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对现有农村污水治理方式进行了总结和效果评价。提出了适合宁波地区农村污水治理的4类模式。分别是污废合流的集中模式、分散模式,污废分流的分散模式、过渡模式。分析了模式选择的影响因素,分别是人口规模、集聚模式、地形、地质条件、功能区域,并对目标村庄进行亍相应分类,建立数学模型探讨了集中与分散模式的经济距离以及集中模式下户均投资的控制距离,最后根据研究成果对首批实施的14个行政村25个自然村的生活污水治理模式进行了选择。  相似文献   

估算模式、AERMOD模式系统、ADMS模式系统均是HJ2.2-2008《环境影响评价技术导则大气环境》中推荐的大气预测模式,为探求此3种大气预测模式预测结果的大小关系规律,选用估算模式、AERMOD模式系统、ADMS模式系统,在简单地形和复杂地形两种条件下,结合一般工业类环评项目中常见的点源、面源案例,对不同预测模式的大气预测结果进行比较分析,得出相应的规律,对环评工作中进一步预测模式的选用具有一定的参考借鉴意义。  相似文献   

小型核设施气载放射性核素大气扩散计算模式   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文从小型核设施环评项目的特点出发,对高斯烟羽模式进行了简化,建立了正常工况下气载放射性核素偏保守的大气扩散简单模式,该模式包括高架源模式和低架源模式。将大气扩散简单模式与高斯烟羽模式进行实例计算比较。通过计算和分析,大气扩散简单模式计算所需参数少,计算结果偏保守,并与高斯烟羽模式计算结果相近,能够反映下风向各处地面空气核素浓度的分布情况。  相似文献   

阐述了循环经济的内涵,分析了煤炭企业传统生产模式存在的问题,指出煤炭企业实施循环经济生产模式的必要性,提出我国煤炭企业建立循环经济生产模式的基本思路。即建立以煤炭企业为中心的小循环生产模式,以大型煤炭生产基地为中心的中循环生产模式和以社会为中心的大循环生产模式,对我国煤炭企业实施循环经济的生产模式具有指导意义。  相似文献   

我国旅游扶贫模式转型升级新思路   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以2000年国家旅游局在宁夏试办旅游扶贫试验区为契机,我国各地开始了旅游扶贫的探索。经过十多年的摸索实践,已形成了诸多较具特色的模式,但总体上还是以政府主导型模式或输血性扶贫模式为主,实际效果不理想。因此,有必要改变这种扶贫模式,转向造血型旅游扶贫模式、补血型模式、混血型模式、换血型模式,即将单纯的资金扶贫逐步转变为制度扶贫、人才扶贫、市场扶贫、技术扶贫,更要注重扶志与扶智、扶知。  相似文献   

彭建兰  王丽娟  谢详龙 《环境技术》2007,25(3):35-37,39
本文通过对低温系统露点温度控制技术的分析,指出该控制模式存在的不足,提出采用露点模式和时间程序模式相结合的露点节能控制模式对空气的干燥度和使用工况进行监控,从而实现对低湿度干燥空气的露点温度的智能监控.同时对两种控制模式耗能进行比较,指出露点节能控制模式明显优于单纯的时间程序控制模式,为低温系统露点控制提供了新的测控手段.  相似文献   

合理科学的开发模式既能够深化旅游开发研究,又能够对旅游开发实践加以正确引导.在解读乡村旅游已有开发模式的基础上,较全面地阐释了社区-景区共生模式的内涵、演化过程以及模式构成,梳理了社区-景区共生模式的基本运作过程,并对该模式的效益进行评估.  相似文献   

生态环境导向的开发模式是解决传统生态治理项目公益性强而经济效益较差的重要手段。本研究总结了“EOD+PPP”模式、投资人+EPC模式、ABO模式、政府专项债券和创新型贷款模式等五项模式的特点与应用案例,并从地方政府支出角度剖析了各种模式的适用条件。本文认为,当前 EOD模式的运行难点包括:产业培育周期较长,投资回报不确定性较大;开发存在诸多风险因素,缺少标准化制度体系;金融机构缺乏积极性,配套投融资考评体系建设不足。最后提出 EOD模式创新的政策建议,通过关联产业一体化实施、协同生态价值实现机制、强化风险管控评估、规范应用投融资模式为完善EOD投融资模式创新提供思路。  相似文献   

周开锡 《四川环境》2012,(4):114-118
PPP模式作为公共部门与私人企业合作的一种模式,可以有效地缓解基础设施建设资金紧张的状况,是一种基于双赢或多赢理念基础上而形成的模式,目前已被许多国家广泛采用。在我国推行公用事业市场化改革的背景下,该模式具有广阔的应用前景。本文分析了该模式在我国城市污水处理行业中应用的主要形式,以及该模式在我国现实环境下面临的风险、存在的问题和相应的解决办法,并为政府推进PPP模式的应用提供了相关的建议。  相似文献   

我国蛋鸡粪有能源化、肥料化和饲料化3种主要循环利用模式。从经济角度分析,3种模式各有特色,其中肥料化是当前比较可行的模式,能源化则是未来值得推广的模式,饲料化存在较大的潜在风险。在评估蛋鸡粪循环利用模式经济效益的基础上,本文提出了若干政策建议。  相似文献   

The decline of a regional fishing nation: The case of Ghana and West Africa   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Inadequate trade policies, globalization of the fishing industry, dominance of Europe's distant water fleets, declarations of exclusive economic zones (EEZs) by neighbouring West African nations, overfishing and a lack of good governance contributed to the decline of Ghana as a regional fishing nation, a position it had held since the 18th century. The prohibitive cost of access arrangements limited Ghana's access to distant waters. The country's marine environments have been impacted by overexploitation of stocks and the use of destructive methods. Subsistence fishing has become the sole means of survival for many fishers. The decline of the fishing sector has limited the country's ability to meet domestic demand and threatened the economic and food security of many Ghanaians. The article traces the early history of Ghana's fisheries, their gradual decline during the last four decades, and outlines recommendations for policy changes to address the situation and steer the nation on a course towards sustainable fisheries.  相似文献   

Adaptive management (AM) is the process of implementing land management activities in incremental steps and evaluating whether desired outcomes are being achieved at each step. If conditions deviate substantially from predictions, management activities are adjusted to achieve the desired outcomes. Thus, AM is a kind of monitoring, an activity that land management agencies have done poorly for the most part, at least with respect to ground-based monitoring. Will they do better in the future? We doubt it unless costs, personnel, and future commitment are seriously addressed. Because ecosystem responses to management impacts can ripple into the distant future, monitoring programs that address only the near future (e.g., 10–20 years), are probably unreliable for making statements about resource conditions in the distant future. We give examples of this. Feedback loops between ecosystem response and adjustment of management actions are often broken, and therefore AM again fails. Successful ground-based monitoring must address these and other points that agencies commonly ignore. As part of the solution, publics distrustful of agency activities should be included in any monitoring program.  相似文献   

Summary Despite of decades of successful worldwide use of magnetic/electromagnetic field therapy, the answer to the question of possible mechanisms of action is still lacking. Scientific reports of successful therapeutic use of magnetic/electromagnetic fields are worldwide; however, our understanding of the underlying mechanism is limited. This paper presents a new hypothesis that therapeutic benefit of magnetic fields might result from effects that originated on the level of important systems in human body. It is known now that the life is an electromagnetic event in aqueous medium. Therefore, an appropriate choice of magnetic and/or electromagnetic field may be expected to initiate systemic changes that result in efficacious effects distant from the point of application. Observations of this phenomenon have been reported in at least two forms: (1) neutralization of the pain experience distant to the point of magnetic field exposure; and, (2) various alterations of T-lymphocytes in response to pain and to magnetic fields. Extrapolating these observations to the level of blood-vessel system, one might hypothesize that a “healthy” cell does not respond as readily to the applied fields as do abnormal cells (which are in a disease or injury state).  相似文献   

Mining of construction aggregate is often unwelcome near communities because of its disamenities or because it can destroy prime farmland and displace other desirable land uses. Such conflicts have led to prohibitions against mining near cities or on high-value farmland, causing these operations to be relocated to more distant locations. The cost of this relocation may go unnoticed if they are indirect, diffused and rise gradually over time, but they may be significant due to the high transportation cost of moving these materials long distances.  相似文献   

A prerequisite to the wide deployment at an industrial scale of CO2 geological storage is demonstrating that potential risks can be efficiently managed. Corrective measures in case of significant irregularities, such as CO2 leakage, are hence required as advocated by the recent European directive on Carbon Capture and Storage operations. In this regard, the objective of the present paper is to investigate four different corrective measures aiming at controlling the overpressure induced by the injection operations in the reservoir: stopping the CO2 injection and relying on the natural pressure recovery in the reservoir; extracting the stored CO2 at the injection well; extracting brine at a distant well while stopping the CO2 injection, and extracting at a distant well without stopping the CO2 injection. The efficiency of the measures is assessed using multi-phase fluid flow numerical simulations. The application case is the deep carbonate aquifer of the Dogger geological unit in the Paris Basin. A comparative study between the four corrective measures is then carried using a cost-benefit approach. Results show that an efficient overpressure reduction can be achieved by simply shutting-in the well. The overpressure reduction can be significantly accelerated by means of fluid extraction but the adverse consequences are the associated higher costs of the intervention operations.  相似文献   

Water quality impairment due to excessive nutrients and sediment is a major problem in the United States (U.S.). An important step in the mitigation of impairment in any given water body is determination of pollutant sources and amount. The sheer number of impaired waters and limited resources makes simplistic load estimation methods such as export coefficient (EC) methods attractive. Unfortunately ECs are typically based on small watershed monitoring data, which are very limited and/or often based on data collected from distant watersheds with drastically different conditions. In this research, we seek to improve the accuracy of these nutrient export estimation methods by developing a national database of localized EC for each ecoregion in the U.S. A stochastic sampling methodology loosely based on the Monte‐Carlo technique was used to construct a database of 45 million Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) simulations. These simulations consider a variety of climate, topography, soils, weather, land use, management, and conservation implementation conditions. SWAT model simulations were successfully validated with edge‐of‐field monitoring data. Simulated nutrient ECs compared favorably with previously published studies. These ECs may be used to rapidly estimate nutrient loading for any small catchment in the U.S. provided the location, area, and land‐use distribution are known.  相似文献   

The rapid development of wireless technologies leads to increased human exposure to electromagnetic fields from new devices. Most of these technologies communicate in short to medium range. Communication devices, such as mobile phones (GSM, UMTS, LTE) and wireless computer networks (WLAN, HSDPA, WIMAX) usually work at distances up to some 10 km. Other techniques like Bluetooth, RFID, and wireless USB work at distances up to a few meters. RFID systems can use several frequency bands from low frequencies up to microwaves. The other technologies are mainly using microwave frequencies. Most of these technologies have a rather low-output power, typically <1 W average power, except for fixed transmitters like base stations. This means that the exposure from distant sources is low. If the devices are kept close to the body, the local exposure can be in the range of the levels in the ICNIRP recommendation; this is the case, for example, for mobile phones and WLAN transmitters in laptops. For distant sources, there exist several measurement techniques such as spectrum analysers, measurement receivers, and broadband meters. For sources used close to the body, the local SAR levels have to be determined. For this purpose, instruments measuring the local electric field inside body phantoms have been developed. An alternative to measurements is numerical simulations. If one has knowledge of the signal characteristics of the different technologies then it is possible to find a suitable measurement technique to assess the human exposure.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Fractional differencing is a tool for modeling time series which have long-term dependence; i.e., series in which the correlation between distant observations, though small, is not negligible. Fractionally differenced ARIMA models are formed by permitting the differencing parameter d in the familiar Box-Jenkins ARIMA(p, d, q) models to take nonintegral values; they permit the simultaneous modeling of the long-term and short-term behavior of an observed time series. This paper discusses the usefulness of fractional differencing to time-series modeling, with emphasis on hydrologic applications. A methodology for fitting fractionally differenced ARIMA models is described, and examples are presented.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Devils Hole is a collapse depression connected to the regional carbonate aquifer of the Death Valley ground water flow system. Devils Hole pool is home to an endangered pupfish that was threatened when irrigation pumping in nearby Ash Meadows lowered the pool stage in the 1960s. Pumping at Ash Meadows ultimately ceased, and the stage recovered until 1988, when it began to decline, a trend that continued until at least 2004. Regional ground water pumping and changes in recharge are considered the principal potential stresses causing long term stage changes. A regression was found between pumpage and Devils Hole water levels. Though precipitation in distant mountain ranges is the source of recharge to the flow system, the stage of Devils Hole shows small change in stage from 1937 to 1963, a period during which ground water withdrawals were small and the major stress on stage would have been recharge. Multiple regression analyses, made by including the cumulative departure from normal precipitation with pumpage as independent variables, did not improve the regression. Drawdown at Devils Hole was calculated by the Theis Equation for nearby pumping centers to incorporate time delay and drawdown attenuation. The Theis drawdowns were used as surrogates for pumpage in multiple regression analyses. The model coefficient for the regression, R2= 0.982, indicated that changes in Devils Hole were largely due to effects of pumping at Ash Meadows, Amargosa Desert, and Army 1.  相似文献   

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