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Mobility is a matter of great importance in daily life: However, it also causes costs and involves accident risks. To make mobility safer and reduce accident risks, a scientifically based road safety management is needed. Within such a safety management system, a concert of adequate and efficient strategies, tools and measures is developed and implemented. To ensure that the chosen means are efficient they should be derived from research evidence. Secondly, research is also needed to regularly monitor the impact of road safety management tools, serving as a “controlling instrument” for the appropriateness of safety management efforts. This article explains the main strategic aspects of safety management in Germany and illustrates it exemplarily on the basis of two recently implemented road safety measures.  相似文献   

为完善安全科学原理体系,指导安全科学原理研究工作的开展,从方法论角度探讨安全科学原理的研究。结合安全科学、安全科学方法论与方法学,给出安全科学原理及安全科学原理研究方法论的定义,并从方法的角度对安全科学原理进行分类,阐明不同存在状态的安全原理的研究取向,确定安全科学原理的结构三要素。提出以安全现象-安全规律-安全原理为发展主线的第1类未知安全科学原理的一般构建步骤,以及以并列-比较-假设-检验为主线的第2类未知安全科学原理构建步骤,并建立安全科学原理动态研究的范式体系。研究结果使安全科学原理研究的层次思路系统化,并有益于指导安全原理研究工作的进行。  相似文献   

通过对宁钢安全文化的形态和层次结构的分析,阐述了安全文化的功能特点和安全文化载体在安全文化建设中的作用,提出了安全文化建设的层次结构模式和安全文化对人的安全行为的影响模式.通过实施安全生产标准化与安全文化的融合,形成了具有企业特色的安全文化建设的系统化、结构化思路,创造性提出了宁钢"高压、严管、自主、诚信"的安全文化理...  相似文献   

系统安全分析方法的比较研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
系统安全分析方法在安全系统工程中占有着重要的地位,是保证生产系统安全运行的基础。当前我国在安全分析方法的使用上仍然存在着很多的纰漏和错误。由于现有的危险性分析方法都有其局限性,一般限于某个或某些行业。为此,在分析之初,分析人员必须对现有的危险性分析方法有一个全面的了解。研究的目的在于通过对各种分析方法的了解和对比,能够全面的把握各种方法的优缺点及适用范围,更好地将理论应用于实际。  相似文献   

为适应系统复杂性的提高和智能科学及数据技术的涌现,分析现代系统安全观点,并提出系统的分层安全模型,以应对系统安全及可靠性面临的质疑和变革。根据Leveson提出的学术观点,提出分层的系统安全模型。通过论述7个系统安全研究的新观点,提出系统安全的层级结构,分为社会层、系统层、技术层和运行层;建立系统安全的虫洞模型;结果表明:通过该方法可得到系统故障过程区划图和故障过程有向图,同时空间故障树理论也可用于该模型的定量计算。  相似文献   

安全风险预警技术是一种预防事故、提高安全管理的效率和水平的有效手段.对安全风险预警技术的研究是实现现代化安全管理的迫切要求.本文提出了实施安全风险预警的具体方法,即选用危险态(第二类危险源)作为预警要素,通过对所有预警要素的实时监控,并将监控结果进行综合评价,以警示色的形式发出预警信号,提示相关部门采取应对措施的方法.最后,本文以首都机场的应用实例展示该技术的具体应用过程和其有效性.  相似文献   



Comprehensive interventions that address public-health concerns invariably include behavior-change strategies. In occupational safety and health, behavioral safety is an approach designed to improve safety performance directly through peer observations of safe behaviors, goal setting, performance feedback, and celebrations or incentives for reaching safety goals. Although the basic components of behavioral safety processes have been studied and widely documented, the current safety literature reveals several gaps in knowledge. These gaps are associated mostly with wide practice variations among the common process elements and uncertainty about the influence of organizational and other external factors.

Impact to Industry

A major objective of this paper was to highlight not only key topic areas that warrant further research, but also to propose a list of research questions that are tied to uncertainties about various intervention practices. If only a portion of these topic areas and research questions are addressed through systematic reviews, field interventions, surveys, and laboratory-based studies, then the knowledge gained will significantly improve the delivery and effectiveness of behavioral safety interventions and thus their impact on worker health and safety.  相似文献   

安全生产培训体系的理论研究   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:4  
安全生产培训体系是一个复杂的系统工程,包括安全生产培训的影响因素、保障机制、计划分析、培训实施、质量监督与评估五个方面。影响因素有内因和外因之分;保障机制包括法制建设、组织与机构建设、师资与教材建设、信息化建设、档案管理和资金保障;计划分析包含目标和原则、对象和需求、内容和方式方法;培训实施分为教学实践和考试考核;质量监督与评估则涉及质量监督、质量评估和意见反馈。运用教育科学的原理和方法,对安全生产培训体系运行机制进行系统的理论研究,尚不多见。  相似文献   

通过文献调研和分析,为深入开展纳米材料毒理学和安全性研究提供基础理论和数据支持,综述了当前国内外纳米材料,主要包括碳纳米管、纳米Ti02、纳米铁粉、富勒烯(C60)等的生物体毒理学和人群流行病学研究进展;分析了可燃性纳米材料,主要包括纳米铝粉、铁粉、碳粉的安全性研究现状及趋势,强调了进一步开展安全性研究的必要性.最后阐述了目前纳米材料研究工作存在的问题,并建议相关研究机构和科研院所今后可开展的研究工作.  相似文献   

为缓解夏季配戴安全帽导致的头部高温不适,采用具有光谱选择特性的辐射降温涂料对安全帽表面光学性能进行改性,经光学测试,安全帽的太阳辐射反射率由45%提升至89%,大气窗口发射率由92%提升至95%。对安全帽进行降温效果测试,并基于测试结果建立热力学模型。结果表明:在阳光直射下,改性安全帽内部温度低于普通白色安全帽,温差最大12.2 ℃;在热力学模型中,即使在夏季最热时间段(12∶00~14∶00),改性安全帽内部温度仍可比普通安全帽低8 ℃,预测平均评价值由普通安全帽的3.5降低至1.0,预测不满意百分比从100%降低至20%。  相似文献   

Are we doing the right thing? Are we setting the right priorities for the future in occupational safety and health research? How does BG (Institution for Statutory Accident Insurance and Prevention) research compare nationally and internationally? As a mosaic of answers to these questions, this article explores international research on priorities in occupational research and analyses these against the backdrop of the nearly 1,000 research projects conducted by 9 institutions from 8 countries in the year 2003.  相似文献   

电力企业安全生产形势及问题探讨   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
电力企业的安全管理关系着国家能源安全可靠、经济持续发展,和人民生活起居。本文介绍了电力企业中安全问题的重要性及其表现,阐述了近年来电力企业在安全方面存在的主要问题,及对安全管理造成的影响,提出了提高电力企业安全管理水平四个方面的措施:领导重视、加强监控力度;完善法规制度、主抓安全技术措施落实;防范电力市场改革中的安全风险;提升安全管理信息化建设等。体现了“以人为本、安全第一、和谐发展”的理念。  相似文献   

建筑产业是我国国民经济的支柱产业之一,建筑行业的良性发展对我国社会主义市场经济建设、国民经济的发展具有至关重要的作用。但长期以来建筑业的安全生产问题一直是困扰业界人士和广大学者的难题。尤其,随着我国经济建设的迅速发展,建筑产业更是突飞猛进,近几年来,建筑安全事故屡有发生,每年的建筑安全事故发生数和建筑安全事故死亡人数有不断上升的趋势,我国政府各级领导历来都十分重视安全生产问题,政府有关部门也采取了不少的对策和措施。但是,这些对策和措施,仍然不能有效遏制安全事故的频繁发生,这不能不引起我们对我国目前所采取的安全生产管理体系的深刻反思。本文运用预警理论、有关建筑施工管理的理论知识、现代系统理论等,对建筑施工安全进行研究,进而开展对建筑施工安全预警机制的研究,进而建立一个完善的建筑施工现场安全预警系统。  相似文献   

In this theory-driven literature review we examine how leadership and emerging research in positive organizational behaviour (POB) may inform our understanding of human mechanisms that affect safety outcomes. According to authentic leadership theory, leader self-awareness and self-regulation processes are vital mechanisms in the leader-follower exchange. From emerging research on authentic leadership, we propose that production management values, attitudes, and behaviour are linked to safety climate and safety outcomes in safety critical organizations (SCOs). According to recent developments in management theory, “psychological capital” is comprised of four distinct aspects that can be linked to desirable organizational outcomes and sustained high quality performance in individual workers. From this we offer a research model and five research propositions implicating that authentic leadership directly affects safety outcomes via promoting positive safety climate perceptions. Furthermore, we propose a second path where psychological capital mediates the relationship between authentic leadership, safety climate and safety outcomes in SCOs.  相似文献   

世界经济趋于全球一体化,国际贸易呈持续增长的势头,其中危险品的运量也呈直线上升趋势,如何保证危险品运输的安全,越来越受到社会各界广泛关注.本文分析了危险品运输事故的特点和危害,从“人—机—环境—管理—时间”五个方面分析了影响危险货物运输安全的因素,并提出了危险货物运输安全管理的对策.  相似文献   

结合劳动保护经济学理论和安全系统工程理论,论述了股份制企业中实行目标管理,用宏观指标控制与具体指导相结合,量化考核,使安全管理工作有机地融于新机制的整体管理之中,为新机制的正常运转起到保驾护航的作用。  相似文献   

A behavior based safety approach at a Kuwait research institution   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
INTRODUCTION: Behavior based safety (BBS) initiatives are the current trend toward improving safety performance. METHOD: This study outlines the framework of the BBS process and summarizes several behavioral safety approaches to accident prevention. RESULTS: Although most of the published research has focused on the improvement of safe behavior in industry, this study is the first to apply the current approach of behavior based safety in a research/educational setting. An experiment conducted at a research institution demonstrated the effectiveness of a well-designed behavior based safety process. A follow-up study indicated that the BBS produced a lasting effect for the experimental group. IMPACT ON INDUSTRY: Results from this study can be the driving force to implement behavior-based safety processes into educational, research, and training organizations.  相似文献   

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