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The great barracuda (Sphyraena barracuda) is a widespread, ecologically and socioeconomically important coastal fish, yet very little is known about its larvae. We examined spawning and larval ecology of Western Atlantic sphyraenids using monthly ichthyoplankton samples collected over 2 years along a transect spanning the east–west axis of the Straits of Florida (SOF). Samples were dominated by the great barracuda (92.8%) and sennets (Sphyraena borealis and Sphyraena picudilla; 6.6%). While larval sennets and S. barracuda displayed similar vertical distributions (majority in upper 25 m), horizontal and temporal patterns of abundance suggested a spatial and temporal species replacement between larval S. barracuda and sennets that tracks adult ecology. The diet of both taxa consisted largely of copepods, with inclusion of fish larvae at 8 mm SL, and in S. barracuda alone, a switch in the wet season to exclusive piscivory by 12 mm SL (18 days post-hatch). A lack of piscivory in S. barracuda larvae captured in the dry season corresponded to slower larval growth than in the wet season. Larval growth was also related to size-at-hatch and larval age such that larvae that were larger at hatch or larger (older) at capture grew faster at earlier ages, suggesting faster larval growth, and indirectly larger hatch size, conveys a survival advantage. Unlike larval growth, instantaneous mortality rate did not differ with season, and no lunar cyclic patterns in spawning output were identified. Our results provide insight into the pelagic phase of sphyraenids and highlight the importance of both diet and hatch size to the growth and survival of fish larvae in low latitude oceanic environments.  相似文献   

Allochthonous subsidies of energy and nutrients can affect community structure in patchy marine habitats, including rocky reefs, and their ecological consequences may depend on the mechanism of energy transfer. Lingcod (Ophiodon elongatus) are demersal predators that trophically link nearshore rocky reefs with offshore pelagic habitats through consumption of pelagic fishes. We quantified lingcod habitat use and movement patterns to make inferences about the temporal and spatial conditions under which lingcod may acquire pelagic prey. Lingcod maintained small home ranges (21,272 ± 13,630 m2) within a rocky reef in the San Juan Archipelago, Washington; eight of nine individuals used rocky habitat exclusively. Depths occupied by lingcod (0–50 m) coincided with pelagic fish distribution on the rocky reef; however, diel patterns in lingcod activity varied inversely with occurrence of pelagic fishes on the reef. Our findings suggest that the pelagic subsidy to lingcod is not strongly mediated through directed off-reef foraging by lingcod.  相似文献   

Variation in maternal reproductive traits was examined in field and reared populations of a geographically widespread reef fish, Pomacentrus coelestis (Pomacentridae), drawn from three different latitudes in Japan. Size-specific clutch size and clutch weight of wild fish increased with increasing latitude. Conversely, latitudinal variation in egg size of wild fish was obscure in same-season comparisons, probably because of the temperature effect on egg size. Common-environment experiments conducted at three temperatures showed that egg size decreased with increasing temperature in all populations. In the experiments, egg size, clutch size and clutch weight differed among populations at all temperatures, showing clear latitudinal clines. Females from low latitude spawned larger eggs at every experimental temperature. Size-specific clutch size and weight were greater in females from high latitude. Thus, the northern fish had a larger reproductive output per spawning and a larger number of smaller eggs in a spawning. Such interpopualtion variation in this fish is likely to be partially genetically based, although environmental effects on the variation cannot be entirely ruled out. This study provides evidence of potential latitudinal variation in the egg size and number in a coastal fish, by common-environment experiments. The close correspondence between latitudes and these maternal reproductive traits may be a consequence of local adaptation.  相似文献   

Thresholds to sexual maturity—either age or size—are critical life history parameters. Usually investigated in short-lived organisms, these thresholds and interactions among age, size, and growth are poorly known for long-lived species. A 34-year study of captive green turtles (Chelonia mydas) that followed individuals from hatching to beyond maturity provided an opportunity to evaluate these parameters in a long-lived species with late maturity. Age and size at maturity are best predicted by linear growth rate and mass growth rate, respectively. At maturity, resource allocation shifts from growth to reproductive output, regardless of nutrient availability or size at maturity. Although captive turtles reach maturity at younger ages than wild turtles, the extensive variation in captive turtles under similar conditions provides important insights into the variation that would exist in wild populations experiencing stochastic conditions. Variation in age/size at maturity should be incorporated into population models for conservation and management planning.  相似文献   

Maternal effects through albumen quality are largely unexplored, despite the fundamental role that albumen exerts as source of proteins and water, as well as for antimicrobial defence of the embryo. We analysed the variation of two major albumen antimicrobials, avidin and lysozyme, by extracting samples from freshly laid eggs of the yellow-legged gull (Larus michahellis) and by correlating their levels to egg features. Lysozyme concentration increased along the laying sequence, while avidin concentration decreased. Both antimicrobials declined during the season. In addition, avidin concentration declined from first- to last-laid male eggs, whereas the opposite was true among the female eggs. We also analysed chick body mass and size and immune response, in relation to albumen antimicrobial levels in their original egg while controlling for potential covariation between egg quality and rearing conditions by cross-fostering eggs between nests. Tarsus length decreased with avidin concentration, particularly early in the season. Avidin concentration negatively predicted tarsus length of chicks and the phytohaemagglutinin response of females, but not males. However, chick phenotype did not covary with lysozyme albumen concentration. This is the first study where maternal effects mediated by albumen antimicrobials are investigated in relation to both sex and egg features in any wild bird species. Whether the observed patterns of variation in antimicrobial concentration are the by-product of maternal physiological constraints, or reflect adaptive allocation strategies, cannot be ascertained. The covariation between chick cell-mediated immunity and albumen avidin concentration might be causal, according to the documented effects of albumen proteins on immunity in other species.  相似文献   

A suite of characteristics is often used to assess egg quality as these properties potentially play important roles in progeny survival and growth. Our objective was to assess egg characteristics including lipid biocomposition of an iteroparous, batch-spawning teleost of wild origin. Maternal allocation to egg number was generally dome-shaped (5 of 8 females) and egg size declined over the breeding season for eight breeding pairs of wild Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) (n = 43 batches). Egg lipid composition ranged considerably among females and between egg batches within females (e.g., phospholipids 40–86 %; polar 47–87 % and neutral lipids 15–52 % of total lipids; polyunsaturated fatty acids 16–50 % of total fatty acids). Principal component analyses revealed significant inter-relationships among maternal traits, batch sequence and fecundity, and egg size and composition. Seasonal trends with regard to lipid deposition were variable; three females showed consistent declines in lipid parameters (μg egg−1) with both batch number and egg diameter, one female showed consistent increase and the four remaining females showed no trend. The three females that exhibited seasonal declines in egg lipid content were characterized as having high fertilization success (>75 %). Our findings highlight the variability in lipid allocation to eggs of batch spawners of wild origin and characterize the composition of endogenous reserves available during embryogenesis and yolk sac larval stages.  相似文献   

Depczynski M  Bellwood DR 《Ecology》2006,87(12):3119-3127
Life history theory predicts a range of directional generic responses in life history traits with increasing organism size. Among these are the relationships between size and longevity, mortality, growth rate, timing of maturity, and lifetime reproductive output. Spanning three orders of magnitude in size, coral reef fishes provide an ecologically diverse and species-rich vertebrate assemblage in which to test these generic responses. Here we examined these relationships by quantifying the life cycles of three miniature species of coral reef fish from the genus Eviota (Gobiidae) and compared their life history characteristics with other reef fish species. We found that all three species of Eviota have life spans of < 100 days, suffer high daily mortality rates of 7-8%, exhibit rapid linear growth, and matured at an earlier than expected size. Although lifetime reproductive output was low, consistent with their small body sizes, short generation times of 47-74 days help overcome low individual fecundity and appear to be a critical feature in maintaining Eviota populations. Comparisons with other coral reef fish species showed that Eviota species live on the evolutionary margins of life history possibilities for vertebrate animals. This addition of demographic information on these smallest size classes of coral reef fishes greatly extends our knowledge to encompass the full size spectrum and highlights the potential for coral reef fishes to contribute to vertebrate life history studies.  相似文献   

Abstract:  Hatcheries have been built and operated to buffer salmon and trout populations from overfishing and to compensate for habitat lost or degraded by human activities. These facilities are now so prevalent that in some cases hatchery-produced salmon outnumber salmon produced in the wild. By default, this makes them an important component in the current ecology and evolution of salmonids. Hatcheries differ from natural environments in many ways, and among the most fundamental is the necessity that humans select fish for breeding instead of allowing natural processes of mate choice and competition. We examined the mating system for steelhead trout ( Oncorhynchus mykiss ) at Forks Creek Hatchery in southwest Washington and investigated factors affecting selection of individual steelhead for spawning by the hatchery staff. Despite efforts by the staff to not spawn selectively, data on steelhead spawned over 7 years revealed selection for large adult body size and early reproductive timing and a tendency for size-assortative mating (i.e., large with large). Selection on size was related to selection on reproductive timing because early returning fish tended to be larger than those returning later. To improve the fitness of both hatchery fish destined to spawn in the wild and hatchery fish designated to be spawned in the hatchery, a better understanding of factors associated with the range of reproductive success and mate-choice mechanisms in the wild is vital. This knowledge may then be applied to artificial propagation programs designed for conservation or enhancement.  相似文献   

We compared the results from fixed acoustic transmitters and transmitters implanted in lingcod Ophiodon elongatus provided by two fine-scale passive acoustic monitoring systems: the older Vemco? Radio Acoustic Positioning (VRAP) system and the newer VR2W Positioning System (VPS) with either three or four receivers. The four-receiver VPS method calculated five times more positions of lingcod than VRAP and more than twice as many as the three-receiver VPS. Calculated positions of fixed transmitters were less precise with VRAP than either VPS approach. Measurements of home range for lingcod were similar between the four-receiver VPS and VRAP, which were both greater than the three-receiver VPS. Comparisons varied when lingcod were in/near complex habitats. As new technology develops, it is important to understand how new methods compare to previous methods. This may be important when describing patterns of movement or habitat use in the context of changes in habitat or management efforts.  相似文献   

The influence of environmental variables on the planktonic growth, pelagic larval duration and settlement magnitude was examined for the coral reef surgeonfish Acanthurus chirurgus. Newly settled fish were collected daily from patch reefs in the San Blas Archipelago, Caribbean Panama for 3.5 years. Environmental influences on growth were examined at three different life history stages: from 0 to 6 days, 7 to 25 days and from 26 to 50 days after hatching. Larval growth was correlated, using multiple regression techniques, with a combination of factors including solar radiation, rainfall, and along-shore winds. Depending on the life history stage, these accounted for 13–38% of the variation in growth rates when all the months were included in the analyses. Correlations between environmental variables and growth also varied among seasons and were stronger in the dry than in the wet season. During the dry season solar radiation, rainfall and along-shore winds described 57%, 86% and 74% of the variability in growth between 0 and 6 days, 7 and 25 days and 26 and 50 days, respectively. During the wet season rainfall, along-shore winds and temperature only described 38% of the variability in early growth and 27% of growth just before settlement. No significant model was found to describe growth 7–25 days after hatching during the wet season. Rainfall, solar radiation and along-shore winds were negatively correlated with growth up to 25 days after hatching but positively correlated as larvae approached settlement at a mean age of 52 days. Over 65% of the variability in pelagic larval duration was accounted for by a regression model that included solar radiation and along-shore winds. When data sets from wet and dry seasons were analysed separately, along-shore winds accounted for 67% of the change in larval duration in the dry season, and solar radiation accounted for 23% of the variation in larval duration in the wet season. Only 22% of the variability in settlement intensity could be described by solar radiation and temperature, when all months of the year were included in the analysis. Solar radiation and rainfall were included in a regression model that accounted for 40% of the variation in numbers of fish settling during the dry season. This study suggests that the levels of solar radiation, along-shore winds and rainfall during the early larval life can have important effects on the growth, larval duration and consequently, the settlement magnitude of marine fishes. Results also highlight the need to account for seasonality and ontogeny in studies of environmental influences.Communicated by G.F. Humphrey, Sydney  相似文献   

C.A. Ng  K.A. Gray 《Ecological modelling》2009,220(9-10):1266-1273
We have developed a dynamic model to track the evolution of contaminant concentration in an aquatic organism as a function of season and ontogeny throughout its life cycle. We have focused our analysis on the round goby (Apollonia melanostoma), a globally distributed invasive forage fish. By integrating bioenergetics with a bioaccumulation model, we illustrate how life history characteristics interact to influence contaminant accumulation. We use uncertainty and sensitivity analyses to assess how the model output is affected by uncertainty and variability in model parameters. We then demonstrate the influence of important physiological characteristics on contaminant accumulation with two scenarios. First, we probe the influence of sexual dimorphism by comparing gender-specific accumulation of a standard polychlorinated biphenyl congener, PCB153, in male and female round gobies. We hypothesize that lipid loss in female gobies during spawning season leads to a decrease in the PCB body burden compared to male gobies. Second, we compare PCB accumulation in the round goby and in the mottled sculpin (Cottus bairdi), the native forage fish that the round goby displaced in southern Lake Michigan, to determine whether the invasive species has an intrinsically different bioaccumulation potential than the native one. Our non-intuitive findings from these simulations illustrate how the interaction of growth rate with other life history characteristics lead to unexpected bioaccumulation patterns. The model we present is a flexible tool that integrates complex and dynamic interactions among environmental parameters, thus providing a means to better assess the potential for chemical accumulation in human and wildlife populations, and aiding the development of ecological forecasts.  相似文献   

Seagrass beds are often considered to be important nurseries for coral reef fish, yet the effectiveness of these nursery functions (refuge and food availability) at different juvenile stages is poorly understood. To understand how the demands of juvenile fish on seagrass nursery functions determines the timing of ontogenetic habitat shifts from seagrass beds to coral reefs, we conducted visual transect survey and field tethering and caging experiments on three different sizes of the coral reef fish Pacific yellowtail emperor (Lethrinus atkinsoni) during its juvenile tenure in seagrass beds at Ishigaki Island, southern Japan. The study showed that although the number of individual L. atkinsoni juveniles decreased by >90 % during their stay in the seagrass nursery, the shelter and/or food availability functions of the nursery, at least for a juvenile size of approximately 5 cm total length (TL), provided the best survival and growth option. The timing of ontogenetic migration to coral reefs of larger fish (>8 cm TL) was attributed to foraging efficiency for larger food items in different habitats. Overall, the function of the seagrass bed nursery changed with juvenile body size, with marginally higher survival and significantly greater growth rates during early juvenile stages in seagrass beds compared to coral reefs. This would contribute to the enhancement in the number of individuals eventually recruited to adult populations.  相似文献   

We examined patterns of concurrent multiple mating in a live-bearing poeciliid fish, the sailfin molly (Poecilia latipinna). We tested whether the probability of multiple paternity was related to female body size or fertility and whether the rate of multiple paternity varied among four populations that differed in their distributions of female body size and fertility. We analyzed data on mother and offspring genotypes for three polymorphic allozymes by three techniques, including a maximum-likelihood estimator that accounts for sampling error in both parental and offspring allele frequencies. The estimated rate of multiple paternity varied between 0.09 and 0.85, and the rate in one population varied seasonally between 0.33 (spring) and 0.85 (autumn). The variation in these rates was not associated with variation in body-size distributions among populations but was closely associated with variation in size-specific fertility: populations with greater variation in female fertility had higher multiple-paternity rates. Within two populations, logistic regression revealed that individual females of larger body size and greater size-specific fertility were more likely to carry multiply sired broods. This result is consistent with observations made in one of the populations 5 years earlier. In general, the results strongly suggest that the mating system varies markedly among conspecific populations of sailfin mollies and that larger, more fertile females are the objects of intermale competition. Received: 6 May 1996 / Accepted in revised form: 5 December 1996  相似文献   

In order to estimate growth rates based on biochemical indices of the liver of wild Japanese flounder (Paralichthys olivaceus), juveniles were reared at six ration levels (0, 0.5, 2, 4, 6 and 8% body weight day−1) in the laboratory for 14 days, and the relationship between their growth rates and biochemical indices (RNA/DNA, protein/DNA, triglyceride/DNA, phospholipid/DNA and cathepsin D activities) were determined. Positive and approximately linear relationships were seen between growth rates and the indices of RNA/DNA, protein/DNA and phospholipid/DNA. The triglyceride/DNA ratio decreased with increasing growth rates up to approximately 1% body weight day−1, then increased linearly with increasing growth rates. There was no significant correlation between growth rates and cathepsin D activity, and the highest values were obtained in the starved fish. Compared with laboratory-reared specimens, wild specimens of similar sizes were found to have significantly larger livers. The RNA/DNA, protein/DNA and phospholipid/DNA ratios of wild specimens fell in a broad range between ration groups of reared juveniles. The protein/DNA ratios of wild specimens were low and outside the range of the reared juveniles at six ration levels. In contrast, the levels of cathepsin D activity of wild fish were highest compared to the reared fish. Estimated growth rates of wild fish from the RNA/DNA, protein/DNA and phospholipid/DNA regressions obtained from the rearing experiment were 1.66, −1.74 and 0.10% day−1, respectively. Based on our results, the RNA/DNA index may be regarded as the most valid and reliable growth estimator. It is noted that the larger liver size, the lower liver protein/DNA ratio and the unexpectedly high level of cathepsin D activities of wild specimens found in this study may reflect the different metabolic conditions of fish reared in the laboratory compared to those collected in the field. Received: 29 February 2000 / Accepted: 26 August 2000  相似文献   

Increments in the hard parts of marine organisms (otoliths, skeletons, shells) can provide long-term chronologies of growth analogous to tree rings. For the first time in the Southern Hemisphere, we use a dendrochronological (tree-ring analysis) approach to develop a multidecadal chronology of growth for a temperate reef fish, Girella tricuspidata, from the coast of northern New Zealand. Growth patterns in the otoliths of this species were strongly synchronous among individual fish over a period spanning 27 years (1980–2006). We then compared our otolith chronology to climatic records and found strong positive correlations of growth with sea surface temperature, and weak negative correlations with the multivariate El Nino Southern Oscillation (ENSO) index. Strongest correlations were found between summer sea surface temperature and otolith growth. This relationship was consistent across all years and explained 44 % of the variation (y = −2.0 + 0.1785 × temperature, r 2 = 0.4367, P = 0.0002) in the G. tricuspidata growth chronology. Our study illustrates how otolith chronologies provide remarkable records of annual growth patterns over decadal time scales that will be useful for forecasting the likely effects of climate change on marine ecosystems.  相似文献   

Across animal taxa, exclusive female offspring care has evolved repeatedly from biparental care, suggesting that the latter becomes evolutionarily unstable under certain conditions. Both the attributes of a species and the environment it experiences can help to predict shifts from one particular care mode to another. Nevertheless, factors inducing differences in care strategies among closely related species, or seasonal variation within species, have been subject to surprisingly little empirical testing. Here, we report the results of a field-based study that examined both among and within species variation in mate desertion in five species of closely related Nicaraguan cichlid fish in the genera Amphilophus and Amatitlania. The results show a link between female body size and male involvement in offspring care. Specifically, the larger the species the less often males were found to provide extended care. Furthermore, we found that solitary females became more common towards the end of the breeding season. We discuss the implications of this finding in the context of previous theoretical and empirical contributions regarding the frequency of offspring desertion by males.  相似文献   

Rates of biogeochemical processes often vary widely in space and time, and characterizing this variation is critical for understanding ecosystem functioning. In streams, spatial hotspots of nutrient transformations are generally attributed to physical and microbial processes. Here we examine the potential for heterogeneous distributions of fish to generate hotspots of nutrient recycling. We measured nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) excretion rates of 47 species of fish in an N-limited Neotropical stream, and we combined these data with population densities in each of 49 stream channel units to estimate unit- and reach-scale nutrient recycling. Species varied widely in rates of N and P excretion as well as excreted N:P ratios (6-176 molar). At the reach scale, fish excretion could meet >75% of ecosystem demand for dissolved inorganic N and turn over the ambient NH4 pool in <0.3 km. Areal N excretion estimates varied 47-fold among channel units, suggesting that fish distributions could influence local N availability. P excretion rates varied 14-fold among units but were low relative to ambient concentrations. Spatial variation in aggregate nutrient excretion by fish reflected the effects of habitat characteristics (depth, water velocity) on community structure (body size, density, species composition), and the preference of large-bodied species for deep runs was particularly important. We conclude that the spatial distribution of fish could indeed create hotspots of nutrient recycling during the dry season in this species-rich tropical stream. The prevalence of patchy distributions of stream fish and invertebrates suggests that hotspots of consumer nutrient recycling may often occur in stream ecosystems.  相似文献   

Generalized additive models were used to synthesize the data from 52 publications on the gonad growth and spawning seasonality of Paracentrotus lividus and identify spatial and temporal patterns in the reproductive processes. According to our results, Atlantic populations spawn in spring and develop large gonads (6.4 ± 0.2% of fresh body weight (mean ± SE)), which increase in size toward higher latitudes. While in the Mediterranean, the gonads are smaller (3.1 ± 0.1%), possibly as the result of successive spawnings which impede nutrients accumulating in the gonads. Differences were also observed between habitats: gonad production was higher in seagrass meadows in the Mediterranean and in subtidal rocky substrates in the Atlantic. Food availability might cause these variations as well as the negative correlation observed between depth and the gonad index for rocky substrates. Sex and body size do not seem to influence greatly gonad growth.  相似文献   

In seasonally fluctuating environments, timing of reproduction is a crucial determinant of fitness. Studies of birds show that late breeding attempts generally result in offspring of lower reproductive value, with lower recruitment and long-term survival prospects. Several proximate mechanisms, including a seasonal decline of immune system functioning, may lead to a seasonal decline of offspring fitness. We investigated seasonal variation in offspring quality by subjecting first- and second-brood chicks of a sexually size dimorphic species, the European starling Sturnus vulgaris, to an immune challenge with a bacterial endotoxin (LPS), and evaluated their growth and physiological response in terms of total plasma antioxidant capacity (TAC), concentration of reactive oxygen metabolites and hematocrit. LPS challenge did not affect chick growth or oxidative status. However, hematocrit of second-brood chicks was higher in LPS chicks compared to controls. Body mass halfway through the rearing period (days?8–9 post-hatching), TAC and hematocrit were lower among second- vs. first-brood chicks. Interestingly, sexual dimorphism in body mass at days?8–9 post-hatching markedly differed between broods, first-brood males being 4.7% and second-brood males 22.7% heavier than their sisters, respectively. Pre-fledging mortality occurred among second-brood chicks only and was strongly female-biased. Our findings suggest that starling chicks, even if in poor conditions, are little affected by a bacterial challenge, at least in the short-term. Moreover, our study indicates that sex differences in body size, possibly mediated by sex-specific maternal investment in egg size, may heavily impact on pre-fledging survival in a different way in the course of the breeding season, resulting in sex-specific seasonal decline of offspring fitness. Finally, we suggest that levels of circulating antioxidants should be regarded among the proximate causes of the association between timing of fledging and long-term survival in avian species.  相似文献   

Abstract: The maintenance of genetic variation within populations is expected to allow species to respond to evolutionary challenges such as selection and environmental stress. Larger populations are generally expected to maintain larger amounts of genetic variation. Although several studies have found a positive relationship between population size and levels of genetic variation for molecular markers such as allozymes, few comparisons have been made between molecular measures of variation and genetic variation that is likely to be ecologically important. Most ecologically important traits require quantitative genetic analyses. I examined the relationship between levels of genetic variation and population size for both allozymes and morphological traits in a California endemic annual plant, Clarkia dudleyana . Levels of genetic variation for allozymes did not show a significant positive relationship with population size. The level of genetic variance for all of the 18 morphological traits exhibited no significant relationship with population size. Further, allozyme heterozygosities were not related to levels of quantitative genetic variation. These results indicate that levels of allozyme variability do not predict levels of genetic variation for morphological traits in C. dudleyana , suggesting that molecular measures of variation, in general, differ from quantitative genetic measures. These results imply that conservation genetic studies should generally focus on aspects other than measuring levels of genetic variation found within populations.  相似文献   

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