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The main purpose of this paper is to use data envelopment analysis (DEA) as a support tool to establish a relative eco-efficiency measure for the different bioethanol transportation modes and to prioritize these different modes according to these figures. From a review of previous studies, we selected a set of attributes to be considered in DEA, and then experts were consulted about the importance of these attributes for this type of analysis in Brazil. To quantify the attributes, we established indicators and submitted them to DEA to evaluate the relative eco-efficiency to each available transportation mode for the case studied. The use of DEA established the guidelines to improve the transportation modes that were not considered 100?% relatively eco-efficient. These improvements could be achieved considering the percentage, reduction or growth for each of the attributes in the selected transportation mode. The proposed approach can help the Brazilian government to develop a plan to improve the bioethanol transportation infrastructure and can be used to propel short-term improvements in the highway transport of bioethanol, which could be useful given the Brazilian transportation context.  相似文献   


The ecological footprint value (abbreviated as EF) is the quantitative indicator on evaluating the sustainable development status of a region. How to simulate the EF’s trend with a long-time data series has been heatedly discussed. The economic development of Suzhou, one of the most developed cities in Yangtze Delta, China, has been accelerated in the past 20 years, and it is necessary to evaluate the influence of the socioeconomic growth on local natural resources. The EF values of Suzhou from 1999 to 2018 were calculated and simulated using both the ARIMA model and the GM(1,1) model. The ARIMA model has been used in the prediction of EF values in several cases. However, the EF data series of the city consisted of white noise and could not be fitted by the ARIMA model. The GM(1,1) model, an approach forecasting nonlinear data series, was not found in the studies of the EF simulation. Through the model precision test, the GM(1,1) model introduced fit the EF data series well and was considered to be appropriate to simulate the EF values for Suzhou. The fitting performance was accurate, and the EF values of the city could be forecasted by the model in short term. With the proposed model, the ecological sustainability status of the city was analyzed.


Environment, Development and Sustainability - The recent growth of agriculture, industry and urban areas in Vietnam requires a large amount of water consumption as a production factor. This paper...  相似文献   

Statistical methods for the analysis of censored time-to-response data are reviewed. Estimation of the effect of dose levels and other regressor variables on time to response is emphasized. Both log-linear and proportional hazards regression models are discussed and illustrations are given. Methods based on the proportional hazards model are extended to competing risks and case-control studies. The competing risks generalization leads to the estimation of cause-specific regression coefficients without placing restrictions on the interrelation among failure types.  相似文献   

Phthalates are ubiquitous environmental chemicals with potential detrimental health effects. The purpose of our study was to quantify dietary intake of phthalates and of DEHA (Di-ethylhexyl adipate) using duplicate diet samples and to compare these data with the calculated data based on urinary levels of primary and secondary phthalate metabolites. 27 female and 23 male healthy subjects aged 14-60 years collected daily duplicate diet samples over 7 consecutive days. Overall, 11 phthalates were measured in the duplicates by GC/MS and LC/MS methods. Urinary levels of primary and secondary phthalate metabolites are also available. The median (95th percentile) daily intake via food was 2.4 (4.0) microg/kg b.w. (Di-2-ethylhexyl phthalate, DEHP), 0.3 (1.4) microg/kg b.w. (Di-n-butyl phthalate, DnBP), 0.6 (2.1) microg/kg b.w. (Di-isobutyl phthalate, DiBP) and 0.7 (2.2) microg/kg b.w. for DEHA. MEPH (Mono-2-ethylhexyl phthalate) was detectable only in minor concentrations in the samples, thus conversion of DEHP to MEHP and dietary intake of MEHP were negligible. When comparing back-calculated intake data of the DEHP metabolites with dietary DEHP intake from the day before significant correlations were observed for most of the metabolites. No correlation was found for DnBP and only a weak but significant correlation for DiBP. The median and 95th percentile daily dietary intake of all target analytes did not exceed the recommended tolerable daily intake. Our data indicated that food was the predominant intake source of DEHP, whilst other sources considerably contributed to the daily intake of DnBP and DiBP in an adult population.  相似文献   

TBBP-A is a high production volume chemical applied widely as a flame retardant in printed circuit boards. Recent studies have raised concern over potential harmful implications of TBBP-A exposure in human and wildlife, leading to its classification under group 2A “Probably carcinogenic to humans” by the International Agency for Research on Cancer. This article provides a comprehensive review of the available literature on TBBP-A analysis, environmental levels and human exposure. Liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) has been identified as the method of choice for robust, accurate and sensitive analysis of TBBP-A in different matrices. TBBP-A has been detected in almost all environmental compartments all over the world, rendering it a ubiquitous contaminant. Human exposure studies revealed dust ingestion and diet as the major pathways of TBBP-A exposure in the general population. Toddlers are likely to be more exposed than adults via accidental indoor dust ingestion. Moreover, exposure to TBBP-A may occur prenatally and via breast milk. There are no current restrictions on the production of TBBP-A in the EU or worldwide. However, more research is required to characterise human exposure to TBBP-A in and around production facilities, as well as in e-waste recycling regions.  相似文献   

我国现阶段65岁以上老年人享有较好的社会保障体系,具有一定的物质基础和精神需求,对出行旅游具有强烈的欲望.在我国人口老龄化趋势逐渐加重的驱使下,刺激老年人出行旅游能够极大的促进消费,带动内需增长.为了科学制定拉动老年人旅游的政策措施,本文从《中国统计年鉴》(2006-2013年)中选取65岁以上人口比、老年抚养比、城镇人口比重、城镇基本养老保险基金支出、文盲人口占15岁及以上人口、接受高等教育人数、以及地区最终消费支出作为主要的比较指标;从《中国旅游统计年鉴》(2006-2013年)中选取65岁以上旅游人数比与65岁以上人口旅游消费支出作为主要参考指标,分别对相关数据进行了灰色关联分析.分析结果显示,选取的比较指标与参考指标之间呈现了中等以上强度的关联性,关联度均在0.6以上,65岁以上人口、老年抚养比、城镇人口比重相对2个参考指标关联度最强,城镇人口数量与受教育情况业是影响65岁以上旅游人数的重要因素,分析结论可以作为国家和地方政府在制定养老产业相关政策时的重要参考.本研究的最后,提出了完善社会福利保障体系和旅游业法律法规,提高养老保险水平,保障老年人旅游市场安全及制定差异化价格战略等措施.  相似文献   

Since United Nations adopted the global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) for the next 15 years (2016–2030), sustainable development will further become a core concept and main principle to guide global and national economic and social development. According to this background, strengthening the integrative research on the theories and methodologies of sustainable development has been a strategically important mission. This article provided an analytic framework for sustainability science, named the object-subject-process (OSP) framework for examining the key issues encountered during the theoretical research and policy analysis. This study emphasized that, on the object dimension, sustainable development means to seek for economic and social development within biophysical limits of the earth and the relationship of environment, society, and economy should be containing and complementary rather than parallel and substitute; on the process dimension, sustainable development should adopt both the responsive and proactive strategies for the whole process management which employing pressure-state-response (PRS) model rather than dealing with one part of them; on the subject dimension, sustainable development research should involve the key stakeholders who are kind of collaborate governance rather than separate each other. From the perspective of sustainability science, green economy was utilized as a case study to explore the issues of object, process and subject and also the significance of green economy was discussed in this study.  相似文献   

Environment, Development and Sustainability - Ecological welfare performance is a measure of the relationship between input ecological resources and output welfare, and it reflects the sustainable...  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of an investigation into the spatial distribution of radionuclides of artificial ((239,240)Pu, (137)Cs) and natural ((210)Pb, (40)K) origins in the upper (0-5 cm) soil layers on the Baltic coastline of Lithuania ( approximately 5 km(2) area). The samples were analysed by gamma ray spectrometry and combined radiochemical procedures. The highest (210)Pb, (239,240)Pu and (137)Cs activity concentrations were determined in the forest samples, whereas (40)K activity was rather homogeneous across the study area. Relatively high (239,240)Pu and (40)K activity concentrations were determined along the surf zone. The (210)Pb and (137)Cs activity concentrations showed a gradual increase from the surf zone to the forest. The average activity concentrations of (239,240)Pu, (137)Cs, (210)Pb and (40)K in the beach and forest samples, respectively, were as follows: 0.32+/-0.08 and 0.74+/-0.14; 50+/-4 and 1190+/-50; 4.7+/-2.0 and 48+/-6; 186+/-15 and 216+/-17 Bq/kg.  相似文献   

This paper presents results of a model test carried out within the framework of the COMETES project (EU). The aim of the work was to change the structure of the MOIRA lake model for radiocesium so that it can be applied more generally for, in principle, all types of radionuclides and heavy metals. This general lake model is used within the MOIRA decision support system (DSS; MOIRA and COMETES are acronyms for EU-projects). The model is based on a set of differential equations and a specific modelling structure. It incorporates all important fluxes to, from and within lakes in a general manner. Yet the model is driven by a minimum of variables accessible from standard maps and monitoring programs. The model can be separated into two parts, a general part with equations applicable for all types of water pollutants and a substance-specific part. This model has previously been validated for 137Cs from many lakes covering a wide domain and yielded excellent predictive power. The alterations discussed in this work are meant to be general and radiostrontium is used as a typical element. Radiostrontium is known to be more mobile than radiocesium and all abiotic parts of the model handling fixation and mobility have been altered. The new model for 90Sr has been critically tested using data from four lakes heavily contaminated with 90Sr from the Kyshtym accident in the Southern Urals, Russia, using empirical data from a period from 1958 to 1995 for 90Sr in fish (here goldfish), water and sediments.  相似文献   

In a published controlled dosing experiment, a single individual consumed 5 mg each of labeled di-n-butyl phthalate (DnBP) and diisobutyl phthalate (DiBP) on separate occasions and tracked metabolites in his blood and urine over 48 h. Data from this study were used to structure and calibrate simple pharmacokinetic (PK) models for these two phthalates, which predict urine and blood metabolite concentrations with a given phthalate intake scenario (times and quantities). The calibrated models were applied to a second published experiment in which 5 individuals fasted over the course of a 48-h weekend (bottled water only), and their full urine voids were captured and measured for DnBP and DiBP metabolites. One goal of this model application was to confirm the validity of the calibrated models — their validity would be demonstrated if a profile of intakes could be found which adequately duplicated the metabolite concentrations measured in the urine. A second goal was to study patterns of exposure for this group. It was found that all metabolites could be duplicated very well with individual-specific “best-fit” intake scenarios, with one exception. It appears that the model predicted much lower concentrations of the metabolite, 3carboxy-mono-propylphthalate (MCPP), than were observed in all individuals. Modeled as a metabolite of DnBP, this suggests that DnBP was not the major source of MCPP in the urine. For all 5 individuals, the reconstructed dose profiles of the two phthalates were similar: about 6 small bolus doses per day and an intake of about 0.5 μg/kg-day. The intakes did not appear to be associated with diary-reported activities (personal hygiene and medication) of the participants. The modeled frequent intakes suggested one (or both) of two possibilities: ongoing exposures such as an inhalation exposure, or no exposure but rather an ongoing release of body stores of the phthalate metabolites from past exposures.  相似文献   

Perfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) were investigated in tail feathers and soft tissues (liver, muscle, preen gland and adipose tissue) of barn owl (Tyto alba) road-kill victims (n = 15) collected in the province of Antwerp (Belgium). A major PFAS producing facility is located in the Antwerp area and levels of PFASs in biota from that region have been found to be very high in previous studies. We aimed to investigate for the first time the main sources of PFASs in feathers of a terrestrial bird species. Throughout this study, we have used statistical methods for left-censored data to cope with levels below the limit of detection (LOD), instead of traditional, potentially biased, substitution methods.Perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS) was detected in all tissues (range: 11 ng/g ww in muscle–1208 ng/g ww in preen oil) and in tail feathers (< 2.2–56.6 ng/g ww). Perfluorooctanoate (PFOA) was measured at high levels in feathers (< 14–670 ng/g ww), but not in tissues (more than 50% < LOD). Perfluorohexane sulfonate (PFHxS) could only be quantified in liver and preen oil, while other PFASs were sporadically detected in liver. PFOS levels in feathers and liver were highly correlated (r = 0.78, p < 0.01), in contrast to PFOA (r =  0.11, p = 0.78). Combined with high PFOA levels in feathers this suggests that PFOA may be present on the external surface of feathers, due to external contamination originating from the air in the vicinity of point sources. Therefore the possibility of using feathers as a passive air sampler for high PFOA levels should be investigated in the future.  相似文献   

The evaluation and assessment of monitoring data generated over a period of 1983-2007 (25 years) of a nuclear facility is presented. Time trends of particulate radioactivity, correlation between 137Cs in discharge canal seawater and station discharged activity and correlation of 137Cs, 60Co, and 131I in marine species such as sponge and Nerita (gastropod) and corresponding discharged activity are discussed. The concentration of 137Cs and 131I in seawater versus biota are discussed. A good correlation between 137Cs in seawater and 137Cs in liquid waste discharged was observed (R2 = 0.8, p < 0.001). Similarly, correlation was good for Nerita and discharged concentration of 137Cs, 131I and 60Co (R2 = 0.55-0.73 and p < 0.001). The measurements over the years indicated that there is no accumulation of radionuclides in either the terrestrial or aquatic environments. The mean 137Cs decreased from the pre-operational levels: 7.0-3.6 Bq kg−1 in soil, 0.91-0.016 Bq L−1 in milk and 0.28-0.036 Bq kg−1 in vegetation. Similarly, the mean 90Sr in these matrixes decreased from 3.9 to 0.26 Bq kg−1; 0.37-0.011 Bq L−1 and 0.34-0.022 Bq kg−1 respectively. Cesium-137 of about 700 μBq m−3 was measured in the air filter disks during 1986 and there was a decrease of three orders of magnitude in concentration over the 25 years. The evaluation of environmental data indicated that the radionuclide concentrations and potential impacts, in terms of effective dose to the members of public, have significantly reduced since 1969.  相似文献   

Bioaccumulation of key short-lived radionuclides such as 131I and 32,33P may be over-estimated since concentration ratios (CRs) are often based on values for the corresponding stable isotope which do not account for radioactive decay during uptake via the food chain. This study presents estimates for bioaccumulation of radioactive phosphorus which account for both radioactive decay and varying ambient levels of stable P in the environment. Recommended interim CR values for radioactive forms of P as a function of bioavailable stable phosphorus in the water body are presented. Values of CR are presented for three different trophic levels of the aquatic food chain; foodstuffs from all three trophic levels may potentially be consumed by humans. It is concluded that current recommended values of the CR are likely to be significantly over-estimated for radioactive phosphorus in many freshwater systems, particularly lowland rivers. Further research is recommended to field-validate these models and assess their uncertainty. The relative importance of food-chain uptake and direct uptake from water are also assessed from a review of the literature. It can be concluded that food-chain uptake is the dominant accumulation pathway in fish and hence accumulation factors for radioactive phosphorus in farmed fish are likely to be significantly lower than those for wild fish.  相似文献   

Transfer factors of (40)K, (238)U, (210)Pb, and (210)Po from soil to some agriculture crops in various locations in south of Syria (Dara'a and Assuwaydaa districts) have been determined. Soil and vegetable crops (green pepper, cucumber, tomato, and eggplant), legumes crops (lentil, chickpea, and broad bean), fruit trees (apple, grape, and olives) and cereals (barley and wheat) were collected and analyzed for (238)U, (210)Pb, and (210)Po. The results have shown that higher transfer factors (calculated as Bqkg(-1) dry wt. plant material per Bqkg(-1) dry wt. soil) for (210)Po, (210)Pb and (238)U were observed in vegetable leaves than fruits and cereals leaves; the highest values of transfer factor (TF) for (238)U were found to be 0.1 for straw of chickpea. Transfer factors for (210)Po varied between 2.8x10(-2) and 2 in fruits of eggplant and grain of barley, respectively. In addition, several parameters affecting transfer factors of the radionuclides were evaluated. The results can be considered as base values for TF of natural radionuclides in the region.  相似文献   

Uptake and depuration of (131)I into winkles through consumption of the diatom Skeletonema costatum is described. The work follows on from previous studies that investigated the uptake of iodine into winkles from seawater and seaweed. Incorporation of (131)I in S. costatum from labelled seawater followed linear first-order kinetics with an uptake half-time of 0.40 days. Iodine uptake in winkles from labelled S. costatum also followed linear first-order kinetics, with a calculated equilibrium concentration (C(infinity)) of 42Bqkg(-1) and a transfer factor (TF) of 1.1x10(-4) with respect to labelled diatom food. This TF is lower than that observed for uptake of (131)I in winkles from labelled seaweed. For the depuration stage, a biphasic sequence with biological half-lives of 1.3 and 255 days was determined. The first phase is biokinetically important, given that winkles can lose two-thirds of their activity during that period. This study shows that, whilst winkles can obtain radioactive iodine from phytoplankton consumption, they do not retain the majority of that activity for very long. Hence, compared with other exposure pathways, such as uptake from seawater and macroalgae, incorporation from phytoplankton is a relatively minor exposure route.  相似文献   


When we measure countries’ socioeconomic development, the standalone National Income approach does not to reflect well-being of the citizens. An analysis of a country's welfare should consider the combination of different aspects such as economic indicators, environmental and resource productivity, and economic opportunities. In the light of these discussions, the concept of green growth arose as a contemporary approach to reframe the mainstream growth model and to re-evaluate many of the investment decisions in meeting agricultural, energy and water needs and the resource demands of economic development. This paper evaluates the green growth performance of OECD countries by applying the I-distance method by integrating the economic, social, and environmental aspects of countries’ performances simultaneously. Using multivariate I-distance approach, selected green growth indicators and numerous different variables have been synthesized into one value. According to our analysis, Sweden, Luxemburg, Norway and Denmark occupy the top places by their outstanding green performance. On the other hand, Mexico, Poland and Greece are placed at the bottom as a consequence of their relatively weak environmental performance.


The intensity of environmental regulation (ERI) affects the short-term effect of the level of green mining (GML), and which structure determines the long-term mechanism. Based on the panel data from 2001 to 2015, with the dynamic panel model and system GMM estimation method were employed to test the influence of heterogeneous environmental regulation on green mining and its transmission mechanism. The results show that, there is a “U” type nonlinear relationship between the ERI and GML. The direct effect of command-control-based (CAC) and the market incentive-based (MBI) environmental regulation on green development of mining shows the characteristics of inhibition and promotion. There is a “U” type of indirectly moderating effect between technological innovation and the energy consumption structure on the GML. The technological innovation promotes the green development of the mining industry only after pass the inflection point of MBI, while the CAC plays a significant guiding role in upgrading of the energy consumption structure. There is an inhibition and promotion effect of MBI on the GML in the southeast coastal area, and the CAC is not significantly. Meanwhile, both of the ERI shows no positive effects in the central and western inland region.  相似文献   

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