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Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Extreme temperature is strongly associated with human health, but few studies are available for the effects of extreme temperatures on respiratory...  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Surface coal mining causes vegetation disturbance while providing an energy source. Thus, much attention is given to monitoring the vegetation of...  相似文献   

Numerous studies have reported a positive association between ambient fine particles and daily mortality, but little is known about the particle properties or environmental factors that may contribute to these effects. This study assessed potential modification of radon on PM2.5 (particulate matter with an aerodynamic diameter <2.5 μm)-associated daily mortality in 108 U.S. cities using a two-stage statistical approach. First, city- and season-specific PM2.5 mortality risks were estimated using over-dispersed Poisson regression models. These PM2.5 effect estimates were then regressed against mean city-level residential radon concentrations to estimate overall PM2.5 effects and potential modification by radon. Radon exposure estimates based on measured short-term basement concentrations and modeled long-term living-area concentrations were both assessed. Exposure to PM2.5 was associated with total, cardiovascular, and respiratory mortality in both the spring and the fall. In addition, higher mean city-level radon concentrations increased PM2.5-associated mortality in the spring and fall. For example, a 10 µg/m3 increase in PM2.5 in the spring at the 10th percentile of city-averaged short-term radon concentrations (21.1 Bq/m3) was associated with a 1.92% increase in total mortality (95% CI: 1.29, 2.55), whereas the same PM2.5 exposure at the 90th radon percentile (234.2 Bq/m3) was associated with a 3.73% increase in total mortality (95% CI: 2.87, 4.59). Results were robust to adjustment for spatial confounders, including average planetary boundary height, population age, percent poverty and tobacco use. While additional research is necessary, this study suggests that radon enhances PM2.5 mortality. This is of significant regulatory importance, as effective regulation should consider the increased risk for particle mortality in cities with higher radon levels.

Implications: In this large national study, city-averaged indoor radon concentration was a significant effect modifier of PM2.5-associated total, cardiovascular, and respiratory mortality risk in the spring and fall. These results suggest that radon may enhance PM2.5-associated mortality. In addition, local radon concentrations partially explain the significant variability in PM2.5 effect estimates across U.S. cities, noted in this and previous studies. Although the concept of PM as a vector for radon progeny is feasible, additional research is needed on the noncancer health effects of radon and its potential interaction with PM. Future air quality regulations may need to consider the increased risk for particle mortality in cities with higher radon levels.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - In the context of global climate change, studies have focused on the ambient temperature and mortality of cardiovascular diseases (CVDs). However,...  相似文献   

Chao  Ling  Sun  Yajun  An  Zhen  Li  Juan  Wu  Weidong  Liu  Yue  Song  Jie 《Environmental science and pollution research international》2022,29(11):15999-16005
Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Previous studies have reported regional variations in the relationship between ambient temperature and dermatitis, which therefore remain...  相似文献   

The occurrence of high concentrations of tropospheric ozone is considered as one of the most important issues of air management programs. The prediction of dangerous ozone levels for the public health and the environment, along with the assessment of air quality control programs aimed at reducing their severity, is of considerable interest to the scientific community and to policy makers. The chemical mechanisms of tropospheric ozone formation are complex, and highly variable meteorological conditions contribute additionally to difficulties in accurate study and prediction of high levels of ozone. Statistical methods offer an effective approach to understand the problem and eventually improve the ability to predict maximum levels of ozone. In this paper an extreme value model is developed to study data sets that consist of periodically collected maxima of tropospheric ozone concentrations and meteorological variables. The methods are applied to daily tropospheric ozone maxima in Guadalajara City, Mexico, for the period January 1997 to December 2006. The model adjusts the daily rate of change in ozone for concurrent impacts of seasonality and present and past meteorological conditions, which include surface temperature, wind speed, wind direction, relative humidity, and ozone. The results indicate that trend, annual effects, and key meteorological variables along with some interactions explain the variation in daily ozone maxima. Prediction performance assessments yield reasonably good results.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Though globalization, industrialization, and urbanization have escalated the economic growth of nations, these activities have played foul on the...  相似文献   


Numerous studies have investigated the impacts of ambient fine particulate matter (PM2.5) on human health. In this study, we examined the association of daily PM2.5 concentrations with the number of deaths for the cerebrovascular disease on the same day, using the generalized additive model (GAM) controlling for temporal trend and meteorological variables. We used the data between 2012 and 2014 from Shanghai, China, where the adverse health effects of PM2.5 have been of particular concern. Three different approaches (principal component analysis, shrinkage smoothers, and the least absolute shrinkage and selection operator regularization) were used in GAM to handle multicollinear meteorological variables. Our results indicate that the average daily concentration of PM2.5 in Shanghai was high, 55 μg/m3, with an average daily death for cerebrovascular disease (CVD) of 62. There was 1.7% raised cerebrovascular disease deaths per 10 μg/m3 increase in PM2.5 concentration in the unadjusted model. However, PM2.5 concentration was no longer associated with CVD deaths after controlling for meteorological variables. The results were consistent in the three modelling techniques that we used. As a large number of people are exposed to air pollution, further investigation with longer time period including individual-level information is needed to examine the association.


Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Suicide prevention has become a public health issue of great concern. Previous studies proved that ambient temperature had an impact on suicide death,...  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Cardiovascular disease (CVD) has been the leading cause of death in China. Identifying the relationship between particulate matter (PM) and CVD in...  相似文献   

Many studies have identified associations between adverse health effects and short-term exposure to particulate matter less than 2.5 μm in diameter (PM2.5). These effects, however, are not consistent across geographical regions. This may be due in part to variations in the chemical make-up of PM2.5 resulting from unique combinations of sources, both primary and secondary, in different regions. The Denver Aerosol Sources and Health (DASH) study is a multi-year time series study designed to characterize the daily chemical composition of PM2.5 in Denver, identify the major contributing sources, and investigate associations between sources and a broad array of adverse health outcomes.Measurement methodology, field blank correction, pointwise uncertainty estimation and detection limit consideration are discussed in the context of bulk speciation for the DASH study. Results are presented for the first 4.5 years of mass, inorganic ion and bulk carbon speciation. The derived measurement uncertainties were propagated using the root sum of squares method and show good agreement with precision estimates derived from bi-weekly duplicate samples collected on collocated samplers. Gravimetric mass has the most uncertainty of any measurement and reconstructed mass generated from the sum of the individual species shows less uncertainty than measured mass on average. The methods discussed provide a good framework for PM2.5 speciation measurements and are generalizable to analysis of other environmental measures.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Air pollution levels rise as a result of industrial and vehicular emissions, epidemiological issues such as asthma become more prevalent in Lahore,...  相似文献   


Mixing ratios of the criteria air contaminant nitrogen dioxide (NO2) are commonly quantified by reduction to nitric oxide (NO) using a photolytic converter followed by NO-O3 chemiluminescence (CL). In this work, the performance of a photolytic NO2 converter prototype originally designed for continuous emission monitoring and emitting light at 395 nm was evaluated. Mixing ratios of NO2 and NOx (= NO + NO2) entering and exiting the converter were monitored by blue diode laser cavity ring-down spectroscopy (CRDS). The NO2 photolysis frequency was determined by measuring the rate of conversion to NO as a function of converter residence time and found to be 4.2 s?1. A maximum 96% conversion of NO2 to NO over a large dynamic range was achieved at a residence time of (1.5 ± 0.3) s, independent of relative humidity. Interferences from odd nitrogen (NOy) species such as peroxyacyl nitrates (PAN; RC(O)O2NO2), alkyl nitrates (AN; RONO2), nitrous acid (HONO), and nitric acid (HNO3) were evaluated by operating the prototype converter outside its optimum operating range (i.e., at higher pressure and longer residence time) for easier quantification of interferences. Four mechanisms that generate artifacts and interferences were identified as follows: direct photolysis, foremost of HONO at a rate constant of 6% that of NO2; thermal decomposition, primarily of PAN; surface promoted photochemistry; and secondary chemistry in the connecting tubing. These interferences are likely present to a certain degree in all photolytic converters currently in use but are rarely evaluated or reported. Recommendations for improved performance of photolytic converters include operating at lower cell pressure and higher flow rates, thermal management that ideally results in a match of photolysis cell temperature with ambient conditions, and minimization of connecting tubing length. When properly implemented, these interferences can be made negligibly small when measuring NO2 in ambient air.

Implications: A new near-UV photolytic converter for measurement of the criteria pollutant nitrogen dioxide (NO2) in ambient air by CL was characterized. Four mechanisms that generate interferences were identified and investigated experimentally: direct photolysis of HONO which occurred at a rate constant 6% that of NO2, thermal decomposition of PAN and N2O5, surface promoted chemistry involving HNO3, and secondary chemistry involving NO in the tubing connecting the converter and CL analyzer. These interferences are predicted to occur in all NO2 P-CL systems but can be avoided by appropriate thermal management and operating at high flow rates.  相似文献   

Particulate matter less than 2.5 microns in diameter (PM2.5) has been shown to have a wide range of adverse health effects and consequently is regulated in accordance with the US-EPA's National Ambient Air Quality Standards. PM2.5 originates from multiple primary sources and is also formed through secondary processes in the atmosphere. It is plausible that some sources form PM2.5 that is more toxic than PM2.5 from other sources. Identifying the responsible sources could provide insight into the biological mechanisms causing the observed health effects and provide a more efficient approach to regulation. This is the goal of the Denver Aerosol Sources and Health (DASH) study, a multi-year PM2.5 source apportionment and health study.The first step in apportioning the PM2.5 to different sources is to determine the chemical make-up of the PM2.5. This paper presents the methodology used during the DASH study for organic speciation of PM2.5. Specifically, methods are covered for solvent extraction of non-polar and semi-polar organic molecular markers using gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC–MS). Vast reductions in detection limits were obtained through the use of a programmable temperature vaporization (PTV) inlet along with other method improvements. Results are presented for the first 1.5 years of the DASH study revealing seasonal and source-related patterns in the molecular markers and their long-term correlation structure. Preliminary analysis suggests that point sources are not a significant contributor to the organic molecular markers measured at our receptor site. Several motor vehicle emission markers help identify a gasoline/diesel split in the ambient data. Findings show both similarities and differences when compared with other cities where similar measurements and assessments have been made.  相似文献   

The presence of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in an urban region (Heraklion, Greece) and processes that govern their atmospheric fate were studied from November 2000 until February 2002. Sixteen samples were collected, by using an artifact-free sampling device, on a monthly basis and the concentration of PAHs in gas and particulate phase was determined. The most abundant members (gas + particles) were phenanthrene (20.0+/-7.0 ng m(-3)), fluoranthene (6.5+/-1.7 ng m(-3)), pyrene (6.6+/-2.4 ng m(-3)), and chrysene (3.1+/-1.5 ng m(-3)). Total concentration (gas+particulate) of PAH ranged from 44.3 to 129.2 ng m(-3), with a mean concentration of 79.3 ng m(-3). Total concentration of PAHs in gas phase ranged from 31.4 to 84.7 ng m(-3) with non-observable seasonal variation. Conversely, maximum PAH concentrations in the particulate phase occurred during winter months. Particulate concentration varied from 11.4 to 44.9 ng m(-3), with an average of 25.2 ng m(-3). PAH distribution between gas and particulate phase was in agreement with the sub-cooled vapor pressure. Shift in gas/particle distribution due to difference in ambient temperature elucidated to some extent the seasonal variation of the concentration of PAHs in particles.  相似文献   

The study aimed to explore if changes in crown defoliation and stem growth of Scots pines (Pinus sylvestris L.) could be related to changes in ambient ozone (O3) concentration in central Europe. To meet this objective the study was performed in 3 Lithuanian national parks, close to the ICP integrated monitoring stations from which data on meteorology and pollution were provided. Contribution of peak O3 concentrations to the integrated impact of acidifying compounds and meteorological parameters on pine stem growth was found to be more significant than its contribution to the integrated impact of acidifying compounds and meteorological parameters on pine defoliation. Findings of the study provide statistical evidence that peak concentrations of ambient O3 can have a negative impact on pine tree crown defoliation and stem growth reduction under field conditions in central and northeastern Europe where the AOT40 values for forests are commonly below their phytotoxic levels.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - We aimed to estimate the non-accidental and cause-specific mortality burden attributed to diurnal temperature range (DTR) and the relative...  相似文献   

Phenoxy herbicides like 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) are widely used in agricultural practices. Although its half life in soil is 7-14d, the herbicide itself and its first metabolite 2,4-dichlorophenol (2,4-DCP) could remain in the soil for longer periods, as a consequence of its intensive use. Microcosms assays were conducted to study the influence of indigenous microflora and plants (alfalfa) on the dissipation of 2,4-D from soils of the Humid Pampa region, Argentina, with previous history of phenoxy herbicides application. Results showed that 2,4-D was rapidly degraded, and the permanence of 2,4-DCP in soil depended on the presence of plants and soil microorganisms. Regarding soil microbial community, the presence of 2,4-D degrading bacteria was detected even in basal conditions in this soil, possibly due to the adaptation of the microflora to the herbicide. There was an increment of two orders of magnitude in herbicide degraders after 15d from 2,4-D addition, both in planted and unplanted microcosms. Total heterotrophic bacteria numbers were about 1x10(8) CFUg(-1) dry soil and no significant differences were found between different treatments. Overall, the information provided by this work indicates that the soil under study has an important intrinsic degradation capacity, given by a microbial community adapted to the presence of phenoxy herbicides.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Effects of prenatal ambient air pollution exposure could increase the risk of adverse pregnancy outcomes, which have been well documented by various...  相似文献   

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