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A 38-year-old lady, who had a previous infant with type 2 Gaucher disease, underwent prenatal diagnosis by chorionic villus sampling at 9 weeks' gestation. Results on the fresh villus revealed a 47,XY,+21 karyotype and a marked deficiency (2 per cent of control) of β-glucosidase activity. Following termination, villus material was cultured which initially revealed only a partial enzyme deficiency and a normal female karyotype, i.e., maternal cells. A subsequent culture contained 47,XY, + 21 cells which were deficient in β-glucosidase activity, thus confirming the diagnosis. The results in this interesting case illustrate the potential dangers of maternal cell contamination in cultured villus cells.  相似文献   

A single base substitution in exon 10 of the glucocerebrosidase gene was detected in families affected by Gaucher disease (GD) type III. This mutation, which results in the substitution of proline for leucine in position 444 of glucocerebrosidase, has been shown to result in type III GD in a Swedish population. Three fetuses at risk for GD type III were diagnosed as homozygous for the mutation and the pregnancies were terminated. In a fourth pregnancy, one parent was excluded as being a carrier and the risk of having a child affected by GD was ignored. Direct analysis of common mutations causal to GD is now available and improves prenatal diagnosis in families where the molecular defect has been characterized.  相似文献   

A prenatal diagnosis of adult polycystic kidney disease by DNA testing is reported. Evidence showing a linkage between the disease and the 3′HVR and 24.1 restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs) on chromosome 16 was obtained in the proband's family by linkage analysis of data and homogeneity testing with Italian families of the linked type. Fetal genotype prediction based on both flanking markers was confirmed by histological and ultrastructural findings in fetal kidneys.  相似文献   

Prenatal prediction in families at risk for autosomal recessive proximal spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) mainly of type I is often requested due to the high incidence and the fatal outcome of the disease. So far, only indirect genotype analysis can be performed in SMA families, since the gene has not yet been identified. We present our experience of 109 prenatal diagnoses obtained in 91 families by use of single- and multi-locus polymorphic microsatellites of the region 5q11.2–q13.3. The marker combinations and specific features of the closest microsatellites are described in detail. From 137 requests for prenatal prediction of SMA between October 1991 and August 1994, 28 families were excluded, mostly because the clinical diagnosis was uncertain or doubtful. Others had to be classified as ‘SMA-variants’ or showed autosomal dominant transmission of SMA. Of the 109 prenatal diagnoses performed, 29 fetuses were diagnosed to be at high risk (>99 per cent) of developing the disease, while in seven additional pregnancies no exact prediction could be made due to a recombination event in one parental haplotype. Altogether, recombinations between closely flanking markers were observed in 14 cases. In 35 cases, the parents decided to terminate the pregnancy. Of the remaining pregnancies, 32 could be followed beyond term. All infants were reported to develop normally without signs of SMA. Two children were born with transverse reduction defects of one hand, which was most likely related to early chorionic villus sampling at 9 and 10 weeks' gestation. No further abnormalities could be detected. The limits of indirect genotype analysis and the problems of diagnostic accuracy and heterogeneity of proximal SMA are discussed.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to detect fetal HLA-DQα gene sequences in maternal blood. HLA-DQα genotypes of 70 pregnant women and their partners were determined for type A1. We specifically sought couples where the father, but not the mother, had genotype A1. In 12 women, maternal blood samples were flow-sorted. Candidate fetal cells were isolated and amplified by using PCR primers specific for a paternal HLA-DQα A1 allele. Fetal HLA-DQα A1 genotype was predicted from sorted cells; amniocytes or cheek swabs were used for confirmation. Six of twelve sorted samples had amplification products indicating the presence of the HLA-DQα A1 allele; 6/12 did not. Prediction of the fetal genotype was 100 per cent correct, as determined by subsequent amplification of amniocytes or cheek swabs. We conclude that paternally inherited uniquely fetal HLA-DQα gene sequences can be identified in maternal blood. This system permits the identification of fetal cells independent of fetal gender, and has the potential for non-invasive prenatal diagnosis of paternally inherited conditions.  相似文献   

Five pregnancies at risk for X-linked retinitis pigmentosa (RP) have been monitored by first-trimester prenatal diagnosis using DNA markers flanking the RP2 and RP3 loci. Three affected and two unaffected fetuses, including a female carrying a wild-type genotype, were predicted on the basis of marker segregation and estimation of the recombination fraction.  相似文献   

First reported in 1990, PGD has evolved into a complementary form of prenatal diagnosis offering novel indications. DNA for PGD can be recovered with equal safety and facility from polar bodies I and II, blastomere (8 cell embryo) and trophectoderm (5–6 day blastocyst). Diagnostic accuracy is very high (>99%) for both chromosomal abnormalities and single gene disorders. Traditional application of FISH with chromosome specific probes for detecting aneuploidy and translocations may be replaced or complemented by array comparative genome hybridization (array CGH); biopsied embryos can now be cryopreserved (vitrification) while analysis proceeds in orderly fashion. PGD has been accomplished for over 200 different single gene disorders. Novel indications for PGD not readily applicable by traditional prenatal genetic diagnosis include avoiding clinical pregnancy termination, performing preconceptional diagnosis (polar body I), obtaining prenatal diagnosis without disclosure of prenatal genotype (nondisclosure), diagnosing adult-onset disorders particularly cancer, and identifying HLA compatible embryos suitable for recovering umbilical cord blood stem cells. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We report our experience of 14 preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) cycles in eight couples carrying five different single gene disorders, during the last 18 months. Diagnoses were performed for myotonic dystrophy (DM), cystic fibrosis (CF) [ΔF508 and exon 4 (621+1 G>T)], fragile X and CF simultaneously, and two disorders for which PGD had not been previously attempted, namely neurofibromatosis type 2 (NF2) and Crouzon syndrome. Diagnoses for single gene disorders were carried out on ideally two blastomeres biopsied from Day 3 embryos. A highly polymorphic marker was included in each diagnosis to control against contamination. For the dominant disorders, where possible, linked polymorphisms provided an additional means of determining the genotype of the embryo hence reducing the risk of misdiagnosis due to allele dropout (ADO). Multiplex fluorescent polymerase chain reaction (F-PCR) was used in all cases, followed by fragment analysis and/or single-stranded conformation polymorphism (SSCP) for genotyping. Embryo transfer was performed in 13 cycles resulting in one biochemical pregnancy for CF, three normal deliveries (a twin and a singleton) and one early miscarriage for DM and a singleton for Crouzon syndrome. In each case the untransferred embryos were used to confirm the diagnoses performed on the biopsied cells. The results were concordant in all cases. The inclusion of a polymorphic marker allowed the detection of extraneous DNA contamination in two cells from one case. Knowing the genotype of the contaminating DNA allowed its origin to be traced. All five pregnancies were obtained from embryos in which two blastomeres were biopsied for the diagnosis. Our data demonstrate the successful strategy of using multiplex PCR to simultaneously amplify the mutation site and a polymorphic locus, fluorescent PCR technology to achieve greater sensitivity, and two-cell biopsy to increase the efficiency and success of diagnoses. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

An early case of prenatal Caffey disease is reported. Ultrasound examination performed at 20 weeks showed major angulations of long bones, but both ultrasound scan and X-rays failed to make the differential diagnosis between Caffey disease and lethal osteogenesis imperfecta. A cordocentesis allowed us to find important biological abnormalities. The pregnancy was terminated after the rapid development of hydrops fetalis. The definitive diagnosis of Caffey disease was obtained by special X-ray and pathological study.  相似文献   

Congenital anomalies of the kidney and urinary tract (CAKUT) constitute 20% of all congenital malformations occurring in one in 500 live births. Worldwide, CAKUT are responsible for 40% to 50% of pediatric and 7% of adult end-stage renal disease. Pathogenic variants in genes causing CAKUT include monogenic diseases such as polycystic kidney disease and ciliopathies, as well as syndromes that include isolated kidney disease in conjunction with other abnormalities. Prenatal diagnosis most often occurs using ultrasonography; however, further genetic diagnosis may be made using a variety of testing strategies. Family history and pathologic examination can also provide information to improve the ability to make a prenatal diagnosis of CAKUT. Here, we provide a comprehensive overview of genetic considerations in the prenatal diagnosis of CAKUT disorders. Specifically, we discuss monogenic causes of CAKUT, associated ultrasound characteristics, and considerations for genetic diagnosis, antenatal care, and postnatal care.  相似文献   

The close genetic linkage between HLA-B and congenital adrenal hyperplasia due to 21-hydroxylase deficiency permits prenatal diagnosis of an affected fetus by HLA typing of amniotic fluid cells in pregnancies at risk. Some families at risk, especially those with an affected girl with ambiguous genitalia, will only plan another pregnancy if a prenatal diagnosis is possible. After HLA typing of the index case, parents and eventually grandparents, the family were informed of the possibility of a prenatal diagnosis. Fibroblast cell lines were initiated from skin biopsies of the index cases and parents and were used as controls in the tests. HLA typing of the fetus was done on amniotic fluid cells grown in vitro using first, a microcytotoxicity test and second quantitative microabsorption test. Ten prenatal diagnoses are reported. In two cases the HLA genotype indicated an affected fetus, examination of the aborted fetuses was in agreement with the diagnosis. In one case an affected male fetus was diagnosed, the pregnancy is in progress. In seven cases an unaffected infant was predicted (four carriers and three homozygous normal infants).  相似文献   

The beta amyloid peptide is the major component of the neuritic plaques, the characteristic lesions in Alzheimer's disease. Mutations in three genes (APP, PS-1, and PS-2) cause familial Alzheimer's disease by alteration of the rate of generation of amyloid peptide or the length of this peptide. However, in the 90% non-familial cases, other factors play a major pathogenetic role. These include the apolipoprotein E genotype, the "plaque-associated" proteins promoting the formation of toxic fibrillar aggregates or the chronic inflammatory responses. The aim of this review is to explain the steps in the complex cascade leading to Alzheimer's disease and, based on this, to report the current efforts to intervene in these different pathophysiological events in order to prevent progression of Alzheimer's disease. Whereas acetylcholine substitution is currently used in clinical practice, future therapeutical strategies to combat Alzheimer's disease may include anti-inflammatory treatments, vaccination against beta amyloid peptide, or treatment with cholesterol-lowering drugs.  相似文献   

We have developed a heminested PCR (polymerase chain reaction) method, performed on single cells, for the analysis of the most common cystic fibrosis (CF) mutation (AF508). As a quality control, the polymorphic exon 2 of the HLA DQA1 locus was co-amplified from the same cell. With a non-radioactive reverse dot-blot assay, the genotype of these two loci could be determined. Experiments on 98 single fibroblasts, heterozygous for the CFTR and the DQA1 locus, showed that amplification of either locus could be obtained in 97 per cent of the cases, but only 90 per cent showed heterozygosity for CF, 75 per cent showed heterozygosity for DQA1, and 74 per cent showed heterozygosity for both CF and DQA1. Contaminations detected only after DQA1 typing occurred in 3 per cent of our samples. Error rate calculations based on our experimental PCR data indicate that single blastomere diagnosis would lead to unacceptable errors, i.e., an affected fetus, in less than 1 per cent of the cases. The risk of undetected crossing-over or the dubious results that crossing-over could generate, would make isolated polar body diagnosis at the present time very difficult. The combined approach of PCR on polar bodies followed by confirmation of the diagnosis on blastomeres, however, should give a solid base for preimplantation diagnosis of monogenic disorders.  相似文献   

Lymphocystis disease virus (LCDV) infections have been described in gilthead seabream (Sparus aurata L.) and Senegalese sole (Solea senegalensis, Kaup), two of the most important marine fish species in the Mediterranean aquaculture. In this study, a rapid, specific, and sensitive detection method for LCDV genotype VII based on loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP) was developed. The LAMP assay, performed using an apparatus with real-time amplification monitoring, was able to specifically detect LCDV genotype VII from clinically positive samples in less than 12 min. In addition, the assay allowed the detection of LCDV in all asymptomatic carrier fish analysed, identified by qPCR, showing an analytical sensitivity of ten copies of viral DNA per reaction. The LCDV LAMP assay has proven to be a promising diagnostic method that can be used easily in fish farms to detect the presence and spread of this iridovirus.  相似文献   

Chorionic villi obtained during the first trimester from a pregnancy at risk for Krabbe's disease were shown to have reduced cerebroside-β-galactosidase (E.C. activity using the artificial substrate trinitrophenylaminolauryl galactocerebroside (TNPAL-galactocerebroside). Assay of this enzyme in cultured amniotic fluid cells following amniocentesis, performed at the patient's request confirmed the diagnosis. Termination of pregnancy was performed and subsequent enzyme studies of the fetal tissues were consistent with the diagnosis of Krabbe's disease, thus confirming that chorionic villi can be used for first trimester diagnosis of this condition.  相似文献   

Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) is an autosomal dominant disease that may cause premature sudden death, especially in teenagers and young adults. The recent progress in the molecular genetics of the disease has made genetic testing sometimes available in clinical practice. We report the case of a couple who still requested prenatal molecular testing after detailed information had been given through a multidisciplinary consultation. Prenatal diagnosis in HCM is associated with complex medical and psychological implications, in addition to general ethical considerations, as the potential value of the diagnosis is counterbalanced by the highly variable expression of the disease and the difficulty in predicting its evolution. The R403L mutation in the MYH7 gene had been previously identified in this family, characterized by a malignant form of HCM. In the specific context of this case, we decided to agree to the request of the parents and performed the prenatal diagnosis. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report of a prenatal molecular diagnosis performed in the context of HCM. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

There has been tremendous development in the field of prenatal diagnosis of cardiac disease in the last 30 years. Early work centered on the technical aspects of providing an accurate assessment of cardiac structure and function. Techniques of fetal cardiac screening have been developed and utilized throughout the world. More recently, investigators have begun to explore the ramifications of fetal cardiac diagnosis by assessing measures of outcome. In this article, the field of fetal echocardiography, as a screening tool for identifying congenital heart disease, and its impact on disease outcome is reviewed. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Uncultured trophoblasts obtained from chorionic villus biopsy during the gestation period of 8–12 weeks were assayed for alpha-glucosidase activity using maltose as the substrate. Only one major form of maltase activity with a pH optimum at 4.0 was demonstrated. Using this method, we performed prenatal diagnosis on three pregnancies at risk for the infantile form of type II glycogen storage disease. Two affected fetuses and one unaffected fetus were predicted and the diagnosis was subsequently confirmed. The maltose assay offered a direct, simple, and sensitive method for prenatal diagnosis of Pompe's disease in the first trimester.  相似文献   

Research towards preimplantation diagnosis of genetic disease was initiated in the UK. in the mid 1980s with the aim of helping those couples who would prefer selection to occur at this stage rather than during pregnancy. Following in vitro fertilisation, (IVF), biopsy and removal of 1 or 2 of the totipotent cells from the cleavage stage 3 day old embryo provides the material for molecular genetic diagnosis without interfering with development. Earliest applications were in the avoidance of X-linked disease by sexing embryos and selecting females for transfer to the mother. Initially, polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification of DNA from the biopsied blastomeres was performed using primers specific for sequences derived from the Y chromosome and this led to the birth of several normal girls. To reduce the risk of misdiagnosis due to amplification failure, PCR based methods for sexing the embryo now employ both X and Y specific sequences, but the preferred method is currently considered to be fluorescent in situ hybridisation (FISH) with fluorochrome labelled DNA probes to the embryonic nuclei that have been fixed and spread on slides. Dual FISH with probes from X and Y chromosomes allows unequivocal diagnosis of sex and determination of chromosome copy number, avoiding transfer of embryos with abnormal numbers of sex chromosomes, including those with only the maternal X that would be at 50% risk for the X-linked disease. The application of FISH for preimplantation diagnosis has also led to the realisation that chromosomal mosaicism is common at the cleavage stage of development, a finding that has important implications for diagnosis of both dominant single gene disorders and trisomies, as well as for our understanding of early human development. Cloning and sequencing of the relevant genes has enabled the development of methods for the diagnosis of certain recessive single gene disorders in cleavage stage embryos. PCR based methods have to be developed for each condition, sometimes for each family if there is heterogeneity. Preimplantation diagnosis has been successful so far for cystic fibrosis, Tay Sachs disease, and Lesch-Nyhan syndrome. Worldwide, 32 pregnancies have been established following all types of preimplantation diagnosis and with 29 babies born, there is no evidence for any adverse effect on development.  相似文献   

In a 20-year-old primiparous patient, a routine ultrasound scan performed at 28 weeks revealed fetal ascites, bilateral talipes, and oligohydramnios. This woman, married to possibly her first cousin, was at risk for an autosomal recessive disease, a metabolic disorder. At 29 weeks, an amniotic fluid biochemical study revealed the presence of an abnormal band of free sialic acid, leading to a diagnosis of a congenital form of sialic acid storage disease. Termination of pregnancy was performed at 30 weeks. Measurement of free sialic acid in cultured fetal skin fibroblasts confirmed the diagnosis.  相似文献   

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