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随着中国市场经济的发展,环境保护问题愈来愈凸显出其重要性和必要性.由于环境污染具有突发性、累积性、持续性等特定属性,其带来的损害是难以估量的,具有很高的风险.因此,适时地建立环境责任保险制度是解决该冲突的有效途径之一.通过对西方发达国家环境责任保险发展经验的研究,为中国建立环境责任保险制度的路径提供了选择,如建立完善的环境保护法律法规、选择合理的模式、规范承保范围、科学组建承保机构、严格限定责任限额等.  相似文献   

生态环境行政处罚是应对环境违法问题的基础方式,而生态环境损害赔偿进一步考虑了环境污染救济,实现两者的衔接十分必要。分析发现,两者衔接主要面临着政策规范不完善、办案主体不协调、办案环节不畅通和鉴定力量不充足的困境。针对这些关键性问题,提出了强化法律制度保障、协调和监督办案主体、优化畅通办案环节、鉴定评估提前介入等4方面的衔接要点与路径,以期为国家及地方相关制度设计和案例实践提供参考。  相似文献   

随着中国经济的迅速发展,水资源污染问题加剧.结合现阶段中国水资源污染状况的突出表现,分析了现在中国的水污染防治法中的法律责任存在的缺陷,从侵权救济、诉讼主体范围、政府方面责任、处罚责任等方面对中国水污染防治法的完善提出了相应的措施.  相似文献   

中国环境污染损害事件呈现高发、频发的态势,公众健康权益受到较大威胁。中国政府历来重视环境与健康工作,已采取诸多措施并取得显著成效,但环境与健康法律制度面临较多困境。因此,需进一步完善环境与健康法律制度,其关键点在于树立并践行健康权理念,具体包括:将健康权写入《宪法》,加强环境与健康立法,建立环境与健康标准体系,构建公众环境与健康素养教育制度,完善环境健康损害赔偿制度,形成有效的环境健康监管协作机制等措施,从而切实保障公众的健康权益。  相似文献   

随着经济的高速发展,环境安全隐患逐渐显现,中国进入环境污染事故高发期,做好环境污染事件的防范工作刻不容缓。针对突发环境污染事件应对中存在的主要问题,提出了构建预防应急体系、建立有效的环境问责制、合理处置安全事故、建立全民参与机制和建立环境污染责任险制度等应对突发环境污染事件措施。  相似文献   

市场失灵决定法律作为国家手段必须介入环境污染控制.无论是传统法还是针对具体环境污染问题而制定的单项环境法,都因其"滞后性和片面性",难以收到良好的控制效果.为有效应对环境问题,必须贯彻"事先预防、全面控制"的理念,制定以"计划性、综合性"为特点的环境基本法.鉴于环境基本法在各国控制环境污染的实践中成效显著,应坚持中国《环境保护法》的环境基本法定位,并随着环境问题的发展,不断完善之.  相似文献   

因果关系认定直接决定"谁为环境损害买单",是解决环境损害纠纷的关键环节。然而不管是从技术角度还是从法律角度,当前的制度设计都无法满足因果关系认定的需要。在分析环境污染因果关系技术认定和法律举证双重障碍的基础上,就完善因果关系举证规则和认定规则,提出了立法设想。  相似文献   

近年来,西方工业发达国家的环境状态显著改善,主要是重视环境管理。其基本经验有三条:第一,建立严格的环境法规,制定一系列有关环境保护的法律、条例、规定和标准,并根据每个时期的环保要求,对这些法规不断进行修订。这样能有效地控制环境污染和破坏。第二,制定鼓励减少污染,改善环境的经济和技术政策,从而使环境科学技术得到迅速  相似文献   

固体废物污染与其它环境污染不同,具有综合性、长期性和潜在性。固体废物管理更为强调综合利用和全过程管理,必须通过立法建立科学完善的法律制度来加强固体废物的管理。有关固体废物污染防治的法律、法规、部门规章、地方法规和环境技术标准构成了固体废物法规体系的基本框架。在系统分析现有固体废物法规中存在的问题的基础上,对固体废物管理的法规框架进行了探讨。通过立法,以“统一协调,分工负责”的原则规范各部门对固体废物的管理职能。还强调通过立法、健全监督机制、从法律上限制个人对行政权的滥用、制订技术政策与环境技术标准。除了行政责任外,论文还着重强调了环境违法者的民事责任和刑事责任。  相似文献   

由地震引发的日本福岛核事故给环境和公众造成长久而深远的影响,引发人们对核能安全性及核损害赔偿问题的广泛关注.然而,中国现行的核损害赔偿制度存在缺陷,核损害赔偿的立法与相关制度规定较国际核电大国和国际组织有一定的差距,亟需建立完善的核损害赔偿法律、制度和运作体系.阐述了核损害赔偿制度的重要性,介绍了国内外核事故损害赔偿制度的现状和特点,针对中国核事故损害赔偿制度、体系建设等方面存在的缺陷提出完善建议.  相似文献   


On the basis of previous studies on the relations among foreign direct investment (FDI), environmental regulation, and environmental pollution, this work uses provincial panel data from 2000 to 2014 to study the effects of FDI and environmental regulation on environmental pollution by applying the panel-corrected standard error (PCSE) method. This paper then utilizes environmental regulation as the threshold variable to estimate the threshold effects of environmental regulation on FDI’s influence on environmental pollution in a threshold regression model for the eastern, central, and western regions of China. The results show that stricter environmental regulation can substantially reduce the pollution in each region. FDI can decrease environmental pollution in the eastern and central regions, but it can increase pollution in the western region. There are double-threshold effects of environmental regulation on the effects of FDI on environmental pollution in each region. When the environmental regulation level is between the first threshold and the second threshold, FDI can decrease environmental pollution much more in the eastern and central regions and increase environmental pollution much less in the western region.


National Park Development in China: Conservation or Commercialization?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Wang G  Innes JL  Wu SW  Krzyzanowski J  Yin Y  Dai S  Zhang X  Liu S 《Ambio》2012,41(3):247-261
The rapid development of parks and ecotourism in China has attracted worldwide attention, not only for the beauty of the landscape that the parks are protecting but also for their abundant and often unique biodiversity. However, in some areas, the development of ecotourism has actually led to the degradation of local ecological, economic, and social systems. Using National Forest Parks for demonstration, this article analyzes the current political, institutional, legal, environmental, and economic issues concerning National Parks in China, and examines their potential future development. Although the intention of National Park systems in China is to raise environmental quality, and to protect biodiversity and social livelihoods, their success has varied. Future success will be measured by their capacity to reduce poverty, to promote long-term rehabilitation of wildlife habitats, and to simultaneously protect Chinese culture and biodiversity.  相似文献   

Environmental legislation is developing rapidly. In addition, considerable attention is being given to the environmental impact of new technological developments. Governments as well as citizens, often through organized groups are placing unprecedented pressures on many industries and even on other parts of the government. Popular feeling has been extremely strong on such matters and resistance so far has not been strong. This is likely to change substantially and the future may see a rapid increase in the number of environmental suits especially if the continued existence of certain industries is threatened. Expert evidence will be needed to support government legislation and to support actions to preserve the environment. Such measures will have inevitable economic implications and will evoke predictable responses. Reconciling these viewpoints will provide a challenge for the community which will probably depend to a larger extent on interpretation in courts of -law. The ability of various experts to give advice through the legal process will be essential if the most effective compromises are to be found. It is the purpose of this paper to discuss the gathering and use of such scientific evidence in environmental lawsuits.  相似文献   

可渗透反应墙法是 2 0世纪 90年代新兴的一种地下水污染原位处理方法 ,该方法目前在欧美已开始进入广泛的工程应用阶段。该方法与早期的一些处理方法相比 ,具有能持续原位处理、处理组分多、价格相对便宜等特点。本文系统介绍了该处理方法的基本原理、系统的结构构造和类型、处理机理和反应材料以及设计与施工等 ,为在我国开展该方法的研究和应用打下基础。  相似文献   

Ju X  Liu X  Zhang F  Roelcke M 《Ambio》2004,33(6):300-305
Excessive nitrogen (N) fertilization and decreasing N recovery rates by crops have caused dramatic increases in non-point source pollution from agriculture in China. The rate of N fertilization across the country varies widely among regions and crops, depending on the stage of economic development. For example, N application rates in the eastern regions and on cash crops are far higher than in western regions of the country and on cereal crops. Moreover, N application rates in wealthier regions are higher than recommended by the Chinese Academy of Sciences. To successfully achieve environmental protection as well as high crop yields, China must formulate relevant agricultural policies to encourage farmers in economically developed areas to reduce their N fertilization rate while also issuing conventional fertilization recommendations for small-scale farming systems and the expanding cultivation of cash crops.  相似文献   


This paper uses Chinese provincial data from 2006 to 2021 as a sample period to study the relationship between higher education development, industrial structure adjustment, and environmental pollution. Conclusions were as follows: (1) the industry structure adjustment can reduce environmental pollution in Chinese regions except eastern, and the increase in the proportion of the tertiary industry will increase pollution emissions in the eastern region. (2) Although there is a negative correlation between higher education and environmental pollution in China, it is not significant. From different regions, the coefficients in the eastern are positive which means aggravated environmental pollution, and the coefficients in the central region are not significant, but higher education in the western region improves environmental pollution. (3) Urbanization has a significant moderating effect on the national and regional environmental pollution, but in the central and western regions, it is smaller than the eastern region; although environmental regulation has a certain inhibitory effect on environmental pollution, the coefficient in the eastern region is significantly positive, and there is a situation of “more pollution, more control.” Further, the increase of foreign direct investment will aggravate environmental pollution; although the elasticity coefficient in the eastern region is negative, there is a trend of improving environmental pollution, but it is not significant. The study holds promising implications for the development of policies related to education, industry, and the environment. Through the research on the relationship between the three, exploring and improving the regional environmental pollution level from the perspective of higher education and industrial structure have important practical significance for the regional green development.


This paper provides a broad overview of pollution prevention and management in China and details the specific measures that have been adopted at a national level. The paper begins by exploring some of the key environmental issues faced by China, and the history of environmental management in China. Then the current environmental legislation and standards in China are detailed, and the strategic pollution prevention measures that have been adopted are described. Next, the paper examines the environmental economic instruments and ethos that China appears to have adopted, and concludes by drawing a comparison with the development of pollution prevention in the western world and proposes a broad research agenda.  相似文献   

我国NOx排放的快速增长导致其环境和生态影响日益加剧,已经引起全球关注,但是现行的NOx污染控制技术和政策远远落后于实际需求。为减少酸雨、臭氧和颗粒物带来的环境问题,美国采取排放控制和排污交易等方式削减了燃煤电厂的NOx排放。系统分析了美国NOx污染控制法规、标准、规划和控制技术应用情况,总结了其NOx控制的成功经验,进一步提出了符合我国国情的NOx控制对策和技术选择。  相似文献   


Rising economic growth in recent ages is the primary concern of most of the countries to enhance the living standard, but the ever-increasing production of economic activities consumes a lot of energy, which leads to a sharp increase in carbon dioxide emissions. Innovation may be a remedy that can help improve energy efficiency, obtain renewable energy, and promote economic growth, thereby protecting the quality of the environment. Therefore, this paper examines the role of innovation and renewable energy consumption in CO2 reduction in OECD countries from 2004 to 2019. By using the two-step system generalized of moment estimator, the results show that economic growth and innovation significantly increase carbon emissions, however the innovation Claudia Curve (ICC) is verified, and the environmental Kuznets curve does not exist. Foreign direct investment has a negative impact on carbon emissions, thus verifying the Pollution Hao hypothesis, whereas renewable energy also improves environmental quality, but the interaction between innovation and renewable energy consumption still increases carbon emissions. Financial development, industrialization, trade, and energy consumption have also been found to be harmful factors of environmental quality. Our findings have considerable policy implications for OECD countries on the improvement of innovation indicators and investment in renewable energy sources to rise environmental quality.


As one of the unconventional natural gas family members, coalbed methane (CBM) receives great attention throughout the world. The major associated problem of CBM production is the management of produced water. In the USA, Canada, and Australia, much research has been done on the effects and management of coalbed methane produced water (CMPW). However, in China, the environmental effects of CMPW were overlooked. The quantity and the quality of CMPW both vary enormously between coal basins or stratigraphic units in China. The unit produced water volume of CBM wells in China ranges from 10 to 271,280 L/well/day, and the concentration of total dissolved solids (TDS) ranges from 691 to 93,898 mg/L. Most pH values of CMPW are more than 7.0, showing the alkaline feature, and the Na-HCO3 and Na-HCO3-Cl are typical types of CMPW in China. Treatment and utilization of CMPW in China lag far behind the USA and Australia, and CMPW is mainly managed by surface impoundments and evaporation. Currently, the core environmental issues associated with CMPW in China are that the potential environmental problems of CMPW have not been given enough attention, and relevant regulations as well as environmental impact assessment (EIA) guidelines for CMPW are still lacking. Other potential issues in China includes (1) water quality monitoring issues for CMPW with special components in special areas, (2) groundwater level decline issues associated with the dewatering process, and (3) potential environmental issues of groundwater pollution associated with hydraulic fracturing.  相似文献   

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