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为探究睡眠剥夺对矿工风险感知的影响机理及作用效果,将72名矿工被试分为控制组和睡眠剥夺组,通过2种睡眠状况(正常、睡眠剥夺)×2种任务片段(基线段、逃生任务片段)的试验设计,分别记录分析不同任务片段下皮肤电活动(Electrodermal Activity, EDA)和心率变异性(Heart Rate Variability, HRV)的部分指标的变化特征。试验结果表明:逃生任务可以有效激活矿工的风险感知,在执行逃生任务时,矿工的CS、LSC和FL/FH显著上升,IBI和PNN20显著下降;睡眠剥夺会损害矿工的风险感知能力,研究发现,控制组被试逃生任务片段唤醒情绪和打破交感神经平衡的程度更大。研究结果可为睡眠剥夺相关的生理研究提供证据和参考,有助于提高煤矿的安全生产水平。  相似文献   

对小概率/高风险的灾难事件的后继风险决策进行探讨,着重在决策的认知神经经济模型框架下,讨论灾难事件后继风险决策的影响因素。灾难事件后人们的风险觉知、信念和假定、经验等认知因素以及灾后情绪因素对于决策分别有不同的影响;人们灾后决策的特点为决策更多直觉化而较少运用理性分析;灾难后继决策有随时间变化的趋势,灾难事件后人们为寻求安全感而出现"损失偏差"(loss bias),该偏差在"获得"和"损失"两种条件下的影响是不同的。灾后风险决策的内在机制或可用思维和决策的双加工系统(dual-process)模型来解释。最后展望了灾难事件后继决策进一步的研究方向。  相似文献   

为深入解析情绪对不安全行为的影响作用机制,探究情绪控制视角下的不安全行为矫正方法。从信息认知过程入手,结合眼动追踪技术和情绪唤醒方法,基于个体信息认知模型,设计情绪对建筑工人不安全行为的影响试验,通过测量不同情绪状态下工人的注意力分配、隐患识别和风险倾向,采用眼动热点图和方差分析(ANOVA),探究情绪在信息认知加工过程中对建筑工人不安全行为的具体影响。研究结果表明:在认知过程的信息获取阶段,正性情绪能够促进工人对现场危险的感知活动,而在信息分析阶段,正性情绪比负性情绪的工人具有更为显著的不安全行为倾向;基于个体信息认知的情绪不安全行为模型,正性情绪状态下的建筑工人更倾向于有意不安全行为,而负性情绪状态下的建筑工人则更倾向于无意不安全行为。建议施工企业应根据工人的情绪状态采取针对性的不安全行为管控措施,提高现场安全管理效率。  相似文献   

为研究视觉与听觉次任务对驾驶人视觉的影响及差异性,在虚拟驾驶环境下设计次任务试验,要求被试驾驶人执行多组不同类型、难度的视觉与听觉次任务,同时利用眼动追踪装置采集驾驶人视觉特征参数。在筛选有效数据的基础上,运用统计学与数据挖掘方法比较驾驶人执行不同次任务时,视觉搜索区域面积、瞳孔面积、次任务完成时间的差异并分析统计显著性。结果表明,驾驶人在执行视觉次任务、听觉次任务、无次任务3种状态下,执行视觉次任务时视觉搜索区域面积最小、瞳孔面积变化幅度最大、次任务完成时间最长;无次任务时视觉搜索区域面积最大、瞳孔面积变化幅度最小、执行次任务时间最短;执行听觉次任务时,视觉特征数据居于视觉次任务、无次任务两种状态之间。上述差异具有统计学显著性,主观感知评价与客观数据具有一致性。研究表明,视觉与听觉次任务使驾驶人心理负荷明显增大,且视觉次任务对驾驶人的影响更为明显。  相似文献   

目的研究醒脑静注射液治疗急性脑梗死的疗效。方法随机选择颈内动脉系统急性脑梗死60例为治疗组静点醒脑静注射液20ml,40例为对照组静点香丹注射液(复方丹参注射液)20ml,每天1次,持续12天.治疗组患者治疗前后做血液流变学及纤维蛋白原检查。结果醒脑静注射液治疗后神经功能缺损积分减少及生活能力等级较治疗前有显著性差异(P〈0.01),与对照组相比有显著性差异(P〈0.01),血液粘度及血小板聚集率下降(P〈0.01),而血浆粘度及纤维蛋白原无明显变化。结论醒脑静注射液是治疗急性脑梗死的安全有效的药物。  相似文献   

为监测不同岗位管制员执勤过程中的疲劳状态,利用精神运动能力检测结合空间知觉感知测试仪设计试验方案,研究不同岗位管制员疲劳状态下的认知能力差异.结合试验获取的数据,运用K-means方法将管制员工作状态划分为清醒和疲劳.选取疲劳数据,通过KW检验理论计算并分析不同岗位间管制员疲劳状态下认知能力差异.结果表明:进近与区域管制员疲劳状态下警觉性差异度为75.495,即进近与区域管制员疲劳状态下管制员警觉性存在显著差异;进近与塔台管制员疲劳状态下注意力稳定性差异度为7.881,不存在显著差异.  相似文献   

为满足单人制机组运行(SPO)驾驶舱自动化的需求,提出驾驶舱人机交互自适应架构。首先,基于生理指标及对飞机运行状态参数和环境参数的连续监测,建立认知状态评估模型、任务认知需求模型和认知预测模型;然后,通过仿真验证不同外部条件和自动化水平的飞行员生理指标和认知状态变化;最后,构建自动化水平自适应调节功能模型,灵活调整自动化水平,动态分配飞行员和自动化的工作负荷。结果表明:基于专家系统的人机交互自适应框架可评估飞行员认知状态,实时转换自动化等级,合理分配驾驶舱工作负荷,将飞行员的负荷指数稳定在0.4左右;还能使疲劳累积速度放缓,从而保持飞行员的最佳认知状态。  相似文献   

为合理选拔和培训特定情境下的视觉搜索安检人员,从时间压力视角分析大五人格特征与视觉显示终端(visual display terminal,VDT)的视觉搜索绩效的关系。通过变量分析和设计,提出VDT视觉搜索绩效影响因素理论模型;运用Visual Studio设计实验模拟视觉搜索安检任务,采集绩效及眼动数据;最后进行有中介的调节模型检验。研究结果表明:不同人格特征的VDT视觉搜索绩效存在差异;所有人格特征的搜索策略随机指数随时间压力的增加而降低,但调整强度在不同人格特征之间存在差异,严谨性人格调整幅度最大;时间压力通过搜索策略的中介作用(部分)间接调节人格特征与VDT视觉搜索绩效的关系;较高和较低时间压力下,严谨性人格通过有效的搜索策略调整,绩效最好;中等时间压力下,开放性人格的绩效最好。研究结果可为视觉搜索作业人员的选拔和培训提供理论依据。  相似文献   

为解决民航飞行签派员警觉性预测问题,在国际通用的警觉性理论基础上,通过电子手环监测与精神运动能力测试(PVT)数据分析,构建面向民航飞行签派员的警觉性预测三过程模型(TPMA)。首先,从国内大型运输航空公司的一线值班飞行签派员中选取120名被试,在40 h睡眠剥夺条件下定时采集体温数据,并对被试进行PVT测试;其次,使用余弦分析法确定相位,根据测试数据,确定模型的上下渐近线,睡眠转换阈值等关键参数;然后,通过提前唤醒,测试修正睡眠惯性过程;最后,测试120名被试用以验证模型,并额外选取3组不同排班方式的被试开展独立验证。结果表明:二谐量的余弦函数可以很好地拟合体温数据,拟合相位为16.88,警觉性昼夜节律参数为-55 ms/℃,上下渐近线分别为750、200 ms,睡眠转换阈值为437 ms; TPMA预测结果与规律作息测试数据拟合优度大于0.90,与实际工作条件下测试数据的拟合优度大于0.81。提出的飞行签派员TPMA具有较好的稳定性和适用性。  相似文献   

论“安全”及“安全性”的概念   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
对当前有关安全概念的多种定义均存在内涵或外延不准确的问题进行研讨;将与安全问题相关的客观事物区分为"可遭受损害事物"和"可导致损害事物",并分别对应于"安全"概念和"安全性"概念;在明确所涉及对象事物的基础上,对安全概念与安全性概念准确把握各自的内涵和外延,分别给出用"属加种差"方式描述的定义。笔者认为:安全是"具有特定功能或属性的事物,在内部和外部因素及其相互作用下,足以保持其正常的、完好的状态,而免遭非期望损害的现象";安全性是"某事物在一定的条件下和一定的时间内,导致其他事物或其自身发生非期望损害的能力"。  相似文献   

While scholars have demonstrated that emotions play a central role in cognition, behavior, and decision making, most of the studies on emotions in work contexts show that emotions, or their expression, are often suppressed. We thus investigated how workers in high-stress work environments deal with emotions and remain functional by focusing on the range of extrinsic regulation strategies used by workers in these environments. Drawing from participant observations and in-depth, semistructured interviews, we show how police officers are flexible in their choices of emotion-regulation strategies and how contextual factors emerge as the crux of this process. We contribute to the understanding of regulatory flexibility—defined as the process of matching emotion regulation strategies to environmental circumstances as they unfold in real work situations—by identifying two main enabling factors: coregulation and third party interference.  相似文献   

An auditory working-memory vigilance task (AWVT), which involves higher mental abilities of a person, like working-memory and decision-making, in addition to vigilance, is presented for measuring human mental fatigue in this paper. A 25-h sleep deprivation study, with hourly testing by AWVT (3 min), PalmPVT (5 min) and self-report of sleepiness, is conducted on eight healthy subjects. The trend of mental fatigue level as measured by a specially proposed score, AWVT Fatigue Index (AFI), during the 25-h study shows very similar pattern to those of PalmPVT lapses and self-report sleepiness. AFI even shows closer correspondence to self-report sleepiness than PalmPVT lapses. This suggests that AWVT is able to measure performance decrement due to sleep deprivation, and it can even provide better measurement of mental fatigue than PalmPVT. AWVT shows a learning curve of less than 3 trials indicating that no skill is required in performing AWVT. Furthermore, repeat studies are done on five of the eight subjects. Pearson’s correlation analysis and other statistical exhibits suggest that AWVT has good test–retest reliability and within subject consistency, which are even better than those of PalmPVT. These results suggest that the AWVT can be used as a reliable objective measure of mental fatigue, and it can even track mental fatigue more accurately than PalmPVT in the real world where most tasks require not just a reaction time type response, but also higher mental abilities.  相似文献   

Focusing on the role of emotions in understanding employee behavior, the present study identifies employees' emotional reactions toward innovation as a mediating process that explains the effects of institutional environment on collective innovation use in work units. We further employed the appraisal theory of emotion and affective events theory (AET) to conceptualize the relationships between cognitions and emotions involving innovation. This expanded conceptual model was tested using multi‐source data from 1150 employees and managers of 81 branches of a Korean insurance company that were implementing a new practice called Life‐Long Learning. Two contextual factors (management involvement and training for innovation) significantly predicted employees' collective cognitive appraisal of the innovation (perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use). Collective cognitive appraisal in turn predicted employees' positive and negative emotions toward the innovation, which completely mediated the effects of contextual factors and cognitive appraisal on implementation effectiveness (consistent and committed use of the innovation in the branch). This study highlights the critical role of emotions in the context of innovation implementation, and shows the need for greater attention to emotional processes in examining organizational innovations. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The present longitudinal study explored the association between emotion regulation, defined as the conscious manipulation of one's public displays of emotion, and job satisfaction and intentions to quit. We predicted, based on an emotional dissonance model, that the suppression of unpleasant emotions decreases job satisfaction and increases intentions to quit. We propose a social interaction model that predicts that the amplification of pleasant emotions increases job satisfaction and decreases intentions to quit by improving the quality of interpersonal encounters at work. Data from 111 workers were gathered at two time points separated by four weeks. Advantages of the design included the use of longitudinal data and the statistical control for several personality, job, and demographic factors. Longitudinal regression analyses and tests of mediation revealed that, as predicted, (a) the suppression of unpleasant emotions decreases job satisfaction, which in turn increases intentions to quit, and (b) the amplification of pleasant emotions increases job satisfaction. Applied implications are discussed and suggestions for future research are offered. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We report on a qualitative investigation of the influence of emotions on the decision making of traders in four City of London investment banks, a setting where work has been predominantly theorized as dominated by rational analysis. We conclude that emotions and their regulation play a central role in traders' decision making. We find differences between high and low performing traders in how they engage with their intuitions, and that different strategies for emotion regulation have material consequences for trader behavior and performance. Traders deploying antecedent‐focused emotional regulation strategies achieve a performance advantage over those employing primarily response‐focused strategies. We argue that, in particular, response‐focused approaches incur a performance penalty, in part because of the reduced opportunity to combine analysis with the use of affective cues in making intuitive judgments. We discuss the implications for our understanding of emotion and decision making, and for traders' practice. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

By discussing “families” of moral emotions, we synthesize and review the moral emotions literature in an effort to advance organizational scholarship. First, we broadly discuss “what constitutes a moral emotion?” Second, we critically examine each family of moral emotions. We discuss key controversies and debates, particularly in terms of construct overlap, and provide recommendations. Third, we review scholarly work on each family of moral emotions in the workplace and offer ideas for future research. Finally, in our general future directions, we discuss a range of theoretical perspectives that can be used to advance the moral emotions literature in the management field.  相似文献   

This study used Lazarus and Folkman's ( 1984 ) cognitive–phenomenological model of coping and Lazarus's ( 1991 ) theory of emotions to develop and test a model of how individuals cope with an organizational acquisition. The model identifies the origins and process used to select both problem‐focused and emotion‐focused coping strategies. Covariance structure analysis of data from 172 individuals indicated that problem‐focused coping was directly influenced by primary appraisal and negative emotion, while only certain types of emotion‐focused coping were directly related to negative emotion. All coping strategies were impacted by social support. Furthermore, negative emotion was predicted by primary appraisal, which in turn was related to perceived control, coping efficacy, and environmental conditions. Recommendations for future research and applications are discussed. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Introduction: Motorcyclists are particularly at risk of being injured when involved in a road traffic accident. To avoid such crashes, emergency braking and/or swerving maneuvers are frequently performed. The recent development of dynamic motorcycle simulators may allow to study the influences of various disturbance factors such as sleep deprivation (SD) and time-of-day (TOD) in safe conditions. Methods: Twelve young healthy males took part in 8 tests sessions at 06:00 h, 10:00 h, 14:00 h, 18:00 h after a night with or without sleep, in a random order. Participants had to perform an emergency braking and a swerving maneuver, both realized at 20 and 40 kph on a motorcycle dynamic simulator. For each task, the total distance/time necessary to perform the maneuver was recorded. Additional analysis was conducted on reaction and execution distance/time (considered as explanatory variables). Results: Both crash avoidance maneuvers (emergency braking and swerving) were affected by increased speed, resulting in longer time and distance at 40 kph than at 20 kph. Emergency braking was mainly influenced by sleep deprivation, which significantly increased the total distance necessary to stop at 40 kph (+1.57 m; + 20%; p < 0.01). These impaired performances can be linked to an increase in reaction time (+21%; p < 0.01). Considering the swerving maneuver, TOD and SD influences remained limited. TOD only influenced the reaction time/distance measured at 40 kph with poorer performance in the early morning (+30% at 06:00 h vs 18:00 h; p < 0.05). Discussion: Our results confirm that crash avoidance capabilities of young motorcyclists were influenced by the lack of sleep, mainly because of increased reaction times. More complex tasks (swerving maneuver) remained mostly unchanged in this paradigm. Practical Applications: Prevention campaigns should focus on the dangers of motorcycling while sleepy. Motorcycling simulators can be used to sensitize safely with sleep deprivation and time-of-day influences.  相似文献   

IntroductionDriver fatigue is a major road safety problem. While much is known about the effects of fatigue and the factors that contribute to it, fatigue on commuter trips has received comparatively little attention in road safety. Most interventions have focused on longer trips, while investigations of commuting have typically examined particular groups, such as shift workers.MethodThis study examined the effects of mild sleep deprivation on driving performance in simulated driving tasks in the morning and evening. Three groups of participants with different levels of sleep deprivation (Group 1: no deprivation; Group 2: two-hour deprivation; Group 3: four-hour deprivation) drove in a simulator for 45 min in the morning and evening, following a practice session the previous day.ResultsResults showed that participants reported feeling more drowsy in the afternoon, and performance impairments (increased lane deviations) were most evident in the morning for those with sleep deprivation. Measurements of eye closure did not reflect drowsiness in participants, despite performance impairments.Practical applicationsThese results suggest that mild levels of sleep deprivation (2 h), which many people regularly experience, can result in poor on-road performance, and that these effects are present in the morning, and on relatively short trips. These results warrant follow-up in naturalistic and on-road studies.  相似文献   

Objective: Slow eyelid closure is recognized as an indicator of sleepiness in sleep-deprived individuals, although automated ocular devices are not well validated. This study aimed to determine whether changes in eyelid closure are evident following acute sleep deprivation as assessed by an automated device and how ocular parameters relate to performance after sleep deprivation.

Methods: Twelve healthy professional drivers (45.58 ± 10.93 years) completed 2 randomized sessions: After a normal night of sleep and after 24 h of total sleep deprivation. Slow eye closure (PERCLOS) was measured while drivers performed a simulated driving task.

Results: Following sleep deprivation, drivers displayed significantly more eyelid closure (P < .05), greater variation in lane position (P < .01) and more attentional lapses (P < .05) compared to after normal sleep. PERCLOS was moderately associated with variability in both vigilance performance (r = 0.68, P < .05) and variation in lane position on the driving task (r = 0.61, P < .05).

Conclusions: Automated ocular measurement appears to be an effective means of detecting impairment due to sleep loss in the laboratory.  相似文献   

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