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城市生态安全评价研究 总被引:47,自引:4,他引:47
城市生态安全是指城市生态环境支撑条件以及所面临生态环境问题不对其生存和发展造成威胁,即城市生态系统功能和过程能够满足其持续生存与发展需求。以佛山市为例,选择了资源、环境、生物和灾害等因素,各因素再选择若干评价要素,采用几何平均法计算了城市生态系统安全指数。资源安全评价选择了能源、水资源和粮食等要素,其安全指数为0.22;环境安全评价选择了水环境、大气环境、固体废物和农业环境,其安全指数为0.58;生物安全因素安全评价选择了生物多样性保护、外来入侵物种、森林植被等要素,其安全指数为0.30;选择水土流失、地质灾害、气象灾害和生物灾害等要素进行生态灾害安全评价,指数为0.79;佛山市生态安全综合指数为0.42。研究还表明,生态安全评价宜根据最小限制因子定律,选择关键影响因子进行评价。 相似文献
Mechanistic simulation modeling has not generally delivered on its promise to turn ecology into more of a “hard” science. Rather, it appears that deeper insights into ecosystem functioning may derive from a new set of metaphysical assumptions about how nature functions. Force laws from physics are fundamentally incompatible with the heterogeneity and uniqueness that characterizes ecosystems. Instead, coherence, selection and centripetality are imparted to ecological systems by concatenations of beneficial processes—a generalized form of autocatalysis. These structure-enhancing configurations of processes are opposed by the ineluctable tendency of structure to decay (as required by the second law of thermodynamics). The dual nature of this agonism can be quantified using information theory, which also can be used to measure the potential of the system for further evolution. The balance point for these countervailing tendencies seems to coincide with the state of maximal potential for the system to evolve. In an ostensible paradox, the same locus seems to attract stable, persistent system configurations. 相似文献
Zisheng Xing Charles P.-A. Bourque Fan-Rui Meng Roger M. Cox D. Edwin Swift Tianshan Zha Lien Chow 《Ecological modelling》2008
Gap filling of flux data is necessary to assist with periodic interruptions in the measurement data stream. The gap-filling model (GFM), first described in Xing et al. [Xing, Z., Bourque, C.P.-A., Meng, F.-R., Zha, T.-S., Cox, R.M., Swift, E., 2007. A simple net ecosystem productivity model for gap filling of tower-based fluxes: an extension of Landsberg's equation with modifications to the light interception term. Ecol. Model. 206, 250–262], was modified to account for the day-to-day control of net ecosystem productivity (NEP) by incorporating air and soil temperature as new controlling variables in the calculation of NEP. To account for the multiple-phase influences of air and soil temperature on plant growth we model ecosystem respiration as a function of soil and canopy respiration. The paper presents model development in an incremental fashion in order to quantify the contribution of individual model enhancements to the prediction of NEP during periods when air and soil temperature variations are important. 相似文献
Living organisms and ecosystems have been shown to be sensitive to very weak signals originating very far away. The dynamics governing these phenomena is discussed in the framework of Quantum Field Theory. This phenomenon gives an indication on the dynamics responsible for the exchange of information in ecosystems. The peculiar role of coherent water is stressed. It is shown that energy is able to travel in a coherent medium in form of solitons, without any losses. 相似文献
Novaluron, a newly introduced insecticide, is used for control of a number of field pests. However, information regarding novaluron residues and dissipation profile is limited. In this study, dissipation and residual levels of novaluron in tomato under open field conditions were investigated using high performance liquid chromatography equipped with diode array detector (HPLC-DAD) with quick, easy, cheape, effective, rugged (QuEChERS) method. The method was validated using blank samples spiked at three levels and results showed that recoveries ranged from 93% to 99%. Novaluron residues tend to dissipate following first-order rate kinetics with half-life of 2.08 days. Data demonstrated that the use of novaluron at recommended doses would not pose any hazards to consumers. The present results aid to establish the safe use of this pesticide on tomatoes, and possibly on other crops in Egypt. 相似文献
基于RS和GIS的武汉市生态系统服务价值变化研究 总被引:10,自引:2,他引:10
以武汉市为例,利用从1996年和2001年TM数据中获取的景观数据,估算了武汉市生态服务价值并分析了景观之间的转化所引起的生态服务价值的变化。结果表明:各景观类型中水域景观的生态服务价值贡献系数最大,达到2.869;研究区域生态服务价值总量变化不大,2001年比1996年只下降了3688.79万元,但各景观生态服务价值变动很大,其中库塘生态服务价值增加了2.38亿元,河流的生态服务价值减少了2.33亿元,其变化率分别达到40.74%和-9.16%;由于河湖被占用所造成的生态服务价值损失达到9891.68万元,城市建设占用其它景观类型所带来的生态服务价值损失达到9908.37万元,这说明建设用地的发展对其他自然景观占用已经影响到了武汉市生态系统服务功能发挥。 相似文献
鼎湖山针阔叶混交林生态系统水文过程研究 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
以鼎湖山针阔叶混交林(以下简称混交林)生态系统为研究对象,探讨了不同降水特征下森林生态系统水文过程,主要研究结果如下:(1)不同的降雨特征决定了不同的降雨过程和穿透雨过程,混交林生态系统穿透雨累积增加曲线与降水量的累积增加曲线变化是同步的;(2)2002年7月27日-28日特大暴雨最大降水量、最大穿透雨量分别为122.8nn和104.9mm,且穿透雨最大值出现的时间滞后于降水强度最大值出现的时间1h;(3)8月18日-20日特大暴雨,穿透雨量累积增加曲线与大气降水的累积增加曲线非常相似,且穿透雨最大值出现的时间略滞后与大气降水最大值出现的时间;(4)中雨时降水累积量达到最大值(59.6mm)与穿透雨累积量达到最大值(43.6mm)的时间一致;(5)树干流和地表径流量与大气降水量的累积变化曲线并不是完全同步的,在一定的降水量范围内,树干流量和地表径流量随着大气降水量的增加而增加;(6)无论是特大暴雨还是中雨发生时,即使在特大暴雨影响下,树干流(2.3~16.4mm)和地表径流(1.6~8.8mm)量都很小,系统具有很强的保水保墒能力;(7)混交林穿透雨强度变化过程基本取决于大气降水强度变化,树干流强度和地表径流强度数值很小且变化过程不明显。 相似文献
Ecological regionalization is a base for rational management and sustainable utilization of ecosystems and natural resources. It can provide a scientific basis for constructing healthy ecological environments and making policies of environmental management. In this paper, based on synthetic analysis of the characteristics of the ecology and environments of China, the principles of ecological regionalization are discussed, and indices and nomenclature of ecological regionalization are proposed. The ecoregions on a national scale are divided. The results show that there are 3 domains, 13 ecoregions and 57 ecodistricts. The present scheme can be used as a framework for ecosystem assessment and management. Based on the ecoregions, measurements of management for forest, grassland, agriculture and wetland ecosystems are recommended. The experience and information can be used within and beyond the national scale for land-use planning, biodiversity conservation and ecosystem restoration. 相似文献
西藏中部草地及农田生态系统的退化及其机制 总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5
西藏中部农田,特别是兼具草地与林地两大功能的草地生态系统对区域生态环境具有重要的调节和控制作用。近年来,草地及农田生态系统呈现出整体退化及日趋严重的态势,并逐步成为西藏风蚀沙化、水土流失等最为严重的地区。文章在阐述退化生态系统的内在特征及其环境效应的基础上,就草地及农田生态系统退化的发生机制进行了深入分析。 相似文献
底栖动物在水生生态系统健康评价中的作用分析 总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7
从生态系统健康的概念入手,通过对生态系统健康评价方法的研究和分析,对底栖动物尤其是大型底柄无脊椎动物在生态系统健康评价中的作用进行了分析和总结.生物监测法和多指标评价法是水生态系统健康评价的主要手段,而利用指示物种、预测模型和底柄生物的完整性指数等多种方法可以对水生态系统健康进行快速和准确的评价.如何完善底栖动物在生态系统健康评价中的作用并综合运用其他评价技术,以及结合评价结果对受损水生态系统进行生态修复和重建将是这一领域未来研究的重点所在. 相似文献
稻鸭鱼共栖生态系统CH4排放规律研究 总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11
首次对稻-鸭-鱼共栖生态系统中的甲烷排放通量进行了系统研究。结果表明:甲烷排放通量日变化呈现一定的规律,排放高峰出现在下午14:00~16:00,晚上0:00~4:00达到最低值。稻-鸭-鱼共栖生态系统生态种养期间甲烷排放通量表现出一定的规律,甲烷排放出现2个峰值分别出现在水稻生长返青期、幼穗分化期,第1个峰值为15.813mg/(m2·h),第2个峰值为9.485mg/(m2·h)。其次在水稻分蘖盛期,甲烷的排放通量最高可达8.227mg/(m2·h)。稻-鸭-鱼共栖生态系统中,土壤氧化还原电位增加10.98mV,还原物质总量、活性还原物质总量分别降低1.46cmol/kg、1.25cmol/kg。稻田甲烷排放与土壤氧化还原电位呈极显著负相关,与还原物质总量、活性还原物质总量呈极显著正相关。 相似文献
土地生态系统健康研究的主要内容及面临的问题 总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8
生态系统健康研究是资源环境可持续利用研究中的一个热点。在归纳土地生态系统具有尺度的宏观性、对象的地域性、空间的开放性和动态性、问题的复杂性等特征的基础上,提出了开展土地生态系统健康研究的内容应包括土地生态系统健康的机理、评价和管理等三个主要方面。结合我国的土地资源状况,指出我国开展土地生态系统健康研究面临着包括人口密度过大,土地资源压力大;我国地域辽阔,气候类型多样,社会经济区域发展不均衡,全国各地土地生态系统的区域分异性很强等主要问题。 相似文献
森林生态系统生态资产核算的模式与方法 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
全球变化背景下.植被对CO2的减排作用得到了广泛关注.森林生态系统具有诸多功能,不同功能的货币化基准难以统一,是进行总体生态资产价值定量核算的制约要素.在资源、环境与生态经济原理指导下,分析相关方法评估生态系统生态资产的可行性,选择量化评估参数,并通过多种模式与方法进行估算乌鲁木齐城市2004年森林生态系统的生态资产.森林生态系统涵养水源类、生物多样性维持类、净化空气类、保护土壤类以及大气调节类生态资产分别为0.224 8×108元、10.608 8x108元、0.630 8×108元、0.2592×108元及12.9653×108元,乌鲁木齐市森林生态总资产为24.6889×108元.各类生态资产具有一定的时空差异性.城市森林生态系统生态资产估算模式及方法的研究具有重要的理论价值与现实意义. 相似文献
Nitrogen pollution and source identification of urban ecosystem surface water in Beijing 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
Yufen Ren Zhiwei Xu Xinyu Zhang Xiaoke Wang Xiaomin Sun D. J. Ballantine Shengzhong Wang 《Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering》2014,8(1):106-116
Nitrogen contamination of surface water is a worldwide environmental problem with intensive agricul- ture and high population densities. We assessed the spatial and seasonal variation in concentrations of total nitrogen and different nitrogen species present in surface-water in Beijing, China. Also, chemical (NO3-N/C1-) and isotopic (615Nnitrate) indicators were used to identify nitrate sources. The results showed that, during 2009 and 2010, nitrate nitrogen concentrations ranged from 0.7 to 7.6 mg· L^-1, ammonium nitrogen from 0. I to 3.4 mg· L^-1, and total nitrogen from 2.4 to 17.0mg· L^-1. Inorganic nitrogen accounted for between 60 and 100% of total nitrogen at the ten monitoring sites. Nitrate nitrogen, ammonium nitrogen, and total nitrogen concentrations at the 2 downstream monitoring sites in south-eastern Beijing were significantly higher than those at the other eight upstream monitoring sites (P 〈 0.01). Examination of seasonal variation showed that there was a significant inverse relationship between nitrate nitrogen concentrations and precipitation, and that nitrate nitrogen concentrations peaked in the dry seasons. The information given by the 15Nnitrate values and nitrate nitrogen concentrations, combined with the NO3-N/C1- ratio distribution, showed that domestic sewage was the major source of nitrate in Beijing. Methods to control and reduce sewage pollution are urgently needed to help manage surface water quality in Beijing. 相似文献
The occurrence of organochlorine pesticides and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in an aquatic ecosystem of River Duero was checked by means of a bioindicator organism: the grey heron (Ardea cinerea). Analyses of water, sediments, fish fat tissues and heron viscera revealed a marked bioaccumulation of organochlorine compounds, particularly hexa‐ and heptachlorinated biphenyls of industrial origin, which may account for the gradual decline in the number of individuals that make up the heron colonies studied. 相似文献
This research presents a geographic information systems (GIS)-based method for ecosystem services (ES) potential assessment in a case study for the Lithuanian national territory. The ES potential was assessed for 31 CORINE land-cover classes (CLC2006) together with 31 ES categorized into regulating, provisioning and cultural ES. An expert-based ranking approach using a two-dimensional ES matrix and a geospatial analysis was applied to determine total ES potential, spatial patterns and relations among multiple ES. Results showed that forest areas had the highest potential for ES delivery whereas ES potential in urban areas was lowest. The spatial autocorrelation of regulating and cultural ES were dispersed while provisioning ES were significantly clustered. The principal component analysis (PCA) identified five factors with distinctive geospatial distribution: Factor 1 – forest areas, Factor 2 – aquatic environments, Factor 3 – livestock farming and energy production, Factor 4 – agricultural food production and Factor 5 – mineral extraction sites. The plotting of Factors 1 and 2 accounted for 72.81% of variance and identified three ES bundles composed by specific ES types: Bundle 1 – forest ecosystems, Bundle 2 – marine and freshwater ecosystems and Bundle 3 – mixed provisioning ecosystems. Trade-offs occur between regulating and cultural ES against the provisioning ES crop production and livestock farming. We conclude that the presented ES assessment can support decision-makers in the development of strategies for natural resources management at national and regional level, support the identification of trade-offs and synergies among ES types and foster ES research in Lithuania. 相似文献
桉树人工林生态系统养分循环和平衡研究Ⅱ. 桉树人工林生态系统的养分循环 总被引:1,自引:4,他引:1
根据大量的观测分析资料,论述了刚果W5桉树人工林生态系统养分的地球化学循环和生物小循环。研究结果表明,每公顷每年通过地表径流和地下渗漏从生态系统输出的养分质量以K最多,达21.25 kg/(hm2a);其次为N,达17.21 kg/(hm2a)。桉树人工林生态系统养分流通质量的净变化值f(K)、f(Ca)为负值,f(N)、f(P)、f(Mg)为正值;桉树人工林生态系统养分的生物小循环研究表明,在一个轮伐期内,每公顷桉树吸收养分的质量,依次为Ca 429.03 kg/hm2,其次为N 277.01 kg/hm2和K 208.12 kg/hm2。而在一个轮伐期中归还的养分质量,Ca只有99.78 kg/hm2,K为113.04 kg/hm2。在养分循环率方面,与热带半落叶季雨林比较,桉树人工林生态系统的养分循环率要小得多,说明桉树人工林土壤养分趋向于减少。 相似文献
生态系统服务价值评估的研究进展 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
生态系统服务价值评估是当前生态经济学和环境经济学的研究焦点。首先回顾了国内外关于生态系统服务功能的概念和分类的研究;其次根据发展历程分析了国外生态系统服务价值的评估研究;然后从全国、区域以及单个生态系统等方面探讨国内生态系统服务价值评估的研究。最后指出现有生态系统服务价值评估研究中的不足及今后发展方向,以期丰富生态系统服务价值评估理论。 相似文献