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按照环境无害化管理原则,严格限制危险废物越境转移活动是中国履行《控制危险废物越境转移及其处置巴塞尔公约》的重要内容。本研究通过梳理《控制危险废物越境转移及其处置巴塞尔公约》关于控制危险废物越境转移的主要规定和中国立法管理实践,全面分析了中国控制危险废物越境转移管理进展。从打击非法转移、完善法律基础、建立预警机制等方面,深入剖析了中国控制危险废物越境转移面临的形势,并从强化危险废物越境转移管控、严厉打击非法出口行为、联合海关部门加强日常监管三方面提出对策建议,以期为中国全面履行《控制危险废物越境转移及其处置巴塞尔公约》要求、控制和防范危险废物越境转移环境风险提供支撑。  相似文献   

我国危险废物应急管理工作基础较为薄弱,如何快速提升和完善危险废物污染预警和应急响应能力已逐渐成为我国危险废物管理领域研究的重要内容。本文立足我国危险废物污染预警及突发事件应急响应能力建设现状,探讨上海市危险废物污染预警及突发事件应急响应平台的建设内容,建立了典型示范基地以验证平台的实际应用价值,以期为我国其他地区开展险废物污染预警及突发事件应急响应平台建设提供借鉴,为政府环境应急管理系统构建提供技术支持。  相似文献   

发达国家和地区危险废物名录管理实践   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
危险废物名录制度是危险废物环境管理的基础。2016年6月14日,环境保护部、国家发改委、公安部联合公布了《国家危险废物名录》(2016年版),对2008年版危险废物名录进行了调整。本文介绍了主要发达国家和地区危险废物名录制度的基本情况,对其优缺点进行了对比分析,以期为更好的理解新版危险废物名录提供参考。主要发达国家和地区的危险废物名录管理体系具有以下优点:一是完善的危险废物豁免排除制度加强了企业和管理部门的责任意识。二是危险废物和一般固体废物共享分类体系便于对废物的统筹管理,废物代码内容翔实,增加了名录的可操作性。三是基于不同处理责任主体进行分类,避免了名录方式或列举方式造成的"漏分"现象。四是根据环境风险实行分级管理,重点突出。同时存在几点不足:一是鉴别程序繁琐,降低了危险废物处置效率;二是存在部分行业产生的废物遗漏、同类危险废物分类过细等问题;三是部分国家危险废物分类过于笼统,不利于企业对危险废物种类及属性的识别。  相似文献   

基于成本分析的西部生态补偿法律机制研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
建立和实施西部生态补偿机制,是加强西部生态建设和强化西部生态功能专业化服务的必由之路。生态系统服务补偿理论和自然资本理论为我们分析西部生态补偿提供了新的分析范式,西部生态补偿包括国家补偿、区域和流域补偿、自力补偿三个层次。其内部的成本关系包括生态服务利用成本关系、跨区域资源调配成本关系、生态工程实施成本关系、内部补偿成本关系等,基于成本分析基础上的三层次补偿关系协同发展是完善西部生态补偿法律机制的基本内容。  相似文献   

随着环保行业管理日趋规范,危险废物焚烧项目在各省市大面积推广,然而与其相关的工艺设计研究缺乏,涉及系统安全方面的论述也不完善。着眼于危险废物处理厂废液罐区的"事故超压"和"有害气体挥发"等问题,提出适合于危险废物项目的工艺系统设计方案。研究内容主要包括"安全泄放装置组合式运用"和"氮封系统"等,对危废处理流程的设备安全和运行稳定等方面具有积极意义。  相似文献   

石油烃含量是含油污泥处理中必不可少的重要控制指标。文章分析了含油污泥中石油烃组成及主要污染控制要求,介绍了国内外含油污泥处置对石油烃含量的控制现状;依据危险废物鉴别标准的相关规定,以及对原油中芳香族化合物及其多环芳烃含量的研究成果,对采用石油烃指标进行危险废物鉴别做了推论计算。结果认为:含油污泥等固体废物及其处理残余物的石油烃含量≤0.25%,不属于危险废物或已实现无害化处理;石油烃含量介于0.25%~1.7%时,其是否属于危险废物,最终需要进行危险废物鉴别而确定;石油烃含量>1.7%,则属于危险废物或未实现无害化。  相似文献   

秦天宝  罗艺 《绿叶》2013,(8):31-37
当前西部大开发已进入纵深发展阶段,对生态环境保护也提出了更高的要求。现有的环境立法却已难以适应这一要求,因而亟待完善。本文从现阶段环境立法的现状出发,针对环境立法存在的问题提出了相应的完善建议,以期对新阶段的西部开发能有所裨益。  相似文献   

美国关于危险废物管理的法律包括联邦级和地方级(州、市。县和其他地方自治体)的法律、法规。在联邦一级,除《国家环境政策法人《资源保护回收法》(RCRA)、《环境反应、补偿和责任法》(CERCLA)等国会立法外,联邦环境保护局(EPA)还制定了上百个关于固体废物、危险废物的收集、贮存、分离、运输、处理、处置、回收利用的条例、规则、规范、标准、指南等。这些法律、法规中对危险废物管理,规定了若干法律制度。1、危险废物申报登记制度EPA制定的《危险废物鉴别条例》规定,所有危险废物的经营者,包括生产者、运输、处理、贮…  相似文献   

中美湿地保护立法比较研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文对中美湿地保护的立法概念、立法体系、立法特色内容等进行了比较,总结了美国湿地保护立法中可供我国借鉴的经验,并为我国瘟地保护立法相关内容的构建和完善提出了建议。  相似文献   

我国危险废物处置收费政策在十多年的发展历程中逐步建立健全,促进了危险废物处置行业的发展壮大。本文基于对我国各省份危险废物处置收费政策的定价主体、分档方式、收费标准、调整情况等制定和执行状况的梳理分析发现,各省份以不同形式出台了危险废物处置收费政策,然而,重要内容缺失、动态调整滞后、有效监管不足等问题较为普遍。针对这些问题,文章提出了因地制宜健全收费政策、科学开展处置价格核算、加快建立动态调整机制、实施部门联动管理监督等建议,可为完善我国危险废物处置收费政策提供参考。  相似文献   

Foreign-owned industry in the form of assembly plants, termed maquiladora, has become very important in Mexico to the extent that it represents the second largest source of foreign exchange and is a valuable source for employment and regional development. The economic prosperity gained from the rapid growth of the maquiladora industry has been accompanied by increased environmental and human health risks associated with generation of hazardous waste. Diversification of industry has resulted in the predomination of those sectors that likely use hazardous substances. The Mexicali-Calexico border region was selected to demonstrate the potential for environmental and health risks associated with the generation of hazardous waste. Estimates for the generation of hazardous waste were obtained from 34 maquiladora plants in Mexicali, represented by the electronic and electrical equipment and parts, mechanical and transportation equipment, and toys and sporting equipment sectors. Repeated detection of volatile organic compounds in the New River at the US-Mexico border suggests that hazardous waste from the printed circuit board industry in Mexicali is not being disposed of in a proper manner. Potential adverse health effects, such as carcinogenic and mutagenic responses associated with the detected volatiles, are discussed. US and Mexico national legislation and the Binational Environmental Agreement were examined for their adequacy to ensure proper management of hazardous waste generated by the maquiladora industry. Environmental policy options are presented that focus on: (1) increased environmental accountability of US parent companies for their maquiladora assembly plants in Mexico; and (2) more integration between US Customs and border states with the US Environmental Protection Agency to improve the binational management of hazardous waste generated by the maquiladora industry.  相似文献   

Industrial and medical wastes constitute a larger part on what is known as ‘hazardous wastes’. The production of these wastes is and will continue to be an on going phenomenon as long as human civilization persists. The health impacts of direct and indirect exposure to hazardous wastes include carcinogenic effects, reproductive system damage, respiratory effects, central nervous system effects, and many others. Today, many developed countries have legal provisions with regard to proper management of hazardous wastes. Tanzania, like many developing countries, has little emphasis on the proper handling and disposal of hazardous wastes. There is a serious inadequacy in handling industrial and medical solid wastes in the Dar es Salaam City. Improper waste deposition is increasingly becoming a potential public health risk and an environmental burden. Due to poor control of waste, industrialists and hospital owners are not well checked on how they handle and dispose of the wastes they produce with the result that many hazardous wastes reach the Vingunguti dumpsite without notice. Data on waste generation in Dar es Salaam is also inadequate, making it difficult to plan an efficient solid waste system. Promotion of public awareness, legislation and regulations enforcement and establishment of a proper sanitary landfill are considered to be principal remedial measures to ensure sound environmental maintenance. This paper summarizes the findings of the study on the practices of industrial and medical waste management in Dar es Salaam. The author aims to express the inadequacy in hazardous waste management and suggests possible measures to be applied in order to rectify the situation.  相似文献   

Waste legislation in the United Kingdom (UK) implements European Union (EU) Directives and Regulations. However, the term used to refer to hazardous waste generated in household or municipal situations, household hazardous waste (HHW), does not occur in UK, or EU, legislation. The EU's Hazardous Waste Directive and European Waste Catalogue are the principal legislation influencing HHW, although the waste categories described are difficult to interpret. Other legislation also have impacts on HHW definition and disposal, some of which will alter current HHW disposal practices, leading to a variety of potential consequences. This paper discusses the issues affecting the management of HHW in the UK, including the apparent absence of a HHW-specific regulatory structure. Policy and regulatory measures that influence HHW management before disposal and after disposal are considered, with particular emphasis placed on disposal to landfill.  相似文献   

浅析含油污泥处理中石油烃控制指标   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
石油烃含量是含油污泥处理中必不可少的重要控制指标。文章分析了含油污泥中石油烃组成及主要污染控制要求,介绍了国内外含油污泥处置对石油烃含量的控制现状;依据危险废物鉴别标准的相关规定,以及对原油中芳香族化合物及其多环芳烃含量的研究成果,对采用石油烃指标进行危险废物鉴别做了推论计算。结果认为:含油污泥等固体废物及其处理残余物的石油烃含量≤0.25%,不属于危险废物;石油烃含量介于0.25%~1.7%时,其是否属于危险废物,最终需要进行危险废物鉴别而确定;石油烃含量1.7%,则属于危险废物。  相似文献   

在油气田开发生产过程中,会产生大量危险废物,如处置不当会造成严重污染,但如何判别危险废物是环境管理中的难点问题。文章分析了石油和天然气开采业生产工艺流程,对石油和天然气开采业的油井、联合站、集输管道产生危险废物的类型、环节进行了分析,可为有关人员对危险废物判定提供参考。  相似文献   

A current approach to the process of siting hazardous waste facilities is to seek 'willing host' communities that will not oppose but rather voluntarily accept risky facilities. Voluntary siting strategies have been put forward as the solution to hazardous waste location problems, and there have indeed been a small number of siting successes achieved voluntarily. This paper argues that, despite claims about voluntary processes, there are indications that few 'willing host' sites will be found in response to the many that are proposed. Instead, it suggests that the limited success of siting attempts, voluntary or otherwise, signals a new phase in hazardous waste management, a shift in focus from where to site a facility to whether a good is worth producing at all if its wastes are not siteable. A characteristic of this phase is the growing influence that the disposal potential of the generated waste can have on future management decisions to produce a good. In practice, siting failure may be one of the critical turning points on the road to sustainable production. It can accomplish what technology and environmental assessments have generally been unable to do: foresee the sustainability of a good. In this way, siteability can be seen as one indicator of sustainable production. A good can be considered sustainable if the wastes associated with its production are siteable.  相似文献   

李宇斌  王恩德 《四川环境》2006,25(5):107-111
结合辽宁省危险废物排放现状,提出辽宁省危险废物污染控制战略。建立全省危险废物管理与登记交换中心,建设省级危险废物安全填埋处置中心、危险废物焚烧中心、省级危险废物污染事故预警系统。提出全省医疗废物处置设施建设布局和技术路线选择方案、硼泥和铬渣处置技术路线。在大城市或经济较发达城市,可采取回转炉方法集中焚烧医疗废物,而运输半径之外偏远山区或经济欠发达城市可采用高温灭菌方法处置本辖区内的医疗废物。硼泥、铬渣则优先采用资源化技术进行处置。  相似文献   

In those states that have not included CWM as hazardous materials in their RCRA programs, the RCRA requirements for management of hazardous waste would not strictly apply to any of the CWM. The Army has historically implemented procedures requiring that chemical warfare agents be managed as RCRA hazardous waste regardless of the concentration, physical form, or configuration of the agent. Such application of strict hazardous waste requirements to management of potentially nonhazardous CWM can result in remedial costs well out of proportion to potential human health and environmental benefits. Recent development of chronic toxicity values for the CWM has opened the door for development of cleanup and waste management standards for waste streams or media containing small residual amounts of CWM. Implementation of this health-based approach to management of CWM remediation wastes may, in part, help to reduce potentially unnecessary hazardous waste management costs for the nonhazardous CWM.  相似文献   

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