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服役环境下镁合金材料腐蚀的研究   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
通过对服役环境中镁合金材料出现的腐蚀问题的分析,认为点蚀、电偶腐蚀及腐蚀疲劳是镁合金材料腐蚀的主要形式,并对其研究情况进行了总结。同时,对大量的国内外有关资料进行研究,认为电偶腐蚀和腐蚀疲劳的特点及机理的研究将成为进一步研究镁合金腐蚀的重点。  相似文献   

The present study investigates the effect of tool shoulder profile on the mechanical and tribological properties of friction stir processed AZ31B magnesium alloy. The tool rotational speed and feed rate are the chosen process parameters. The experiments were conducted with 3 level 2 factors full factorial design. The recorded responses were tensile strength, wear losses and corrosion rate. The results were analyzed with the help microstructures of the processed samples. The study reveals that, for concave shoulder tool, the strain hardening effect was playing a major role in determining the properties of the processed materials and for the step shoulder tool, the grain size plays a major role in determining the properties of the processed materials.  相似文献   

The magnesium sea water battery belongs to a kind of reserved battery, which takes the active metal such as magnesium alloy as the anode based on the sea water as the electrolyte. Experiments of magnesium alloy sea water battery were carried out and its electrochemical performance was studied. Thin sheets of Mg-Al-Zn and Mg-Mn series of magnesium alloy were fabricated and used as the anode of magnesium battery. The discharging voltage and current were measured for different composition and thickness of Mg alloy sheet under various surface state, temperature as well as electrolyte. The effect of the temperature, the surface condition and the electrolyte to the electrical current and voltage were investigated. Anodic dissolution and mechanism of activation of Mg alloy anode were discussed based on surface microstructure observation. The feasibility to apply magnesium alloy sheet to highly effective sea water battery was verified.  相似文献   

针对电解海水防污工艺中钛阳极经常遇到的Mn2+污染问题,本文首先对实际运行失效的钛阳极进行分析,再在实验室模拟钛阳极在含Mn2+的海水中的电解失效情况.通过电流效率测试,电化学交流阻抗谱测试,SEM,电子探针等测试方法详细考察了海水中的杂质Mn2+对涂层阳极性能的影响.结果表明,海水中Mn2+的存在是导致钛阳极失效的重要原因.电解过程中,Mn2+在阳极形成MnO2沉积层,增大阳极表面电阻,降低了阳极的电流效率;另一方面,MnO2的形成也会影响阳极表面的电流的均匀分布,导致阳极涂层机械破裂,加速阳极涂层失效.  相似文献   

In the present study, a 2-D finite-element method (FEM) thermal-fluid-stress model has been developed and validated for the twin roll casting (TRC) of AZ31 magnesium alloy. The model was then used to quantify how the thermo-mechanical history experienced by the strip during TRC would change as the equipment was scaled up from a laboratory size (roll diameter = 355 mm) to a pilot scale (roll diameter = 600 mm) and to an industrial scale (roll diameter = 1150 mm) machine. The model predictions showed that the thermal history and solidification cooling rate experienced by the strip are not affected significantly by caster scale-up. However, the mechanical history experienced by the strip did change remarkably depending on the roll diameters. Casting with bigger rolls led to the development of higher stress levels at the strip surface. The roll separating force/mm width of strip was also predicted to increase significantly when the TRC was scaled to larger sizes. Using the model predicted results, the effect of both casting speed and roll diameter was integrated into an empirical equation to predict the exit temperature and the roll separating force for AZ31. Using this approach, a TRC process map was generated for AZ31 which included roll diameter and casting speed.  相似文献   

研究了阳极所处位置对新型厌氧折流板-生物电Fenton(ABR-BEF)系统处理中药废水效能与产电能力的影响,并对各格室污泥的疏松胞外聚合物(LB-EPS)及紧密胞外聚合物(TB-EPS)组分情况进行了分析,继而通过高通量测序技术对系统中微生物群落演替进行了探讨.结果表明,当将阳极电极位置由系统的第4格室调整到第3、第2格室后,由于阳极与阴极距离的增大,COD平均去除率由原来的90%分别下降到70%和65%;输出电压由149.8mV降至95.3mV、50.0mV左右,同时最大功率密度由76.78mW/m3减少到55.57mW/m3和52.87mW/m3;但阴极室对邻苯二酚的降解率仍保持在95%左右.改变阳极位置后LB-EPS、TB-EPS中蛋白质含量均下降,TB-EPS尤为明显;而对于多糖而言,阳极在第3号格室时,各组分多糖含量最高.阳极位置由第4格室改为第2格室后,第1到第4格室甲烷丝状菌属(Methanothrix)所占比例分别增大到71.09%、72.47%、58.03%和76.79%;在总细菌纲水平上产电菌所属的d变形菌纲(Deltaproteobacteria)在第1到第4格室中分别减少了2.54%、6.06%、4.40%和4.87%,阳极与阴极距离的增大使得产电菌数量减少,这成为该系统产电能力下降的重要原因.  相似文献   

硫酸镁对湿式石灰石烟气脱硫过程的影响研究   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
以旋流板塔为吸收器,探讨了硫酸镁对湿式石灰石烟气脱硫过程浆液pH值、脱硫率及石灰石利用率等的影响。实验表明,硫酸镁能促进石灰石等的溶解,延缓浆液pH值的下降,有效提高脱硫率。依据实验结果,分析了过程机理,计算对比了不同深度硫酸镁强化下石灰石的利用率随pH值的变化情况,综合考虑脱硫率和石灰石利用率等因素,确定适宜的pH值操作范围为5-6.  相似文献   

It is important to research the effect of die structures parameters for equal channel angular extrusion (ECAE) on the deformation behavior, strain distribution and loads requirement. ECAE is an extrusion process widely researched for its potential to produce ultra-fine grained microstructures in magnesium alloys. In this paper some three-dimensional (3D) geometric models with different corner angles 90° and 135° and with fillets or not in the bottom die were designed by UG software. Some important isothermal process parameters were regarded as basal conditions used in DEFORM?-3D software such as temperatures, the friction coefficient, and extrusion speed. The deformation heterogeneity of ECAE was analyzed from the simulation and experimental results. The deformation homogeneity caused by the EACE die with fillets was improved comparing with the die without fillets. But the cumulative maximum strains decreased. The requirement extrusion force decreased with the fillets and channel angle increase in ECAE die. From the simulation and experimental results the smaller channel angle can obtain the higher cumulative strains and produce tinier subgrains. The loads of top die decrease mainly with fillets. The ECAE die with the channel angle 90° and fillets is good to improve the plasticity and deformation homogeneity of the billets if the extrusion force is enough. It was demonstrated that the simulation results were in good agreement with experimental results and the theoretical calculation.  相似文献   

固体添加剂对煤气化过程中痕量元素的控制研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
基于改进的地球化学富集因子(MGEF),采用氢化物发生器和原子荧光光谱法联用(HD-AFS)和电感耦合等离子发射光谱法(ICP-AES)测定了原煤和气化产生的灰焦中AS、Cd、Co、Cr、Cu、Mn、Hg、Pb、V、Se、Sr、Zn12种痕量元素含量,研究了石灰石、白云石、碳酸钠3种固体添加剂对痕量元素的控制规律,发现不同添加剂对痕量元素具有不同的抑制效果.向煤中添加石灰石和白云石后,几乎所有痕量元素在灰焦中的MGEF都增加.石灰石分解形成的CaO对AS、Co、Cr、Se、Zn的吸附既有物理吸附,也有化学吸附;对Cd、Cu、Hg、Pb、V、Sr的吸附主要是物理吸附,并且CaO对Cd、Cu、V的吸附能力大于Hg、Pb、Sr.白云石对AS、Co、Cr、Hg、Pb、V、Zn的抑制效果比石灰石好,但对Cu、Se、Sr抑制效果不及石灰石.向煤中添加碳酸钠后,灰焦中AS、Cd、Cr、Pb、Se的MGEF减少,Zn的MGEF增加,Co、Cu、Hg、V、Sr的MGEF变化不大.  相似文献   

富里酸对小麦植株积累稀土元素的影响   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
从我国东北黑土中提取和纯化富里酸。采用水培方法研究了富里酸对小麦植株生物积累稀土元素(La^3 ,Ce^3 ,Sm^3 ,Gd^3 ,Y^3 )的影响。结果表明,在所试验的多种浓度中,当富里酸浓度低于0.26mg(C)/L时,小麦积累稀土元素受到促进;而当富里酸浓度大于0.65mg(C)/L时,稀土元素在小麦植株中的积累受到抑制;富里酸对小麦积累稀土“高抑低促”的分界浓度介于0.26——0.65mg(C)/L之间。生长动态实验表明,小麦在含有2.0mg/L稀土和两种浓度(0.13和1.30mg(C)/L)的富里酸的营养液中生长,根部对稀土的积累呈线性增长规律(相关系数大于0.86),茎叶部对稀土的积累无线性增长规律,小麦根部对稀土的积累远高于茎叶部,同样观察到富里酸对小麦积累稀土存在“高抑低促”的生物效应。  相似文献   


人工湿地-微生物燃料电池(constructed wetland-microbial fuel cell, CW-MFC)耦合系统是人工湿地和生物电化学技术的有机结合,其中阳极是限制耦合系统输出功率和污染物净化性能的关键因素。构建了未加入颗粒活性炭(CW-MFC1)和加入颗粒活性炭(CW-MFC2)2套耦合系统以探讨阳极加入颗粒活性炭对耦合系统产电和脱氮性能的影响,并利用高通量测序技术对比分析2套系统阳极和阴极微生物群落组成。结果表明:CW-MFC2耦合系统的输出电压和最大功率密度(430 mV,8.39 mW/m2)高于CW-MFC1(379 mV,7.77 mW/m2)。试验运行前期(0 ~29 d),CW-MFC2耦合系统的氨氮去除率为65.72%±3.06%,显著高于CW-MFC1(56.06%±3.71%),而二者的总氮去除率相差不大;随着时间的推移(30 ~105 d),CW-MFC1耦合系统的氨氮和总氮去除率逐渐高于CW-MFC2,尤其是总氮去除更为显著(CW-MFC1为42.69%±4.19%,CW-MFC2为32.50%±11.51%)。高通量测序结果表明,CW-MFC1阳极富集的不动杆菌属以及阴极大量的反硝化菌(巨大芽殖杆菌属、地杆菌属、黄杆菌属、不动杆菌属和脱氯单胞菌属等)的富集可能是其脱氮性能优于CW-MFC2的主要原因。综上,阳极加入颗粒活性炭可提升CW-MFC耦合系统的产电性能,但不利于生物脱氮过程。


研究了氯霉素对沉积物中细菌总教、碱性磷酸酶活性及沉积物呼吸作用的影响表明氯霉素对沉积物细莆总数的影响呈现显著的浓度效应,在低浓度时影响不大,但在高浓度时抑制作用很显著;氯霉素在高浓度下对碱性磷酸酶活性具有抑制作用,且随着药物浓度的增加和时间的延长抑制作用加大;氯霉素对沉积物呼吸作用强度的影响,表现为非持续性的影响,尤其对于低浓度氯霉素来说,随着降解或者抗性种群的增加,呼吸作用逐渐恢复正常.而高浓度氯霉素对呼吸作用的影响时间则要长一些,影响程度也更大一些.  相似文献   

为阐明不同稀土处理对梅园土壤动物群落组成的影响,采用手拣法、干漏斗法和湿漏斗法对梅园各稀土处理区土壤动物群落组成进行系统调查,共得土壤动物标本8076个,隶属于4门15纲31目.其中昆虫纲物种最为丰富,有12目,占全部种群数的58.41%;;鞘翅目、膜翅目、蜱螨目、双翅目和弹尾纲等5种优势类群占土壤动物个体总数的81.44%.5种稀土处理区中,杂食性土壤动物功能团所占的比例均高于植食性功能团所占的比例,且杂食性土壤动物所占的比例依次为对照区(CK)(La处理区(下同)(Ce区(Pr区(Nd区(Sm区.不同浓度稀土处理区中土壤动物类群和个体数量均随着稀土浓度增加而减少,杂食性功能团所占的比例也高于植食性功能团所占的比例,且杂食性功能团所占的比例依次为对照区(CK)(25区(mg·kg-1处理区,下同)(50区(100区(500区(1000区(2000区(3000区.以Pr处理后的土壤动物物种数多,个体数量大,优势集中性指数高,优势物种优势性极明显,其它4种稀土在类群数、个体数、优势集中性指数和优势类群优势性和Pr规律基本相同,依次为Nd、Sm、Ce和La,但均比CK小.因此,5种稀土及其不同浓度处理区土壤动物群...  相似文献   

以果糖为还原剂和表面活性剂,可控合成了平均粒径小于14.6nm的金银(Au-Ag)合金纳米颗粒.基于一步法,改变合成时间(1~8min),Au-Ag合金纳米颗粒的成分及其表面等离子共振(SPR)波长被连续调控.采用UV-Vis、EDX、ICP、XPS、TEM、HR-TEM和SAED等分析手段对Au-Ag合金纳米颗粒进行表征,发现制备的合金纳米颗粒具有均匀的成分和合金结构.由于Au、Ag两元素的协同作用,Au-Ag合金纳米颗粒在4-硝基苯酚的光催化降解反应中表现出了优异的光催化活性和稳定性.除了改变Au-Ag合金纳米颗粒的添加量,光催化反应的动力学速率常数还可通过改变合金成分来线性调节.基于可控合成,动力学速率常数甚至可通过Au-Ag合金纳米颗粒的合成时间来线性调控.上述控制动力学速率常数的方法可为其他的光催化反应提供参考.  相似文献   

A comprehensive two-dimensional (2D) mathematical model based on the ANSYS software has been developed for the computation of the thermomechanical state of the solidifying strand during direct-chill (DC) casting of abnormity ingots and during subsequent cooling. Stress and the strain formation mechanism had been studied. The boundary and initial conditions used for primary and secondary cooling were based on the heat transfer during the solidification of the billet. The effects of casting parameters on the distribution of temperature and stress were researched, which helped to optimize the casting parameters (casting speed, pouring temperature, length of crystallizer, and so on). The simulation results of thermal stress and strain field gave a better understanding of the formation mechanism of some casting defects, which was very useful for optimizing casting parameters and obtaining high-quality billets.  相似文献   

Unsatisfactory corrosion resistance is one of the major disadvantages of magnesium alloys that impede their wide application. Microstructural changes, especially grain sizes, of Mg alloys have significant influence on their corrosion resistance. Cryogenic machining was reported to effectively induce grain refinement on Mg alloys and has a potential to improve their corrosion resistance. It is important to model these changes so that proper machining conditions can be found to enhance the corrosion rate of Mg alloys. In this paper, a preliminary study was conducted to model the microstructural changes of AZ31B Mg alloy during dry and cryogenic machining using the finite element (FE) method and a user subroutine based on the dynamic recrystallization (DRX) mechanism of Mg alloys. Good agreement in terms of grain size and affected layer thickness was found between experimental and predicted results. A numerical study was conducted using this model to investigate the influence of rake angle on microstructural changes after cryogenic machining.  相似文献   

为研究土地利用和地形特征对袁河水体溶解态金属元素的影响,在2018年7月和2019年1月于袁河干流及支流设置38个采样点采集表层水样,测定金属元素Al、Fe、Cr、Mn、Cd、As、Tl和Ni的浓度.采用相关分析、偏最小二乘结构方程模型与方差分解等方法探讨缓冲区和子流域尺度土地利用和地形特征对金属元素的影响.结果表明:...  相似文献   

目的制备一种新型功能化离子液体修饰层状复合材料,研究其对L-酪氨酸(L-Tyr)的电催化氧化行为。方法通过静电自组装方式将氮氧自由基功能化离子液体(TEMPO-IL)与钙铌酸钾(KCa_2Nb_3O_(10))进行复合,并运用XRD,FTIR,SEM,HRTEM等测试手段对所作材料的微观形貌和结构进行分析表征。另外,将其作为电极修饰剂修饰于电极表面通过电化学工作站测试其电化学性质。结果该修饰电极对于电催化氧化L-Tyr有着较高的电化学活性。同时实验还表明,当L-Tyr的浓度在1×10~(-4)~1.16×10~(-2) mol/L之间时,峰电流值与L-Tyr浓度呈良好的线性相关,检测下限为6.2×10~(-5) mol/L(信噪比为3)。结论静电自组装是一种能够快捷、高效的制备层状复合材料方法,且得到的复合材料显示出在生物传感器方面的应用前景。  相似文献   

对脉冲变频电磁场作用下,扫描频率和磁感应强度的变化对水华鱼腥藻细胞活性和生长的影响进行了研究。结果显示,扫描频率从25-27 Hz增大到1-60 kHz时,磁场对藻细胞活性的抑制作用减小,但增大到60 kHz以上,磁场对藻细胞产生强烈抑制作用,累积水力停留时间4 min的藻样在48 h培养时间内已失去活性停止生长。扫描频率为50-100 Hz和1-60 kHz时,累积水力停留时间2 min的藻样,细胞受到磁场刺激生长加快;只有累积水力停留时间〉6 min,才表现出对藻活性的抑制作用。磁感应强度增大至120 G,磁场对细胞活性产生明显抑制作用,增大磁感应强度有利于对细胞活性和生长的抑制。  相似文献   

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