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应用假设市场价值评估法(CVM)调查了华北高产农业区桓台县公众对防治农业面源污染地下水所需费用的支付意愿;评价了公众对技术、经济、政策等解决手段的期望和行为选择。调查表明,有60%以上的公众表现出能够为后代人着想而保护农业环境的可持续发展意识,有76%的人对污染现状的改善和治理持积极态度,人均支付意愿为22.8元·a-1,但公众对农业面源污染的环境保护意识不足。影响农民公众支付意愿的因素主要有家庭收入、受教育程度和职业。经推算,该县公众1a总支付意愿大约是1114.8~1320.2万元。可采取的环境保护技术措施以改良耕作习惯、控制化肥施用量为主,法制化的环保手段需要与公众环保意识相适应。  相似文献   

中小化工企业尽管能给当地政府带来可观的社会和经济效益,但同时也对其周边环境和居民健康造成严重威胁,已成为影响地方可持续发展的重要隐患。然而,公众如何看待中小化工企业造成的环境风险、企业与政府的环境管理和污染改善策略如何,目前还鲜有深入研究。本文基于河北省X县化工厂周边居民问卷调查(N=550),旨在了解公众对当地化工厂环境风险及管理的认知状况,分析影响公众环境风险认知的主要因素,并提出相应的政策建议。结果表明:了解化工厂管理情况和环保局监督情况的受访者分别占10.9%和7.5%;64%的受访者认为化工企业建成后环境质量变差,受访者认为化工厂给当地环境质量和居民健康带来风险的可能性比带来社会、经济利益的可能性更大。Spearman相关分析表明,受访者教育程度、家庭收入、生活经历等都会影响受访者的风险认知情况。最后基于调查结果从政府、企业环境信息的及时发布、化工企业排污管理以及政府、企业与公众的风险沟通方面提出改善管理的举措。  相似文献   

基于新疆北疆371份微观调查数据,在计划行为理论框架下利用双变量Probit模型对农村人居环境治理农民的参与意愿和支付意愿进行了研究。行为态度、主观规范和知觉行为控制显著影响农民参与意愿与支付意愿,其中环境治理重要性认知、媒体信息传播力度和政策补贴是显著影响农民参与意愿与支付意愿的共同因素;环境污染认知、政府投入力度、开展乡村旅游显著影响农民的支付意愿;受教育程度对农民参与意愿和支付意愿的影响显著但方向不同。建议强化宣传力度,培育农民环境意识;建立并灵活运用激励机制,制定完备有效的村规民约;动员基层干部党员、乡贤能人发挥带头示范效应。  相似文献   

中小化工企业尽管能给当地政府带来可观的社会和经济效益,但同时也对其周边环境和居民健康造成严重威胁,已成为影响地方可持续发展的重要隐患。然而,公众如何看待中小化工企业造成的环境风险、企业与政府的环境管理和污染改善策略如何,目前还鲜有深入研究。本文基于河北省X县化工厂周边居民问卷调查(N=550),旨在了解公众对当地化工厂环境风险及管理的认知状况,分析影响公众环境风险认知的主要因素,并提出相应的政策建议。结果表明:了解化工厂管理情况和环保局监督情况的受访者分别占10.9%和7.5%;64%的受访者认为化工企业建成后环境质量变差,受访者认为化工厂给当地环境质量和居民健康带来风险的可能性比带来社会、经济利益的可能性更大。Spearman相关分析表明,受访者教育程度、家庭收入、生活经历等都会影响受访者的风险认知情况。最后基于调查结果从政府、企业环境信息的及时发布、化工企业排污管理以及政府、企业与公众的风险沟通方面提出改善管理的举措。  相似文献   

自然保护区农户参与生态补偿的意愿及其影响因素   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
运用哈巴湖国家级自然保护区和六盘山国家级自然保护区的农户调查数据,采用对比分析和二元逻辑回归分析方法,研究农户参与生态补偿的意愿及其影响因素。结果表明,哈巴湖自然保护区和六盘山自然保护区分别有57.7%和67.6%的受访农户对现有生态补偿政策持满意态度,愿意继续退耕或退牧的农户分别占63.3%和57.8%。这表明对现有生态补偿政策持满意态度和愿意继续参与的农户占多数,但仍有不少农户持否定态度。农户生计类型是影响农户参与生态补偿意愿的重要因素,但区域差异明显。哈巴湖自然保护区农户以农牧业为主,农业收入占比和牧业收入占比越高的农户,继续参与生态补偿的意愿越显著;六盘山自然保护区农户以外出务工为主要生计,外出务工人数越多和农业收入占比越小的农户继续参与生态补偿的意愿越显著。建议制定和实施生态补偿政策时应加强对农户生计水平和类型的考虑,将生态补偿政策与目前的精准扶贫政策相结合,为农户提供多样化的补偿方式,从而实现转变生计和保护生态的双赢。  相似文献   

生态补偿是应对生物多样性保护问题的有效环境政策。作为主要利益相关者的农户,其参与意愿直接影响生态补偿项目实施的绩效与可持续性。在调查盐城潮滩湿地生态环境基础上,以支付卡方式设计调查问卷,采取面对面方式对保护区周边125个农户进行调查,基于条件估值法(contingent valuation method,CVM)估算其生态补偿的受偿意愿,选择农户的性别、年龄、家庭年收入等基本社会经济特征,以农户对生态补偿了解程度和生态补偿态度为自变量,以农户受偿意愿为因变量,运用二项Logistic模型分析影响当地农户受偿意愿的相关因素。结果表明,保护区周边农户具有一定的湿地生态环境保护认知和意识;有88%的农户选择非零补偿意愿,平均受偿意愿为7 727. 7元·hm-2·a-1。Logistic模型分析结果表明农户的年龄、拥有的耕地面积和对生态补偿了解程度是影响其受偿意愿的主要因素。农户年龄越大,其受偿意愿相对降低;农户拥有的耕地面积越小,受偿意愿就越大;对生态补偿了解程度越高,生态补偿意愿就越强。研究结果可为保护区生态补偿政策的有效落实提供科学支持,也可为其他保护区生态补偿的实施提供借鉴。  相似文献   

都市型农业土地利用面源污染环保意识和支付意愿研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
研究针对北京郊区农业集约化水平较高的顺义区蔬菜化肥和农药超量使用及大型养殖场废弃物排放给生态环境带来严重的不良影响问题,在大量农业面源污染研究的基础上,采用CVM方法,评估了顺义区公众对以上农业活动造成的地下水环境污染问题的环境意识和支付意愿,研究结果表明:首都郊区农民的环保意识在增强;家庭人均纯收入、受访者的受教育程度与支付意愿呈显著正相关;受访者的年龄与支付意愿则呈显著负相关。该研究还计算了顺义区2002年全区农民的平均支付意愿是49.18元/人,该年全区人民总支付意愿为2680.861万元人民币。该研究可为有关部门对农业面源污染进行治理提供参考依据。  相似文献   

宁波市公众环境意识调查与分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
公众环境意识是一个国家和民族文明程度的重要标志,它从各个方面反映出所调查地区的环境现状、公众对环境问题的认知、环保素质和环保行为,能够为政府的宏观决策提供依据。文章在数据分析的基础上,阐述了宁波市公众在地区环境问题、公民环境责任、环保支付意愿、绿色消费和固体废物收集处理等方面的调查结果,并给出了结论和建议。  相似文献   

绿色消费是解决当前中国环境污染的重要战略组成部分,本文研究了对上海市开展的关于绿色消费1200余份调查问卷。研究结果显示:1)人们环境意识和绿色消费意愿普遍提高,98%的受访者愿意为保护环境做出自身行为的改变。2)绿色消费认知参差不齐。对绿色产品的认知渠道不多,绿色产品的标签知晓率低于30%。3)绿色消费意愿强烈但支付能力还有限,82%的消费者愿意购买绿色产品,但支付不能超过同类普通商品10%的额外费用。研究结果还表明:绿色消费与性别、年龄、职业以及学历等具有相关关系。  相似文献   

运用条件估值法,于2015年8月对广西环江县大环江流域重金属污染地区农户受偿意愿进行调查研究。结果表明,研究区农户对当地耕地重金属污染治理项目的参与意愿与投标额度(设计补偿标准)、家庭耕地面积和耕地受污染程度呈正相关关系;农户平均受偿意愿下限为12 630.75元·hm~(-2)·a~(-1),该测算值可为当地耕地重金属污染治理生态补偿标准的确定提供理论依据。认为广西环江县大环江流域耕地重金属污染治理及其配套生态补偿项目应首先选择耕地面积较大且污染较明显地区作为项目选址。建议在今后的生态补偿研究中注意补偿标准与客观条件之间的联系,并制定出一套具有普适性的生态补偿标准研究方法。  相似文献   

Based on a survey of 107 farm households by means of participatory rural appraisal, this paper presents a region-level analysis of farmer's perception and response towards land policies and eco-environment in the Loess hilly area, China. The surveyed farmers are divided into two groups, farmers on non-irrigated farmland and farmers on irrigated farmland. The results indicate that most farmers mainly depend on cropland, especially the farmers on non-irrigated farmland. Farmers believe that stability and persistence of land policies are important, and most hold a positive attitude towards the Grain-for-Green Programme. The farmers on irrigated farmland have a more favourable attitude to environmental conservation than the farmers of non-irrigated farmland. Nearly 80% of interviewees consider that the local eco-environment has improved in the last ten years. About 45% never consider the environmental impact of their agriculture practices. About 55% think drought is the most important reason for eco-environment deterioration, overgrazing and serious soil erosion. Soil and water conservation is not conscious and voluntary behaviour for farmers, it is only a measure to guarantee their basic agricultural production and to improve their living conditions. Results indicate that farmers on nonirrigated land find engineering approaches more beneficial to agronomic methods. However, the farmers on irrigated farmland pay more attention to improving farmland quality.  相似文献   

污染土地价值评估问题探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
艾东  朱彤  乐小芳 《生态环境》2010,19(5):1253-1260
工业化和城市化为人类福利的改善作出极大的贡献,也带来了大量的污染土地。污染土地是指含有能对人身健康、环境或其它目标产生直接或间接危害的污染物的土地。污染会影响土地的价值,因此,污染土地价值评估问题近年来受到关注。文章总结了污染土地价值评估的研究进展,对关键概念进行探讨和界定,依据我国常用的几种传统土地价值评估方法,探讨如何进行修正以适应污染土地的价值评估,并对污染清理费用、环境责任费用、污名等一些关键问题进行讨论,提出污染土地的价值损失中必须考虑几个方面的不确定性:(1)与工程措施有关的清理费用的不确定性;(2)当前和未来管制要求的不确定性;(3)市场对污染损害反应的不确定性;(4)随着时间变化,市场对污染损害反应的变化。最后结合实际,说明污染土地价值评估不仅要探索新方法,也要在增加和完善环境方面的立法、进一步完善技术标准、促进学科的相互交流和发挥行业组织的主导作用等方面加强。  相似文献   

Ecosystem management addresses transboundary, interdisciplinary and multiparty issues from an ecosystem perspective. In this regard, public participation of ecosystem management is particularly important for achieving a successful outcome. However, public attitudes and perceptions on ecosystem management in project construction are often ignored in the developing countries. Large project construction in China is booming, for example, oil/gasoline pipelines, water diversion projects, highway networks and high-speed railway networks. These projects may have important impacts on China's economy, as well as ecosystems. The perception of local people on these projects is crucial for their safe fulfilment. In this paper, the West-to-East Pipeline Project (WEPP), a large project in China built in 2004 to transport gas from the north-west to the south-east, was used as a case study to examine public participation and perceptions on ecosystem management. Field interviews were conducted in the summer of 2005 for data collection, and logistic regression models were used for data analysis. Modelling results show that public attitudes to WEPP construction are closely related to education, occupation and place of residence. Generally, interviewees with higher education and more involvement in WEPP have a positive attitude. However, local people have a poor understanding of ecological restoration and ecosystem management. For safe implementation of WEPP, some adjunct projects are required to improve the local economy and ecosystem functions, and different economic compensation schemes should be designed for stakeholders by region. Additionally, development strategies, such as offering part-time jobs, education and training to local farmers, are necessary to change attitudes and improve awareness on ecosystem management. It is also important to strengthen public participation in the early stages of project construction.  相似文献   

Among the important alternatives for land conservation is the US Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) that celebrated its 30th anniversary in 2015. This paper explores how landowners decide on alternative land-use choices made available by the expiration of CRP contracts in Kansas. The study uses survey data and multinomial Logit models to predict land-use choices. Two models were tested. The first model does not incorporate variables concerning farmer perceptions and attitudes about land-use choices, while the second model does. The results show that CRP re-enrollment depends on factors, such as years of experience in cropping and percent of cropland irrigated. However, when perception variables are added, the models become more robust in explaining other land choice alternatives. The results suggest that as the perception of unfairness of more inflexible environmental policy rises, these farmers may be more likely to re-enroll their marginal land in the CRP program.  相似文献   

土地整理中生态环境保护问题及对策   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
土地整理是一项旨在通过对土地利用方式、利用结构及利用布局进行综合整治,以达到改善农业生产条件和生态环境,提高土地生产力,实现土地集约化利用的利国利民的活动。从当前实际情况来看,对通过土地整理增加耕地面积,提高土地生产力这个目标比较重视,也做得比较好;但由于对保护农业生态环境这一目标重视不够,同时缺乏一整套完整的农地整理生态绩效的评价体系和方法,导致土地整理对农业生态环境产生了一些不良影响,影响了土地资源可持续利用。文章从生态学的角度分析了当前我国土地整理过程中存在的环境保护问题,并针对问题提出了保护生物多样性、实施景观生态规划、建立评价体系等对策,以达到土地资源可持续利用;最后对广东典型区域农地整理生态环境保护问题进行了探讨。  相似文献   


Conservation of protected areas requires understanding of the consumption of forest products by rural people who live near protected forests. Socioeconomic factors such as a better education, income, land holding size, have been used to understand the patterns of consumption of non-timber forest products (NTFPs). Ethnicity, and especially whether or not people are indigenous to the forested areas, may also change consumption patterns. In this study we analysed the socioeconomic factors, indigeneity and geographical locations of people living in the buffer zones of Vietnam’s Bu Gia Map National Park to better understand the key determinants of the consumption of NTFPs. We conducted 121 interviews with local households and found that indigeneity, education, family size, and the area of land used were statistically significant in explaining the amount of NTFPs consumed, while indigeneity and area of land used by local people had positive relationships with the diversity (measured in number of categories) of NTFPs consumed by local people. Interestingly, there were statistically significant effects of interactions between the area of land used and indigeneity on the consumption of NTFPs. The amount of these products is important for indigenous people who belong to the groups using small and medium areas of land. The medium land use group consumed significantly fewer categories of NTFPs than the small and large land use groups. This data may help local managers to develop interventions that support biodiversity conservation, promote sustainability of these important resources and improve the social welfare of marginal groups.  相似文献   

我国耕地地力评价研究进展   总被引:45,自引:0,他引:45  
耕地是农业生产最基本的资源,耕地地力的好坏直接影响到农业生产的发展。随着我国经济社会快速发展,耕地面积与质量变化对粮食安全构成了严峻挑战,受到社会各界的日益关注,对耕地地力评价的研究越来越多。文章简要回顾了近十年来,我国耕地地力评价的历程、耕地地力评价的方法和GIS技术等现代研究手段在这一领域的应用。现有研究结果表明,现代信息技术在耕地地力评价中的作用日益突出,尤其是GIS技术的应用全面提升了传统耕地调查与评价的方式和方法,不仅省时、省力,评价结果准确可靠,而且可以做到适时更新、快速统计、制图,是今后耕地质量管理技术的发展方向。  相似文献   

Simulating future land use and ecosystem services in Northern Thailand   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Enhancing ecosystem services is important as it provides foundation for the wellbeing of people. This paper presents the future land use simulation for enhancing ecosystem services using CLUMondo dynamic spatial model. The land use change was assessed from 1989 to 2013 in Wang Thong watershed of Northern Thailand using GIS and a set of ecosystem services was assessed using the Integrated Valuation of Ecosystem Services and Tradeoffs (InVEST) model. Future land uses until 2030 were projected for three policy scenarios, namely business-as-usual, integrated land use development, and enhancing environmental services with different levels of emphasis on ecosystem services. In business-as-usual scenario, it was observed that ecosystem services will decline by 2030 from the base year of 2013, whereas in integrated land use development scenario, the ecosystem services will increase by 5% compared to base year due to anticipated effective protection of remaining forests in all existing and proposed protected areas of the study area. In enhancing environmental services scenario, the ecosystem services will increase by 15%. Such results can serve as useful information in policy formulation in developing land use options, which help enhance ecosystem services in future.  相似文献   


Climate change and a rapidly growing human population have put ever greater strains on the global food system. Although the number of food insecure people in the world has reached a record low, changing land use and climate variability will threaten our ability to maintain this progress. Profound changes in the structure of economies around the world have affected agricultural production and how food is delivered to the consumer. This paper explores connections between land use, environmental change and food availability, access, and utilization. Each of these elements of food security has vulnerabilities to changing environmental conditions and land use that can be explored using satellite remote sensing observations. Technology is a key way environmental changes can be quantified and used in food security assessment.  相似文献   


This paper highlights the colonized perspective, and aims to reflect on the consequences of a predominant perspective of land control and use for Amazonian indigenous people. The demarcation of indigenous territories has been presented by external public actors, the ‘Others’ to explicitly support indigenous people defend their territories. However, demarcation effectively creates a frontier and enclosure which contribute to alienate indigenous people within their new territories. Amazonian groups normally maintain that they belong to the Land, and their historical use of a determined land has been asserted by anthropological studies. But they belong to Land. In contrast, occupying a territory to generate profit allows the exploitation of everything inside it. Every form of extraction helps to reproduce the colonial logic. A key question we need to address is, therefore: Why do the ‘others’ not feel that belonging?  相似文献   

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