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通过对三家村 6种农户庭园模式进行能流和经济流的系统研究 ,得出三家村 6种农户庭园系统的能量投入为 (98.4 8~ 174 .4 5 )× 10 10 J·hm-2 ,能量产出为 (10 1.6 6~ 15 8.5 2 )× 10 10 J·hm-2 ,能量产投比为(0 .88~ 1.4 1)∶1,并且以种植业为主的农户庭园 (模式Ⅰ、Ⅱ )的能量产投比高于以养殖业和副业为主的农户庭园系统 (模式Ⅵ、Ⅶ、Ⅸ ) ;三家村 6种农户庭园模式的经济产投比为 (1.0 0~ 1.35 )∶1,其高低次序是Ⅵ >Ⅶ >Ⅰ >Ⅱ >Ⅴ >Ⅸ ,6种农户庭园模式的经济产出为 2 32 7.9~ 980 3.4元。因此 ,三家村农户庭园系统是一个能量和经济的高投入高产出的人工生态系统  相似文献   

岷江上游典型生态系统水源涵养量及价值评估   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
岷江上游自然生态系统由于具有重要的水源涵养功能,被誉为长江流域"水塔"的重要组成部分.通过野外实地调查和已有文献资料收集分析,初步核算了岷江上游典型生态系统的水源涵养量;并利用生态经济学价值量评估方法,分别估算了该区典型生态系统的水源涵养价值.岷江上游森林、灌从和草地3种典型生态系统的水源涵养量分别为21.23×108 m3、17.92×108 m3和14.00×108 m3,价值6.34×108元、5.36x10s元和4.19×108元.植被冠层和土壤层是水源涵养的主要作用层,而枯枝落叶层水源涵养量和价值均较小.3种典型生态系统中以森林生态系统水源涵养价值最大.占总价值的39.92%,灌从和草地生态系统分别占33.73%和26.35%.森林生态系统中以冷杉林的水源涵养最和价值为最高,占整个森林系统涵养水源价值的51.22%,整个研究区价值的20.48%,在涵养水源过程中占据主导地位.图2表4参31  相似文献   

为解决果粮间作经营的中后期常出现的作物减产和资源浪费的矛盾,有必要分析果粮人工植物群落中各生态元的时空变化过程,揭示果粮间作经营中矛盾的产生、发展乃至激化的过程,寻求合理的间作作物组合,并进行优化调控,在岷江上游干旱河谷区,选择处于不同经营阶段(3a,5a,10a,18a,28a)而经营管理条件基本一致的的9种苹果与粮食作物间作模式,调查测定了每一模式各阶段的果树的生长及其苹果产量,各间作粮食作物的生物量、总生物量、作物固定的总能量及其光能利用率、经济产量和经济收入等指标,揭示了苹果和各粮食作物28a内的生物生产力的动态变化及其特点,找到了果树不同经营阶段的合理间作物组合,提出了该区不同经营阶段的最佳模式类型.对果粮间作的作用、理论基础及优化调控指标及其不确定性等问题也进行了讨论  相似文献   

非木质残体是高山森林溪流生态系统的基本组成部分,其分解过程释放的重金属元素通过长期的迁移与沉积等途径汇集到下游水体,从而成为森林生态系统元素输出的主要形式和影响流域水环境安全的潜在因素之一.于2013年8月调查了岷江上游高山森林溪流非木质残体镉(Cd)和铅(Pb)的贮量及其随溪流特征的变化.结果显示:岷江上游高山森林溪流非木质残体在单位面积集水区的Cd贮量为0.863 mg/hm2,单位面积溪流的Cd贮量为0.249 mg/m2;单位面积集水区的Pb贮量为9.19 mg/hm2,单位面积溪流的Pb贮量为2.65 mg/m2;岷江上游高山森林溪流非木质残体Cd和Pb总贮量分布较均匀,与溪流的长度、面积和流量的相关性均不显著,但会影响各组分Cd和Pb贮量及其所占比例.可见,高山森林溪流非木质残体输出是Cd和Pb等重金属元素的重要输出过程,这可为进一步研究高山森林—河岸—溪流连续体的重金属元素分配与迁移提供重要的基础数据和新的思路.  相似文献   

岷江上游山区聚落生态位地域边界划分与垂直分异分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
山区聚落生态位是当地居民长期适应山地自然环境的结果,涵盖了人类居所在山地生态系统中所处的地理位置及居民生计所能利用的资源空间.基于SPOT-5遥感数据和GIS技术,对岷江上游山区聚落生态位边界进行甄别,提出了山区聚落生态位地域边界的划分方法,并对其分异特征进行定量分析.结果表明,河流、山脚、山沟、图像纹理和色差等因素对边界划分具有指示意义,是界定山区聚落生态位地域范围的关键因子;岷江上游山区聚落生态位地域面积介于2.27~528.67 hm2之间,且随着海拔升高而增大;在<1 600m海拔段,聚落生态位的增速较小,当海拔高度超过1 600m时,聚落生态位的增速明显增加.  相似文献   

间作栽培对连作马铃薯根际土壤微生物区系的影响   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
为探究不同间作栽培模式缓解马铃薯(Solanum tuberosum)连作障碍的可行性及作用机制,以马铃薯单作为对照,研究马铃薯间作玉米(Zea mays)、蚕豆(Vicia faba)和荞麦(Fagopyrum esculentum)3种模式对连作马铃薯根际土壤养分含量及微生物区系的影响.结果表明,间作种植模式下马铃薯根际土壤全氮、全磷、速效磷和速效钾含量显著低于马铃薯单作,根际土壤速效磷降幅最大,达45%以上,土壤pH值明显下降.间作栽培模式改变了马铃薯根际土壤微生物群落结构,降低了根际土壤真菌的数量;间作栽培模式对马铃薯根际土壤微生物群落的碳源利用能力也有明显影响,其中马铃薯间作蚕豆和间作玉米处理马铃薯根际土壤微生物培养120 h的平均颜色变化率分别比对照高13.39%和4.30%.马铃薯根际土壤微生物群落总体上对碳水化合物利用率较高,对芳香化合物的利用率较低.间作蚕豆明显促进了马铃薯根际土壤微生物群落的碳源代谢强度,而且能维持较稳定的产量,因而可能是一种有利于改善马铃薯连作栽培根际微生态环境、缓解连作障碍的栽培模式.  相似文献   

长江上游重点流域土地利用变化过程对比研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
邵怀勇  仙巍  杨武年 《生态环境》2008,17(2):792-797
在分析了目前广泛使用的土地利用动态度模型存在的不足的基础上,提出了转出速度、转入速度、综合动态度、状态指数模型,并指出只有综合运用这些模型才能全面的描述单一土地利用类型的动态变化情况.在遥感和GIS技术的支持下,以上世纪50年代中期1∶5万地形图、1972年MSS图像、1986年和2000年TM图像为信息源,分1955-1972年、1972-1986年和1986-2000年三个时段,运用所建立的数学模型定量研究了自上世纪50年代中期以来长江上游两个重点流域(岷江上游和嘉陵江中下游)土地利用/覆被变化过程. 结果表明,近50年间的三个时段内岷江上游(前者)和嘉陵江中下游地区(后者)土地利用结构均发生了明显变化.岷江上游林地面积持续减少,减幅分别为2.18%、2.43%和0.60%,目前该区毁林现象得到明显遏制.嘉陵江中下游林地面积变化呈现减-减-增的态势,变化幅度分别为-6.90%、-0.15%和3.30%,"天然林保护"和"退耕还林还草"工程在该流域已初见成效.前者草地面积持续增加,增幅分别为2.16%、2.13%和0.54%;后者草地面积呈现出增-减-减的态势,变化幅度分别为16.89%、-8.27%、-3.70%.前者耕地面积呈现减-增-增的状态,变幅分别为-1.41%、1.67%和0.77%;后者则呈现增-增-减的态势,变幅分别为0.67%、0.88%和-1.21%;两流域建设用地面积均持续增加,前者三个时段增幅分别为1.85%、1.02%和10.34%,后者则为7.27%、5.16%和32.89%,后者三个时段建设用地增幅均远高于岷江上游.最后作者对长江上游生态环境的恢复与重建提出了相应的建议.  相似文献   

黄土塬区旱作果园的复合经营范式   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
旱作果园中进行间作,尤其苹果产出前的间作,是黄土塬区果业发展中较为普遍的复合经营形式。为强调以果为主以及建立良好的控制性间作制度,通过典型塬区面上间作类型调查及实地对比测定主要作物种植影响下的苹果(Malus pumila)树高、地径、分枝性以及3 m深土壤剖面含水量,分析间作基础及有关间作适宜性,探讨规范化运作模式。结果表明,随果树生长发育,可划分3个不同间作时期(幼龄前期、幼龄后期和成龄期)。从幼龄后期开始对间作物选择趋于严格。浅根性低矮作物具有明显时空优势,西瓜(Citrullus vulgaris)、甘薯(Ipomoea batatas)间作果树生长优于小麦(Triticum aestivum)、玉米(Zea mays)间作。深根性高秆作物[小麦(Triticum aestivum)、玉米(Zea mays)、油菜(Brassica campestris)、谷(Setaria italica)]中,玉米抑制果树生长影响较低,小麦仅以留存树盘间作致使约65%的果树植株不发生分枝。不同间作物之间的耗水性有所差异,其中小麦耗水深度可达3m,玉米1 m,大豆0.4 m,白三叶草(Trifolium repens)1.6 m;小麦及5~9年生白三叶草年内土壤水分消耗得不到补充恢复。浅根性低矮作物地下竞争较弱,但白三叶草竞争不可忽视。生态位分离是间作关键,尤其是深根性高秆作物以及与果树根系重置的浅根性作物。小麦收获后不宜复种及连作,白三叶草衰败时有必要及早翻耕处理。间作需要重视养地作物,综合考虑生态位分离、轮作、适当产量或收益、果树衰败等方面因素。  相似文献   

本文分析了鄂中丘陵地区一个典型农户生态系统的能流途径,人工辅助能的输入结构,各亚系统的能量输入、输出组成和能量流动关系,以及能量转化效率。以70个农户的样本分析研究了投能结构对能效的影响规律。结果表明,当地农户生态系统仍是一种以有机能为主要人工辅助的封闭性较强的能量转化系统;增加人工辅助能,特别是无机能的投入可以增加能量产出。  相似文献   

花椒农林复合生态系统的简化对某些相关因子的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对单一种植和复合种植两种模式的花椒林地(即有草模式和无草模式)进行了相关生态因子的对比调查,以评价现存花椒林单一模式的合理性.结果表明,在单一种植模式下,花椒林的高度、地径和冠幅虽显著优于复合模式,但是病虫害严重;两种模式中土壤含水率均是随土层厚度的增加而增大,但是变幅有较大差异:复合模式的变幅较稳定,为7.59%~23.79%;而单一模式的变化较剧烈,为4.73%~49.72%,复合模式的土壤含水率显著高于单一模式.复合模式的昆虫种类、多样性、丰富度和均匀度也明显高于单一模式,其中单一模式中的肉食性和寄生性昆虫种类低于复合模式,而植食性蚜虫数量则高于复合模式,暗示单一模式中天敌的栖境和资源以及特定的食草昆虫与有益菌缺少.讨论认为,杂草在花椒林生态系统中起着重要的生态作用,现存的单一种植模式虽然对花椒的生长和产量有利,但却是以牺牲农林系统的可持续发展以及生物多样性为代价的.表3参9。  相似文献   

Simulation degradation studies for industrial chemicals, biocidal products and plant protection products are required in the EU to estimate half-lives in soil, water and sediment for the comparison to persistence criteria for hazard (P/vP) assessment, and for use in exposure assessments. There is a discrepancy between European regulatory approaches regarding the temperature at which degradation half-lives should be (1) measured in simulation degradation testing of environmental compartments, and (2) compared to the P/vP criteria. In this paper, an opinion is provided on the options for the experimental temperature and extrapolation to other conditions. A review of the historical development of persistence criteria did not give conclusive evidence of the temperature at which the half-lives that underpin the P-criteria were measured, but room temperature is likely. Half-lives measured at 20 °C are in line with the intentions of some international agreements, but in the EU there is a continued political debate regarding the relevant temperature for comparison with persistence criteria. Measuring degradation at 20 °C has the advantage that metabolites/transformation products can be identified with greater accuracy, and that kinetic fits to determine half-lives for parent compounds and metabolites carry less uncertainty. Extrapolation of half-lives to lower temperatures is possible for assessing environmental exposure, but the uncertainty of the persistence classification is smaller when measured half-lives are used for direct comparison with P/vP criteria, without extrapolation. Model simulations demonstrate the pattern of concentrations that can be expected for realistic worst case climate scenarios in the EU based on the half-life of 120 days in soil at 20 °C and of 40 days in water at 20 °C, and their temporal and spatial variability.  相似文献   

This study investigated geochemical characteristics of the acid mine drainage (AMD) discharged from the abandoned mine adits in the vicinity of the Dogye coal mine in Korea. Acid mine drainage discharged from Jeoncha pit adit of the Dogye coal mine, which is the main source of the AMD in the study area, had a pH value of 3.0 and concentrations of 2148mg SO4 2– L–1, 229mg Fe L–1, 71mg A1 L–1 and 11mg Mn L–1. The reduction of some metal concentrations downstream from the discharge point could be explained on the basis of dilution and precipitation. The order of removal of metal ions downstream from the discharge point was Fe>A1, Cu>Zn, Mn. Acidity could be used as a good determining factor offering comprehensive and quantitative values for the polluting extent of acid mine drainage. The acidities existing in all acidic water samples in the Gunahan district originated primarily from mineral acidity, especially in the upper Nahan Creek from dissolved Fe and Al and in the middle and down Nahan Creek from dissolved Al. From the application of the WATEQ4F program, it was determined that predominant species of dissolved Fe in all water samples was Fe2+, and those of dissolved Al were AlSO4 + and Al3+ except for IW2 sample which was associated with white precipitates. The species of dissolved Al in IW2 sample include also AlOH2+ and Al(OH)2 +. The saturation indices of goethite and haematite were positive in the water samples associated with ochrous precipitates (usually called Yellow Boy), therefore these solids might be precipitated. For the IW2 sample, the saturation indices of amorphous Al(OH)3 and gibbsite were positive, so theoretically these solids might also be precipitated. By XRD analysis, it was found that goethite occurs in ochrous precipitates, and gibbsite in white precipitates.  相似文献   

王亚  焦赳赳  陈建耀 《生态环境》2013,(12):1909-1915
珠江三角洲第四纪底部含水层当中的天异常高然铵,来自于第四纪沉积当中的有机质在厌氧条件下的矿化。珠江三角洲第四纪晚期的沉积序列,主要包括两层海相沉积层(M1和 M2),以及两层陆相沉积层(T1和 T2)。然而,截至目前,上述地层对天然铵的生成与存储作用,尚不明确。从三角洲的内陆到近岸,选取重点钻孔BJ8、SD1、SD14和MZ4,利用准确的定年数据,以及钻孔剖面各类铵以及总有机碳等数据,探讨与比较了珠江三角洲第四纪各地层生成与储存天然铵的能力。结果表明:全新世时期的海相沉积层(M1),具有高达17.4 g·kg-1的沉积有机质质量分数。对 SD14钻孔剖面上高精度的有机碳分析表明,M1、M2层平均有机质质量分数分别为11.7和10.1 g·kg-1。因此,相对于晚更新世时期的海相沉积层(M2)来说,全新世海相沉积层M1具备生成更多铵的能力。对SD14钻孔剖面上各类铵的分析表明,M1和M2总铵质量分数的平均值分别为0.41和0.31 g·kg-1;M1、M2和T2各地层单位面积所储存铵的平均值分别为28.6、11.25和0.34 kg·m-2。而不同地层铵含量的差异,在该研究关注的其他钻孔 BJ8,SD1和 MZ4也非常明显。因此得出结论,全新世海相沉积层M1,是主要的储铵层,而M2则是次要的储铵层。两个陆相沉积层T1和T2,不论在生铵和储铵的功能上,远远小于两个海相沉积层。在 M1层中,铵的量呈现随深度增加而升高的趋势,原因在于铵不断生成累积,并通过扩散作用向下运移。而M2层中铵的含量呈现由上至下递减的趋势,说明M2层中的铵主要来自于上部M1层的扩散,其本身生成铵的量比M1少。M1层在珠江三角洲广泛发育,M2层经过长期的风化和剥蚀,在珠江三角洲许多地方已缺失。珠江三角洲底部含水层中天然高铵的浓度,主要由M1层生成与存储的铵的总量所决定。  相似文献   

滆湖东岸生态修复试验区的水质净化效果   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在滆湖东岸的小庙港湾,构建由沉水、浮叶和挺水植物组成的生态修复试验区,研究其水质净化效果.于2009年12月至2010年11月,跟踪监测敞水区(对照区)和试验区的水体理化指标.结果表明:(1)试验区水体悬浮物(SS)的去除效果较好,周年平均去除率达24.85%.(2)试验区水体透明度改善较明显,比敞水区提高11.24%. (3)试验区水体总磷(TP)和叶绿素a(Chl-a)的去除效果明显,两者浓度周年平均值分别比敞水区下降21.90%和22.83%.(4)试验区水体总氮(TN)、氨氮(NH3-N)和高锰酸钾盐指数(CODMn)的周年去除率较低.与敞水区相比,CODMn和NiH3-N浓度的周年平均值分别仅下降9.49%和3.52%,TN浓度周年平均值比敞水区增加6.69%.(5)试验区水体水质的净化效果受季节、水生植物生长状况等因素的影响.  相似文献   

长江干流湖北段浮游藻类群落结构特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

水上公园水体的水供现状及营养功能状态评价   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文论述了天津市水上公园水体的水质现状,并依据有关标准对水体的营养状态,水体的游览景 产养殖,饮水备用水源等功能进行了评价。  相似文献   

In 1990, the Government and Parliament of the Netherlands decided on a new national policy for coastal defence. To ensure the enduring safety of the low-lying polders as well as the sustainable preservation of the coastal dunes, it was decided to maintain the coastline in its 1990 position. The main method for coastline preservation in the Netherlands is beach nourishment. Since 1991, approximately 7 million m3 of sand is added to the Dutch beaches annually. From an evaluation study of sand nourishment projects it is concluded that nourishment is an effective and efficient method to preserve the coastline. The evaluation study also proves that nourishment projects should be ‘tailor-made’, taking the local morphological and hydraulic conditions into account. The first results of an experimental shoreface nourishment are discussed. The choice for nourishment as the principal method to combat erosion is well in line with the intention to restore the natural dynamics of the dune-coast in the Netherlands. The key probably is a less strict policy with regard to the maintenance of the foredunes. Plans for the development of typical coastal features such as slufters*, wash-overs, blow-outs and mobile dunes are currently under discussion. A slufter is a breakthrough in the first dune-ridge whereby the sea invades former dune slacks or beach plains situated behind the duneridge. In this way a tidal marsh is formed within the dune zone.  相似文献   

湿地对水中磷素净化作用的研究进展   总被引:18,自引:2,他引:18  
潘继花  何岩  邓伟  严登华  郭跃东  宋新山 《生态环境》2004,13(1):102-104,108
随着对湿地功能认识的加强,湿地科学研究从资源考察开始向湿地过程研究转变,尤其是全球环境问题的加剧,使得湿地对营养物质的截留功能倍受关注。磷是农业非点源污染的重要元素之一,又是导致湿地及下游水体富营养化的重要原因,研究湿地对水中磷素的净化作用是湿地生物地球化学研究和流域水环境保护研究的重要环节。文章综述了湿地系统各因子(土壤、植被、水文、微生物)及其它环境因子(如温度、CO2浓度、污染物负荷)对磷的净化作用的影响以及湿地中磷的动态模型等方面的国内外研究进展,指出在研究手段、方法和内容方面的不足,强调今后研究应注重长期连续的湿地动态监测,湿地净化功能模型和净化能力阈值以及景观生态学在湿地净化功能方面的应用。  相似文献   

Microzooplankton grazing and community structure were investigated in the region of the Subtropical Convergence (STC) during three cruises of the South African Antarctic Marine Ecosystem Study (SAAMES) in austral summer (January/February 1993; December 1994/January 1995) and winter (June/July 1993). Chlorophyll a concentrations were consistently dominated by the <20 m size fraction during all three cruises, while the contribution of the microphytoplankton (>20 m) to total chlorophyll a concentrations varied considerably between cruises. Microzooplankton communities were numerically dominated by protozoans comprising ciliates (aloricates and tintinnids) and dinoflagellates. Instantaneous growth coefficients of phytoplankton in the vicinity of the STC showed no seasonal trends. However, marked seasonal differences were observed in the size structure of the phytoplankton. The grazing impact of microzooplankton was highest when the <20 m chlorophyll fraction contributed >95% of the total. Under these conditions, the instantaneous grazing rates ranged between 0.15 and 0.66 d-1. These correspond to daily losses of 14 to 48% of the inntial standing stock and between 45 and 81% of the potential primary production. At stations where microphytoplankton contributed significantly (-20%) to total chlorophyll concentrations, the grazing coefficients were lower, ranging between 0 and 0.53 d-1. This corresponds to a loss of <41% of the initial standing stock, or between 0 and 56% of the potential production. Our data suggest that microzooplankton represent the main grazing sink for production when the <20 m chlorophyll size-class dominates total chlorophyll. These facts suggest that the efficiency of the biological pump may vary over time.  相似文献   

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