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针对水下卧式采油树安装过程风险大及其风险评估缺乏分析数据难以进行定量计算的问题,在事故树定性分析的基础上,建立了AHP-TOPSIS综合评判指标体系,对水下卧式采油树的安装过程进行风险评估。根据定性分析结果得出定位、锁紧、密封、下放工具与组件连接失效4个关键事件及其影响因素。通过AHP法确定影响因素的权重,结合TOPSIS原理构建AHP-TOPSIS综合模型,计算各个组件下放失效的综合优势度。采用AHP-TOPSIS方法实现了多风险因素的定量风险评估。对水下卧式采油树安装过程风险进行评估,结果表明,树体、油管挂、阻塞器和内帽的风险值相近,油管挂风险值最高,外帽的风险值最小。  相似文献   

据统计,钻井过程是海上井喷事故的高发阶段,为保障钻井安全进行,安装了节流管线、防喷器等安全屏障减缓系统风险,安全屏障的可靠性直接影响钻井安全。利用贝叶斯—LOPA方法建立深水钻井安全屏障可靠性分析模型,以储层-溢流-井涌-井喷为事件链,运用三级井控理论建立独立保护层,每一保护层运用贝叶斯网络方法计算失效概率。在GeNIe软件中完成模型建立,并且完成后验概率计算、敏感性分析、影响力分析。通过分析计算结果给出风险控制关键事件和风险减缓措施,为钻井现场安全工作提出指导意见,确保深水钻井安全有序进行。  相似文献   

为研究海底油气管道泄漏事故风险的动态性,预防重大事故发生,针对传统风险分析方法的局限性,基于安全屏障和事件树分析,建立海底管道泄漏事件序列模型。根据事故先兆数据和贝叶斯理论,对安全屏障的失效概率进行实时动态更新。最后,由事件树的逻辑关系得出不同泄漏场景的发生概率。结果表明:用上述的基于事件序列模型和贝叶斯理论的方法,能够克服传统风险分析方法的不足,描述不同泄漏场景发生概率随时间变化的动态特征,实现对海底管道泄漏事故风险的动态分析。  相似文献   

为解决数据稀缺情况下的浮式生产系统(FPSO)油气泄漏重大事故风险评价问题,引入新的层次贝叶斯风险分析(HBA)方法。首先,基于安全屏障和事件树分析,建立FPSO油气泄漏事件序列模型;其次,根据事故先兆数据和贝叶斯推断,对安全屏障的先验分布增加一层估计,得到FPSO油气泄漏连锁事故的发生概率;最后,通过实时更新屏障失效概率,实现对FPSO事故风险的动态定量分析。结果表明:HBA法可以充分利用稀缺数据,并从相关数据中添加先验信息,得到各参数的后验概率,并据此确定,初始的油气泄漏大多会演变为大范围泄漏和小范围火灾。  相似文献   

海上平台采油树系统是油气生产的重要设备之一。为研究证据实时更新的采油树系统动态风险评估问题,提出了基于动态贝叶斯网络、物元理论和证据理论的海上平台采油树系统动态风险评估方法。首先,根据采油树结构组成和故障率等,建立动态贝叶斯网络结构模型和参数模型;其次,依据物元理论对各故障模式的失效后果进行量化分析;最后,将新加入的证据转化为风险区间,计算采油树系统的风险区间,并对风险进行预测。以某采油树为例,对构建的模型进行了实证研究。结果表明:失效后果最严重的关键部件是采油树本体;对于采油树系统的各类阀门,最主要的故障模式是开关故障和阀门外漏;随着新证据的增加,风险区间的不确定性减小;采油树系统的套管翼阀、节流阀和地面安全阀风险偏高,需要采取相应的预防措施,以保证采油树系统的安全可靠运行。  相似文献   

井喷是海上钻井平台的重要威胁,而人因失误又是造成井喷的主要原因,所以对井喷事故人因失误分析对指导海上钻井安全有重要意义。本文建立了井喷事故人因失误类故障树模型,并对此进行定量分析。根据井喷事故的4个指标并结合风险图得到降低风险所需的置信水平,然后使用训练屏障和 GPS 定位屏障将风险降低到可接受水平。最后通过蝴蝶结模型将安全屏障对风险的影响清楚的展示出来,为人因失误的预防和控制提供指导。  相似文献   

为预防滩海油气管道泄漏事故的发生,提出基于复杂网络和故障模式影响及危害分析(FMECA)的连锁风险演化评估方法。依据滩海油气管道的结构组成,考虑自然环境、内外腐蚀、第三方破坏和人因组织风险,结合泄漏事故发展流程和风险因素逻辑关系,构建滩海管道泄漏复杂网络模型;引入风险熵和FMECA方法,衡量风险传递过程中节点事件的可能性及严重程度;给出风险传递路径最大可能性的表达式,通过Dijkstra算法计算泄漏演化的最短路径,辨识多节点所形成的最可能失效模式。结果表明:各类初始事件对管道泄漏的影响差异较大,以人因组织类的作业组织不合理作为初始事件引发管道泄漏的概率为5.20×10~(-3),其对管道泄漏的影响最大。  相似文献   

为了研究安全屏障在蒸气云爆炸事故中的控制效果,运用蝴蝶结法、TNT当量法建立研究模式,计算安全屏障作用下的事故概率、分析事故后果,并结合风险矩阵从概率和后果方面评价其风险程度。以事故概率、风险程度为指标,表征、分析安全屏障的控制效果,并对较高、高风险提出控制措施。将该模式应用于实例分析,结果表明该企业的安全屏障可以降低事故的发生概率。但是由于后果严重度的影响,其风险程度仍处于较高水平,需要进一步加强安全措施。  相似文献   

为量化滩海油气管道泄漏风险,提出一种结合改进证据理论和贝叶斯网络的风险评价模型。通过构建滩海管道泄漏风险指标体系、安全屏障模型,确定贝叶斯网络拓扑结构。引入改进证据理论融合专家打分意见,确定节点先验概率与条件概率,由贝叶斯网络正反推断出滩海管道的泄漏风险与风险因子敏感性。模型可准确计算管道泄漏风险值且降低意见均衡化与评价的主观性。为验证模型的适用性,计算了某滩海管道泄漏风险值,结果显示该海域管段的泄漏风险值为0.001 52。  相似文献   

海上油气田在投产初期,工程、生产和钻完井同步进行,存在大量联合作业,风险高,如果管控不到位,极易发生生产安全事故。系统分析了海上油气田投产初期联合作业特点及存在的风险,对联合作业安全管理模式进行了探讨。  相似文献   

Blowout is one of the most serious accidents in the offshore oil and gas industry. Accident records show that most of the offshore blowouts have occurred in the drilling phase. Efficient measures to prevent, mitigate, and control offshore drilling blowouts are important for the entire offshore oil and gas industry. This article proposes a new barrier-based accident model for drilling blowouts. The model is based on the three-level well control theory, and primary and secondary well control barriers and an extra well monitoring barrier are established between the reservoir and the blowout event. The three barriers are illustrated in a graphical model that is similar to the well-known Swiss cheese model. Five additional barriers are established to mitigate and control the blowout accident, and event tree analysis is used to analyze the possible consequence chains. Based on statistical data and literature reviews, failures of each barrier are presented. These failures can be used as guidance for offshore drilling operators to become aware of the vulnerabilities of the safety barrier system, and to assess the risk related to these barriers. The Macondo accident is used as a case study to show how the new model can be used to understand the development of the events leading to the accident. The model can also be used as an aid to prevent future blowouts or to stop the escalation of events.  相似文献   

为保证自升式钻井平台安全就位并覆盖海上生产平台井槽进行钻完井作业,研究自升式钻井平台就位及插桩作业过程中的风险及应对措施,提出考虑就位作业误差影响下的自升式钻井平台覆盖能力要求计算方法。结果表明:桩腿穿刺是自升式钻井平台就位安全的首要考虑因素;就位作业误差会明显提高对自升式钻井平台覆盖能力的要求;提出的方法可以准确计算出实际作业对自升式钻井平台横向和纵向覆盖能力的要求,对自升式钻井平台选型及安全作业具有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

An integrated approach for performance assessment and management of safety barriers in a systemic manner is needed concerning the prevention and mitigation of major accidents in chemical process industries. Particularly, the effects of safety barriers on system risk reduction should be assessed in a dynamic manner to support the decision-making on safety barrier establishments and improvements. A simulation approach, named Simulink-based Safety Barrier Modeling (SSBM), is proposed in this paper to conduct dynamic risk assessment of chemical facilities with the consideration of the degradation of safety barriers. The main functional features of the SSBM include i) the basic model structures of SSBM can be determined based on bow-tie diagrams, ii) multiple data (periodic proof test data, continuous condition-monitoring data, and accident precursor data) may be combined to update barrier failure probabilities and initiating event probabilities, iii) SSBM is able to handle uncertainty propagation in probabilistic risk assessment by using Monte Carlo simulations, and iv) cost-effectiveness analysis (CEA) and optimization algorithms are integrated to support the decision-making on safety barrier establishments and improvements. An illustrative case study is demonstrated to show the procedures of applying the SSBM on dynamic risk-informed safety barrier management and validate the feasibility of implementing the SSBM for cost-effective safety barrier optimization.  相似文献   

海上钻井平台安全风险预警模型应用研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
2010年美国墨西哥湾“深水地平线”钻井平台爆炸和2011年我国蓬莱钻井平台井涌事故,引发社会各界对海上钻井平台安全问题的关注.介绍了海洋钻井平台的组成结构,对海洋钻井平台的危险源进行了系统辨识,试图通过对海上钻井平台作业现场危险因素加以观察,诊断、分析警源、警情,警兆,警级,结合专家意见,从人员、设施设备、安全管理、工程地质、海上环境等几个方面建立海上钻井平台安全风险预警体系,采用改进的层次分析法,得出指标权重,构建海洋钻井平台安全风险预警模型,得到量化的预警结果.并通过对某钻井平台的实例分析,提出安全风险的预控对策,以期本模型对海上钻井平台的事故的发生起到一定的防范作用.  相似文献   

高速铁路信号系统要通过安全管理来保障其开发与运行中的安全相关活动符合系统安全计划的要求。为了评估安全管理活动的可信性,提出基于系统安全分析技术的安全管理评价方法。通过建立安全管理流程与系统安全功能相关联的概念模型,使用安全文化危险与可操作性研究(SCHAZOP)辨识出安全管理流程中的行为偏差,基于失效传导转换符号(FPTN)建立管理角色的安全文化失效模型,最终将管理行为失效模式转换成组件故障树作为安全管理评价证据。研究结果表明,安全管理行为偏差体现了信号系统开发与运营过程中的安全文化特征;辨识与分析安全文化失效,为信号系统安全管理活动的可信性提供了评价依据。  相似文献   

传统钻井动态风险评估严重依赖于专家主观判断、结果大多是定性或半定量,无法满足深井复杂地层钻井安全需求。针对该问题,研究建立了基于PSO优化BP神经网络的钻井动态风险评估方法。通过对录井资料的监测分析,实时判断井下风险发生的类型并定量计算风险发生概率,可以在风险发生的早期给出预警信息,及时指导风险调控措施的开展。海上BD气田的实例分析表明,基于构建的动态风险评估模型得到的风险预测结果与实际风险发生情况相符合,说明建立的模型是合理可行的。该模型对于钻井作业过程中动态风险评估具有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

IntroductionDespite the numerous safety studies done on traffic barriers’ performance assessment, the effect of variables such as traffic barrier’s height has not been identified considering a comprehensive actual crash data analysis. This study seeks to identify the impact of geometric variables (i.e., height, post-spacing, sideslope ratio, and lateral offset) on median traffic barriers’ performance in crashes on interstate roads.MethodGeometric dimensions of over 110 miles median traffic barriers on interstate Wyoming roads were inventoried in a field survey between 2016 and 2018. Then, the traffic barrier data collected was combined with historical crash records, traffic volume data, road geometric characteristics, and weather condition data to provide a comprehensive dataset for the analysis. Finally, an ordered logit model with random-parameters was developed for the severity of traffic barrier crashes. Based on the results, traffic barrier’s height was found to impact crash severity.ResultsCrashes involving cable barriers with a height between 30″ and 42″ were less severe than other traffic barrier types, while concrete barriers with a height shorter than 32″ were more likely involved with severe injury crashes. As another important finding, the post-spacing of 6.1–6.3 ft. was identified as the least severe range in W-beam barriers.Practical applicationsThe results show that using flare barriers should reduce the number of crashes compared to parallel barriers.  相似文献   

为了有效预测海上气井环空带压油套管柱潜在失效风险及安全管理环空压力,提出1种基于井口压力、温度和液位多参数监测的海上气井环空带压油套管柱动态安全评价技术。首先,结合气井生产状态参数和完井信息,建立气井井筒压力分布计算方法;然后,根据力学知识分析气井环空带压油套管柱应力场特点,进而提出利用环空带压井油套管柱安全系数作为油套管柱失效评价依据;最终,开发海上气井环空带压安全监测系统并开展现场案例井分析。研究结果表明:监测系统能够准确获取环空带压状态参数,通过环空压力状态变化分析阐述“A”环空带压机理为泄漏点处油套管之间压力平衡的保持;结合实际井口环空压力监测数据,井筒安全系数能够实时表征油套管柱安全状态。  相似文献   

Objective: This article aims to evaluate the safety performance of cable median barriers on freeways in Florida.

Method: The safety performance evaluation was based on the percentages of barrier and median crossovers by vehicle type, crash severity, and cable median barrier type (Trinity Cable Safety System [CASS] and Gibraltar system). Twenty-three locations with cable median barriers totaling about 101 miles were identified. Police reports of 6,524 crashes from years 2005–2010 at these locations were reviewed to verify and obtain detailed crash information. A total of 549 crashes were determined to be barrier related (i.e., crashes involving vehicles hitting the cable median barrier) and were reviewed in further detail to identify crossover crashes and the manner in which the vehicles crossed the barriers; that is, by either overriding, underriding, or penetrating the barriers.

Results: Overall, 2.6% of vehicles that hit the cable median barrier crossed the median and traversed into the opposite travel lane. Overall, 98.1% of cars and 95.5% of light trucks that hit the barrier were prevented from crossing the median. In other words, 1.9% of cars and 4.5% of light trucks that hit the barrier had crossed the median and encroached on the opposite travel lanes. There is no significant difference in the performance of cable median barrier for cars versus light trucks in terms of crossover crashes. In terms of severity, overrides were more severe compared to underrides and penetrations. The statistics showed that the CASS and Gibraltar systems performed similarly in terms of crossover crashes. However, the Gibraltar system experienced a higher proportion of penetrations compared to the CASS system. The CASS system resulted in a slightly higher percentage of moderate and minor injury crashes compared to the Gibraltar system.

Conclusions: Cable median barriers are successful in preventing median crossover crashes; 97.4% of the cable median barrier crashes were prevented from crossing over the median. Of all of the vehicles that hit the barrier, 83.6% were either redirected or contained by the cable barrier system. Barrier crossover crashes were found to be more severe compared to barrier noncrossover crashes. In addition, overrides were found to be more severe compared to underrides and penetrations.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION: Focusing on people and organizations, this paper aims to contribute to offshore safety assessment by proposing a methodology to model causal relationships. METHOD: The methodology is proposed in a general sense that it will be capable of accommodating modeling of multiple risk factors considered in offshore operations and will have the ability to deal with different types of data that may come from different resources. Reason's "Swiss cheese" model is used to form a generic offshore safety assessment framework, and Bayesian Network (BN) is tailored to fit into the framework to construct a causal relationship model. The proposed framework uses a five-level-structure model to address latent failures within the causal sequence of events. The five levels include Root causes level, Trigger events level, Incidents level, Accidents level, and Consequences level. To analyze and model a specified offshore installation safety, a BN model was established following the guideline of the proposed five-level framework. A range of events was specified, and the related prior and conditional probabilities regarding the BN model were assigned based on the inherent characteristics of each event. RESULTS: This paper shows that Reason's "Swiss cheese" model and BN can be jointly used in offshore safety assessment. On the one hand, the five-level conceptual model is enhanced by BNs that are capable of providing graphical demonstration of inter-relationships as well as calculating numerical values of occurrence likelihood for each failure event. Bayesian inference mechanism also makes it possible to monitor how a safety situation changes when information flow travel forwards and backwards within the networks. On the other hand, BN modeling relies heavily on experts' personal experiences and is therefore highly domain specific. IMPACT ON INDUSTRY: "Swiss cheese" model is such a theoretic framework that it is based on solid behavioral theory and therefore can be used to provide industry with a roadmap for BN modeling and implications. A case study of the collision risk between a Floating Production, Storage and Offloading (FPSO) unit and authorized vessels caused by human and organizational factors (HOFs) during operations is used to illustrate an industrial application of the proposed methodology.  相似文献   

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