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电子废弃物回收再利用是发展循环经济的重要抓手。针对ICT(Information and CommunicationTechnology,信息和通信技术)行业发展带来日益严峻的电子废弃物问题,剖析了现有电子废弃物的回收再利用体系存在的弊端,在解读现有法律法规政策的基础上,提出优化原有体系的设想,即充分认识电信企业"管家式"运营特点有利于低成本高效率地实现电子废弃物回收再利用,电信企业介入的回收再利用模式是政府、企业与社会多赢的模式,在当前可通过签订环境合同,实现政府与电信企业的合作。  相似文献   

废旧纺织品回收再利用是我国急需发展的一项环保节能事业。废旧纺织品回收再利用过程中存在4个方面的问题:第一是回收再利用技术方面,应当制定合理且经济的技术路线;第二是社会大众方面,应当提高废旧纺织品循环利用的接受度,第三是行业和企业方面,应当不断完善废旧纺织品的回收再利用循环系统;第四是政府方面,应当对废旧纺织品回收再利用行业实行鼓励、指导和监督"三管齐下"的各项措施。针对以上问题,提出相应的对策建议,为促进我国废旧纺织品回收再利用事业长效发展,取得可观经济效益提供参考。  相似文献   

简要阐述了再生资源回收利用概念的演变、内涵,通过对再生资源回收利用行业发展现状、再生资源回收利用行业标准发展现状以及影响再生资源回收利用标准发展原因等方面的分析,提出再生资源回收利用标准科学分类、标准化技术委员会建设、标准制定、推广与应用、标准化人才队伍建设等的基本思路。  相似文献   

广州市和深圳市旧衣物回收行业以企业运营方式为主,较早在社区投放旧衣物回收箱,旧衣物回收行业已初具规模,有效实施旧衣物分类回收,实现了生活垃圾资源化利用。  相似文献   

正由中国再生资源回收利用协会主办,中国再生资源回收利用协会废纸分会承办,闲豆回收协办的第二届中国回收纸行业大会于2017年11月2—3日在北京隆重召开,来自全国废纸回收及造纸企业400多名代表参加了此次盛会。本次大会聚焦行业热点,从机遇与挑战、谋定而后动、知预未来3个层面,重点针对如何应对价格巨大波动带来的经营风险、企业如何实现联合发展、废纸交易中心运营模式如何建立、税收规范如何实现等  相似文献   

宁波市再生资源回收利用行业应该分为回收和利用两大块,在计划经济时代,供销社是回收业主渠道,而利用业一直是工业部门主管的,供销社系统仅有的几家加工利用企业到目前为止已全部萎缩.近二十年来,特别是企业转制以后,社会上产生了大量的再生资源回收利用的民营企业,已经成为再生资源回收利用的主力军.  相似文献   

《我国主要城市旧衣物回收现状调查报告》已由人民出版社出版。该报告基于2015—2017年对全国12个城市的29家旧衣物回收再利用企业和机构进行的实地调研。调研发现:我国旧衣物回收再利用行业进入发展阶段;行业企业开始盈利;目前部分城市旧衣物回收箱进社区合法化;行业龙头企业已初具规模;行业吸引了大企业及科技公司加入;旧衣物回收模式具有创新性;产业链上中下游优秀企业脱颖而出。研究结果对相关企业了解企业经营模式和成功经验具有一定的指导作用。  相似文献   

我国动力电池报废量随着新能源汽车产业的迅速发展呈现出逐年攀升的趋势,废旧动力电池回收利用已刻不容缓。简述了动力电池回收利用的必要性及紧迫性,总结了国内外废旧动力电池回收利用技术,并对废旧动力电池回收行业的发展提出了建议。  相似文献   

应日本NPO法人世界等机构和企事业邀请,由中国再生资源回收利用协会常务副会长何方明为团长的中国再生资源技术合作访日团组于2010年9月对日本进行了技术合作考察与洽谈,就中日两国在电子废弃物、报废汽车和废塑料等综合利用方面的国际合作与交流进行研讨,拜访相关机构并参观考察有关企业。就此次考察,对日本再生资源回收利用技术作一简要介绍,供我国回收利用相关企业借鉴。  相似文献   

<正>受环境保护部固体废物和化学品管理技术中心委托,中国再生资源回收利用协会电子废弃物回收处理分会承担了目录产品中废旧手机和电话机处理基金化管理相关配套政策研究工作。在各位行业同仁的鼎力支持下,电子分会汇总形成了《废弃电器电子产品(移动手持机)基金补贴企业申请评审计分表》和《废弃手机拆解基金补贴资质企业竞争性评选相关  相似文献   

Automobiles usually contain toxic substances, such as lubricants, acid solutions and coolants. Therefore, inappropriate handling of end-of-life vehicles (ELVs) will result in environmental pollution. ELV parts, which include metallic and non-metallic substances, are increasingly gaining recycling value due to the recent global shortage of raw materials. Hence, the establishment of a proper recycling system for ELVs will not only reduce the impact on the environment during the recycling process, but it will also facilitate the effective reuse of recycled resources. Prior to 1994, the recycling of ELVs in Taiwan was performed by related operators in the industry. Since the publishing of the “End-of-life vehicle recycling guidelines” under the authority of the Waste Disposal Act by the Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) in 1994, the recycling of ELVs in Taiwan has gradually become systematic. Subsequently, the Recycling Fund Management Board (RFMB) of the EPA was established in 1998 to collect a Collection–Disposal–Treatment Fee (recycling fee) from responsible enterprises for recycling and related tasks. Since then, the recycling channels, processing equipment, and techniques for ELVs in Taiwan have gradually become established. This paper reviews the establishment of the ELV recycling system, analyzes the current system and its performance, and provides some recommendations for future development. The reduction of auto shredder residue (ASR) is a key factor in maximizing the resource recovery rate and recycling efficiency. The RFMB needs to provide strong economic incentives to further increase the recycling rate and to encourage the automobile industry to design and market greener cars.  相似文献   

China became the largest automotive producer and the biggest automobile market in the world in 2009, but the scrap vehicle recycling industry is still in its beginning stage. Especially, the scrapped plastic parts recycling technology lags behind developed countries. Therefore, in-depth studies on the recycling of automotive plastics are significant and beneficial for environmental protection, energy conservation and the sustainable development of the Chinese automotive plastic industry. In this article, automotive plastic components recycling-related rules and regulations about developed countries and China are discussed first. According to the passenger vehicle plastic part types, the recycling technologies for typical plastic components of end-of-life passenger vehicle are analyzed comprehensively. Based on the combination of contemporary domestic and foreign plastic recycling technology and the result of the current research, the problems and future development for the ELVs plastic recycling industry in China are deliberated, at the same time, some constructive ideas and suggestions for the industry are provided.  相似文献   

研究提出废旧纺织品回收现状及典型模式,主要有衣物回收箱模式、民间自发回收模式、企业自主回收模式和以衣换物模式等;分析归纳了废旧纺织品综合利用基本情况,涵盖棉、毛、混纺、边角料等类型废旧纺织品的综合利用;总结了废旧纺织品产业技术创新战略联盟的工作进展和成效,突出技术创新在废旧纺织品综合利用中的重要作用;明确了废旧纺织品综合利用的发展方向,未来要从开发先进技术、培育产业集群、强化政策扶持、拓展利用渠道、建设回收体系、建立行业标准、探索二手市场和加强宣传教育等方面开展工作。  相似文献   

To facilitate recycling, not only R&D but also the creation of efficient recycling systems—collection and processing of recyclates as well as finding appropriate end-uses—is essentially important. PVC has a particular advantage in regards to mechanical recycling when compared to other major plastics. However, there is no one-size-fits-all approach to a solution. Specific situations of used or off-cut products and their applications need to be well studied. Vinyl industry in Japan has devoted itself for many years to the promotion of recycling of vinyl products. It started an R&D support program in 2007 and seven projects have been completed since then. Some of the new developments include mechanical recycling for products like wall covering and tarpaulin which were considered difficult to recycle in the past. Progress in chemical recycling has been made with a technology for the removal of chlorine from shredder dusts. Recovery of chlorine is a challenge for the future. Collaboration among the various players involved in the recycling of a specific product is essential for obtaining a successful result.  相似文献   

在再生资源产业快速发展过程中,集散市场、分拣中心与加工园区等新兴产业形态令人瞩目。这些新兴产业形态的出现是再生资源产业经济效率提高的要求,是产业地位提升的需要,是先进理念注入的结果,是技术进步的必然趋势。其代表着再生资源产业更先进的生产力,标志着再生资源产业的庞大产业链条正在形成。应从新兴产业形态中,发掘再生资源产业发展的内生动力,推动再生资源产业又好又快发展。  相似文献   

针对近年我国频繁出台的电子废物回收处理产业政策,系统论述了其发展脉络,并从循环经济角度出发,分析了我国电子废物产业发展的主体思路,同时还对我国电子废物回收处理产业发展机遇与存在的问题进行剖析,对如何稳定企业的电子废物来源、提升产业技术水平及降低企业运营成本进行建议性分析。  相似文献   

In-depth studies on the recycling of typical automotive exterior plastic parts are significant and beneficial for environmental protection, energy conservation, and sustainable development of China. In the current study, several methods were used to analyze the recycling industry model for typical exterior parts of passenger vehicles in China. The strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and challenges of the current recycling industry for typical exterior parts of passenger vehicles were analyzed comprehensively based on the SWOT method. The internal factor evaluation matrix and external factor evaluation matrix were used to evaluate the internal and external factors of the recycling industry. The recycling industry was found to respond well to all the factors and it was found to face good developing opportunities. Then, the cross-link strategies analysis for the typical exterior parts of the passenger car industry of China was conducted based on the SWOT analysis strategies and established SWOT matrix. Finally, based on the aforementioned research, the recycling industry model led by automobile manufacturers was promoted.  相似文献   

目前“三位一体”(回收网点→分拣中心→集散市场)回收体系模式,因集散市场功能单一、产业链短,不能带动行业走向产业化。回收网点建设适应我国国情,而集散市场成为先进的完整的回收体系的短板。按照示范基地建设标准,把集散市场改造升级为拥有深加工利用产业链,拥有平台支撑优势,能够进行资源的规模化高值化利用的产业园区。把回收和利用两大产业板块融合一体,是再生资源产业化的发展方向。  相似文献   

再生资源产业对于破解我国资源环境约束、推动新型城镇化建设和促进产业结构调整具有重要的支撑作用.但是我国再生资源产业处于发展初期,面临管理体系不善、技宋鬟备落后、产业规 缺位和产业政策不清等突出问题.对此,提出六点具体建议,包括:加强立法和产业发展的顶层设计,构建再生资源高效回收体系,推动技术装备升级和推广,完善配套财税政策,强化产业规划统筹和部门政策衔接,加强与新型城镇化建设的融合等.  相似文献   

废钢加工设备制造业是我国装备制造业中的一个重要分支,服务于钢铁工业和为钢铁工业提供废钢原料的废钢回收加工领域。以江苏华宏科技股份有限公司为例,详细介绍我国专业从事废钢加工设备研发和生产制造企业,在建设资源节约型、环境友好型社会及推动我国循环经济发展中,取得的主要成就及今后发展目标。  相似文献   

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