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近几年,在学校领导的高度重视下,浙江省东阳市横店镇中心小学从实际出发,以“绿色主题”为线索,对学生进行“水的净化”、“水域的污染和保护”、“空气的污染”等课程教育。以“绿色家园”为切入点,坚持以“立足课堂、了解知识、增强意识、提高实效”为指导思想,形成了“各  相似文献   

进入新世纪,作为信息载体的应用写作越来越受到社会重视,然而目前高职院校中的应用写作教学现状却与这种重视不相适应。为此,本文试就目前高职教学中如何改革应用写作教学方法的问题,从“应用写作课与相关课程互动”、“写作理论和写作实践互动”、“应用写作文种之间互动”、“促使教学主体进行互动”四个方面提出了看法,以期对高职应用写作教学改革有所裨益。  相似文献   

孙群 《环境教育》2001,(3):29-30
活动目的   通过活动,使学生了解世界及我国的环境现状,明确保护环境的重要性,增强保护环境的意识,使其自觉地、积极地、主动地在力所能及的范围内参加环保公益活动。 活动准备   (1)若干图片和竞赛题。   (2)电教设备、部分实物。   (3)环境保护相关资料和奖品。 活动过程   1.观看录像片   (1)电教资料:世界环境污染现状。   (2)电教资料:淮河水污染现状。   (3)电教资料:黄土高原水土流失现状。   2.“小博士”介绍“地球日”和“世界环境日”的由来 甲: 1970年 4月 22日,在太平洋彼岸的美国,公众发起了一…  相似文献   

“泛珠三角”是在经济全球化和区域经济一体化背景下产生的。实现区域整合发展,达到整体利益最大化,不但有利于增强各省区经济社会发展的活力,而且有利于提升区域综合竞争力,参与世界分工。基于前期设计的区域间地缘经济关系测度和分析方法,对云南省基于“泛珠三角”区域合作的地缘经济关系进行了数量测度、类型判别、评价和分析,以期达到指导云南省发展策略的制定,参与区域经济合作的目的。  相似文献   

信息技术与课程整合的实施是强调在各学科的教学过程中积极运用信息技术.大部分学校的实践过程中还是普遍存在着这样那样的误区.将“双主模式“教学设计理论作为信息技术与课程整合的指导思想,体现学生的主体性,发挥教师的主导作用.  相似文献   

高职院校试行"综合导师制"的教育教学实践研究   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
结合学院迎接人才培养工作水平评估和学院“迎评促建”工作的要求,凸现高职教育“以就业为导向”的办学要求,在环境工程系推行了“综合导师制”。意在充分发挥专业老师在教书育人、专业辅导、大学生人生规划和就业素质提高上的优势,积极构建环境工程系全员育人、全程育人、全方位育人的工作格局,建立一种师生互动的新型教育教学关系。  相似文献   

通过学科教学渗透环境保护知识和在课外实践活动中对学生进行环境保护教育,很大程度上提高了学生的环保意识,增强了学生热爱家乡、热爱大自然的美好情感,陶冶了情操,提高了综合素质,增强了环境保护的责任感。  相似文献   

小学是系统进行环境教育的起始阶段,其主要任务是:使学生了解环境保护的基本知识;进行环保法规的启蒙;培养学生的环境意识,使其养成自觉保护环境的良好习惯,增强保护环境的责任感。作为一门课程,它在课程结构中的地位是由其课程性质所决定的。根据小学阶段环境教育的目的和教材内容的特点,笔者认为环境教育应属于活动课程一类。从教学内容看·,它“不以系统知识的传授为基础,而是以实践活动为基础”①,“强调教育与当代现实生活的联系”②;从教学过程来分析,它“是以学生的自主学习和直接体验为基本方式”③;从教学目的来研究…  相似文献   

1.加强在校幼师学生的环境教育,塑造未来“绿色园丁”幼儿师范院校直接为幼儿教育培养师资力量,是向幼儿园输送“绿色园丁”的“绿色摇篮”,同时也肩负着为社会培养绿色家长和绿色公民的任务,所以学校必须从夯实环境理论知识,丰富环境实践活动两方面着手,切实提高学生的环境素质,使其能真正成为一名未来的“绿色园丁”。(1)夯实环境理论知识:独立开设环境教育课程,编写具有幼儿师范特色的环境教育教材。独立开设环境教育课程,使环境教育的内容更加系统、更有针对性,并有利于对课程进行综合评价。目前幼儿师范学校作为中等师范…  相似文献   

范新萍 《环境教育》2008,(10):33-34
在保护环境、关爱自然日益成为人类共识的今天,“生态文明”越来越受人重视。语文教学历来重视文以载道,在现代社会,这个“道”自然也包含“生态道德”。小学语文教材图文并茂,通俗易懂。只要我们留心,就不难发现编者在选取题材时,高瞻远瞩,有意在各个年级的不同层面上渗透了“生态道德”教育的素材。结合小学语文教学,列学生进行“生态道德”教育,引导学生树立生态平衡意识,把尊重自然作为终极的道德态度已成为语文课堂教学中的一个新亮点。  相似文献   

Creating sense of community: The role of public space   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
A strong sense of community has been associated with improved wellbeing, increased feelings of safety and security, participation in community affairs and civic responsibility. Although interest in how the broader built environment influences sense of community is gaining momentum, there is a dearth of empirical research examining the association between sense of community and the quality of public space. This study investigates the relationship between four public spaces – Public Open Space (POS), community centres, schools and shops – and sense of community in residents of new housing developments in the Perth metropolitan area, Western Australia. Data was obtained from a cross-sectional survey (n = 911), a POS audit, and Geographical Information Systems, and analysed using linear regression. The perceived quality of neighbourhood POS and shops was significantly and positively associated with sense of community. This relationship appears to be unaffected by how frequently people use these spaces. High quality public spaces may be important settings for enhancing sense of community within residents of new housing developments.  相似文献   

"研究性学习"教学模式,促使教学理念发生根本的改变,它以学生的发展为根本,注重教学活动中学生素质的形成过程,使学生在主动、互动的学习过程中有所思、有所为、有所得,使学生的学习水平、科学意识、人文思想、实践能力、创新精神等得到全面发展.  相似文献   

A qualitative analysis of in-depth interviews with 92 farmers and 42 policy managers in Wuxi County, the Three Gorges Reservoir Region, was conducted to identify stakeholder preferences for alternative best management practices (BMPs) and to determine the factors that affect their acceptance. Policy manager support for most of the practices was relatively stronger than support by farmers, except for the grade stabilization structure (GSS), hillside ditch (HD) and constructed wetland alternative, owing to their perceptions of soil benefits, economic advantages and environmental advantages. Farmers opposed those practices that occupied cultivated lands or changed the conventional planting methods, such as field border, conservation tillage (CT) and contour buffer strips. They tended to accept the BMPs with off-farm pollution reduction, such as GSS, riparian forest buffer and HD, and the BMPs associated with soil benefits, such as nutrient management and Terrace. The result that almost all respondents did not accept CT differed from reports in the existing literature. There is a significant correlation between the acceptance of some BMPs and the townships where the farmers lived (P ≤ 0.05). The environmental conditions and social factors would affect farmer support for BMPs, including local soil conditions, farming methods, economic income, education level and age. The economic advantages of the BMPs were the main motivation for farmers to accept the practices. Furthermore, intensive education efforts, financial incentives or economic subsidies may promote the adoption of the BMPs in our study area.  相似文献   

不断涌现的高职高专院校已经占据了高等教育的半壁江山。在新的历史形式下,高职院校学生的思想状况表现出价值观模糊、政治识别能力不强等问题。因此,探索一条符合时代要求,创新、高效的思想政治教育策略对于加强高职院校大学生的思想政治素质具有重要的意义。团体心理咨询既是一种有效的心理辅导与治疗技术,也是一种有效的教育活动。它通过团体内人际交互作用,促使个体在感受、认识、学习、训练的过程中形成新的态度与行为方式,实现自我成长与自我完善。团体心理咨询作为一种特殊的心理咨询方式可以与大学生的思想政治教育相互渗透,有机结合。  相似文献   

Different water Acts (e.g., the European Water Framework Directive) and stakeholders involved in aquatic affairs have promoted integrated river basin management over recent decades. However, few studies have provided feedback on these policies. The aim of the current article is to fill this gap by exploring how local newspapers reflect the implementation of a broad public participation within a catchment of France known for its innovation with regard to this domain. The media coverage of a water management strategy in the Drôme watershed from 1981 to 2008 was investigated using a content analysis and a geographic information system. We sought to determine what public participation and decentralized decision-making can be in practice. The results showed that this policy was integrated because of its social perspective, the high number of involved stakeholders, the willingness to handle water issues, and the local scale suitable for participation. We emphasized the prominence of the watershed scale guaranteed by the local water authority. This area was also characterized by compromise, arrangements, and power dynamics on a fine scale. We examined the most politically engaged writings regarding water management, which topics of each group emphasized, and how the groups agreed and disagreed on issues based on their values and context. The temporal pattern of participation implementation was progressive but worked by fits and starts.  相似文献   

Summary This paper describes the rising tide of environmentalism in contemporary culture. It is accepted that this represents a fragile advance in our sensibilities about nature and one another. It has impacted the embodied practices of everyday affairs in decision-making. The sense of environmental risk factors may have contributed to this evolving sensibility towards nature. The rising environmental concern converges with the practices of democracy in the development and expansion of right-to-know laws, both locally and globally. In concert with the right-to-know laws are concepts and practices of sustainable development and the merging of social and environmental justice.Dr Jay Schulkin is a Research Associate at the Wharton Risk Management and Decision Process Center, University of Pennsylvania, and Director of Research at the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists in Washington DC. David Sarokin is Director of the Special Projects Office at the US Environmental Protection Agency, 401 M Street SW, Washington DC 20460, USA. The views in this paper are those of the authors, and not the institutions with which they are affiliated.  相似文献   

在任务驱动教学法下,在自主学习中提出问题、解决问题是重点,进行学习效果评价、形成反馈信息是总结提高阶段,每一个环节都必须统筹安排,合理兼顾。《环境法学》课程教学活动中合理采用任务驱动教学法,不仅充分体现了以学生为主体、老师为主导的现代教育思想,而且极大地调动了学生的积极性和创造性,也为提高学生的实践能力和创新能力营造了良好的氛围。  相似文献   

英语大班授课存在诸如认识学生困难,纪律难以维持,因材施教原则难以实施,课堂互动困难等问题.通过教学实践发现,抓好课堂常规尤为重要;尽快认识学生,了解学生个性特点有利于教师与学生的情感交流、课堂的互动和因材施教原则的实施;利用信息时代的网络教学平台建立适合个性化发展的课程体系和新教学模式来实现学生自主学习,引进网络系统下的视听说课的“五步式“教学法来强化学生学习英语效果,从而英语分级教学中大班授课问题会迎刃而解,教学质量得到不断提升.  相似文献   

目前教育改革的目标是如何在教学过程中最大限度地调动学生的学习积极性,让学生能动地、创造性地学习,而不是被动地接受知识灌输。根据《生态保护》教学的特点,提出多媒体辅助教学、设计情景、实例分析等方法,开展讨论式教学,实现对新时期高职高专学生的素质教育。  相似文献   

《环境土建工程》是研究环境工程土建施工方法的一门综合性、实践性很强的学科。它是为环境工程专业高职生开设的一门重要的专业基础课。以往这门课程的教学形式较为传统,不适应当今高职教育形式之处很多。因而,改变单一的课堂教学方式,多种教学手段相结合;改革考核、考试办法,培养学生的学习能力;勤于实践总结,不断发现问题,培养创新能力。  相似文献   

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