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为了拓宽我国脱硫石膏的利用途径,实现对脱硫石膏直接利用,本研究选取谷氨酸钠作为缓凝剂,聚羧酸作为减水剂,对脱硫石膏现浇墙体材料进行改性研究。试验结果表明:电厂的脱硫石膏经过55℃预烘干2 h,160℃烘干3 h,按照GB/T 17669.4-1999确定标稠需水量,添加3%谷氨酸钠作为缓凝剂,0.5%聚羧酸作为减水剂时,现浇墙体材料的初凝时间约54 min,终凝时间延长至96 min,复配后初终凝时间满足施工要求;墙体材料的绝干抗折强度为3.31 MPa,绝干抗压强度为12.27 MPa。  相似文献   

通过实验探讨了非饱和状态粘土的抗剪强度指标与速度和密度之间的相关关系。结果表明,抗剪切试验速度越快,强度与粘聚力越大,速度对内摩擦角影响不显著;密度增加,强度、粘聚力和内摩擦角对应增加。  相似文献   

废钻井液复合固化处理技术及应用研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
为了达到“以废治废、变废为宝”的目的,胜利油田对废钻井液固化处理技术进行了研究。详细分析了钻井液的有害成分及固化处理的作用机理,在确定了固化物设计指标的前提下,进行了大量实验室分析、检测及试样配比研究,得到了适合不同钻井液体系的固化处理配方,并对复合固结材料进行了击实、抗干湿、抗冻融等耐久性试验。结果表明,28d后,复合固结材料的抗压强度一般为0.5~1.5 MPa,可用于铺设简易道路或修建井场用。另外,在废钻井液中添加固结材料、稳定剂及骨料,并利用废钻井液的潜在活性,使其成为具有硅酸盐凝胶结构或水泥石结构的建筑材料,可以进行砌体施工。该项技术具有显著的经济效益和社会效益。  相似文献   

湿热试验是模拟客观自然环境条件对电子产品进行的考验。根据整机电子产品的安全标准GB8898-88的规定:整机在湿热试验结束后立即进行抗电强度的检验。本文扼要地分析整机电子产品在湿热试验后抗电强度的重要性,并重点讨论电子产品在湿热后抗电强度检验中存在的问题及主因,以达到提高产品安全性的目的。  相似文献   

高峰 《环境教育》2012,(3):42-44
新型的城市建筑材料不仅可以美化建筑、降低成本、弥补现今建筑材料中的缺点、突破建筑瓶颈,还可以净化环境,帮助城市绿化形成可持续发展的长效体系。  相似文献   

对我国目前常用的住宅建筑材料的危害及来源进行了分析,对新型环保建材进行了介绍,并提出住宅建筑材料可持续发展的途径。  相似文献   

新型防渗混凝土用抗裂剂研制成功  新型防渗抗裂剂采用无毒聚合物制成,对环境无污染,用它配成的水泥砂浆与普通砂浆相比,可提高粘结强度和改变水泥热胀冷缩所造成的渗水。本品可根据不同的需要加入混凝土中搅拌均匀后用在防水物面,也可用它制成瓷砖、大理石、花岗石和木材等装饰材料的粘合剂。本品的研制成功解决了目前混凝土普通存在的易裂现象,可替代传统的防水材料,同时降低了防水成本。(黄春玺)利用废品制成的PU带锈防腐漆  利用废聚苯乙烯泡沫改性制成的PU带锈防腐漆的成本低,仅为普通防腐漆的1/3,并解决了难被生…  相似文献   

为了降低建筑垃圾肆意堆放造成的围城风险,提高建筑垃圾高值资源化利用程度,增强再生材料工程安全性能,采用控制变量法,开展了建筑垃圾再生骨料杂质种类及含量对再生混凝土性能的影响研究。结果表明,在设计配合比条件下,建筑垃圾再生混凝土28d抗压强度满足C25强度等级要求,且具有较高的安全余量,表现出韧性强,抗变形性能好等力学特征。混凝土性能主要受再生骨料杂质含量、吸水性、粘合性、填充性等因素影响。其中,木屑和金属可显著提高混凝土浆体的粘聚性,降低流动性,最大降幅接近50%。而玻璃提高了混凝土拌料的流动度,最大增幅达32%。当玻璃掺入量达到6%时,混凝土28d抗压强度约18MPa,降幅接近50%,严重制约混凝土安全性。因此,建筑垃圾资源化利用时,应提高骨料除杂分选效率,降低再生骨料的含杂率,其杂质总含量宜低于3%,以保障再生混凝土的安全性及工作性。  相似文献   

本品是以碎玻璃、石英砂、石子为主要原料,经科学工艺配制,一次自然成型而成。产品豪华典雅,层次分明,色彩逼真,并有珠光亮泽,具有强度高、耐酸碱和磨损、抗折压、质轻阻燃、可钉锯等优点。目前,我所已开发出20多种不同花色图案的水晶石装饰板及仿石材板材,产品规格在1-2m×1-2m范围内可任选。本品质感性能可与天然玉石板相媲美,而成本低廉,可广泛用于室内外墙面、地面、柱面、天花板的装饰,也可用于家具面、台面的制作,并可根据需要生产出各种仿玉石家具、浴盆、玉雕等。其生产工艺难度小,原料易购,设备投资300…  相似文献   

根据在化学工程、给水排水、建筑材料、热能四个非环境类专业中开设环境保护课程的试验,对课程任务、基本要求、教学内容、实践性教学环节、教材选择及学时安排等问题进行了探讨,并按不同专业特点提出了有关要求。  相似文献   

Utilization of silica fume in concrete: Review of hardened properties   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Several types of industrial byproducts are generated. With increased environmental awareness and its potential hazardous effects, utilization of industrial byproducts has become an attractive alternative to disposal. One such by-product is silica fume (SF), which is a byproduct of the smelting process in the silicon and ferrosilicon industry. Silica fume is very effective in the design and development of high strength high performance concrete.This paper covers the physical, chemical properties of silica fume, and its reaction mechanism. It deals with the effect of silica fume on the workability, porosity, compressive strength, splitting tensile strength, flexural strength, creep and shrinkage of concrete.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: One hundred and sixty-two rainfall-induced soil erosion tests were conducted to assist in predicting soil loss and subsequent increase in total suspended solids leaving a highway construction site during a rainfall event. A rainfall simulator and a water flume were constructed for the tests. Soil shear strength, compressive strength, rainfall intensity, and soil bed slope were treated as variables during the experiments. The soil with a higher shear strength resisted soil erosion better than lower strength soils. Soil loss was nearly independent of shear strength at low rainfall intensity but at high intensities, the shear strength was more important in resisting soil loss. Lower soil loss can be expected for cohesive soils if the compressive strength is high.  相似文献   

含油泥砂洗涤法在大港油田的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
含油泥砂洗涤法可以将含油泥砂中混合的原油、泥、砂回收并重新资源化利用,且处理过程中不产生新的污染物。大港油田应用含油泥砂洗涤法对北部地区产出的含油泥砂进行处理,处理后的泥砂浸出液COD、石油类等指标均能达到GB 8978-1996《污水综合排放标准》一级标准,处理后的泥砂符合JTJ034-2000《公路路面基层施工技术规范》中的石灰工业废渣稳定土抗压强度标准,符合道路修筑用土的抗压强度要求。  相似文献   

Activated fly ash/slag blended cement   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This paper presents the results of the preparation of an ecological cementing material from granulated blast-furnace slag (GBFS) and Class C fly ash (CCFA). The desulphurization gypsum, calcined at 600–800 °C for 0.5–1.5 h, works as the main ingredient of the activator in the cementing material. The optimized formulation of the cementing material was obtained with the aid of factorial design method: slag, 70%; CCFA, 18%; activator, 12%. The “partial super-fine grinding process” was adopted to improve the performance, i.e., 85% of the mixture is ground to Blaine fineness of 3500 cm2/g, 15% further ground to around 5000 cm2/g. The compressive strength of 28 days of the cement mortar is up to 49 MPa and flexural strength 8.4 MPa. The hydration products, investigated by SEM and X-ray diffraction, are mainly ettringite and C–S–H gel.  相似文献   

Solid waste management is one of the major environmental concerns around the world. Cement kiln dust (KKD), also known as by-pass dust, is a by-product of cement manufacturing. The environmental concerns related to Portland cement production, emission and disposal of CKD is becoming progressively significant. CKD is fine-grained, particulate material chiefly composed of oxidized, anhydrous, micron-sized particles collected from electrostatic precipitators during the high temperature production of clinker. Cement kiln dust so generated is partly reused in cement plant and landfilled. The beneficial uses of CKD are in highway uses, soil stabilization, use in cement mortar/concrete, CLSM, etc.Studies have shown that CKD could be used in making paste/mortar/concrete. This paper presents an overview of some of the research published on the use of CKD in cement paste/mortar/concrete. Effect of CKD on the cement paste/mortar/concrete properties like compressive strength, tensile strength properties (splitting tensile strength, flexural strength and toughness), durability (Freeze–thaw), hydration, setting time, sorptivity, electrical conductivity are presented. Use of CKD in making controlled low-strength materials (CLSM), asphalt concrete, as soil stabilizer, and leachate analysis are also discussed in this paper.  相似文献   

Solid waste management is one of the major environmental concerns around the world. Cement kiln dust (KKD), also known as by-pass dust, is a by-product of cement manufacturing. The environmental concerns related to Portland cement production, emission and disposal of CKD is becoming progressively significant. CKD is fine-grained, particulate material chiefly composed of oxidized, anhydrous, micron-sized particles collected from electrostatic precipitators during the high temperature production of clinker. Cement kiln dust so generated is partly reused in cement plant and landfilled. The beneficial uses of CKD are in highway uses, soil stabilization, use in cement mortar/concrete, CLSM, etc.Studies have shown that CKD could be used in making paste/mortar/concrete. This paper presents an overview of some of the research published on the use of CKD in cement paste/mortar/concrete. Effect of CKD on the cement paste/mortar/concrete properties like compressive strength, tensile strength properties (splitting tensile strength, flexural strength and toughness), durability (Freeze–thaw), hydration, setting time, sorptivity, electrical conductivity are presented. Use of CKD in making controlled low-strength materials (CLSM), asphalt concrete, as soil stabilizer, and leachate analysis are also discussed in this paper.  相似文献   

Soft subgrades’ stabilization by using various fly ashes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This publication presents the results of research involving different types of self-cementing fly ashes (without any other activators) for the stabilization of four different types of soft subgrades from various road sites in Wisconsin, USA. The strength approaches were applied to estimate the optimum mixture design and to determine the thickness of the stabilized layer. The stabilized soil samples were prepared by mixing fly ash at different contents at varying water contents. The performance of fly ash stabilized subbase depends both on the specific source of fly ash and the engineering properties of soils. It is suggested that the performance analysis of fly ash should be based upon the laboratory tests such as index properties, compaction, unconfined compressive strength and CBR tests of a specific site. This is suggested rather than using the study of the physical properties and chemical composition of fly ash and soil. As disclosed in the literature, the strength gain due to stabilization depends mainly upon three factors; ash content, molding water content and compaction delay. The samples were subjected to unconfined compression strength and California bearing ratio (CBR) tests after 7 days curing time to develop water content–strength relationship. To evaluate the impact of compaction delay that commonly occurs in the field during construction, the sets of samples were compacted 2 h later after mixing with water. The unconfined compression strength and CBR tests were performed and used to determine the thickness of the stabilized layer in pavement design. All of these factors were taken into account throughout this research.  相似文献   

An investigation was carried out to establish the physical, mechanical and durability characteristics of an unprocessed pulverised fuel ash (PFA) from a former landfill site at the Power Station Hill near Church Village, South Wales, United Kingdom. This was aimed at establishing the suitability of the ash in the construction of the Church Village Bypass (embankment and pavement) and also in concrete to be used in the construction of the proposed highway.Concrete made using binder blends using various levels of PFA as replacement to Portland cement (PC) were subjected to compressive strength tests to establish performance. The concrete was also subjected to sodium sulphate attack by soaking concrete specimens in sulphate solution to establish performance in a sulphatic environment. Strength development up to 365 days for the concrete made with PC–PFA blends as binders (PC–PFA concrete), and 180 days for the PC–PFA paste, is reported.The binary PC–PFA concrete did not show good early strength development, but tended to improve at longer curing periods. The low early strength observed means that PC–PFA concrete can be used for low to medium strength applications for example blinding, low-strength foundations, crash barriers, noise reduction barriers, cycle paths, footpaths and material for pipe bedding.  相似文献   

This paper presents results of an investigation into the use of de-inking sludge from a paper recycling mill as feedstock material in the manufacture of cement mortar products, including masonry blocks and mortar renders. Both physical and mechanical properties of mortar specimens containing various amounts of de-inking sludge were investigated. It was observed that the addition of de-inking sludge to cement mortar at a fixed water-to-cement ratio significantly reduced flow properties and increased setting time. Water absorption and volume of permeable voids of cement mortar increased with increased dosage of de-inking sludge, with a corresponding reduction of bulk density. The 91-day compressive strength of mortar samples with 2.5 wt% and 20 wt% de-inking sludge loadings retained 83% and 62% respectively of the reference mortar strength. The corresponding drying shrinkage increased by up to 160% compared to reference samples. However, a de-inking sludge loading of up to 2.5 wt% did not significantly alter measured physical and mechanical properties. The results demonstrate that despite the high moisture absorbance of de-inking sludge due to its organic matter and residual cellulose fibre content, it serves as a potential supplementary additive and its cellulosic content proving to be an active set retardant to cementitious masonry products.  相似文献   

In Tanzania, construction and demolition (C&D) waste is not recycled and knowledge on how it can be recycled especially into valuable products like building materials are still limited. This study aimed at investigating the possibility of recycling the C&D waste (mainly cementitious rubble) into building material in Tanzania. The building materials produced from C&D waste was concrete blocks. The concrete blocks were required to have a load bearing capacity that meets the building material standards and specifications. Eight C&D waste samples were collected from C&D building sites, transported to the recycling site, crushed, and screened (sieved) to get the required recycled aggregates. Natural aggregates were also used as control. The recycled aggregates were tested in the laboratory following the standard methods as specified in Tanzanian standards. The physical, mechanical and chemical characteristics were determined. The physical and mechanical results showed that recycled aggregates were weaker than natural aggregates. However, chemically they were close to natural aggregates and therefore suitable for use in new concrete block production. In the production process, each experiment utilized 100% recycled aggregates for both fine and coarse portions to replace natural aggregates. The Fuller's maximum density theory was used to determine the mix proportions of materials in which a method that specifies concrete mix by system of proportion or ratio was used. The concrete blocks production processes included batching, mixing (that was done manually to get homogeneous material), compacting and moulding by hand machine and curing in water. After 28 days of curing, the concrete blocks were tested in the laboratory on compressive strength, water absorption ratio and density. The results showed that the blocks produced with 100% recycled aggregates were weaker than those with natural aggregates. However, the results also showed that there is a possibility of recycling the C&D waste into building material because 85% of the tested concrete block specimens from recycled aggregates achieved a compressive strength of 7 N/mm2, which is defined as the minimum required load bearing capacity in Tanzania. Therefore, the C&D waste could be a potential resource for building material production for sustainable construction in Tanzania rather than discarding it. Further work should focus on the economic feasibility of production of concrete blocks with recycled aggregates in Tanzania.  相似文献   

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