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地下工程建筑企业事故统计分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
事故统计分析是企业安全生产管理中的重要部分.讨论了建筑企业生产安全事故统计分析中遇到的事故分类方法,并对事故统计指标作了分析.以广州市某地下工程有限公司2003-2007年间的原始数据资料为例,对企业事故进行了统计分析,最后提出了改进安全管理的几点意见.  相似文献   

本文对供电企业事故管理方法进行了探讨,提出了包括事故报告、督导、调查、整改、统计分析与预警、信息沟通与回顾、检查与考核在内的七项事故管理内容,明确了事故的管理程序。  相似文献   

事故管理包含事故报告、事故调查分析、事故登记统计、事故处理、预防措施的制定和实施等.科学管理事故资料,获取大量可靠的事故信息,是揭示事故规律及影响因素、实现危险预测预控、进行有效安全评价、正确进行安全生产决策的重要依据,也是提供安全宣传教育资料的重要途径.但目前企业事故管理还存在一些不足之处,如事故资料收集不完整、整理不规范、统计分析方法不科学、资料利用率低、安全投入决策缺乏依据等,不能很好地发挥事故管理作用.本文将结合工作实践中遇到的问题提出改进工作的几点建议.  相似文献   

基于灰关联度的事故聚类分析   总被引:9,自引:9,他引:9  
事故是来自系统和环境的风险 ,危害人类的生产、生活和生存活动。对事故进行科学分类是安全管理和事故处理的重要基础。笔者针对现行事故等级分类标准的不足 ,分析了事故造成的人员伤亡和经济损失等多属性特征 ;通过灰关联度确定了各属性指标的不同权重 ,定义了事故间的加权欧氏距离 ;根据事故属性指标的相似度 ,利用聚类分析对事故进行了分类 ;以 2 0 0 3年全国发生的 14起特别重大事故为例进行了实证分析。提出的事故分类思想和方法 ,综合考虑了事故所造成的损失 ,理论严谨、方法实用有效 ,可作为政府有关部门进行事故分类和事故处理的决策依据。  相似文献   

分析了在检修过程、操作过程及设备运行中发生的供电事故,从职工行业、设备状态两个方面查找了事故产生的原因,认为安全供电应作为系统工程来管理,必须加大技术监督力度,对设备进行全过程管理。  相似文献   

安全是企业发展的重要保证,近年来安全生产事故的频发使企业意识到安全生产的重要性,对事故的防控更要由事后处罚向事前预防转变。以风险辨识、风险评价和风险预警过程为主线,对企业安全生产事故风险预警的理论和方法进行了综述,包括事故致因理论、重大危险源辨识理论、风险评价方法、风险预警方法及预警阈值的确定方法等。阐述了企业安全生产事故风险预警理论和方法的国内外研究现状。对安全生产的法律保障进行了归纳,并结合现有研究存在的问题,提出了重点研究方向。  相似文献   

我国钢铁企业事故预防研究综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了明确我国钢铁企业事故预防的研究现状和今后研究重点,基于文献查阅,将事故预防从企业安全管理和事故诱因研究两方面进行分析,概括了我国钢铁企业安全管理模式的发展进程,并指出不同类型企业在安全管理模式方面存在的问题。归纳钢铁企业现有安全管理过程中关于管理方法、管理方式、管理目标、管理责任及管理人员方面存在的突出问题。汇总钢铁企业事故产生原因的重要分析指标,从横向和纵向两个方面分析现有文献在事故诱因方面的研究内容。最后从4个方面指出我国钢铁企业在今后事故预防中对安全管理模式及事故诱因研究应注意的主要问题。  相似文献   

我国煤矿安全生产事故的致灾因素分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
煤矿安全不仅关系到广大煤矿工人的生命财产安全、煤炭的安全开采,还关系到煤炭企业的和谐稳定.煤矿安全工作是党和政府管理社会、为人民服务的基本任务,是全面落实科学发展观、建设和谐社会的重要组成部分.首先对我国煤矿安全形势进行了分析,随后介绍了事故致因理论的发展,结合我国煤矿事故的特点运用现代事故致因理论对一起煤矿事故进行了分析,最后得出提高煤矿安全监管的措施.  相似文献   

中央企业事故水平分析   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
通过调研,掌握了大量中央企业安全生产信息数据。在数据分析的基础上,得出中央企业事故发生频率和伤害水平指标。根据我国现行的事故分类方法,分析中央企业事故类别分布规律。根据我国行业分类标准,比较分析处于不同行业中央企业的伤亡事故水平,并提出加强企业安全生产工作,提高安全管理水平的建议措施。  相似文献   

刘洋 《劳动保护》2005,(11):80-81
现实中有这么一种情况,有些企业安全管理尽管工作做的还不错,但往往还是不能有效杜绝事故的发生;相反,有些企业安全管理一般,甚至隐患严重,问题较多,结果却没有发生事故。这种现象尽管不很普遍,但确实存在。从表面看,管理好的企业发生事故不可思议,管理不好的企业没发生事故可能只是运气好而已。但认真分析,前者说明,只要管理达不到100%的到位,就意味着有发生事故的可能;后者揭示了事故发生的内在机理,即尽管有时不安全因素较多,但只要这些因素不同时存在,不同时起作用,那么事故也就不会发生。所谓的管理好,也只是某些方面;所谓的运气好,也…  相似文献   

付亮 《安全》2005,26(3):37-38,55
海因里希于1931年在其<工业事故预防-管理手段>*一书中,首次提出了他的事故致因理论,其内容为"事故是由类似于多米诺骨牌一样的因果链所引起的".这个因果链为"人成长的社会环境或遗传因素(第一块骨牌)形成了他本身的某方面的缺欠(第二块骨牌),这个缺欠导致工作时他有不安全行为的和物(如机械设备等)的某方面的不安全状态发生(第三块骨牌),人的不安全行为和物的不安全状态导致事故(第四块骨牌)的发生,事故再最终导致人员发生伤害(第五块骨牌)."  相似文献   

浅析事故经济损失   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近来,我国各类事故频繁发生,事故造成人员的伤亡或设备、装置、建筑物的破坏,给国家、企业和个人造成了很大的经济损失,也给社会造成了不安定因素.笔者认为事故发生后不仅要查清人员的伤亡情况、事故经过、原因分析、责任人处理、人员教育、措施制定,而且还要弄清事故经济损失的划分,进而对事故经济损失进行分析和统计,从而追究经济损失的承担者.本文介绍了国内外事故经济损失的划分、对比以及计算方法.参照国外的经验,根据我国的实际情况,对于直接损失和间接损失给出了详细的划分和计算的方法.  相似文献   

Conducting in-depth accident studies   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In 1983 the Accident Research Unit at the Institute for Consumer Ergonomics began a major study, sponsored by the UK Department of Transport and three motor companies, to investigate the causes of injury to occupants in car accidents. This study has been under way for nearly ten years and the database of information is one of the most comprehensive of its kind in the world. This information plays a key role in establishing the priorities for safety research in the UK, based on real life accident data. This paper is concerned with the practical aspects of the collection and analysis of real life accident data. Issues include the establishment and maintenance of collaboration with police forces, hospital consultants and coroners; recruitment and training of staff; accident sampling; data quality control and large scale project management. The case is also made for the need to establish a coordinated European database of accident information to facilitate the development of appropriate safety requirements and to set priorities for safety research in Europe.  相似文献   

Past accident analysis (PAA) is one of the most potent and oft-used exercises for gaining insights into the reasons why accidents occur in chemical process industry (CPI) and the damage they cause. PAA provides invaluable ‘wisdom of hindsight’ with which strategies to prevent accidents or cushion the impact of inevitable accidents can be developed.A number of databases maintain record of past accidents in CPI. The most comprehensive of the existing databases include Major Hazard Incident Data Service (MHIDAS), Major Accident Reporting System (MARS), and Failure and Accidents Technical Information Systems (FACTS). But each of these databases have some limitations. For example MHIDAS can be accessed only after paying a substantial fee. Moreover, as detailed in the paper, it is not infallible and has some inaccuracies. Other databases, besides having similar problems, are seldom confined to accidents in chemical process industries but also cover accidents from other domains such as nuclear power plants, construction industry, and natural disasters. This makes them difficult to use for PAA relating to CPI. Operational injuries not related to loss of containment, are also often included. Moreover, the detailing of events doesn’t follow a consistent pattern or classification; a good deal of relevant information is either missing or is misclassified.The present work is an attempt to develop a comprehensive open-source database to assist PAA. To this end, information on about 8000 accidents, available in different open-source clearing houses has been brought into a new database named by us PUPAD (Pondicherry University Process-industry Accident Database). Multiple and overlapping accident records have been carefully eliminated and a search engine has been developed for retrieval of the records on the basis of appropriate classification. PUPAD doesn’t aim to replace or substitute the well established databases such as MHIDAS and MARS but, rather, aims to compliment them.  相似文献   

FDA事故致因模型从安全信息视角出发,将海上船舶碰撞事故发生的宏观与微观因素系统地结合在一起,以管理科学和技术科学为依据,构建海上船舶碰撞FDA事故致因模型,从微观到宏观即个体船只、海运企业、海事局3个层面进行安全信息视域下的事故致因分析,通过逻辑推导定位最佳的安全管理方位。研究结果表明:FDA事故致因模型由3条事故子链及1条事故主链构成,能够从微观到宏观完整表达海上船舶碰撞事故发生过程及机理;破坏3条FDA事故子链或FDA事故主链的形成即可有效地预防海上船舶碰撞事故的发生,对促进海上船舶航行安全管理水平的提高具有重要的理论与现实意义。  相似文献   

《Safety Science》2006,44(3):209-219
Accident prediction models, the vast majority of which are negative binomial regression models, are of considerable importance to highway agencies since they can be used to conduct many traffic safety studies. However, not every agency possesses sufficient accident statistics that enable it to develop reliable models of its own. This problem gives rise to interest in the transferability of accident prediction models in time and space. It would save time, effort, and money if accident prediction models developed for one region in one period of time could be applied in different time periods and regions to produce reliable safety studies.This paper presents methods for recalibrating negative binomial accident models before transferring them for use in different time periods and regions of space. The paper emphasizes that the recalibration of the shape parameter of a transferred model using local data is absolutely necessary. It explains that it is also desirable to recalibrate the constant term of the transferred model in order to allow the model to better suit local conditions. A moment method is presented for recalibrating the shape parameter of a transferred model when its constant term is not recalibrated. However, a maximum likelihood method is presented for recalibrating both the shape parameter and the constant term of the transferred model and is shown to be superior to the recalibration methods existing in the traffic safety literature.  相似文献   

Accident investigation manuals are influential documents on various levels in a safety management system, and it is therefore important to appraise them in the light of what we currently know – or assume – about the nature of accidents. Investigation manuals necessarily embody or represent an accident model, i.e., a set of assumptions about how accidents happen and what the important factors are. In this paper we examine three aspects of accident investigation as described in a number of investigation manuals. Firstly, we focus on accident models and in particular the assumptions about how different factors interact to cause – or prevent – accidents, i.e., the accident “mechanisms”. Secondly, we focus on the scope in the sense of the factors (or factor domains) that are considered in the models – for instance (hu)man, technology, and organization (MTO). Thirdly, we focus on the system of investigation or the activities that together constitute an accident investigation project/process. We found that the manuals all used complex linear models. The factors considered were in general (hu)man, technology, organization, and information. The causes found during an investigation reflect the assumptions of the accident model, following the ‘What-You-Look-For-Is-What-You-Find’ or WYLFIWYF principle. The identified causes typically became specific problems to be fixed during an implementation of solutions. This follows what can be called ‘What-You-Find-Is-What-You-Fix’ or WYFIWYF principle.  相似文献   

郭宪臻  郑文明 《安全》1999,20(1):22-25
应用故障树分析法能系统地分析高炉炉前灼伤的原因,在故障村图上,因果关系明确,并能找出事故发生的主要原因,从而制定措施,以有效地预防事故的发生。  相似文献   

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