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本文针对“三河”的污染情况及整治的主客观条件进行分析后提出:(1)近期可行而又立竿见影的治理方案是将污水绕过市区排放;(2)2000年以前按国家三级水质标准作为治理目标比较切合实际;(3)要改变三河面貌,枯季至少要保持45米~3/秒的流量,这只有修建紫坪铺水库才有可能满足;(4)成都市的用水基本上靠岷江上游提供,因此拟建的紫坪铺水库,发电后应重点保证成都用水、都江堰灌区的不足水量应通过修建囤水库或小型水库解决;(5)岷江上游因前期森林破坏严重,近10多年来已导致枯季流量逐年递减1米~3/秒左右,而且减少速度还将加剧,急待采取有效的补救措施、  相似文献   

论文四川盆地丘陵区紫色土退化研究1.紫色土物理特性及 退化特征何毓蓉等1:3吉东山区总辐射资源的地理空间分布特征马树庆1- :8紫坪铺水库在振兴成都平原经济中的战略地位唐正 华1:12沱江流域水资源的保护与利用施为光l:17山西省耕地资源的开发与保护赵艺学等1,22四川盆地丘陵区紫色土退化研究1.紫色土退化的微形 态特征何毓蓉等2:67海南发展战略与旅游开发陈传康2:71华北平原地下热水矿床分布规律及形成何世春孔 庆友2:76大渡河干热河谷农业环境资源的开发模式唐中实2 :81江苏省特、稀、濒危保护植物资源的生态学评价洪必 恭2:85绵竹县社会…  相似文献   

根据2012~2015年水质逐月监测数据,对紫坪铺水库水质和营养盐状态变化情况进行分析,探讨了紫坪铺水库水质演变规律和影响因素。结果表明:近4年紫坪铺水库COD、NH_3-N、TN、pH、BOD_5存在显著的年际变化,COD、NH_3-N、TN处于上升趋势,pH、BOD_5处于下降趋势;水质空间演变趋势分析表明紫坪铺水库空间差异性显著;综合营养盐指数分析表明,紫坪铺水库TLI小于30,属于贫营养。水磨镇和漩口镇对水库营养状况有明显影响,同时分析了映秀和水磨断面上游污染源来源。  相似文献   

紫坪铺水利枢纽工程是国家西部大开发标志性工程之一,同时也是国家13个环保监理试点项目之一。工程位于长江一级支流岷江上游河段,是以农业灌溉、城市供水为主,兼有防洪、发电、环境保护、旅游等综合效益的水利工程.是都江堰灌区和成都市不可替代的控制性水源工程。  相似文献   

紫坪铺水利枢纽工程是国家西部大开发标志性工程之一,同时也是国家13个环保监理试点项目之一。工程位于长江一级支流岷江上游河段,是以农业灌溉、城市供水为主,兼有防洪、发电、环境保护、旅游等综合效益的水利工程,是都江堰灌区和成都市不可替代的控制性水源工程。  相似文献   

彭山,古称武阳,秦灭蜀(公元前316年)置县,已有2300多年历史。彭山山川秀丽,土地富饶,资源丰富,文化灿烂。古老、美丽、充满生机和活力的彭山,象一颗璀璨的明珠,闪耀在成都平原的岷江河畔。 彭山位于成都平原西 南,属眉山地区,全县幅员 面积465km2,辖18个乡镇 总人口 32万人,是省政府批 准的对外开放县和重点发展 县,所具备投资兴业的良好 条件突出表现在三个方面: 彭山区位优势特别突出,距 成都市仅50余km,距双流 国际机场近30km,经济 长期受成都这个西南大都 市的辐射和带动,接收 各方面信息…  相似文献   

以复合生态系统理论为指导,结合成都市龙泉驿区人类经济活动和生态环境特征的相似性和差异性,将龙泉驿区划分为龙泉山低山丘陵农林土壤保持生态功能小区、平原都市农业经济生态功能小区、城镇与新型工业生产生态功能小区和龙泉水库水源涵养生态功能小区,并明确提出各生态功能小区的生态保护与建设内容.  相似文献   

为了探究紫坪铺水库水质情况和富营养化状态变化情况,于2012年1月至2016年12月每月对水库四个监测点位进行采样分析,基于《地表水环境质量标准》(GB3838—2002)水质评价、综合营养状态指数(TLI)等方法,分析水质情况和水体富营养化的时间和空间变化情况。结果表明:①年平均水质指标中:溶解氧、高锰酸盐指数、五日生化需氧量、氨氮主要为Ⅰ类、Ⅱ类水质,总氮为Ⅲ类水质,总磷除2016年为Ⅳ类水质外其余年份均为Ⅲ类水质;②TLI年均值主要呈逐年升高趋势,但最高值为29.63;③TLI值空间分布特征为:库头﹥入湖库口﹥库中﹥库尾,时间分布特征为:5月、6月、7月、8月﹥1月、2月、3月、4月、9月﹥10月、11月、12月(丰水期﹥平水期﹥枯水期)。研究显示,紫坪铺水库水质整体主要处于湖库地表水Ⅲ类水质和贫营养化状态。  相似文献   

皖西大别山区是大别山重点生态功能区的核心组成部分,也是淠史杭灌区的主要水源地,分布其间的梅山、响洪甸、佛子岭、磨子潭、白莲崖、龙河口等6座大型水库是灌区的主要水源。水源地森林生态系统水源涵养功能对维系灌区水源的稳定供给与水库的水质和安全运行具有重要意义,采用水量平衡方程计算了森林生态系统水源涵养量,进行了重要性分级评价,依据评价结果提出了水源涵养林布局调整建议。  相似文献   

老龄化社会的来临,为老年旅游市场的发展带来了空前的机遇.然而,老年人的特殊性令众多的旅游企业望而却步,因此对老年人旅游的制约因素进行研究是十分必要的.在国内外相关研究的基础上,以成都市老年人为研究对象,对老年人旅游制约因素进行实证研究.通过因子分析发现,老年人旅游制约主要表现为自身制约、支持制约、经济与经历制约、环境制约四项,其中自身制约为最主要的制约因素.同时,探讨分析了不同人口学特征的老年人在旅游制约因子上的差异以及内在关系.  相似文献   

芜湖市生态农业系统设计   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过对生态农业内涵与模式的认识,指出中国生态农业的研究侧重于对生态脆弱区与具体模式的提炼,而对经济发达区、城郊区缺乏研究,对社会经济条件关注较少。针对芜湖市自然条件、社会经济条件和生态环境现状等地域基础的分析,分别从产品、产业、地域三个方面进行了生态农业系统设计,从而力图把握生态农业的系统本质,将生态建设、经济建设以及各种支撑体系建设进行综合考虑,充分发挥生态农业思想在区域发展中的作用。  相似文献   

陆咸尧 《四川环境》1993,12(3):29-35
我国是发展中的国家,农业在国民经济中占有十分重要的地位,环境污染和生态破坏是农业潜伏着的生态危机,也是农业发展过程中亟待解决的重大问题。如何从我国农业环境问题的特点和农业经济现状出发,制定出与农业经济发展相适应遥农业环境保护战略,是我国农业发展和环境保护工作中的一项重要任务。本文就我国农业环境保护的战略地位和作用、指导思想和方针、目标和重点、措施等一系列战略问题,进行初步探讨。  相似文献   

本文通过对秦皇岛经济技术开发区居民小区生活污水进行处理并回用的可行性分析,得出城市生活污水经过适当处理后,完全可以再利用,从而达到节约水资源的目的,实现经济效益与环境效益的统一。  相似文献   

A novel deterministic multi-period mixed-integer linear programming (MILP) model for the power generation planning of electric systems is described and evaluated in this paper. The model is developed with the objective of determining the optimal mix of energy supply sources and pollutant mitigation options that meet a specified electricity demand and CO2 emission targets at minimum cost. Several time-dependent parameters are included in the model formulation; they include forecasted energy demand, fuel price variability, construction lead time, conservation initiatives, and increase in fixed operational and maintenance costs over time. The developed model is applied to two case studies. The objective of the case studies is to examine the economical, structural, and environmental effects that would result if the electricity sector was required to reduce its CO2 emissions to a specified limit.  相似文献   

指出发展环保产业要选择正确途径,政府应为环境保护产业的发展和产业链的构建搭建一个完善的政策平台,为环境保护产业的发展创造条件;只注重环境保护技术设备的生产和供给市场,而忽视环境污染治理需求市场的培育和启动,就背离了市场供给和需求的逻辑关系。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Recent regulations require impact statements for major water development projects, including reservoirs that will be used for water supply, recreation, and pollution control. A water quantity/quality model was developed and used for making water quality projections of a proposed reservoir in Montgomery County, Maryland. The study area is uncommon in that there is an extensive water quality data base. The results indicate that land use changes will have a significant effect on water quality and that the proposed reservoir will improve the quality of the surface waters downstream from the reservoir. A major effect of land use changes is the increase in the variability of water quality.  相似文献   

Management of Sedimentation in Tropical Watersheds   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
/ The sedimentation of reservoirs is a serious problem throughout the tropics, yet most attempts to control sedimentation in large river basins have not been very successful. Reliable information on erosion rates and sources of sediments has been lacking. In regions where geologically unstable terrain combines with high rainfall, natural erosion rates might be so high that the effects of human activity are limited. Estimates of natural erosion in these situations often have been poor because of the episodic nature of most erosion during large storms and because mass-wasting may supply much of the sediment. The predominance of mass-wasting in some watersheds can result in an unexpectedly high ratio of bedload to suspended load, shifting sedimentation to "live" rather than "dead" storage within reservoirs. Furthermore, the inappropriate use of the Universal Soil Loss Equation to assess the effectiveness of erosion control measures has led to inaccurate estimates of the sediment reduction benefits that could accrue to watershed treatment efforts. Although reducing erosion from cultivated areas is desirable for other reasons, efforts aimed at reducing reservoir sedimentation by controlling agricultural sources of erosion may have limited benefits if the principal sources are of natural origin or are associated with construction of the dams and reservoirs and with rural roads and trails. Finally, the most appropriate locations for watershed rehabilitation depend on the magnitude of temporary storage of colluvium and alluvium within the river basin: Where storage volume is large and residence time of sediment very long, reducing agricultural erosion may have limited impacts on sedimentation within the expected life of a reservoir. Systematic development and analysis of sediment budgets for representative watersheds is needed to address these limitations and thereby improve both the planning of river basin development schemes and the allocation of resources towards reducing sedimentation. When sedimentation of reservoirs is the key issue, sediment budgets must focus especially on channel transport rates and sediment delivery from hillsides. Sediment budgets are especially critical for tropical areas where project funds and technical help are limited. Once sediment budgets are available, watershed managers will be able to direct erosion control programs towards locations where they will be most effective. KEY WORDS: Tropical watersheds; Sedimentation; Reservoirs; Erosion control  相似文献   

本文基于民勤湖区水资源贫乏、生态环境严重恶化的情况,提出了水资源合理分配利用的具罚函数 LP-DP 模型。模型解算结果表明,在维持一定粮食产量的条件下,发展林牧业可充分利用土地资源,提高经济效益,促进生态环境良性循环和可得到现有水资源的保证。  相似文献   

The Balbina Dam in Brazil's state of Amazonas floods 2360 km2 of tropical forest to generate an average of only 112.2 MW of electricity. The flat topography and small size of the drainage basin make output small. Vegetation has been left to decompose in the reservoir, resulting in acidic, anoxic water that will corrode the turbines. The shallow reservoir contains 1500 islands and innumerable stagnant bays where the water's residence time will be even longer than the average time of over one year. Balbina was built to supply electricity to Manaus, a city that has grown so much while the dam was under construction that other alternatives are already needed. Government subsidies explain the explosive growth, including Brazil's unified tariff for electricity. Alternative power sources for Manaus include transmission from more distant dams or from recently discovered oil and natural gas deposits. Among Balbina's impacts are loss of potential use of the forest and displacement of about one third of the surviving members of a much-persecuted Amerindian tribe: the Waimiri-Atroari. The dam was closed on 1 October 1987 and the first of five generators began operation in February 1989. The example of Balbina points to important ways that the decision-making process could be improved in Brazil and in the international funding agencies that have directly and indirectly contributed to the project. Environmental impact analyses must be completed prior to decisions on overall project implementation and must be free of influence from project proponents. The current environmental impact assessment system in Brazil, as in many other countries, has an undesirable influence on science policy, in addition to failing to address the underlying causes of environmentally destructive development processes and inability to halt irreversible projects like Balbina.  相似文献   

面向环境的精益供应链管理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李功  周传华 《环境技术》2006,24(3):37-42
当前,资源紧张和环境恶化已成为全球性的两大难题.在有效控制生产成本的同时,将资源浪费和环境污染降至最低,已成为企业可持续发展的必然选择.文章简介了绿色制造和精益生产的基本内涵,分析了面向环境的精益供应链的构建原则,提出了一种面向环境的精益供应链结构模型,并分析了其运作机制.  相似文献   

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