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Urine was aspirated on two consecutive days from the dilated bladder of nine fetuses with lower urinary tract obstruction. Gestational age ranged from 17 to 35 weeks. Renal dysplasia was diagnosed histologically in four fetuses, whereas the other five had normal renal histology or only partial dysplasia. Urinary sodium (Na+) and osmolality (Osm) decreased significantly in the second urine sample 1 day after bladder emptying (median decrease: Na+ = −11.3 per cent; Osm= −13.3 per cent). Although there were no significant differences between fetuses with or without renal dysplasia, normalization of an initially raised urine Na + concentration occurred at the second sample in a fetus with partially normal renal histology, thus correcting a false-positive diagnosis of dysplasia. Bladder pressure was measured at the time of the first urine sampling in seven fetuses and in a further eight with bladder outlet obstruction undergoing a single urine aspiration at 18–28 weeks. Bladder pressure was increased above the reference range in 8 of 15 fetuses with urinary obstruction, but there was no correlation between pressure and the degree of impairment of renal function. Although no conclusive clinical guidelines can be drawn from this study for the evaluation of fetal renal function, these findings suggest that, in lower urinary tract obstruction, tubular reabsorption is impeded by the standing pressure in the urinary tract and that improvement of renal function may occur following relief of obstruction.  相似文献   

We report a case of a sacrococcygeal teratoma (SCT) diagnosed at 22 weeks with a substantial intrapelvic cystic extension leading to bladder outlet obstruction and hydronephrosis at 27 weeks. Prenatal percutaneous shunting of the cystic teratoma was performed at 28 weeks to avoid prolonged fetal pelvic compression by the tumour that could have adverse effects by stretching the pelvic plexus and sacral nerves. Urinary dilatation resolved completely after shunting and a 3880 g baby girl was delivered at 39 weeks. The potential benefits of in utero shunting to avoid urological complications of SCTs with intrapelvic extension are discussed. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Congenital megalourethra is a rare genital anomaly characterized by dilatation of the penile urethra without evidence of distal obstruction. Reports of the prenatal diagnosis of this condition in the literature are limited. We present a case of congenital megalourethra with obstructive uropathy from the posterior urethra diagnosed prenatally at 18 weeks of gestation. ‘Prune-belly’-like features, colonic malrotation, and imperforate anus were also found on autopsy.  相似文献   

Fetal interventions have been proposed for treatment of severe lower urinary tract obstruction (LUTO), as this condition is associated with high rates of perinatal mortality and postnatal renal impairment. The rationale for in utero treatment for those cases is based on the possibility of relieving the obstruction, improving the amniotic fluid volume, and preventing renal and bladder damage. Candidates for fetal intervention should be rigorously selected based on the confirmation of severe LUTO (dilated bladder and bilateral hydronephrosis), oligohydramnios or anyhydramnios and ‘favorable’ fetal urinalysis (dependent on gestational age). Nowadays there are two different therapeutic options with specific technical approaches. Vesico-amniotic shunting is an easier procedure, but with a higher frequency of related complications. Fetal cystoscopy can be used for diagnostic purpose and for treatment of posterior urethral valves, with suggestive advantage of allowing a more physiological release of the obstruction. According to the literature, estimated survival rates and postnatal normal renal function frequencies are approximately 40 and 50% after vesico-amniotic shunting and 75 and 65% after fetal cystoscopy, respectively. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We report on a fetus and a newborn, both with partial trisomy 7q21→qter due to different familial translocations, t(7;21)(q21.2;p12) and t(4;7)(q35;q21.2). Postmortem examination of the 19-week-old female fetus disclosed dysmorphic features, cleft palate, anomalies of the great vessels, intestinal malrotation and uterus bicornis. The newborn girl revealed a pattern of minor anomalies, cleft palate, cerebellar hypoplasia, and anomalies of pancreas, gall bladder and appendix. The clinical findings in three other reported fetuses with partial trisomy 7q described so far are reviewed. A duplication 7q21→qter, as found in the propositi, has only been described in 11 patients who all had a concurrent partial monosomy. Patient 1 is particularly interesting since she is, to our knowledge, the first reported case with pure trisomy 7q21/22→qter. We reviewed the phenotype of the previously described patients, compared it with the propositae, and summarized the clinical features of pure trisomy 7q21/22→qter. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We report a case in which a discrepancy emerged between the prenatal diagnosis of female chromosomal sex and male sex at ultrasound examination. The FSH dosage performed on an amniotic fluid sample previously stored confirmed the male phenotype of the fetus. The effectiveness of the AF-FSH level dosage in prenatal diagnosis was taken into consideration.  相似文献   

Family studies including the proband are usually needed before a prenatal diagnosis may be performed for Duchenne muscular dystrophy. We report here on prenatal diagnosis in a family where the solitary index case was dead, and where the consultand and her mother were assumed to be carriers by independent evidence. DNA anaylsis revealed that both the consultand and her mother had an X chromosome deleted for DNA material in the Xp21 region. The female fetus also carried the deleted X chromosome.  相似文献   

Second-trimester serum inhibin-A is increasingly used as a fourth marker in addition to the triple test to screen for Down syndrome. We investigated whether fetal gender had an effect on serum inhibin-A concentration. A retrospective analysis was done on 316 normal pregnancies and 48 Down syndrome pregnancies in which maternal serum inhibin-A assays were performed between 15 and 20 weeks of gestation and in which the fetal sex was known. The median inhibin-A MoM (95% CI) for normal pregnancies in the presence of a male fetus was 0.93 (range 0.88–1.03). This was significantly lower than that in the presence of a female fetus (median MoM=1.04). The gender difference was not observed in the Down syndrome pregnancies. The increased inhibin-A concentration would lead to a 2.3-fold higher false-positive rate in the presence of a female fetus (10.6% vs 4.6%; p<0.05, Chi-square test). Because of the small number of cases studied, the results need to be substantiated by a larger series. If the gender effect is confirmed, adjustment for fetal sex may be necessary when inhibin-A is used as a screening marker. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Lower urinary tract obstruction has a significant impact on neonatal and child health. Pulmonary hyperplasia and renal impairment could be direct or indirect consequences of this condition leading to significant morbidity and mortality. Evaluation of fetuses with suspected lower urinary tract obstruction is performed not only to confirm the diagnosis but also to assess renal prognosis. Ultrasound examination and urinary analysis aid in the evaluation of these fetuses. The decision to perform fetal intervention in these cases is a difficult one. Vesico‒amniotic fetal shunting, open fetal surgery and more recently endoscopic fetal surgery for this condition are available as possible modalities of fetal intervention. Case selection for fetal intervention is extremely important in order to both avoid unnecessary intervention in those unlikely to survive, and also to avoid procedure related complications in fetuses likely to do well without intervention. Vesico‒amniotic shunting has the advantage of bypassing the obstruction, however it is often associated with complications. Open fetal surgery is not usually recommended because of the complications and high fetal loss rate. Endoscopic surgery to visualise and treat the cause of lower urinary tract obstruction has been tried. Fetal endoscopic surgery is in its infancy and endoscopic procedures are limited to a few groups. This current review addresses evaluation, case selection and therapeutic options for lower urinary tract obstruction in utero. It also discusses the limited data against which the efficacy of the various options can be assessed. The current state of fetal intervention is detailed in the present review. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Marker or ring X [r(X)] chromosomes of varying size are often found in patients with Turner syndrome. Patients with very small r(X) chromosomes that did not include the X-inactivation locus (XIST) have been described with a more severe phenotype. Small r(X) chromosomes are rare in males and there are only five previous reports of such cases. We report the identification of a small supernumerary X chromosome in an abnormal male fetus. Cytogenetic analysis from chorionic villus sampling was performed because of fetal nuchal translucency thickness and it showed mosaicism 46,XY/47,XY,+r(X)/48,XY,+r(X),+r(X). Fluorescence in situ hybridizations (FISH) showed the marker to be of X-chromosome origin and not to contain the XIST locus. Additional specific probes showed that the r(X) included a euchromatic region in proximal Xq. At 20 weeks gestation, a second ultrasound examination revealed cerebral abnormalities. After genetic counselling, the pregnancy was terminated. The fetus we describe is the first male with a mosaic XIST-negative r(X) chromosome identified at prenatal diagnosis. The phenotype we observed was probably the result of functional disomy of the genes in the r(X) chromosome, secondary to loss of the XIST locus. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Early prenatal diagnosis of the fragile X was attempted in 44 pregnancies, including one twin pregnancy at risk of Martin-Bell (MB) syndrome. The sex ratio was 24M:21F. The fragile site was reproducibly demonstrated in cultured chorionic villus (CV) cells in eight male and five female fetuses. Six of the male and three of the female fetuses were terminated. Simultaneous RFLP analysis provided confirmative data with flanking DNA markers in 3 of 13 analysed cases. Recombination and/or non-informativeness at available distal and/or proximal loci were found in nine cases. In one male fetus, discordance between the haplotype and cyto-genetics (fragile-X-negative) suggested the presence of a normal male transmitter, a double meiotic cross-over within the region, or a false-negative cytogenetic diagnosis. However, discordance between prenatal and post-termination/postnatal cytogenetic findings was not observed in this series. The use of excess thymidine for induction of the fragile X in cultured CV cells provided in the majority of cases a safe and rapid method for cytogenetic diagnosis, with options for early induced termination in fragile-X-positive pregnancies, for simultaneous RFLP analysis, and for subsequent second-trimester analysis of fetal blood in complicated cases.  相似文献   

An Erratum has been published for this article in Prenatal Diagnosis 22(13) 2002, 1241. Fetal sex prediction can be achieved using PCR targeted at the SRY gene by analysing cell-free fetal DNA in maternal serum. Unfortunately, the results reported to date show a lack of sensitivity, especially during the first trimester of pregnancy. Therefore, determination of fetal sex by maternal serum analysis could not replace karyotype analysis following chorionic villus sampling. A new highly sensitive real-time PCR was developped to detect an SRY gene sequence in maternal serum. Analysis was performed on 121 pregnant women during the first trimester of pregnancy (mean gestational age: 11.8 weeks). Among them, 51 had at least one previous male-bearing pregnancy. Results were compared with fetal sex. SRY PCR analysis of maternal serum was in complete concordance with fetal sex. Among the 121 pregnant women, 61 were bearing a male fetus and 60 a female fetus. No false-negative results were observed. Furthermore, no false-positive results occurred, even though 27 women carrying a female fetus during the current pregnancy had at least one previous male-bearing pregnancy. This study demonstrates that a reliable, non-invasive sex determination can be achieved by PCR analysis of maternal serum during the first trimester of pregnancy. This non-invasive approach for fetal sex prediction should have great implications in the management of pregnant women who are carriers of an X-linked genetic disorder. Prenatal diagnosis might thus be performed for male fetuses only, avoiding invasive procedures and the risk of the loss of female fetuses. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Masculinization of female genitalia and female intersexual dominance distinguish spotted hyenas (Crocuta crocuta) and Malagasy primates (Lemuriformes) from most other mammals. An unusual prenatal endocrine environment has been proposed to proximately underlie the development of these traits in hyenas. To examine whether female dominance and genital masculinization are similarly enhanced by the prenatal environment in lemurid primates, we measured androgen and estrogen excretion in pregnant wild redfronted lemurs (Eulemur fulvus rufus). Our results showed that estrogen levels during the second phase of gestation were much higher in females carrying a male fetus than in female-carrying mothers. This may indicate the onset of testicular activity in male fetuses, because androgens of fetal origin are aromatized to maternal estrogens. Levels of androgen excretion were similar in all mothers regardless of the fetus' sex, which may suggest that androgen-independent mechanisms also contribute to female masculinization. The much higher androgen/estrogen ratio in female-carrying mothers indicates that relative, rather than absolute, prenatal steroid concentrations may play a role in female masculinization.  相似文献   

We report the prenatal diagnosis of Wolf-Hirschhorn syndrome (4p –) in a 24-week-old fetus. Echographic features included cystic hygroma, a complex heart defect with right ventricular hypoplasia, and a large placental chorioangioma. We suggest that chorioangioma may be associated with chromosomal imbalance and that systematic careful morphologic examination of the fetus and karyotyping of any pregnancy in which large chorioangioma is detected is advisable. Jugular lymphatic obstruction sequence has not been reported so far in association with 4p– syndrome.  相似文献   

We have performed 28 first trimester diagnoses for Menkes disease in 27 high risk pregnancies by direct copper measurement on chorionic villi (c.v.) Two male fetuses were found to be affected because of significantly increased copper content. In one male fetus a slightly increased copper content was observed indicating an exogenous copper contamination of the sample. This view was supported by normal results observed after abortion. Three out of 15 diagnostic c.v. samples with a female karyotype showed increased copper levels. In two of these cases, part of the copper content might have been released from the cannulae used for these particular biopsies. Histochemical visualization of copper accumulation in fixed chorionic villi of two affected fetuses and one female fetus was observed. [64Cu]-uptake studies have been performed on 11 diagnostic and 10 control c.v. samples. As the control samples in some cases were found to incorporate more [64Cu] than the corresponding diagnostic sample, this method cannot at present be used for diagnosis. Compiled results on newborn females gave evidence that two carriers expressed the paternal X-chromosome, and two carriers expressed the maternal X-chromosome in chorionic villi.  相似文献   

Contamination of amniotic fluid cell cultures by maternal cells can be expected to lead to misdiagnosis of fetal genotype in 0·1 to 0·5/100 cultures, when assays are carried out directly on cultured cells. Chemical analysis of the cell-free amniotic fluid supernatant may overcome this source of error and has the added advantages of speed and independence from amniotic cell culture failure. We describe a pregnancy at risk for Hurler's disease where amniotic cells cultured at amniocentesis had a female karyotype and an α-iduronidase activity towards both phenyl and 4-methylumbelliferyl substrates at the lower end of the normal range, suggesting a heterozygous fetus. An affected fetus was predicted, however, because of a high concentration of dermatan sulphate in the amniotic fluid. The discrepancy between these findings was shown to be due to maternal cell contamination of amniotic fluid cell cultures by the birth of a male infant with Hurler's disease.  相似文献   

We experienced a case of a pregnant woman who failed to obtain a result from NIPT, due to the high level of total cell-free DNA. A subsequent ultrasound examination discovered that the fetus had severe intrauterine growth restriction, so the woman decided to abort the baby. At the same time, the woman developed slight swelling and tenderness of the proximal interphalangeal and meta-carpophalangeal joints. At first, these symptoms were not noticed, but, when the pregnant woman was admitted to the hospital, her laboratory tests were seriously abnormal, such as serum lactate dehydrogenase (640U/L), creatine phosphor kinase (4525U/L), kinase isoenzyme MB (170U/L), and a hydroxybutyrate dehydrogenase (398U/L). The patient had no other symptoms at this time. Misoprostol and subsequent forceps curettage were used for the induced abortion, a 167-g female fetus was aborted. Fetal skin tissue was taken for chromosomal microarray analysis (CMA) and placenta (biopsied in four places and tested as two composite samples) were taken for postnatal karyotyping to exclude a confined placental mosaicism, chromosomal microarray analysis of the fetal skin tissue revealed that the karyotype was 46, XX, karyotyping of placenta (100 cells) gave results of 46, XX, no abnormalities were detected. Ten days after induction, the patient had developed progressive symmetric muscle weakness in the proximal extremities. Physical examination revealed Gottron's sign and erythema. A manual muscle test showed weakness of the muscles (4/5) of her proximal extremities. Electromyography showed myogenic impairment. After excluding the possibility of neoplasia, the patient was diagnosed with dermatomyositis.  相似文献   

Toward the end of the twentieth century it was discovered that cell-free fetal DNA sequences could be detected in maternal blood plasma. Initially, Y-chromosome sequences originating from male fetuses were targeted in cell-free DNA extracted from maternal plasma in order to demonstrate proof of this concept towards the development of noninvasive prenatal diagnosis methods. Clinical application of this approach is now possible. Fetal sex can be detected through a procedure that is noninvasive with respect to the fetus. Specifically, the presence of Y-chromosome sequences in maternal blood plasma indicates that the fetus is male, whereas lack of a signal will indicate that the fetus is female. Fetal sex can be detected very early, from at least the 7th week of pregnancy (and even earlier, according to several studies), about two months before this information is available through ultrasound scanning. Although the controversial issue of fetal sexing is not new, it is expected that with the availability of an accurate noninvasive test, public interest will rise. It is therefore imperative that an authorized committee of experts in each country generates an official policy regarding application of the test. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We describe a female fetus with a de novo X chromosome rearrangement detected prenatally in both chorion villi and a pleural effusion. Chromosome painting showed the chromosome to be composed entirely of X chromosome material, while G-banding indicated a duplication of X short arms, four copies of the proximal long arm, and deletion of the distal long arm of the X. C-banding showed the presence of one active and two inactive centromeres and X-inactivation studies demonstrated the tricentric chromosome to be late replicating in all cells examined. The origin of this complex de novo rearrangement appears to have involved two separate breakage events, the first leading to the production of a dicentric X chromosome and the second generating the tricentric X.  相似文献   

Interstitial deletions of chromosomal region 9q are rarely seen. We report the first prenatal diagnosis of a de novo interstitial deletion 9q. The fetus was karyotyped for intrauterine growth retardation (IUGR). Conventional and molecular cytogenetics showed female karyotype with a de novo deletion of the chromosomal region 9(q22.2q31.1) leading to a partial monosomy 9q. At autopsy, the fetus showed growth retardation, dysmorphy, and a female pseudohermaphroditism. These results suggest that a gene(s) for genital development reside in chromosomal region 9q22.2q31.1. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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