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首先重新归纳了城乡一体化的内涵,然后通过具体分析信息与城乡经济发展、信息与三大市场、信息与城乡生态环境建设、信息与城乡社会、文化融合等来阐述了信息推进城乡一体化进程的作用机理,最后提出6条建议来促进城乡一体化.  相似文献   

在总结国内城乡一体化定量研究的基础上,结合甘南藏族自治州实际概况,运用客观赋权法构建了一套能反映民族地区城乡一体化发展水平的评价指标体系,并利用统计数据对甘南州2010年城乡一体化发展水平进行了静态实证研究。结果显示,甘南藏族自治州城乡一体化发展水平地域差异显著,二元经济结构格局的空间分布在一定程度上决定了城乡一体化水平的空间格局,城乡一体化发展水平与城镇化水平基本吻合。根据甘南州的实际情况,从产业结构调整、空间结构优化、政策扶持与制度保障三方面提出了推进城乡一体化的实施措施。  相似文献   

成都市推进城乡一体化的主要做法与启示   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
成都市在大力推进城乡一体化、建设社会主义新农村方面做了积极的探索,取得了成就和经验.在调查研究的基础上,概述了成都市推进城乡一体化的主要做法,探讨了它对我国城乡统筹的启示.  相似文献   

城乡教育一体化发展是新时期教育改革和发展规划的重要内容,也是推进城乡经济社会一体化的重要举措。实施支持引导型、开拓进取型、防御完善型等三大战略,有利于城乡教育一体化目标的实现。  相似文献   

苏州市居民乡村旅游出游前对乡村旅游目的地感知信息来源以互联网居多,口碑效应影响明显;旅游动机以娱乐消遣,放松休闲居多.苏州居民对苏州乡村旅游的感知处在一般到满意这一区间,满意度不高.因此,完善乡村旅游产品体系,以满足城市居民乡村旅游需求;加快乡村旅游市场培育,推动城乡旅游互动发展;合理规划乡村旅游产业布局,提高居民乡村旅游满意度,是实现城乡旅游一体化发展的重要举措.  相似文献   

正浙江省永康市注重将美好乡村建设与农村文化旅游业发展、壮大集体经济紧密结合起来,有效推动了农村一二三产业融合发展,增强了集体经济,拓宽了农民增收渠道,实现了美好乡村与绿色经济融合发展的良性循环。永康市的经验表明,新阶段美好乡村建设要树立建设与发展并重的理念,要注重发挥美好乡村的集群效应来带动农村产业集聚发展、绿色发展,要注重长效管护机制建设,要同步推进城乡一体化发展。同时,永康市在打造美好乡村建设升级版、发展绿色经济过程  相似文献   

城市旅游与乡村旅游构成空间层面上的旅游全景。协调城乡两个旅游市场的发展是促进旅游业全面发展的重要课题,城乡旅游市场差异性分析是城乡旅游协调发展研究的重要技术支撑。以桂林市和兴安县为例,对国内游客进行市场调查,从旅游消费特征及其满意度两方面监测统计数据入手,比较分析城乡地区国内游客消费的差别及其原因,结合游客的反馈信息,针对桂林城乡区域如何提高国内游客旅游消费与满意度提出了对策与建议。  相似文献   

李朝丽 《绿叶》2012,(12):76-82
在我国快速推进城市化和城乡一体化的过程中,土地资源日益紧缺.闲置土地的规范化处理在建设用地的整个制度体系中日益重要。十三年来首次修订的《闲置土地处置办法》在管理体制与制度技术上均有相当程度的改进,同时这一新办法也存在一定的制度隐忧。为此,新办法需要进一步注重处置规范体系梳理,健全土地管理制度.加强执行落实。  相似文献   

北京市城乡交错带土地利用调控对策   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
城乡交错带是城市扩展和农村发展的前沿,也是统筹城乡关系的重点地区.选择北京市城乡交错带为研究区域,以调查统计、变更调查和实地调查资料为基础,采用统计分析和综合的方法,认为北京市城乡交错带20世纪80年代以来土地利用变化具有以城市发展为主、国家建设占用和点轴面的外延扩展方式的特点,从而导致交错带的生态屏障功能日益受到蚕食,合理的用地功能布局和用地效益受到影响.建议采取加强城乡一体化编制土地利用总体规划、调整结构和优化布局等调控措施.  相似文献   

农村公用事业的发展既是促进当地经济社会发展的基础性工程,也是统筹城乡融合发展格局的关键性保障。在我国新型城镇化推进过程中,长期存在政府投资力度不足、公用设施发展滞后、资源配置不合理和城乡要素流动不顺畅等现实困境,农村公用事业发展始终难以与城市接轨,农村居民始终无法和城市居民享受同等的便利公共服务。基于城乡融合的视角,应不断完善城乡一体化公用事业建设规划体系,促进资金和技术要素向农村地区畅通流动。通过探索农村公用事业公私合作模式,推动农村公用设施升级改造,探索农村监管机构驻点设置,建立城乡不定期联合监管和错区域监管机制等路径,加快推进农村公用事业发展,为我国新型城镇化建设奠定坚实的基础。  相似文献   

Full integration of projects and programmes for rural water supply and sanitation has yet to take place in most developing countries, thus contributing to a situation in which long-term success in the sector has been difficult to demonstrate. It is suggested that full integration in individual countries will require reorientation of project planning procedures, and the development of a community support programme (CSP) to provide backup to communities after project completion. Ultimately, full integration of projects and programmes is an iterative process, requiring the evaluation of past efforts in the field. Experience in the International Drinking Water Supply and Sanitation Decade (1981–90) has demonstrated that coverage alone — as the de facto indicator of success — is not sufficient (particularly in rural areas). The 1990s represent a fresh chance to modify indicators for success, and to go beyond coverage by integrating projects and programmes for rural water supply and sanitation.  相似文献   

山西省城乡统筹发展效率的DEA分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
基于2009年山西省11个地级市城乡统筹发展的面板数据,运用数据包络分析(DEA)评价了各区域的城乡统筹发展效率,对其空间差异变化特征与规律进行了分析。结果表明,山西省城乡统筹发展效率总体上呈"中部较高,普遍分化"的分布特征,并存在两大"DEA有效"集群。自改革开放以来,山西省逐渐形成了中、东、西三大经济地带,即中部盆地区、东部山地区和西部高原丘陵区。规模效率是当前制约山西省城乡统筹发展综合效率的主要方面。全省普遍存在投入冗余现象,可通过优化环境、产业结构高级化、突出特色产业、提升产业技术、提高劳动力素质和城市化水平等途径来提高区域的城乡统筹发展效率。各区域之间城乡统筹发展效率的空间差异显著;对2009年山西省11个地级市进行相对效率分析,得出相对有效值为1的城市居多,北部朔州市和南端运城市相对效率差异明显,最后提出了相关政策建议。  相似文献   

介绍了秦皇岛市创建国家环境保护模范城市的意义,重点阐述了完成创模任务的主要对策,包括:构建以旅游业为中心、特色产业互融互促的现代产业体系;加快城乡一体化建设;提升城镇发展质量和水平;加强重大基础设施建设;积极推广清洁能源,深入开展工程节能;积极推进循环经济发展等。秦皇岛市创建国家环境保护模范城市,将会在环境、经济和社会三方面产生明显的综合效益。  相似文献   

Previous research addressing the unequal distribution of locally desirable land (LDL) has mainly ignored their associated environments (i.e., rural or urban). However, this study proposed a new framework that treats rural and urban regions separately. In rural areas, the LDLs included all public lands. In urbanized areas, the LDLs were defined as green open spaces. Potential inequities in the distribution of LDL were assessed with respect to socioeconomic characteristics of residents in the State of Georgia. Using US Census Bureau Data (2000), Census Block Groups (CBGs) adjacent to LDLs were compared to CBGs outside of LDLs on four socioeconomic variables (per capita income, occupation, education, and race) in urban, suburban and rural environments. Results showed that CBGs adjacent to LDLs were composed of statistically significant upper-class communities containing fewer blue-collar workers, more whites, and higher income and higher educated people in rural, suburban and urban areas.  相似文献   

Energy transition is the process whereby the volume and proportion of commercial energy increases so as to replace traditional fuels as the main energy source. In South and South-East Asia the extent to which this transition has taken place varies within and between countries. In general, in the urban areas, the process is more advanced than in rural areas. It is also more advanced in the larger towns than the smaller ones and more advanced within higher income groups. In rural areas industry is a large consumer of traditional energy and many rural peoples earn their livelihoods as suppliers of traditional energy to industry. For both economic and social reasons the transition process has been slower in rural households than in urban households. This must change as for much of the rural areas of South and South-East Asia, increasing population and increasing energy demand are creating pressures on the biomass which cannot be sustained.  相似文献   

An understanding of groundwater vulnerability in urban watersheds is important for the prevention of both surface water and groundwater contamination and can therefore be a useful tool in brownfield redevelopment and land use planning. Although industrial activity in southeastern Michigan has historically been restricted to the urbanized sections of metropolitan Detroit, new industrial development is rapidly taking place in rural and undeveloped areas. Although environmentalists and urban planners agree that industrial site recycling in urban centres (a.k.a. brownfield redevelopment) is preferable to developing green areas, many older sites remain undeveloped due to real and perceived risks. Using a PC-based geographic information system, a conceptual model of solute transport in soil was developed to evaluate potential impacts to both groundwater and surface water quality resulting from industrial development. The model was used to create a map of groundwater vulnerability within the Rouge River watershed of southeastern Michigan. The map has been used to pin-point several rural and undeveloped areas where groundwater quality is threatened by proposed development. It has also clearly demonstrated that many older brownfield sites, within the City of Detroit, are located on materials that have a much lower vulnerability to groundwater contamination and may therefore be far less costly to redevelop than greenfield sites in undeveloped areas of the watershed.  相似文献   

中国是一个农业历史悠久的大国,乡村在社会中具有重要地位。通过近30多年的改革开放,乡村的建设和农业生产水平均有了显著的提高。但是在工业化、城镇化的浪潮下,乡村所受到的冲击十分剧烈。城镇化是经济与社会发展的强大动力,也是历史发展的必然趋势。城镇化进程有其客观规律,而且城市与乡村之间有着密切联系。因此,人为地阻挡城镇化不利于经济发展。然而,若不顾实际条件,不惜代价地加快城镇化进程,不仅难以保持和提高城市的经济发展和生活质量,而且对乡村的影响会更大。本文在论述中国1949年以来几个阶段城镇化特点的基础上,从近年来城乡差距与乡村人口劳动力的变化、土地高速非农化与粮食安全、乡村生态环境、乡村文化四个方面论述快速城镇化对乡村的冲击,并在此基础上讨论乡村的发展问题。根据上述乡村发展问题,本文提出若干意见,其中最要顾及的是新型城镇化进程中的乡村建设和农业生产。由于我国的自然条件、资源禀赋、各地的经济区位差异很大、发展的起点不同、进程有快慢、水平有高低,所以,以人为本的新型城镇化,特别要在城乡发展一体化的进程中,构建平等协调的城乡关系。各地城镇化的发展时序可有所不同,但必须因地制宜、同时做好乡村发展规划,力求农业现代化与工业化、信息化、城镇化同步,从而使农业和乡村经济得到持续发展。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Access to clean and sufficient amounts of water is a critical problem in many countries. A watershed approach is vital in understanding pollution pathways affecting water resources and in developing participatory solutions. Such integration of information with participatory approaches can lead to more sustainable solutions than traditional “crisis‐to‐crisis” management approaches. This study aims at applying a watershed based joint action approach to manage water resources. Since most watersheds have urban and rural sources of pollution and a wide disparity in access to and use of water, alternative solutions need to take an integrated approach through cooperative actions. An institutional model was applied to seven subwatersheds in Honduras to evaluate various sources and effects of water contamination and water shortages. Two specific pathways of water resources degradation were studied (contamination from coffee pulp manufacturing and urban nonpoint sources) to develop alternative solutions that mitigate downstream impacts of access to clean water. A locally driven joint mechanism to reuse coffee pulp in farming systems is proposed. Such an institutional solution can maximize benefits to both farms and the coffee pulp industry. A combination of education and investment in sanitary facilities in urbanizing areas is proposed to minimize urban sources of water contamination.  相似文献   

Characteristics of urban natural areas and surrounding landscapes were identified that best explain winter bird use for 28 urban natural areas in southern Ontario, Canada. The research confirms for winter birds the importance of area (size) and natural vegetation, rather than managed, horticultural parkland, within urban natural areas as well as percent urban land use and natural habitat in surrounding landscapes. Alien bird density and percent ground feeding species increased with percent surrounding urban land use. Higher percent forest cover was associated with higher percentages of forest, bark feeding, small (<20 g) and insectivorous species. Natural area size (ha) was related to higher species richness, lower evenness and higher percentages of insectivorous, forest interior, area-sensitive, upper canopy, bark feeding, and non-resident species. Higher number of habitat types within natural areas and percent natural habitat in surrounding landscapes were also associated with higher species richness. Common, resident bird species dominated small areas (<6.5 ha), while less common non-residents increased with area, indicative of a nested distribution. Areas at least 6.5 ha and more generally >20 ha start to support some area-sensitive species. Areas similar to rural forests had >25% insectivores, >25% forest interior species, >25% small species, and <5% alien species. Indicator species separated urban natural areas from rural habitats and ordination placed urban natural areas along a gradient between urban development and undisturbed, rural forests. More attention is needed on issues of winter bird conservation in urban landscapes.  相似文献   

In the Portland, Oregon, metropolitan region, an urban growth boundary (UGB) was established in 1979 to protect farm and forest lands from urban encroachment. Most of the literature on the impact of Oregon's land-use legislation has been on the urban side of the issue--primarily the relative success Portland has had in containing urban sprawl. The landscape component of this rural transformation is typically considered only as a passive backdrop to urban expansion. Portland provides an excellent site to examine the relationship city-dwellers have to nearby agricultural areas. Rapid urban growth in the 1990s pushed suburban development to the edge of the UGB creating stark contrasts between urban and rural land uses in parts of the metropolitan area. This study examines the impact of the UGB on rural landscape change in Portland. We combine findings from land-use analysis and surveys of urban and rural residents to suggest ways to merge the amenity values of landscape with planning policy regarding the UGB.  相似文献   

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