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This paper presents a computer simulation of reflected and scattered laser radiation for calculating the angle of laser shields performed with the Laser Shield Solver computer program. The authors describe a method of calculating the shield angle for laser shields which protect workers against reflected and scattered laser radiation and which are made from different materials. The main assumptions of the program, which calculates and simulates reflected laser radiation from any material and which can be used for designing shield angles, are presented. Calculations are compared with measurements of reflected laser radiation. The results for one type of laser and different materials which interacted with a laser beam showed that the Laser Shield Solver was an appropriate tool for designing laser shields and its simulations of reflected laser radiation distribution have practical use.  相似文献   

基于某地铁盾构隧道施工地表沉降的分析研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
盾构法施工技术以其特有的智能、安全、快捷、地层适用性广等特点与优势,在我国城市地铁建设中越来越多的得到推广和应用,但此法受工程地质条件、掘进过程人为控制等因素的影响,可能引起地表沉降。本文从盾构掘进对土体扰动而导致其平衡状态变化的角度讨论了地表沉降的机理,对盾构施工地表沉降的发展过程进行了详细的分析,最后利用轨道交通工程某号线盾构工程实际监测数据分析了地表沉降的一般规律,并提出防止地表沉降的控制措施,以期为类似工程施工提供有益的参考和帮助。  相似文献   

热浮力罩是焦化厂推焦作业时重要的环保设备,由于种种原因,该设备的运行很难达到设计目标,武钢焦化公司针对以上情况对该公司2台热浮力罩进行了设备改造,并修改了电气控制线路,使该设备可以正常工作,对该公司的改造过程及相关问题展开讨论,并着重讨论电气自动控制系统的改进。  相似文献   

池火特性参数计算及其热辐射危害评价   总被引:17,自引:4,他引:13  
可燃性油品池火的火焰及其产生的热辐射 ,可能导致周围人员伤亡或设备设施损坏。笔者介绍了油品池火的质量燃烧速率、火焰长度、火焰倾角及火焰后拖量等特性参数的计算方法 ,提出了池火热辐射强度的预测模型 ,给出了热辐射伤害 /破坏准则 ,并进行了模拟计算和评价。  相似文献   

为研究粉细砂层地区盾构隧道下穿建筑物对桩基础内力与位移的影响,以郑州粉细砂层地区盾构施工为例,采用有限元软件 MIDAS-GTS NX 建立地铁盾构隧道下穿建筑物的三维实体模型,分析盾构隧道下穿建筑物的不同阶段对桩体位移、内力的影响。结果表明:在郑州粉细砂层地区进行盾构施工时,盾构工程对桩基础底部位移的影响较大,位移最大值大多发生在桩底;盾构施工对桩身轴力的影响表现为桩身轴力最大值位于距隧道1倍洞径范围内。在进行双线盾构隧道施工时,应在临近、远离2个阶段注意工程的安全与防护问题,并采取相应的预防和保护措施。  相似文献   

由液体和气体泄漏引发的喷射火灾事故屡见不鲜,而现有的喷射火模型却有诸多缺陷。将喷射火形状近似为圆锥,鉴于液体和气体的泄漏速度随压强和温度均有变化、点源离地面会有一定高度、风速对火焰倾角也有影响、圆锥喷射中心线上每个点源对目标的热辐射均不同等实际情况,新建液体和气体扩展半径的计算方法,引入风速对火焰高度和火焰偏角的作用,比较AGA法和Thornton模型,发现AGA法更加符合实际,再利用微积分原理建立三维点源喷射火模型,展示火焰形状对目标的影响,从而得出热辐射的最终危险性。最后以LPG和CNG储罐喷射火事故为例进行对比验证,首次模拟出喷射火的形状,更清晰准确地展示了目标入射热辐射通量随目标点位置的变化和危险范围,可为火焰阵面处的消防安全决策提供参考。  相似文献   

电磁辐射随时随地不同程度地影响着人类的健康,为减少其对人们日常生活的影响,需开发普通的防电磁辐射家居服。本文介绍了普通防电磁辐射家居服的生产过程和工艺,以及生产和设计过程中应注意关键问题,生产的防电磁辐射家居服防辐射性能可达20dB,足以屏蔽电脑、微波炉等家用电器的辐射。  相似文献   

铅当量是X射线防护服最重要的性能指标,铅当量的大小决定着X射线防护服屏蔽X射线的能力。X射线防护服的铅当量有不同的等级,需根据不同的X射线照射条件和工作情况选择使用。本文通过计算给出了几种常用管电压下防护服屏蔽散漏X射线所需的铅当量值,可为X射线防护服的使用单位或个人在购买和使用时提供参考。选择适合铅当量的X射线防护服,可以避免因选用的防护服或用具铅当量不足而达不到有效屏蔽X射线的效果,造成健康的危害;也可以避免因选用过大铅当量的X射线防护服或用具,致使作业人员过多负重,导致疲劳,发生人为失误,也可以避免造成不必要的经济浪费。另外,为了保证X射线防护服的使用效果,本文给出了X射线防护服的检验、贮存和使用等管理方法。  相似文献   

基于某地铁盾构区间施工坍塌处理技术分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
盾构法施工技术具有智能、安全、快捷、地层适用性广等特点,基于以上诸多优点其在我国地铁工程建设过程中得到迅速普及,但此工法在施工过程中仍然可能引起地表沉降和地面坍塌等风险。如何减少施工造成对地面及周边建(构)筑物的影响,积累工程相关方面的经验与教训,是盾构技术人员有待解决的课题。对某地铁盾构区间施工引起地面坍塌典型事故案例的处理过程进行全面、详细分析,提出了针对地面坍塌事故处理的建议,以期为减少或预防类似事故的发生提供有益参考和帮助。  相似文献   

隧道开挖对邻近既有建筑物桩基乃至整个建筑物的稳定与安全带来不同程度的影响。以京津城际延伸线穿越桩基础建筑物金元宝海鲜宫为背景,采用MIDAS/GTS有限差分软件,对软土地区大直径盾构下穿桩基础建筑物进行了模拟,研究结果表明:盾构隧道施工会引发邻近建筑物产生沉降及倾斜变形;建筑物桩基变形与建筑物变形规律基本吻合,随着桩基位置与隧道侧向间距增大而减小;盾构隧道施工导致建筑物框架的梁柱产生了附加的弯矩和轴力,位于建筑物角部的梁柱节点会出现应力集中。  相似文献   

为指导隧道盾构下穿既有建构筑物施工的变形控制,考虑隧道收敛模式和复合地层主要影响角的影响,以双线圆形盾构隧道斜交下穿既有机场高速公路为例,构建圆形隧道地层主要影响角计算方法,改进传统Peck公式,分析盾构斜交角、盾构坡角和隆起偏角的共同影响,引入地层损失率几何修正系数,并利用叠加原理建立双线盾构隧道斜交下穿既有机场高速公路的地表沉降预测模型,依托实际工程对预测模型的工程适用性进行验证。研究结果表明:本文预测模型的整体精度相比Suwansawat等预测模型提升44.15%,可预测施工影响范围内任意点的地表沉降值,相比现有模型更适用于解决双线盾构隧道斜交下穿施工的地表沉降预测问题,可为类似工程中的地表沉降变形预测及控制提供指导。  相似文献   

Records from The National Safety Council [National Safety Council, 2007. Safety Intervention Evaluation: A Systematic Approach. <http://www.acgih.org/events/ControlBand/Thomas_SafetyIntervention.pdf> (accessed 10.01.07)] have shown that in 2004 alone, on-the-job injuries to workers constituted 35% of total recorded injuries in the United States. This generated an associated cost of about $142.2 billion. Unfortunately, the safety intervention programs enforced at work places to mitigate such losses are driven mainly by intuition and experience of involved safety personnel. This paper details implementing a computer program to furnish safety personnel with an empirical basis for designing loss prevention programs based on historical safety data. The computer tool is driven by a dynamic mathematical model which adapts itself to variations in data patterns and explains the correlation between historical incident rates and corresponding resources committed to interventions. This study empowers the industry with a tool that is capable of forming the core of optimizing valuable human resource allocation in safety program designs.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the results of an experimental program carried out to determine dust cloud deflagration parameters of selected solid-state hydrogen storage materials, including complex metal hydrides (sodium alanate and lithium borohydride/magnesium hydride mixture), chemical hydrides (alane and ammonia borane) and activated carbon (Maxsorb, AX-21). The measured parameters include maximum deflagration pressure rise, maximum rate of pressure rise, minimum ignition temperature, minimum ignition energy and minimum explosible concentration. The calculated explosion indexes include volume-normalized maximum rate of pressure rise (KSt), explosion severity (ES) and ignition sensitivity (IS). The deflagration parameters of Pittsburgh seam coal dust and Lycopodium spores (reference materials) are also measured. The results show that activated carbon is the safest hydrogen storage media among the examined materials. Ammonia borane is unsafe to use because of the high explosibility of its dust. The core insights of this contribution are useful for quantifying the risks associated with use of these materials for on-board systems in light-duty fuel cell-powered vehicles and for supporting the development of hydrogen safety codes and standards. These insights are also critical for designing adequate safety features such as explosion relief venting and isolation devices and for supplementing missing data in materials safety data sheets.  相似文献   

在建成的区间盾构隧道基础上,采用矿山法构筑联络通道是地铁工程施工的难点。由于盾构隧道联络通道的施工需要拆除区间隧道的部分管片,极易导致盾构管片发生过大的变形,使得隧道结构受损。笔者采用3DFLAC数值分析软件对区间盾构隧道之间的联络道施工进行了三维弹塑性仿真分析,分析了联络道施工对盾构隧道变形、盾构管片受力及联络通道地表沉降的影响,数值模拟得出的结论为制定施工辅助安全措施提供了依据。  相似文献   

This paper describes the Work Environment Profile (WEP) program and its use in risk identification by computer. It is installed into a hand-held computer or a laptop to be used in risk identification during work site visits. A 5-category system is used to describe the identified risks in 7 groups, i.e., accidents, biological and physical hazards, ergonomic and psychosocial load, chemicals, and information technology hazards. Each group contains several qualifying factors. These 5 categories are colour-coded at this stage to aid with visualization. Risk identification produces visual summary images the interpretation of which is facilitated by colours. The WEP program is a tool for risk assessment which is easy to learn and to use both by experts and nonprofessionals. It is especially well adapted to be used both in small and in larger enterprises. Considerable time is saved as no paper notes are needed.  相似文献   

This paper describes the Work Environment Profile (WEP) program and its use in risk identification by computer. It is installed into a hand-held computer or a laptop to be used in risk identification during work site visits. A 5-category system is used to describe the identified risks in 7 groups, i.e., accidents, biological and physical hazards, ergonomic and psychosocial load, chemicals, and information technology hazards. Each group contains several qualifying factors. These 5 categories are colour-coded at this stage to aid with visualization. Risk identification produces visual summary images the interpretation of which is facilitated by colours. The WEP program is a tool for risk assessment which is easy to learn and to use both by experts and nonprofessionals. It is especially well adapted to be used both in small and in larger enterprises. Considerable time is saved as no paper notes are needed.  相似文献   

烃类流体火灾伤害破坏作用定量分析   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
对烃类流体火灾的伤害破坏作用进行正确的定量分析是开展重大消防目标火灾风险评估工作的基础。针对烃类流体火灾伤害破坏作用定量分析中存在的问题,系统论述烃类流体火灾伤害破坏作用的定量分析方法,分析并讨论火球、池火、喷射火和蒸气云火灾等不同火灾形式的热辐射通量计算模型及其前提条件,对不同热辐射伤害破坏作用准则及伤害概率模型的适用条件和模型基础进行了论述。  相似文献   

胶带输送机运输事故树可靠性的计算机模拟   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
以胶带输送机运输事故树的计算机模拟过程为例 ,介绍了对事故树可靠性进行计算机模拟的原理、算法以及程序运行步骤 ,编制了模拟程序。用笔者提出的理论、方法及模拟程序 ,对平顶山煤业集团一矿胶带输送机运输事故进行了事故树分析与求解 ,同时将模拟程序运行结果与最小割集法求得的理论值进行了对比 ,计算结果误差小 ,所得结论准确可靠 ,为类似事故的模拟分析提供了一种新的方法和途径  相似文献   

人性化设计是工业设计研究中一个非常重要的课题,对人性的关怀是每个工业设计师不变的追求.在数控机床的设计中,设计师应以人机工程理论为指导,充分考虑如何让使用者掌握数控机床的操作,解决诸如程序设计、人机对话、心理负荷、故障诊断和处理、系统安全以及社会心理等问题.这是数控机床人性化设计的关键,也就是如何设计出和谐的人机系统,创造一种良好的人机互动.  相似文献   

Designing fall arrest systems, which contain horizontal flexible anchor lines is an important technical problem related to the safety of people who work at a height and need horizontal freedom of movement. The article presents a numerical simulation of the dynamic performance of horizontal flexible anchor lines during fall arrest. The model of a 2-component system—a horizontal flexible anchor line and a falling rigid mass, described with a second order non-linear differential equation—is the main element of this method. This method of simulation is realised by a computer program, which allows obtaining the most important data characterising a fall arrest. The article shows laboratory tests used for the verification of this method, which turned out to be a valuable source of information and which can be used for designing fall arrest systems.  相似文献   

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