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A ‘roadmap’ has been devised for a progressive greening of the Australian chemical industry over the next two decades. The roadmap is based on a set of interactive principles broadly termed ‘economic’, ‘social’, ‘technological’, ‘environmental’ and ‘political’, which collectively form the ‘drivers of change’ in chemical industry strategy/business/policy planning—leading to greater efficiency and economic sustainability of this industry. The proposed roadmap pre-supposes that real economic, societal and environmental benefits can be obtained through greater use of existing and emerging green chemical technology. It can play an important role in developing a sustainable chemical industry in Australia. Primarily, the proposed roadmap involves a paradigm shift of the business operating plan and a significant mindset change of management.  相似文献   

自然资源是可持续发展的基础。完善自然资源资产审计制度,是保护自然资源、践行生态文明的要求。自然资源资产审计的前提是自然资源的确权和量化,是自然资源与自然资源资产在审计上的“融合”。作为自然资源资产审计的依据,相关制度应该对自然资源的确权、计量和有效利用作出合理安排,才能有效抑制资源滥用冲动。但立足于自然资源资产审计实践,综合运用文献研究、个案调查、跨学科研究等方法,分析现行的自然资源制度,没有发现可操作性的自然资源产权制度、计量制度和评价制度,已有制度存在权责不匹配、责任界定不清晰、公众参与有困难、审计指标不健全;制度系统呈现存量不足、增量困难、实践不力,不能适应新时代要求和自然资源合理利用需要。因此,可以从制度存量、增量和协同三条路径实施制度供给侧改革;在完善制度存量方面,可以在经济责任审计规定中嵌入自然资源资产审计内容,完善自然资源资产评价标准、责任制度和审计结果运用办法等;在提高制度增量方面,完善自然资源资产的权利制度、计量制度、信息公开制度和公众参与制度等;同时,通过适时修订审计法、制定自然资源资产法,强化制度协调,以突破自然资源资产的制度瓶颈,方便审计算好“生态账”、把好“生态关”。在自然资源资产制度改革过程中,需要借助决策层和专家力量,摆脱部门立法局限,强化制度协调;同时,制度改革也是一个不断优化的过程,要兼顾公众、个人、政府及其职能部门等多方利益,才能有效满足资源节约型和环境友好型社会的需要。  相似文献   

In subsistence farming systems of the developing world, adoption of resource-conserving practices such as integrated pest management (IPM) is often strikingly low. This has partially been ascribed to researchers’ limited understanding of how technologies develop at the interface of the systems’ social and ecological components. In Honduras (Central America), there exists concern about limited adoption and diffusion of IPM technologies in certain smallholder production systems. In this study, we determine social and ecological drivers of IPM adoption in subsistence maize production in the country’s hillside environment. Honduran small-scale maize production is typified by a key insect pest (the fall armyworm, Spodoptera frugiperda) being partly kept at bay through action of a diverse natural enemy complex, including ants, social wasps, carabid beetles, and spiders. Local agricultural landscapes, primarily shaped through shifting cultivation, provide key resources to maintain this natural enemy diversity. These local ecological conditions and related natural enemy abundance strongly influence farmers’ agroecological knowledge and pest management practices. In the meantime, farmer practices are also affected by local communication networks, which help validate and spread IPM concepts and technologies. Based on our findings, we advocate a holistic approach to improve IPM extension through mapping of agroecological opportunities, visualization of regional patterns in farmer knowledge, and associated priority setting. Local IPM capacity could be built through institutional strengthening and adaptive comanagement, while IPM training should be linked with natural resource management initiatives. These approaches may eventually improve the way IPM is delivered to small-scale farmers who operate in the ecologically diverse environments of the tropics.  相似文献   

Due to its rapid industrialization and urbanization, China faces the daunting challenge of sharply growing energy and resource consumption. It is now indispensable for the nation to alter its course of development into more sustainable paths in terms of energy and resource efficiency. In this paper, we discuss the energy intensity of the industrial sectors of the Yangtze River Delta, consisting of Shanghai City and the neighboring province of Jiangsu—the fastest economically developing region of the country—and argue possible strategies for energy efficient industrial activities there. We first examine the historical trends of energy intensity associated with industrial sectors and study the factors affecting the evolution of these trends by applying decomposition analysis. We then argue that if “business as usual” (BAU) development patterns are continued, energy intensity level in both regions may surpass China’s policy targets in 2010, and GDP growth as well as energy consumption will exceed possible pathways under current policy targets by 2020. Thus, appropriate measures are urgently needed to lower energy intensity and consumption. Based upon these analyses as well as the Chinese government’s policy orientation, we propose two options as alternative scenarios for improving practices in energy-intensive industries, particularly targeting the cement and steel production sectors. These options are: (1) diffusion of highly energy efficient technologies into these industries, and (2) promotion of a circular economy and industrial symbiosis. We highlight that these options can potentially lead to energy savings and reductions in resource consumption associated with industrial activities and can serve as a regional model for more sustainable industrial activities in China.  相似文献   

This article focuses on the problems of water governance at a river basin level, and on the role of institutional coordination, participation and partnerships between multiple stakeholders towards sustainable water management. Its approach presupposes that institutional capacity building, strengthening coordination between government institutions (vertical and horizontal), on the one hand, and broadening participation and consolidating partnerships between public, private and civil society actors, on the other hand, is among effective tools in integrated water resource management in river basins. It explores environmental challenges, problems, emerging trends and recent institutional innovations in the Volga basin in Russia—the largest river basin in Europe. Transfer and adaptation of good practices in good water governance between the EU and Russia are discussed. This article presents some research findings and lessons learned from practice by the EC international project ‘CABRI—Cooperation along a big river: Institutional coordination among stakeholders for environmental risk management in the Volga basin’, which is assessed as one of the selected success stories of the European research.’  相似文献   

The analysis of palaeoenvironmental archives—sediments, archaeological remains, tree-rings, documents and instrumental records—is presented as a key element in the global scientific endeavour aimed at understanding human–environment interactions at the present day and in the future. The paper explains the need for the focus on palaeoenvironmental studies as a means of ‘learning from the past’, and presents the rationale and structure of the IGBP-PAGES Focus 5 programme ‘Past Ecosystem Processes and Human–Environment Interactions’. The past, as described through palaeoenvironmental studies, can yield information about pre-impact states, trajectories of recent change, causation, complex system behaviour, and provide the basis for developing and testing simulation models. Learning from the past in each of these epistemological categories is exemplified with published case-studies.  相似文献   

A longitudinal survey was applied to 499 smallholder agriculturalist households in Mexico’s southern Yucatán region to determine whether different cultural expectations had led to the formation and coexistence of different types of human–environment interactions. A three center cluster analysis was used, and two agricultural adaptive strategies were found to coexist: a diversified subsistence strategy built largely by individuals who were smallholder agriculturalists in their place of origin, and one generated mostly by non-agriculturalists who migrated to the southern Yucatán to make agriculture their business during the last agrarian reform. Each strategy followed unique family trajectories and established distinct human–environment interactions. The findings suggest that those who emphasize commercial agriculture have a better standard of living. Nevertheless, their improved on-farm livelihoods—judged by material, physiological, and educational indicators—comes at the cost of higher risks to their adaptive system and adverse environmental consequences.  相似文献   

Ecological scales proposed by H. Ellenberg, E. Landolt, and D.N. Tsyganov have been used to evaluate the roles of three ecological factors—elevation above sea level, soil moisture, and soil nitrogen—in determining the composition of forest communities in the Southern Ural region. The results obtained with all these scales are similar, which indicates that any of them can serve the purpose.  相似文献   

海洋生态问题本质上是制度问题。中国海洋生态保护制度经历了从无到有、从少到多的发展过程,但多种复杂制度之间是否能够形成治理合力,制度缺失、制度无效和制度冲突等问题是否存在,尚有待进一步解答。为此,文章在梳理中国海洋生态保护制度演进逻辑的基础上,基于制度互补视角挖掘现有制度的互补空间,探究查缺补漏、规范修正和协调统筹的制度改革路径,以期推动海洋生态保护制度“从多到优”的有效过渡。中国海洋生态保护制度的演进可分为初步建立、稳步推进和改革转型三个阶段,呈现出从陆海分割到陆海一体化治理、从政府单一主体监管到多元主体协同治理、从标准规范到法律保障的趋势特征。制度需求引致与制度供给滞后、制度成本制约与制度收益驱动之间的联动关系是推动海洋生态保护制度演进的内在动因。海洋生态保护是一项跨区域、跨部门的复杂系统性工程,不同生态保护制度之间的联动耦合至关重要。立足制度互补理论视角,中国海洋生态保护制度在保护主体、保护手段和保护过程三个层面均存在较大的互补需求,其中保护主体单一的问题主要因制度缺失导致,保护手段的低效主要受到制度适应性不足的影响,而保护过程的割裂主要反映了制度不协调、不匹配的矛盾。基于此,未来中国海洋生态保护制度的补充应围绕政府职责梳理和多元主体参与建设,制度的修正重点在于进一步完善市场激励、信息公开等非政府机制,制度的协调则要实现立足事前、事中和事后全过程,推动政策工具的有效衔接配合。  相似文献   

Efficient protection against global climate change requires international emission reduction measures. Before these ones are decided, the individual states should make arrangements within their own scope of authority for preventing and mitigating the adverse impacts of climate change already in progress as a consequence of carbon dioxide emissions done so far. In spring 2008 Hungary—among the very first ones in the international stage—passed a middle-term National Climate Change Strategy, which determines both the national tasks in order to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and sectoral tasks of the adaptation to the ongoing climate change for the period of 2008–2025. As a concrete case study we investigated the possible impacts of the regional change in atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration, temperature and precipitation conditions of the Carpathian Basin on the cultivation conditions of maize, based on the downscaled IPCC 2007 scenarios. Temperatures of each scenarios increased significantly to basic run (1961–1990). This change suppressed the positive influence of elevated CO2 on carbon assimilation. Serious depression may be waited during extreme hot days at Keszthely, Hungary.  相似文献   

This study analyses how the conflict potential between different stakeholder groups is affecting the ecology and economy of the Segara Anakan region, a mangrove-fringed lagoon in central Java, Indonesia. The lagoon’s increasing sedimentation/silting up and the area’s expanding population has led to various interest groups conflicting with one another over how the resources of the lagoon and its surrounding area are to be utilized. Conflicts arise between occupational and ethnic groups in the lagoon’s bordering villages in the context of a transformation from fisheries to wetland agriculture. Land and mangrove use is therefore a cause for conflict between multiple groups, including Javanese fishermen, Sundanese farmers from Central and West Java and external shrimp farm owners. A result of the “Segara Anakan Development Project”—an 8-year undertaking that began in 1996—is that the lagoon was frequently dredged. Due to the dredging and resulting contamination of the land, a regional clash was triggered between Sundanese farmers and Javanese fishers. Our study reveals that the conflict potential between the various interest groups in the Segara Anakan Lagoon area could be reduced if the scarcity of natural resources were alleviated. Religious aspects also play a large role in marine resource utilization. Recognizing that the human utilization of natural resources is strongly symbolic and thereby culturally defined, we unravel the resource conflicts in our study area and offer some strategic approaches towards more sustainable outcomes.  相似文献   

The first part presents a conceptual model of the economic system in its ecological and social context. It is developed via an integration of basic concepts in physical resource theory, animal and human physiology, economic theory and systems ecology. The capacity of the model to support analysis of such complex systems where life is a key system characteristic is high. The conceptual model shows the dependency of the human economy on support by non-renewable and renewable resources from Nature (i.e. ecological source restrictions), as well as the capacity of ecosystems to assimilate wastes (ecological sink restrictions). The analysis focuses general principles; thus, the high level of abstraction results in an apparent simplicity. In the second part, we integrate traditional economic production functions and the conceptual model, which results in the formulation of a biophysically anchored production function (BAPF). The BAPF by itself, and through the system of ecological economic accounts that can be derived from it, represent a toolbox that supports the operationalisation of a sustainable development from micro to macro level. It is coherent with Impredicative Loop Analysis, existing management systems within agricultural sciences, OECD’s principles for sustainable development and the approach of Millennium Ecosystem Assessment. Compared to analytical approaches used in the formulation of sustainability policies in the private and public sphere, based on conceptual models ignoring the complexity when life (bios) is a defining system characteristic, its relevance for the operationalisation of sustainable development approaches infinity. The third part presents results from statistical analysis of relations between gross domestic product and energy supply and some emissions, respectively, for different nations and time periods, delivering values on levels and trends for parameters in the BAPF as well as a first test of the relevance of the BAPF proposed. The paper is ended by a theoretical analysis of the costs of provoking an economic system working under ecological source and sink restrictions to follow exponential growth: The need to decouple economic growth from natural resource use and emissions is highlighted. Otherwise, the erosion of the ecological foundation of the economy with regard to source as well as sink aspects will be a function of exponential growth.  相似文献   

In this paper we develop a novel, comprehensive method for estimating the global human carrying capacity in reference to food production factors and levels of food consumption. Other important interrelated dimensions of carrying capacity such as energy, non-renewable resources, and ecology are not considered here and offer opportunities for future work. Use of grain production (rain-fed/irrigated), animal product production (grazing/factory farm), diet pattern (grain/animal products), and a novel water accounting method (demand/supply) based on actual water consumption and not on withdrawal, help resolve uncertainties to find better estimates. Current Western European food consumption is used as a goal for the entire world. Then the carrying capacity lies in the range of 4.5–4.7 billion but requiring agricultural water use increase by 450–530% to 4725–5480 km3, the range based on different estimates of available water. The cost of trapping and conveying such water, will run 4.5–13.5 trillion over 50 years requiring an annual spending increase of 150–400%, straining the developing world where most of the population increase is expected. We reconfirm estimates in the literature using a dynamic model. ‘Corner scenarios’ with extreme optimistic assumptions were analyzed using the reasoning support software system GLOBESIGHT. With a hypothetical scenario with a mainly vegetarian diet (grazing only with 5% animal product), the carrying capacity can be as high as 14 billion. Ecological deterioration that surely accompanies such a population increase would negatively impact sustainable population. Using our approach the impact of ecological damage could be studied. Inter- and intra-regional inequities are other considerations that need to be studied.  相似文献   

Throughout the development sector, there is increasing recognition of links between the environment and aspects of development such as poverty alleviation, health, income generation, and agriculture. While furnished with a diverse range of perspectives and approaches, development practice is in need of ways to better conceptualize the interactions between the social, environmental, and economic dimensions of sustainability so that opportunities for simultaneous improvement in human and ecological well-being can be identified more readily. Critical systems thinking is proposed as a way for development practitioners to conceptualize and act toward the integration of these economic, social, and environmental dimensions and, in so doing, support communities to nurture both human and ecosystem well-being. Four desirable attributes of a critical systems thinking approach to development are identified based on development literature, critical systems literature, and the author’s research into sustainability in semi-rural communities in Vietnam. The four attributes are ‘a systems thinking approach;’ ‘an ethical base to action and choices;’ ‘critical reflection permeates processes;’ and ‘appreciation of diverse views and application of diverse approaches.’ These attributes are described and then offered as the basis for further discussion of the ways in which simultaneous improvement of human well-being and ecosystem health can become an integral part of development practice.  相似文献   

Objectives and methods of mapping the ecological state of the plant cover at different spatial levels—federal, regional, and local—are analyzed. The maps used as examples are as follows: at the federal level, “Ecological State of Rangelands in Russia” (1:10 000 000); at the regional level, “Vegetation of Moscow Oblast” (1:200 000); and at the local level, “Vegetation of Narofominskii Raion” and “Current State of the Plant Cover in Narofominskii Raion” (1:50 000).  相似文献   

Seven strains of Gram-positive microorganisms capable of forming endospores have been isolated from soils of the region of potassium salt mining (Berezniki, Perm krai) by the method of enrichment cultures. Their typing by means of REP- and BOX-PCR has shown that four strains—I23 (= VKM V-2504), I26 (= VKM V-2505), I27, and I28—are of the same genogroup (type I), while strains SN501 (= VKM V-2508), I10b (= VKM V-2507), and I12b (= VKM V-2506) represent three different genogroups (types II, III, and IV, respectively). A phylogenetic analysis of 16S rRNA gene sequences has shown that strains I10b and SN501 belong to the genus Paenibacillus, and the remaining strains, to the genus Bacillus. These bacteria are tolerant of high salinity and alkalinity: they can grow at pH 7.0–9.0 and NaCl content of 90–110 g/l in the culture medium. They are also capable of utilizing diesel fuel and individual aromatic and aliphatic hydrocarbons.  相似文献   

Biodiversity is acknowledged as one of the most important resources that helps to sustain life’s processes. Additionally, it is also one of the most important sources of livelihood for different kinds of stakeholders at various levels of resource markets—local, domestic, or international. With globalization and increasing sophistication in the methods of commercial trade in biological resources, various issues arise related to the sustenance of resources, of ecological balances, and equity in transactions. All of these are concerns to be addressed to achieve a state of ‘sustainability.’ This paper prescribes to the definition of ‘sustainability’ as the capacity to maintain a certain process or state for “improving the quality of human life while living within the carrying capacity of supporting eco-systems” (IUCN/UNEP/WWF, in Caring for the Earth: a strategy for sustainable living. Gland, Switzerland, 1991). This goes beyond ensuring inter- and intragenerational equity in access to resources and includes several other parameters, including equity among stakeholders to returns from biological resources, related knowledge, trade-offs, and ethical business practices related to these resources. Through the prism of an examination of a simplistic supply route(s) and value addition chain of biodiversity resources for commercial use, this paper reviews and highlights issues related to ‘sustainability’ at each stage. Evidence points to shortcomings in the sustainable use of biological resources at each stage of value addition, calling for focused and specific measures to address them.  相似文献   

Natural resource degradation in highland regions is of increasing concern to the global community due to its role in aggravating poverty and the loss of environmental services to local and downstream users. The integration of trees into smallholder farming systems has been promoted as a means to enhance rural livelihoods while reversing the degradation of soil, water, biodiversity and related environmental services. Yet in addition to these benefits, negative impacts of trees on certain stakeholders or system components have also accompanied such efforts—suggesting that important trade-offs accompany afforestation. This paper presents a methodology for diagnosing problems stemming from cultivation of certain tree species in specific landscape niches. Data derived from the application of this methodology in two sites in the eastern African highlands are presented. Participatory diagnoses of landscape-level problems suggest that the negative impact of trees on water resource availability and crop yield are of critical concern to smallholder farmers. Ethnoecological data highlight the properties of different tree species that determine their suitability to specific farm and landscape niches. These data point to important opportunities for more socially- and environmentally-optimal integration of indigenous and exotic tree species into agricultural landscapes, and highlight the critical importance of local knowledge in forging solutions appropriate to contemporary realities.  相似文献   

The science of sustainability has inevitably emerged as a vibrant field of research and education that transcends disciplinary boundaries and focuses increasingly on understanding the dynamics of social-ecological systems (SES). Yet, sustainability remains an elusive concept, and its nature seems unclear for the most part. In order to truly mobilize people and nations towards sustainability, we place emphasis on the necessity of understanding the nature, cost and principles of ‘visioneering’—the engineering of a clear vision. In SES, purpose is the most important pillar, which gives birth to vision—the key to fulfilling the systems’ mission. Such a systems perspective leads us to redefine resilience as jumping back to the original purpose, for which SES do not necessarily retain the same structures and functioning after disturbances. A sustainable future will require purpose-driven transformation of society at all scales, guided by the best foresight, with insight based on hindsight that science can provide. Visioneering with resilience-based systems thinking will provide communities with a logical framework for understanding their interconnections and purposes, envisioning a sustainable web of life, and eventually dancing with the systems.  相似文献   

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