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塔里木河下游的卡拉到罗布庄(台特马湖口),河道长度491kin,塔河中、上游大规模水土开发,使其下游的水量不断减少。从20世纪70年代开始,大西海子水库就成了塔里木河最终归宿地,两大沙漠在绿色走廊的多处合拢。绿色走廊生态危机已越来越显露出来,遏制塔河下游生态恶化趋势刻不容缓,重新构筑绿色长城不能在延误了。笔者于2002-10月和2004—05月先后两次对塔河中、下游地区进行实地考察,在实地考察和前人研究资料的基础上,对整治塔河上、中游,恢复和重建下游绿色走廊问题进行探讨。  相似文献   

在阐明塔里木河绿色屏障衰败、下游河床断流,河道退缩266km,绿色走廊濒临灭亡的严重后果的基础上,提出了:“在全流域的治理上,应把塔里木河干流的治理、恢复下游绿色走廊作为流域治理的首要任务给予优先考虑”的思想,并进而提出了“监控源流,着力治理干流”的指导思想。在治理对策上,提出了“开发与治理相结合,林、牧、农、副各业综合开发,设立‘塔河干流沿岸经济开发区’,用效益吸引投资,以开发带动治理”的设想。借以使保护塔河绿色屏障,恢复绿色走廊,改善沿岸人民生产和生活条件的目标能快速实现。  相似文献   

塔里木河胡杨林生境特性及其治理措施   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:10  
概述了塔里木河绿色走廊-胡杨林的分布、植物学、生物生态学特性,分析了塔河流域生境恶化的现状及原因,并提出治理和改善塔河生态环境,保护绿色走廊的措施和方法。  相似文献   

塔里木河下游应急输水植被恢复现状与问题   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
对塔里木河应急输水进行了介绍,比较了应急输水前后主要断面植被恢复状况,分析了应急输水后植被恢复的特征与存在的问题,提出了巩固植被恢复效果、扩大植被恢复面积及有效保护植被的措施和建议。  相似文献   

博斯腾湖在开都河-孔雀河流域乃至塔里木河下游的社会经济和生态环境保护中都具有举足轻重的作用,其水环境的良性循环对这一地区社会经济的可持续发展具有决定性的意义。针对博斯腾湖水环境现状及存在的问题,从维护生态稳定以及水资源可持续利用的角度,提出包括水利工程、生物措施及管理措施在内的水环境保护综合防治体系,并对可预期的治理效果进行初步分析,探讨构建一个适宜的博斯腾湖水环境保护方案,以达到逐步改善博斯腾湖水环境质量、维护其生态稳定的目的。  相似文献   

侯平  孙卫  李霞 《新疆环境保护》2004,26(Z1):125-131
在宏观生态系统的恢复中,通常关注的层面至多达到个体水平,即只计测个体的存在和测定所关注的可视特征,而忽略了个体的生理反应,特别是在实施恢复生态工程时,大规模地重新构造生物生活资源结构,常常难以估测这种变化对生物的有效性,加之可视生态效果表达的滞后性和可测试的复杂性,常常造成效果遗漏.因此,增加微观(细胞)层面的反应指示指标,可捕捉细微的个体反应,更准确的指征生态效果在个体上实现反应的可能性,这对于丰富恢复生态学理论是具有重大意义的.本文以塔里木河下游生态恢复工程为载体,探索了以内源保护酶系活力变化为指征的个体对生态输水的响应,结果表明超氧歧化酶(SOD)、过氧化物酶(POD)和膜脂过氧化产物丙二醛(MDA)不仅对累积输水效果具有指示性,而且对短期水干扰具有敏感的指示性,相关关系也因受水而强化.  相似文献   

塔里木河干流区退耕还林(草)改善生态措施探讨   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
在国家实施西部大开发战略,提出退耕还林(草),再造山川秀美的历史机遇面前,针对塔里木河干流区尤其是下游绿色走廊生态环境恶化的现实问题,分析产生问题的具体原因,阐明在合理开发、利用和配置水资源的前提下,退耕还林(草)是改善生态环境的有力措施以及实施退耕还林(草)对改善该区域生态环境的作用和意义,论述退耕还林(草)应掌握和处理好改善生态与经济发展、改善生态与农业结构调整、现代技术应用与传统方式的关系,探讨退耕还林(草)中合理的林草比例及科学的林草结合方式。  相似文献   

通过对雾灵山国家级自然保护区的调查,研究保护区的生态沿革,分析保护区的生态功能、生态作用等生态效应,针对当前所存在的草甸严重退化、动物种群密度降低、水量减少等生态问题,提出对保护区的生态环境应尽快制定环境保护规范化,建立生物多样性保护权威机构,实行社区共管,开展科学生态旅游等措施。  相似文献   

新疆孔雀河流域生态退化问题与保护恢复研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
保护孔雀河流域荒漠河岸林对阻挡库木塔格沙漠与塔克拉玛干沙漠合拢、维系塔里木河下游"绿色走廊"具有重要意义。本文对孔雀河流域生态问题进行了诊断分析,提出孔雀河流域的水资源过度开发已经超出了环境的承载能力,耕地面积的不断扩大和农业用水量的不断增加,强烈挤占了生态用水。产生这些问题与流域生态水权管理体制缺失,监管体系不健全有关。针对此,提出要改变以往完全依赖扩大种植面积实现经济增长的发展模式,控制流域灌溉面积;实现地表水、地下水两水统管;以水定地,积极推广节水技术;实施差别水价,建立生产用水的市场调节机制;加快孔雀河沿岸胡杨林区的"退耕、封井、还水"行动,构建孔雀河流域生态管护与合作机制,明晰孔雀河流域胡杨林生态管护的权责。  相似文献   

洪泽湖滞洪区建设工程对确保洪泽湖大堤安全、减轻洪泽湖防洪压力、减少洪水灾害及保护下游城市的安全起着十分重要的作用,工程建设势必对洪泽湖滞洪区的水环境产生一定的影响。通过洪泽湖滞洪区工程建设的施工期及运行期的水环境数学模型的模拟与评价,预测得出工程建设的施工期将会使局部地区地表水的SS提高,滞洪期洪水中的COD、氨氮和总磷都不达标。通过进一步评价得出,随着工程的完建运行和生态环境保护措施的实施,地表水环境将会重新恢复,使得水质达标,对于洪泽湖水环境管理和水利工程影响后评价具有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

塔里木河地处我国西北干旱区,是我国最长的内陆河。过去50a来由于大规模的不合理的水土资源开发和人类活动,导致塔里木河在以水资源开发利用为核心的大强度人类经济、社会活动的作用下,流域自然生态过程发生了显著变化。分析了塔里木河下游地下水位下降对绿洲农业生态环境的影响,提出了保障该地区生态和经济发展的对策与建议。  相似文献   

塔里木河流域的生态环境问题引起了国内外的普遍关注。为了维护下游日益劣变的生态环境,塔里木河流域管理局积极实施了塔里木河干流生态治理抢救工程,以增加向塔里木河下游的输水量,改善塔里木河流域下游绿色走廊的生态环境状况。自干流中游沙子河-乌斯满河-阿其克河口段河道整治工程竣工后,塔里木河干流向下游输水效率有了明显的提高。  相似文献   

塔里木河干流上游水资源现状探讨   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
只为了眼前的经济利益以及对水资源可持续利用、科学管理、优化配置认识不足,塔里木河干流上游大面积开荒等严重影响了水资源的合理调配及可持续利用。对塔里木河干流上游水资源利用现状进行分析,并提出了对现有水资源有效利用的对策,对进一步完善塔里木河流域综合治理、维护塔河干流水资源的可持续发展有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

Like other great desert rivers, the Colorado River in the United States and Mexico is highly regulated to provide water for human use. No water is officially allotted to support the natural ecosystems in the delta of the river in Mexico. However, precipitation is inherently variable in this watershed, and from 1981-2004, 15% of the mean annual flow of the Lower Colorado River has entered the riparian corridor below the last diversion point for water in Mexico. These flows include flood releases from US dams and much smaller administrative spills released back to the river from irrigators in the US and Mexico. These flows have germinated new cohorts of native cottonwood and willow trees and have established an active aquatic ecosystem in the riparian corridor in Mexico. We used ground and remote-sensing methods to determine the composition and fractional cover of the vegetation in the riparian corridor, its annual water consumption, and the sources of water that support the ecosystem. The study covered the period 2000-2004, a flood year followed by 4 dry years. The riparian corridor occupies 30,000ha between flood control levees in Mexico. Annual evapotranspiration (ET), estimated by Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectrometer (MODIS) satellite imagery calibrated against moisture flux tower data, was about 1.1myr(-1) and was fairly constant throughout the study period despite a paucity of surface flows 2001-2004. Total ET averaged 3.4x10(8)m(3)yr(-1), about 15% of Colorado River water entering Mexico from the US Surface flows could have played only a small part in supporting these high ET losses. We conclude that the riparian ET is supported mainly by the shallow regional aquifer, derived from agricultural return flows, that approaches the surface in the riparian zone. Nevertheless, surface flows are important in germinating cohorts of native trees, in washing salts from the soil and aquifer, and in providing aquatic habitat, thereby enriching the habitat value of the riparian corridor for birds and other wildlife. Conservation and water management strategies to enhance the delta habitats are discussed in light of the findings.  相似文献   

根据塔里木河下游的地下水位、植物调查数据,对比分析了塔里木河下游生态输水后地下水位、生物量、物种多样性变化。结果表明:实施生态输水工程后,地下水位对生态输水的响应显著,地下水位逐渐抬升,下降趋势得以控制。草本植物生物量的变化趋势与每次输水量变化趋势基本一致,即随着输水量的增加草本植物的生物量也相应增加,草本植物生物量对生态输水的响应程度与输水的时间、输水量的多少有密切关系。地下水位埋深上升,物种多样性也呈上升趋势,但二者并不是同步,物种多样性上升趋势滞后于地下水位的上升,这表明地下水位的抬升有利于植物多样性的增加,但是地下水位变化对植物多样性的影响是一个渐变的过程。  相似文献   

Infection by ectomycorrhizal (ECM) fungi may benefit hybrid poplar growing in contaminated soils by providing greater access to water and nutrients and possibly protecting the trees from direct contact with toxic contaminants. The objective of this research was to determine the effect of colonization of the ECM fungus Pisolithus tinctorius (Pers.) Coker & Couch on hybrid poplar fine root production, biomass and N and P uptake when grown in diesel-contaminated soil (5000 mg diesel fuel kg soil(-1)). Commercially available Mycogrow Tree Tabs were the source of inoculum. A minirhizotron camera was used to provide the data necessary for estimating fine root production. Colonization of hybrid poplar roots (P. deltoides x [P. laurifolia x P. nigra] cv. Walker) by P. tinctorius increased total fine root production in diesel-contaminated soil to 56.58 g m(-2) compared to 22.59 g m(-2) in the uncolonized, diesel-contaminated treatment. Hybrid poplar leaf N and P concentrations were significantly greater in the diesel-contaminated/ECM-colonized treatment compared to the diesel-contaminated/uncolonized treatment after 12 wk, while significantly less diesel fuel was recovered from the soil of the uncolonized treatment compared to the colonized treatment. Both planted treatments removed more contaminants from the soil than an unplanted control. Significantly greater concentrations of total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH) were found sequestered in hybrid poplar root/fungal-sheath complexes from the colonized treatment compared to the roots of the uncolonized treatment. The results of this study indicate that over a 12-wk growth period, ECM colonization of hybrid poplar in diesel-contaminated soils increased fine root production and whole-plant biomass, but inhibited removal of TPH from the soil.  相似文献   

塔里木河中下游的生态环境问题初探   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:8  
水资源的不合理开发和乱砍滥伐等人为因素导致了塔里木河流域的生态失衡,影响了南疆,甚至整个新疆的经济和社会发展。通过对塔里木河中、下游的生态环境存在问题的综述,探讨了该流域生态环境恶化的主要原因,并对它的保护和改善提出了建议。  相似文献   

Contamination of soil by hazardous substances poses a significant threat to human, environmental, and ecological health. Cleanup of the contaminants using destructive, invasive technologies has proven to be expensive and more importantly, often damaging to the natural resource properties of the soil, sediment, or aquifer. Phytoremediation is defined as the cleanup of contaminated sites using plants. There has been evidence of enhanced polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) degradation in rhizosphere soils for a limited number of plants. However, research focusing on the degradation of PAHs in the rhizosphere of trees is lacking. The objective of this study was to assess the potential use of trees to enhance degradation of PAHs located in manufactured gas plant-impacted soils. In greenhouse studies with intact soil cores, acenaphthene, anthracene, fluoranthene, naphthalene, and phenanthrene decreased significantly (p < 0.05) in green ash (Fraxinus pennsylvanica Marshall) and hybrid poplar (Populus deltoides x P. nigra DN 34) phytoremediation treatments when compared to the unplanted soil control. Increases in PAH microbial degraders in rhizosphere soil were observed when compared to unvegetated soil controls. In addition, the rate of degradation or biotransformation of PAHs was greatest for soils with black willow (Salix nigra Marshall), followed by poplar, ash, and the unvegetated controls. These results support the hypothesis that a variety of plants can enhance the degradation of target PAHs in soil.  相似文献   

新疆和田河绿色走廊演变机制及生态环境保护初析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
和田河绿色走廊是塔里木盆地中南北穿越塔克拉玛干沙漠的三条绿色走廊之一,具有重要的政治经济、生态、交通意义。绿色走廊的演变受到构造运动、气候波动和人为干扰等因素的影响。其中,人为干扰是绿色走廊现代生态环境演变过程中最重要最活跃的控制因素。建议加强流域水资源总体规划与统筹管理,兼顾生产、生活和生态用水,逐步改变农村居民燃料能源结构,从而保护绿色走廊生态健康。  相似文献   

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