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Pandian  T. J. 《Marine Biology》1967,1(1):60-64
Comparative studies on feeding, digestion, absorption and conversion have been made in the fish Megalops cyprinoides fed with mosquito fish, Gambusia affinis, and prawn, Metapenaeus monoceros, (Pandian, 1967). Feeding as well as digestion rates are faster in individuals fed with Gambusia than in those fed with prawn. The extent of the differences in food intake is more pronounced in smaller individuals than in larger ones. The prawn exoskeleton prolongs the duration of digestion and thus further reduces rate and amount of food intake. Changes in food quality do not affect absorption efficiency. Both, rate and efficiency of food conversion, are higher in M. cyprinoides fed with Gambusia than with prawn.  相似文献   

Studies on stages of maturity, gonado-somatic indices and breeding cycle from two different habitats viz., the polluted Harbour Waters and the unpolluted Yerragedda Mouth revealed that M. cyprinoides breeds twice a year i.e., during Jan-Jul and Dec-Jan. Size at first maturity was 18 cm. in females and 19 cm. in males at both the stations. Sex ratio was 1:1 at the polluted station and 1:1.1 at the unpolluted station indicating a slight domination of females.  相似文献   

Different criteria for the assessment of conversion efficiencies of fishes are briefly reviewed, and some important terms defined. In the eurysaline fishes Megalops cyprinoides and Ophiocephalus striatus, transformation of food has been studied as a function of body weight, using both protein and energy transfer criteria. The duration of the 28 experiments conducted varied from 15 to 30 days. Rates of food intake, digestion, absorption and conversion decrease with increasing body weight. Absorption efficiencies are about 97% for the protein fraction, and 91% for the total food consumed; they do not vary appreciably among the individuals of different body weights. Conversion efficiencies of the protein fraction and the total food consumed decrease from about 40% in 2 g individuals to about 15% in 150 g ones. In general, the relations show curvilinear trends, but in weight groups between 10 and 150 g, straight lines are obtained. The slopes of these lines differ in the two species tested. Such differences are related to the physiological state of the fishes and their growth potential. The inverse relation between body weight on the one hand, and food intake, absorption and conversion on the other, are attributed to aging. It is suggested that age affects these intermediate steps via the enzyme-complex of the digestive system. The b values obtained for the relation between body weight on the one hand, and metabolism, food intake and absorption on the other, do not correspond to the surface or weight proportion rule, but to an intermediary type of neither surface nor weight proportionality. As the values obtained are similar, it is concluded that there exists a direct and proportionate relation between metabolism, food intake and absorption. The respective values for the relation between body weight and conversion rate are low indicating that there is a direct, but nonproportionate relation between growth and metabolism.Dedicated to Professor C. P. Gnanamuthu, Madras, on his 66th birthday, April 29, 1967.  相似文献   

Estimates of fish abundance based on arrival rates and numbers present at baited cameras allow multiple, replicate assessments where data are not available by other means. Unfortunately such estimates are strongly affected by the assumed behaviour of the fish species concerned. Three of the possible foraging strategies of deep-sea fish were modelled and the likely patterns of fish arrival calculated for the same fish density, swimming and current velocities and odour plume properties. Cross-current foraging resulted in the highest numbers of fish at bait, with arrival rates that fitted well to field data. The sit-and-wait strategy produced lower arrival rates with passive drifting animals arriving slowest. Each model produces a distinctive pattern of animal arrivals that may be diagnostic of each foraging strategy. The advantages, disadvantages and likely metabolic and sensory demands of each strategy are discussed. Published online: 17 September 2002  相似文献   

The trophic relationships between meiobenthic harpacticoids and juvenile predatory fish were investigated in a shallow lagoon on Bermuda. Harpacticoids represent an essential food source for the juveniles of several demersal fish species. Juveniles up to 3 cm length of one fish species feed exclusively on harpacticoids. Meiobenthic harpacticoids are therefore an important component of food chains leading to higher trophic levels. However, the feeding pressure exerted by the fish on the harpacticoid populations is negligible.  相似文献   

In the flat fish Limanda limanda L., feeding rate and conversion efficiency were studied as functions of body weight, sex, temperature and food quality. When offered herring meat at 13 °C (series I), females (live weights 1 to 150 g) consume more food than males; the magnitude of this difference is body weight-dependent. With increasing wieght, both females and males consume less food per unit body weight per day. Variations in daily ration are considerable; the range of deviation from mean feeding rate is about 60% for males and 40% for females. The range of deviation does not vary significantly among females and males of different body weights. At the same temperature level (13 °C; series II), females consume almost the same, or even less, cod meat than males. Among individuals of series I and II, there is a little difference in the feeding rate; however, herring-fed individuals obtain about 2 times more energy than cod-fed individuals. Each gram wet weight of herring meat yields 2001, each gram cod meat 1137, calories. Small individuals completely cease to feed at 3°C; they feed little at 8 °C. Larger females consume maximum amounts at 8 °C. Small individuals consume maximum amounts at higher temperatures. Thus, with increasing body weight (age), the temperature for maximum feeding shifts downwards. Feeding with cod or herring meat results in considerable changes in composition and calorific content of L. Limanda. The magnitude of these changes depends both on temperature and food quality. Food conversion efficiency values of herring-fed individuals are about 1 1/2 times higher than of cod-fed individuals. In series I and II, females are more efficient converters than males. In individuals weighing more than 50 g, conversion efficiency decreases in the order: 8°, 13°, 18° C; in smaller individuals this order is 13°, 18°, 8 °C. Conversion rate is about 2 to 5 times faster in individuals fed herring meat than those receiving cod meat. Conversion rate decreases in the order 13°, 8°, 18 °C in males, and in the order 18°, 13°, 8 °C in females; females of more than 80 g are exceptional in that they reach the maximum at 8 °C. From the data on food intake and food conversion, the biologically useful energy available for metabolism has been calculated for each test individual kept at 13° and 18 °C. At these temperature levels, the weight exponents are about 0.6; the a value or metabolic level for the 18 °C series is about 2 times higher than that at 13 °C. Thus, temperature affects metabolic rate but not the exponential value. The exponential value for the body weight-metabolism relation at 13 °C is for dab fed herring meat 0.9; the a value amounts to about half that for dab fed cod meat. Food quality, unlike temperature, alters not only the exponential value but also metabolic rate.  相似文献   

Carey MP  Wahl DH 《Ecology》2010,91(10):2965-2974
Aquatic communities have been altered by invasive species, with impacts on native biodiversity and ecosystem function. At the same time, native biodiversity may mitigate the effects of an invader. Common carp (Cyprinus carpio) is a ubiquitous, invasive fish species that strongly influences community and ecosystem processes. We used common carp to test whether the potential effects of an invasive species are altered across a range of species diversity in native communities. In mesocosms, treatments of zero, one, three, and six native fish species were used to represent the nested subset patterns observed in fish communities of lakes in Illinois, USA. The effect of the invader was tested across fish richness treatments by adding common carp to the native community and substituting native biomass with common carp. Native species and intraspecific effects reduced invader growth. The invader reduced native fish growth; however, the negative effect was minimized with increasing native richness. The zooplankton grazer community was modified by a top-down effect from the invader that increased the amount of phytoplankton. Neither the invader nor richness treatments influenced total phosphorus or community metabolism. Overall, the invader reduced resources for native species; and the effect scaled with how the invader was incorporated into the community. Higher native diversity mitigated the impact of the invader, confirming the need to consider biodiversity when predicting the impacts of invasive species.  相似文献   

本文研究了稻草—平菇—蚯蚓—黄鳝食物链中物质和能量的转化利用。结果表明,该食物链中物质和能量的转化利用率,平茹和黄鳝比蚯蚓高。文中还讨论了残渣食物链的适宜搭配。  相似文献   

Few studies have studied the food supply to larval fish in the Irish Sea; thus, we have assessed the full prey-field available to larval fish, ranging from protozoa to copepods. Specifically we assessed if fish larvae feed on protozoa, as suggested by others, and if densities of the protozoa and the appropriate size of metazoan prey were previously underestimated. By examining the gutcontents of fish larvae, the prey available to them, and the potential accessibility of prey to fish, we develop a simple food web, presented as a box-model. By doing so, we indicate that the lack of focus on small metazoa and protozoa has underestimated the food available to fish larvae; without these, we might have concluded that prey levels were too low to support the growth of the larval fish assemblage. Our methods were as follows. Sampling was at two sites, off the Isle of Man, with distinct physical and biological structures, soon after fish spawning: the southwest coast, where many species occur in spring-summer (23 April; 6, 19 May; 1, 22 June; 12 July) and the east coast, where only herring larvae occur in September–November (12, 28 October). Microplankton (15–200 μm), mesozooplankton, and larval fish were collected at 1, 15, and 25 m: microplankton with 1.5 L bottles and a 64 μm-mesh net; mesozooplankton and larval fish with a Gulf VII high-speed sampler (280 μm mesh). The 64 μm mesh net, mounted on the Gulf VII, provided simultaneous hauls. Fixed samples were evaluated to determine species composition, abundance, and biomass. Larval fish diet was determined from fish collected by short net hauls: fixed guts were examined and prey, including protozoa, analysed. Using physical data as a guide, plankton data were integrated through the water column to determine standing stocks. Size-based food availability to larval fish was estimated from the gut contents. The role of protozoa was examined, assuming that they are digested at the same rate as metazoan and if they are digested 2.5–10 times faster; increased digestion rates indicated that they contributed substantially to the larval fish diet.  相似文献   

Fish scales from seven species of demersal fish in an archival collection were analyzed for stable isotopic compositions of carbon and nitrogen to study long-term changes in trophic structure of the Georges Bank food web. Nitrogen isotopic compositions are often used to infer trophic level. In the case of haddock, Melanogrammus aeglefinus (Linnaeus), there was a trend towards feeding at 2/3 of one trophic level (2.45% in 15N) lower in 1987 than in 1929. Values of °13C, frequently employed to identify sources of organic carbon to consumers, declined by 1.5 from 1929 to 1960, and then increased again toward the present, suggesting changes in the food web at the level of the primary producers. Superimposed on long-term isotopic trends were short-term variations (1 to 10 yr).To identify potential causes for these isotopic trends, canonical correlation analysis was performed between isotopic data and a suite of environmental and population factors including sea surface temperature, the Greenland Regional Pressure Anomaly (GRPA), the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO), and the following haddock stock parameters; stock size, fishing mortality, recruitment, and weight-at-age-2 (a measure of growth rate). Isotopic variation was significantly correlated with a combination of environmental and population variables: GRPA, NAO, weight-at-age-2, stock size, and fishing mortality. On the basis of published gut content analyses, the seven fish species were predicted to vary in trophic level (TL) from American plaice, Hippoglossoides platessoides (Fabricius), (TL 2.9) to summer flounder, Paralichthys dentatus (Linnaeus), (TL 4.5), whereas measured °15N values suggested smaller differences in the trophic levels of these species (less than one TL). Four species showed good agreement between gut-predicted and measured 15N values, while three species did not. Inclusion of information on ontogenetic dietary shifts in our predictions improved the agreement in some cases but not in other. Differences between stable isotope analysis and gut content analysis in terms of what they measure, i.e., integrated assimilated diet vs short-term ingested diet, respectively, may account for some of the differences in results. Based on our analyses and previous studies, feeding habits of these fish may undergo considerable year-to-year and geographic variation, some of which may have been missed in gut content analyses. To the extent that these fish are representative members of the food web, trophic variation in these fish may indicate more general changes in the food web.  相似文献   

A model food chain, utilizing 65Zn-labeled and nonlabeled food organisms, was used to measure the relative contributions of food and water to Zn accumulation by Gambusia affinis and Leiostomus xanthurus. Chlamydomonas sp. was fed to Artemia sp. which in turn was fed to G. affinis and L. xanthurus. A trace metal-chelate buffer system was used to maintain a stable free Zn ion activity (10-8.5 mol l-1) in the experimental seawater. Food represented 78 to 82% of total accumulation of 65Zn by the fish. Thus, food cannot be ignored in assessing the accumulation and toxicity of trace metals.  相似文献   

The effect of sub-lethal concentrations of chlorpyrifos on protein metabolism in physiological important tissues, namely gills, kidney, liver, and muscle of the freshwater fish, Clarias batrachus, was studied. Fish were exposed to 1/20th and 1/10th of 96?h LC50 concentrations for 7, 14, 21, and 28 days. After 28 days of exposure, fish were released into fresh water and kept in the same for 21 days in order to study the recovery. Fish were sacrificed at the stipulated periods and gills, kidney, liver, and muscle tissues were used for the estimation of total protein, amino acids, ammonia, urea, glutamine, protease, transaminases, and phosphatases. Total protein, amino acid, and ammonia contents were decreased in all tissues for 28 days and recovery was observed during the recovery period. Urea and glutamine levels were elevated, except in kidneys, and recovered at the end of the recovery period. The activities of protease, alanine, and aspartate aminotransferases, and acid and alkaline phosphatases were elevated in the tissues for 28 days exposure at both concentrations. Recovery of these enzymes activities was noticed during depuration.  相似文献   

Synthetic pyrethroids are the recent major class of broad spectrum, photostable, organic insecticides used in agricultural, domestic and veterinary applications and now account for more than 30% of global insecticide use. Cypermethrin is metabolized and eliminated significantly more slowly by fish than by mammals or birds, which may explain this compound's high toxicity in fish compared to other organisms. The present communication deals with histoanatomical alterations in the gonads of a local fresh water food fish, Channa punctatus exposed to 0.033 ppm (96 hr LC50 X 1/10) concentration of a synthetic pyrethroid, devicyprin (cypermethrin 25%) in aquatic medium of aged tap water for 15, 30 and 45 days respectively. In testis, exposure dependent histological damage has been observed in terms of vacuolization, condensation of spermatogonic cells, distortion of tubular epithelium, shrinkage of interstitial cells and general inflammatory responses. Longest exposure of 45 days has resulted in peculiar starry-sky appearance of the testicular tissue. Gross histo-anatomy of ovarian tissue reveals epithelial lesions, inflammatory responses, stromal hemorrhage, increased interstitium and shrinkage of yolk vesicles towards periphery These findings are quite suggestive of reproductive impairments leading to delayed gonadal maturity and adversely affecting processes of sperm production and ovulation and thus, the fish production.  相似文献   

We provide experimental evidence for a direct link between embryonic metabolism and longevity in the larval stage of a marine fish when food resources are limited. Since growth rates of otoliths are closely related to metabolic rates, the area inside the hatch check (i.e., deposition of otolith matrix during embryonic development) is representative of inherent differences in metabolic rates. When exposed to food limitation, larvae with larger hatch check areas died earlier than larvae with smaller hatch check areas. This relationship did not occur in larvae that fed at saturated levels. A simple explanation for these observations is that larvae, which consumed metabolic fuel at higher rates died earlier unless energy derived from food was not limiting. Since high growth rates are linked to high metabolic rates, this mechanism could efficiently counteract selection for faster average growth but only when resources are limiting.  相似文献   

Roach KA  Tobler M  Winemiller KO 《Ecology》2011,92(11):2056-2062
Photoautotrophs are generally considered to be the base of food webs, and habitats that lack light, such as caves, frequently rely on surface-derived carbon. Here we show, based on analysis of gut contents and stable isotope ratios of tissues (13C:12C and 15N:14N), that sulfur-oxidizing bacteria are directly consumed and assimilated by the fish Poecilia mexicana in a sulfide-rich cave stream in Tabasco state, Mexico. Our results provide evidence of a vertebrate deriving most of its organic carbon and nitrogen from in situ chemoautotrophic production, and reveals the importance of alternative energy production sources supporting animals in extreme environments.  相似文献   

Helpers in fish     
Summary Field data show that in the cichlid fish Lamprologus brichardi conspecifics other than the reproducing pair help in brood care and territory maintenance. The expected degree of relatedness between helpers and the eggs or larvae they tend lies between 0.25 and 0.5, decreasing with the helper's age. This decrease might influence the point of time at which helpers depart. Five other endemic Lake Tanganyika cichlids showing rather similar helping behaviour are described.  相似文献   

The tarpon (Megalops atlanticus) is a highly valued game fish and occasional food fish in the eastern and western Atlantic Ocean. Tarpon have a high capacity for dispersal, but some regional biological differences have been reported. In this study we used two molecular genetic techniques—protein electrophoresis of nuclear DNA loci, and restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis of the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA)—to assess this species population genetic structure in the eastern (coastal waters off Gabon and Sierra Leone, Africa) and western (coastal waters off Florida, Caribbean Sea) Atlantic Ocean north of the equator. Genetic differentiation was observed between tarpon from Africa and tarpon from the western Atlantic Ocean. A unique allele and haplotype, significant differences in allozyme allele and mtDNA haplotype frequencies between the African and western Atlantic samples, and significant FST analyses suggest that levels of gene flow between tarpon from these two regions is low. Among the western Atlantic Ocean collections, genetic diversity values and allele and haplotype frequencies were similar. AMOVA analyses also showed a degree of genetic relatedness among most of the western Atlantic Ocean collections: however, some significant population structuring was detected in the allozyme data. A regional jackknifed FST analysis indicated the distinction of the Costa Rica population from the other western Atlantic populations and, in pairwise analyses, FST values tended to be higher (i.e., genetic relatedness was lower) when the Costa Rican sample was paired with any of the other western Atlantic samples. These data suggest that Costa Rican tarpon could be partially isolated from other western Atlantic tarpon populations. Ultimately, international cooperation will be essential in the management of this species in both the eastern and western Atlantic Ocean.Communicated by P.W. Sammarco, Chauvin  相似文献   

The weight-length relationship in fish juveniles was investigated theoretically, to assess the significance of the allometric factor and the validity of the condition factor; these biological factors often remain undetermined, because most fishery studies have been conducted for commercial-sized and/or adult populations. The exponent b (allometric factor) seemed to be the main parameter, performing a key role in the equation W=aL b , where W=weight, a is a constant and L=length. The parameters a (condition factor) and K (ponderal index; K=103 W/L 3) were judged to be less important in comparative studies, since these parameters were closely correlated with b. It is recommended that the assumed theoretical value of b=3 not be used in applied ichthyological surveys, since this value was rarely obtained in the studies, and since a much wider range is usually seen. These analyses led to a new working hypothesis — not yet verified — which opens a new approach to understanding the biological significance of the allometric factor. This approach involves the fractal theory (where b may be considered as a fractal dimension equivalent) linked to the theory of saltatory ontogeny [where b is a threshold characteristic in the (early) life history of fishes].  相似文献   

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