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Summary We used intensive livetrapping to examine natal dispersal and philopatry in prairie voles (Microtus ochrogaster). The majority of male (70.0%) and female prairie voles (75.1 %) remained at the natal nest until death. Those males and females that did disperse left home at about the same age (45–55 days) and moved similar distances (28–33 m). Dispersal was more common (1) from small natal groups than from large natal groups, (2) following disappearance of parents, (3) during the breeding period than during the nonbreeding period, and (4) at low population densities than at high densities. Dispersal was not associated with level of competition for mates within natal groups, and dispersers did not differ from nondispersers in body weight. Our data do not support competition for mates or resources as important factors influencing natal dispersal in prairie voles. The absence of sex differences in dispersal tendency or distance, and our fording that more than half of dispersers had become reproductive before leaving the natal nest, lead us to suggest that inbreeding avoidance is not a primary function of dispersal in this species. Dispersal was, however, more common when potential mates within the natal group were relatives than when they were nonrelatives. Although not tested here, if family members avoid mating with one another through patterns of mate choice, then some animals may leave home in search of mates. The precise benefits associated with philopatry in prairie voles remain to be identified. Correspondence to: B. McGuire at her present address  相似文献   

Dispersal is an important factor that determines the degree of gene flow and, hence, the degree of differentiation among populations. Using two long-term datasets on natal philopatry and short-distance dispersal in barn swallows Hirundo rustica from Denmark and Spain, we evaluated the fitness costs and benefits and test a number of predictions about the functional significance of dispersal. The proportion of philopatric individuals was more than six times larger in Spain than in Denmark, with a higher rate of philopatry in males than in females. Dispersal propensity decreased in both populations during the course of the study. Males from the more philopatric Spanish population lived longer when philopatric rather than dispersing while that was not the case for either sex of the less philopatric Danish population. There were large differences in dispersal propensity among cohorts and breeding sites, suggesting that sites differed in their suitability as sites for immigrants. We found no evidence consistent with the mate competition hypothesis suggesting that males in better condition or with larger condition-dependent secondary sexual characters were more likely to be philopatric. These findings suggest that there is a high degree of intraspecific variation in dispersal propensity between populations, probably relating to local differences in costs and benefits of philopatry and dispersal.  相似文献   

Molecular methods of assessing dispersal have become increasingly powerful and have superseded direct methods of studying dispersal. Although now less popular, direct methods of studying dispersal remain important tools for understanding the evolution of dispersal. Here, we use data from Siberian jays Perisoreus infaustus, a group-living bird species, to compare natal dispersal distances and rates using visual mark–recapture, radio-tracking and microsatellite data. Siberian jays have bimodal natal dispersal timing; socially dominant offspring remain with their parents for up to 5 years (delayed dispersers), while they force their subordinate brood mates to leave the parental territory at independence (early dispersers). Early dispersers moved about 9,000 m (visual mark–recapture, radio-tracking) before settling in a group as a non-breeder. In contrast, delayed dispersers moved about 1,250 m (visual mark–recapture only) and mainly moved to a breeding opening. Dispersal distances were greater in managed habitat compared to natural habitat for both early and delayed dispersers. Molecular estimates based on 23 microsatellite loci and geographical locations supported distance estimates from the direct methods. Our study shows that molecular methods are at least 22 times cheaper than direct methods and match estimates of dispersal distance from direct methods. However, molecular estimates do not give insight into the behavioural mechanisms behind dispersal decisions. Thus, to understand the evolution of dispersal, it is important to combine direct and indirect methods, which will give insights into the behavioural processes affecting dispersal decisions, allowing proximate dispersal decisions to be linked to the ultimate consequences thereof.  相似文献   

Summary Dispersal from the natal site was documented in two populations of Belding's ground squirrels (Spermophilus beldingi) living at different altitudes in the Sierra Nevada of North America. Distance dispersed and age at dispersal were monitored by a combination of observation, trapping, radio telemetry, and examination of road kills. Dispersal was sexually dimorphic in both populations (Tables 1 and 2). All surviving males emigrated before they were 55 weeks of age, with most dispersing midway through the juvenile summer (Fig. 1). By contrast, most females remained within the boundaries of their mothers' home range (Fig. 2 and 3). Those very few females that did emigrate moved distances from their natal burrows similar to those travelled by dispersing males (200–450 m; Table 2), but females tended to disperse at a slightly older age. Significant differences between the study populations were found in distances moved by juveniles of both sexes (Fig. 2). Body weights of juvenile male dispersers were significantly greater than were those of juvenile males of equivilent ages that had not yet dispersed (Fig. 4). The results were considered in light of Shields' (1982) discussion of dispersal and inbreeding. I concluded that if dispersal is related to reproductive success, then dispersal distances selected for use in tests of evolutionary hypotheses should be measured just prior to the subject animals' first reproduction. Finally, although not tested in the present study, the evolutionary hypothesis most consistent with my data suggests that dispersal in S. beldingi may function to minimize nuclear family incest.  相似文献   

Knowledge of kin interactions can be informative in explaining the processes underlying dispersal. By dispersing, relatives can avoid kin competition for resources or mates and prevent inbreeding. We investigated sibling movements in relation to each other and parents before and after dispersal in radio-collared juvenile flying squirrels (Pteromys volans L.). Before dispersal, most siblings moved in different areas and were not in contact while exploring the surroundings of natal area. After dispersal, all siblings settled far away from each other, as they dispersed different distances and to random directions compared to each other. No clear effect of litter size or presence of same-sex siblings was observed on dispersal. Time spent in the same nest with the mother did not differ between dispersing sons and daughters. Mother did not force dispersers to leave the natal nest; instead, the mother often moved away from the nest before offspring. Father and offspring were not observed to be in contact before dispersal. Dispersal direction was unaffected by the location of fathers’ home range. We conclude that after dispersal interaction between relatives is limited in flying squirrels, but we did not find any indication that interaction between relatives before dispersal is determining dispersal decision. Siblings’ settlement far away from each other was already indicated by the movement within the natal home range, but, interestingly, the latter could not be used to predict dispersal patterns of sexes.  相似文献   

Dispersal in red squirrels (Sciurus vulgaris) is not sex-biased and strict philopatry is rare. The immigration pattern suggests that nearly all animals have to disperse away from the natal site and that dispersal in this species is the outcome of local (intrasexual) competition. If this interpretation is correct, we predict that dispersers and residents, of both sexes, should have equal survival rates and lifetime reproductive success. Body mass, longevity, reproductive success and dominance rank of 34 resident offspring (settling within 400 m of the natal range) and 70 immigrants (dispersers) were compared. Immigrants did not weigh less than residents as adults, nor did they have a higher mortality during the pre-setding period. Survival rate, lifetime reproductive success (females) and the proportion of males obtaining a high dominance rank were similar for residents and dispersers, and no sex effect was found on either of the parameters studied. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that local competition determines whether an individual disperses further away or settles close to its birthplace.  相似文献   

We compared natal dispersals of freshwater crocodiles (Crocodylus johnstoni) against the prediction of male dispersal bias for a polygynous mating system. The crocodiles inhabited a linear series of pools and we calculated the net distances from natal pools to recapture locations some 12–18 years later, at maturity. Philopatry was assessed in terms of adult social distances. A female social distance was 0.46 pools and a male social distance was 1.0 pool. By these criteria, both sexes showed low levels of philopatry (7–12%). However, individuals of both sexes dispersed from the natal site long before they were sexually mature. Divergence in dispersal patterns by sex occurred after the maturity threshold, as males dispersed two to three times farther than females. Intrasexual competition by males is resolved by a size-based hierarchy. The displacement of small males from local mating access is a probable cause of the longer dispersals undertaken by males. Competition, rather than inbreeding avoidance, is driving dispersal in this population of freshwater crocodiles. Received: 8 May 1998 / Accepted after revision: 26 June 1998  相似文献   

Summary A field study of the ranging behavior of post-fledging White-crowned Sparrows (Zonotrichia leucophrys nuttalli) was carried out in undisturbed natural habitat in the Point Reyes National Seashore, Marin Co., California, USA. Forty-three first-brood juveniles, with tail feathers still growing, were banded at an estimated average age of 27 days and re-trapped an average of an additional 24 days for a total minimum time in residence in the immediate natal area of 51 days (Table 1).The distance from the site of first capture to subsequent recapture sites was about 60 m until age 35 days; then the distance increased to about 250 m by age 50 days (Fig. 2). These data indicate that the average juvenile White-crowned Sparrow completes at least the first 50 days of life in its natal area. Experimental work on song ontogeny has previously demonstrated that the sensitive period for song learning ends at about 50 days. Hence, young in our study population probably learn their natal dialect prior to any major dispersal movements. The correspondence between residence time and song learning would have the consequence of perpetuating song dialects as geographically structured populations.  相似文献   

In this study, the pattern of movement of young male and female rabbits and the genetic structures present in adult male and female populations in four habitats was examined. The level of philopatry in young animals was found to vary between 18-90% for males and 32-95% for females in different populations. It was skewed, with more males dispersing than females in some but not all populations. Analysis of allozyme data using spatial autocorrelation showed that adult females from the same social group, unlike males, were significantly related in four of the five populations studied. Changes in genetic structure and rate of dispersal were measured before and during the recovery of a population that was artificially reduced in size. There were changes in the rate and distance of dispersal with density and sex. Subadults of both sexes moved further in the first year post crash (low density) than in the following years. While the level of dispersal for females was lower than that of the males for the first 3 years, thereafter (high density) both sexes showed similar, low levels of dispersal (20%). The density at which young animals switch behaviour between dispersal and philopatry differed for males and females. The level of genetic structuring in adult females was high in the precrash population, reduced in the first year post crash and undetectable in the second year. Dispersal behaviour of rabbits both affects the genetic structure of the population and changes with conditions. Over a wide range of levels of philopatry, genetic structuring is present in the adult female , but not the male population. Consequently, though genetic structuring is present, it does not lead to inbreeding. More long-distance movements are found in low-density populations, even though vacant warrens are available near birth warrens. The distances moved decreased as density increased. Calculation of the effective population size (Ne) shows that changes in dispersal distance offset changes in density, so that Ne remains constant.  相似文献   

Why do female Belding's ground squirrels disperse away from food resources?   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We examined the effects of food provisioning on the natal dispersal behavior of Belding's ground squirrels (Spermophilus beldingi). We provided extra food to adult and yearling females in their maternal territories during pregnancy and lactation, and to offspring of these females in their natal areas for 6 weeks after weaning. We used unprovisioned young of unprovisioned mothers as controls. Provisioning influenced the probability of dispersal from the natal area by female but not male S. beldingi. All surviving male S.␣beldingi dispersed by 55 weeks of age, regardless of whether they and their mothers received extra food. By contrast, we observed a significant trend, beginning 3 weeks after weaning and continuing through the yearling year, for a greater proportion of provisioned than control female S. beldingi to emigrate from the natal area. Competition for food did not appear to influence natal dispersal of females. However, overall population density, density of females weaning litters, and rates of aggression and vigilance among these females, were higher in provisioned than control areas, suggesting that competition for non-food resources was unusually intense in provisioned areas. We propose that juvenile female, but not juvenile male, S. beldingi may emigrate from the natal site to increase access to areas with low densities of conspecifics. Together with findings of earlier workers, our results suggest that spatial and temporal distributions of environmental resources are important influences on the dispersal behavior of female ground squirrels. Received: 28 February 1996 / Accepted after revision: 16 October 1996  相似文献   

In many social vertebrates, remaining in the natal group leads to at least short-term reductions in the direct fitness of philopatric animals. Among communally breeding rodents, the direct fitness costs of philopatry appear to increase as the frequency of successful natal dispersal decreases, suggesting a functional link between constraints on natal dispersal and the reproductive consequences of sociality. To explore this relationship empirically, I documented patterns of direct fitness among female colonial tuco-tucos (Ctenomys sociabilis), which are group-living subterranean rodents from southwestern Argentina. Demographic data suggest that successful natal dispersal is rare in this species, leading to the prediction that natal philopatry in C. sociabilis is associated with significant reductions in individual direct fitness. Using data obtained during 1996–2001, I compared the direct fitness of females that dispersed from their natal group and bred alone as yearlings to that of females that lived and bred in their natal group as yearlings. Philopatric yearlings reared significantly fewer young to weaning than did disperser (lone) yearlings. Although neither survival to a second breeding season nor the estimated lifetime number of pups reared to weaning differed between dispersal strategies, the annual direct fitness of group-living females was 23–40% less than expected, suggesting that philopatric animals experienced a substantial direct fitness cost by remaining in their natal group. These data yield important insights into the adaptive bases for group living in C. sociabilis and suggest that constraints on natal dispersal are an important factor favoring group living in this species.Communicated by J. Wilkinson  相似文献   

Solitary species show several patterns of space use and relatedness. Individuals may associate randomly or may live near female or male kin, often as a result of natal philopatry or dispersal patterns. Although usually described as solitary or asocial, woodchucks (Marmota monax) are behaviorally flexible marmots that exhibit greater sociality in some populations than others. I examined relationships between kinship, geographic distance, and home range overlap, as well as dispersal and philopatry, to determine the extent to which kin associated spatially. I used a combination of microsatellite DNA analysis, long-term behavioral observations, and radiotelemetry to test predictions that females, but not males, would associate with kin. Indeed, woodchucks lived closer and shared a greater proportion of their home range with more closely related animals. Overlap of females' and males' home ranges was positively correlated with kinship, and male–female dyads shared more area with closer kin. Most juveniles delayed dispersal beyond their first summer. Females often remained philopatric and settled near their natal range. Although males often dispersed as yearlings, some males also established territories within or immediately adjacent to their natal home ranges. A combination of factors can explain these spatial patterns, including high population density associated with the study site's location within a suburban environment, high dispersal costs, and abundant food. Thus, despite their asocial and solitary reputation, woodchucks displayed spatial patterns seen in other, more social species of ground-dwelling sciurids.  相似文献   

In a genetic analysis of the mating system of cooperatively breeding Arabian babblers (Timalidae: Turdoides squamiceps), we identified which individuals in the population are breeding, and how reproductive success was distributed among group members with respect to their dominance rank, for both males and females. The population was characterized by an asymmetrical distribution of reproductive success; behaviorally dominant males produced 176 of 186 (95%) of the offspring in 44 social groups analyzed, and alpha females produced 185 of 186 (99.5%). We evaluated models of reproductive skew by examining genetic and demographic correlates of reproduction by␣subordinates. Subordinate (beta) males that sired young were more likely to be recent dispersers from their natal groups or members of newly formed groups than betas that did not reproduce. Breeding beta males had spent smaller proportions of their lives with the current alpha male and female as alphas than had beta males that did not sire young. One consequence of the linkage of dispersal with breeding in newly formed, nonnatal groups is that beta males that sired young had significantly lower genetic similarity to the alpha males in their groups (based on band-sharing coefficients using multilocus minisatellite DNA fingerprinting) than those that did not sire young. This pattern may occur generally in species in which group membership accrues both through nondispersal of young (forming groups of relatives) as well as through dispersal involving coalitions that sometimes include nonrelatives. Received: 22 July 1997 / Accepted after revision: 5 February 1998  相似文献   

Dispersal, pair formation and social structure in gibbons (Hylobates lar)   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
We report observations on reproduction, natal dispersal, pair formation, and group structure based on longitudinal observations of several white-handed gibbon (Hylobates lar) groups spanning 18 years. Our observations are at odds with the traditional view that gibbons live in nuclear family groups consisting of a pair of adults and their offspring, and that parents exclude young from the family territory when they reach adult size. In the relatively dense Khao Yai study population, dispersing young usually obtain mates by replacing adults in existing territories, which creates non-nuclear families. Six subadults, five males and one female, matured and dispersed at an average age of 10 years, or about 2 years after reaching adult size. Average natal dispersal distance was 710 m, or between one and two territories away. At least two dispersing males replaced adults in neighboring groups. In one case, forcible displacement of the resident male resulted in a group which included a young juvenile presumably fathered by the previous male, two younger juveniles (probably brothers) from the new male's original group, and (later) offspring of the new pair. Social relations within this heterogeneous group remained harmonious: the adults groomed all the young and play occurred between all preadult members. In only two out of a total of seven cases of dispersal seen did two subadults pair and disperse into new territorial space. Nonreproducing subadults which delay dispersal may be tolerated by the adults provided that they contribute benefits to the adults or their offspring. Possible benefits include behaviors such as grooming, social play with juveniles, and support of the adult male in defending the territory. Delayed dispersal is probably advantageous in a saturated environment where there is no room for floaters, but subadults may also gain indirect fitness benefits by aiding siblings and other relatives. Received: 24 January 1997 / Accepted after revision: 12 January 1998  相似文献   

Dispersal and migratory behaviours are often important determinants of gene flow in wild species, and we have studied their role using ringing-recapture data in the Portuguese population of Miniopterus schreibersii, a cave-dwelling bat that forms large maternity colonies. Juvenile dispersal, usually a major agent of gene flow, appears to be negligible, as young females never settled to give birth in foreign colonies. Likewise, there was virtually no dispersal of adult females to foreign maternity colonies. This strong philopatry virtually eliminated female-mediated gene flow, but we found a great potential for male-mediated gene flow among colonies, as regional migrations temporarily joined both sexes from different colonies in the same roosts, during the mating season. In fact, females from some colonies were more likely to mate with males from foreign colonies than from their own, thus potentially bringing home genes of foreign males. In spite of this abundant gene flow, we found a pattern of isolation by distance and even strong barriers to gene flow, which is explained by the fact that migrations were usually too short to allow direct flow among distant colonies. We concluded that potential gene flow is influenced by the distance between colonies and the availability of mating roosts between them. In addition, we found this flow to be asymmetrical, with a dominant direction from the largest to the smallest colonies. Our ringing-recapture estimates of potential gene flow based on dispersal and migratory behaviour are compatible with the genetic structure of the population for both nuclear and mitochondrial DNA. Our conclusions have implications for the conservation of bats with a spatial behaviour similar to that of M. schreibersii. Colonies should be managed individually because strict female philopatry not only promotes their isolation but also minimises the contribution of immigration in rescuing declining colonies. Furthermore, the results underline the importance of preserving mating roosts to maintain gene flow among colonies.  相似文献   

The gastropod Ilyanassa obsoleta (Say) is native to the east coast of North America where it is locally abundant on sandflats, mudflats, and in saltmarsh creeks. The local disturbances created by snails and their movements affect soft-sediment community composition. Movements of individually marked snails were followed on an intertidal sandflat on Cape Henlopen, Delaware, U.S.A. In June 1991, 1,200 snails that had tested as trematode-uninfected were released and over 5 months 554 were sighted 971 times. Mean daily net distance moved was 1.7 m, but snails often moved 10–20 m day−1 and one snail was 180 m distant after 130 days. Net dispersal of the released population was attained in ≈10 days, by which time, a typical distance from release was 15–20 m. Snails were not found crossing sandbars and most moved away from shore into a tidal gully. In June 1993, 500 snails, both uninfected and trematode-infected, were released at the same position and over 6 months, 350 snails were sighted 949 times. Sandbars were again barriers to movement, but their changed positions allowed wider dispersal. Net dispersal was complete in ≈20 days by which time a typical distance from release was 30–40 m. Mean daily net distance moved was 2.2 m, but within 10 days snails had moved 50–100 m. In both years, following initial dispersal, snails (infected or not) took up random directions from move to move. Infected and uninfected snails dispersed equal distances, but had different mean final dispersal directions. Dispersal of I. obsoleta individuals was extensive and affected by shifting sandbar positions and parasitism. Recognizing this will be important in appreciating the ecological dynamics of this gastropod and in determining its effects on soft-bottom communities.Electronic Supplementary Material Supplementary material is available for this article at  相似文献   

Dispersal is a key determinant of the spatial distribution and abundance of populations, but human-made fragmentation can create barriers that hinder dispersal and reduce population viability. This study presents a modeling framework based on dispersal kernels (modified Laplace distributions) that describe stream fish dispersal in the presence of obstacles to passage. We used mark-recapture trials to quantify summer dispersal of brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) in four streams crossed by a highway. The analysis identified population heterogeneity in dispersal behavior, as revealed by the presence of a dominant sedentary component (48-72% of all individuals) characterized by short mean dispersal distance (<10 m), and a secondary mobile component characterized by longer mean dispersal distance (56-1086 m). We did not detect evidence of barrier effects on dispersal through highway crossings. Simulation of various plausible scenarios indicated that detectability of barrier effects was strongly dependent on features of sampling design, such as spatial configuration of the sampling area, barrier extent, and sample size. The proposed modeling framework extends conventional dispersal kernels by incorporating structural barriers. A major strength of the approach is that ecological process (dispersal model) and sampling design (observation model) are incorporated simultaneously into the analysis. This feature can facilitate the use of prior knowledge to improve sampling efficiency of mark-recapture trials in movement studies. Model-based estimation of barrier permeability and its associated uncertainty provides a rigorous approach for quantifying the effect of barriers on stream fish dispersal and assessing population dynamics of stream fish in fragmented landscapes.  相似文献   

Natal dispersal is an important event in the life history of many species. Timing of natal dispersal can influence survivorship and subsequent reproductive success. A variety of individual proximal factors determine if and when offspring disperse from the natal territory by influencing the costs of dispersing and the benefits of delaying dispersal. I examined the influence of multiple factors on dispersal age in the banner-tailed kangaroo rat (Dipodomys spectabilis), a solitary species lacking extreme sex-biased dispersal. I used an information theoretic approach to compare Cox proportional hazards regression models of dispersal age for 121 offspring over a 3-year period consisting of low and high population densities. The top-ranked models indicated that dispersal age was influenced by a combination of socioecological factors related to resource competition, environmental conditions, kin competition, and a lesser extent sex. Circumstances that likely reduced the probability of successful dispersal such as intense resource competition at high population density and being born earlier in the breeding season when environmental conditions were poor lead to longer delays in natal dispersal. Offspring in larger litters also dispersed earlier possibly to avoid competition with kin. Sex was weakly supported in top models but may only influence dispersal age at high population densities. These results suggest that the proximal factors that trigger dispersal are influenced by a combination of multiple effects related to the costs of dispersing and the benefits of remaining at home, even in species that do not form long-term social groups or have extreme sex-biased dispersal.  相似文献   

Extra-pair paternity (EPP) is a common feature of the mating systems of many birds. The rate of EPP may vary between species, races and populations. A comparison of extra-group paternity (EGP) rates was made between two races of a group-living passerine, the Australian magpie (Gymnorhina tibicen), to determine if similar mating systems were being employed. The two populations had similar social structure, but differed in group size and dispersal. It was predicted that dispersal differences would have a profound effect on the rate of EGP between the populations, as the population with the lower rate of dispersal and higher chance of breeding with a close relative would engage in EGPs more frequently. Eight microsatellite loci were used to determine parentage in the white-backed Australian magpie (G. t. tyrannica). The rate of EGP was found to be 44%. Dispersal rates were estimated from observational data. Over half of the juvenile magpie cohort from the previous breeding season left the territorial group. These results contrast sharply with the results found by other researchers in a population of western Australian magpies (G. t. dorsalis). In this population, 82% EGP is recorded and dispersal of juveniles is close to nil. The results indicate that dispersal rate is a potentially important predictor of rates of extra-group fertilisations between populations of this species, and suggest that females maximise their reproductive output by avoiding breeding with close kin.Communicated by M. Soler  相似文献   

In most birds, natal dispersal is female-biased, but the selective pressures leading to this pattern have rarely been explored with comprehensive data on lifetime reproductive success. In territorial birds, the benefit of philopatry should be higher for males than for females when males establish territories for which knowledge about the local environment is important. As females may use male characteristics for mate choice, and hence indirectly for territory choice, the benefit from the direct knowledge of the local environment may be lower for females than males. We tested this hypothesis using data from a long-term study of group living corvids, the Siberian jays (Perisoreus infaustus). In this species, the socially dominant offspring delay dispersal while the sub-dominant offspring leave the family group directly after reaching independence. Our results show that natal dispersal distance (a proxy for local knowledge) was related to sex and dispersal timing (a proxy for “quality”): Females and early dispersers traveled further on average than males and delayed dispersers. Furthermore, dispersal distance and timing were negatively related to the number of recruits produced over an individual’s lifetime in males, but not in females. Hence, the results support the hypothesis that the female-biased natal dispersal found in this and other bird species may come about through higher lifetime reproductive success of philopatric males than females.  相似文献   

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