

The emission rate of particle-phase petroleum biomarkers in vehicular exhaust compared to the concentrations of these biomarkers in ambient air is used to determine the particulate organic compound concentration due to primary particle emissions from motor vehicles in the southern California atmosphere. A material balance on the organic particulate matter emitted from motor vehicle traffic in a Los Angeles highway tunnel first is constructed to show the proportion which is solvent-extractable and which will elute from a GC column, the ratio of resolved to unresolved compound mass, the portion of the resolved material that can be identified as single organic compounds, and the contribution of different classes of organic compounds to the overall identified fraction. It is shown that the outdoor ambient concentrations of the petroleum biomarkers track primary emissions measured in the highway tunnel, confirming that direct emissions of these compounds from vehicles govern the observed ambient petroleum biomarker concentrations. Using organic chemical tracer techniques, the portion of fine organic particulate matter in the Los Angeles atmosphere which is attributable to direct particle emissions from vehicle exhaust is calculated to vary from 7.5 to 18.3% at different sites throughout the air basin during a summertime severe photochemical smog episode. A similar level of variation in the contribution of primary motor vehicle exhaust to fine particulate organic matter concentrations during different times of day is seen. While peak atmospheric concentrations of fine particulate organic carbon are observed during the 1200–1600 PDT afternoon sampling period, only 6.3% of that material is apportioned to the directly emitted particles from vehicle exhaust. During the morning traffic peak between 0600–1000 PDT, 19.1% of the fine particulate organic material is traced to primary emissions from motor vehicles.  相似文献   

A methodology is presented for estimating emissions of passenger cars and light commercial vehicles complying with future European Union emission standards, which introduces appropriate reductions over the emission factors of existing vehicle technologies. For three-way catalyst gasoline vehicles, future real-world emissions are assumed to decrease by the same ratio as emission standards. Additionally, distinction is made between emissions during the thermally stabilised emission control system operation and emissions during the cold-start phase, where reductions are mainly due to the decreasing light-off time of future catalyst technologies. In case of diesel vehicles, some of the emission standards, such as 1993 CO, did not represent the actual emission level of vehicles at the time. Therefore, reductions brought over the 1993 emission factor are based both on relevant emission standards reductions and on technological considerations. In a second step, the derived emission factors are corrected to account for vehicle age and fuel quality effects. Vehicle age is introduced in the calculation via emission degradation functions of the total vehicle-accumulated mileage. The impact of improved fuels on the emissions of existing and future vehicle technologies is also modelled by applying correction factors depending on fuel specifications. A number of examples are given by applying the methodology on forecast activity data for different European countries to illustrate the expected effects of future vehicle technologies and fuels.  相似文献   

The southeastern aerosol and visibility study (SEAVS) was conducted in Great Smoky Mountains National Park in summer 1995 to investigate variations in ambient aerosol size distributions and their effect on visibility. In this paper, we compare dry aerosol size distribution parameters from a MOUDI impactor and two different optical particle counters (OPCs). Size distributions from the various instruments are expressed in a common measure of size, specifically, optical and aerodynamic diameters are converted to a dry, geometric diameter basis. Comparisons of the real part of particle refractive index obtained directly from light scattering measurements and inferred from aerosol composition measurements are also shown. Real refractive indices from direct measurements and those computed from measured fine aerosol chemical composition were generally within ±0.02. Maximum differences in estimated accumulation mode integrated volume concentrations from all instruments were within ∼22%. Accumulation mode integrated number concentrations and geometric standard deviations from the two OPCs agreed within ∼30% and ∼3%, respectively. Differences between MOUDI- and OPC-derived accumulation mode number concentrations and geometric standard deviations were ∼20% and ∼8%, respectively. The average geometric volume mean diameters derived from the three instruments agreed within 15% or less. The volume median diameters obtained by fitting the CSU number concentration data to a lognormal function were typically the smallest. We show that these discrepancies can be related to the differences and biases in the measurement and data analysis techniques.  相似文献   

The dispersion of a tracer gas emitted from a short stack on a cubical building was investigated using field and wind tunnel experiments. Air samples were obtained on the roof and the leeward side of the building. Dilution data were compared with estimates of minimum dilution (Dmin) obtained with design formulas of Wilson/Chui/Lamb and Halitsky. The Halitsky model produced conservative predictions of Dmin. Estimates of Dmin obtained with the Wilson/Chui/Lamb model were in reasonable agreement with the field data. Wind tunnel dilution values were usually within a factor of two of the field data. The accuracy of the wind tunnel data improved as distance from the source increased. Wind tunnel dilution was found to be strongly dependent on the ratio of exhaust speed to wind speed, M, particularly for M values in the range of 2–4. This dependence is believed to be associated with the wind tunnel modelling of the stack exhaust, and is thus probably not a feature of the full-scale situation.  相似文献   

Fuel-based emission factors for 143 light-duty gasoline vehicles (LDGVs) and 93 heavy-duty diesel trucks (HDDTs) were measured in Wilmington, CA using a zero-emission mobile measurement platform (MMP). The frequency distributions of emission factors of carbon monoxide (CO), nitrogen oxides (NO(x)), and particle mass with aerodynamic diameter below 2.5 microm (PM2.5) varied widely, whereas the average of the individual vehicle emission factors were comparable to those reported in previous tunnel and remote sensing studies as well as the predictions by Emission Factors (EMFAC) 2007 mobile source emission model for Los Angeles County. Variation in emissions due to different driving modes (idle, low- and high-speed acceleration, low- and high-speed cruise) was found to be relatively small in comparison to intervehicle variability and did not appear to interfere with the identification of high emitters, defined as the vehicles whose emissions were more than 5 times the fleet-average values. Using this definition, approximately 5% of the LDGVs and HDDTs measured were high emitters. Among the 143 LDGVs, the average emission factors of NO(x), black carbon (BC), PM2.5, and ultrafine particle (UFP) would be reduced by 34%, 39%, 44%, and 31%, respectively, by removing the highest 5% of emitting vehicles, whereas CO emission factor would be reduced by 50%. The emission distributions of the 93 HDDTs measured were even more skewed: approximately half of the NO(x) and CO fleet-average emission factors and more than 60% of PM2.5, UFP, and BC fleet-average emission factors would be reduced by eliminating the highest-emitting 5% HDDTs. Furthermore, high emissions of BC, PM2.5, and NO(x) tended to cluster among the same vehicles.  相似文献   

Aerosol distributions from two aircraft lidar campaigns conducted in the California Central Valley are compared in order to identify seasonal variations. Aircraft lidar flights were conducted in June 2003 and February 2007. While the ground PM2.5 (particulate matter with diameter  2.5 μm) concentration was highest in the winter, the aerosol optical depth (AOD) measured from the MODIS and lidar instruments was highest in the summer. A multiyear seasonal comparison shows that PM2.5 in the winter can exceed summer PM2.5 by 68%, while summer AOD from MODIS exceeds winter AOD by 29%. Warmer temperatures and wildfires in the summer produce elevated aerosol layers that are detected by satellite measurements, but not necessarily by surface particulate matter monitors. Temperature inversions, especially during the winter, contribute to higher PM2.5 measurements at the surface. Measurements of the mixing layer height from lidar instruments provide valuable information needed to understand the correlation between satellite measurements of AOD and in situ measurements of PM2.5. Lidar measurements also reflect the ammonium nitrate chemistry observed in the San Joaquin Valley, which may explain the discrepancy between the MODIS AOD and PM2.5 measurements.  相似文献   

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