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罗布泊地处中亚极旱荒漠区,是塔里木盆地最低的断陷洼地,也是第四纪以来盆地地表水的集水中心和积盐中心。古代罗布泊面积曾有2×104km2,到1958年还有近3 000km2的面积。1970年干涸4 000km2的湖盆成为平坦的岩盐地,自此罗布泊及周围已无湖泊存在,也无常年流水的河流流入罗布泊。该地区平原区只分布有暴雨和融雪形成的间歇性径流河,以及间距远达20km~60km的零散盐泉,各自有着不同的水文特征。地理学界把该地区视为"亚洲的干旱中心"。  相似文献   

在中国新疆的沙漠深处,有一个叫戛顺戈壁的地方。这里除了有一丁点苦咸的盐水,就是招摇在狂风沙暴中的几棵稀疏的盐生草、梭梭和骆驼刺了。然而,在这个夏季气温高达50多摄氏度,冬季低至零下40多摄氏度的戈壁上,却生活着全世界仅存不到七八百只的珍稀动物野骆驼。它们以咸水和盐生植物为食,与极其恶化的气候环境同日月,艰难而倔强地生存着。野骆驼,是"比大熊猫还要珍奇的野生动物"。作为古老的物种,野骆驼尽管已经躲进全球环境最荒蛮的地方,却仍没有摆脱面临的致命威胁。据报告,它们还经常受到猎民的恐怖猎杀,受到非法采矿者的炸药捕杀,触目惊心。"如再不采取有效措施,野骆驼可能很快会像野马一样全部灭绝。"这并非危言耸听!可喜的是,新划定的新疆阿尔金山一罗布泊野骆驼国家级自然保护区,是面积多达15万平方公里的、世界上最大的保护区之一。目前,中国国家环保总局和联合国环境署还启动了"全球环境基金项目"--《阿尔金-罗布泊自然保护区生物多样性保护》。这个项目的首要措施,就是在进入戛顺沙漠的道路上设立一批检查站,加大查处猎捕野骆驼的不法行为,并在乌鲁木齐和其他三个地、州,建立野骆驼保护中心等。野骆驼的具体情况到底如何?我们不妨进入新疆戛顺戈壁的沙漠腹地,一起感受了解一下这"戈壁之王"--  相似文献   

罗布泊野骆驼国家级自然保护区是当今世界残存纯血统野骆驼种群主要分布区域,也是野骆驼模式标本产地。随着自然生态环境变化,特别是受人类活动影响,野骆驼分布区域及数量、生境质量都随之发生了变化。本文分析了野骆驼变化因素影响,提出较合理的野骆驼保护对策,对进一步掌握罗布泊野骆驼活动区域、生活规律,以及改善野骆驼生存环境,实现野骆驼种群数量持续增长,由濒危物种降至易危物种具有积极的促进作用。  相似文献   

地处温带干旱区的准噶尔盆地,因干旱少雨,在其南沿的黄土状母质上发育着特有的灰漠土。由于地貌、水文条件及人类利用等的差异,又分为原姑、龟裂状、典型、灌耕、草甸灰漠土5个亚类。由于特殊的历史和自然条件,这里还分布有残余的沼泽土、草甸土及盐土。该地区的土壤,从山前洪冲积扇到盆地中部,有明显的分布规律。在农业生产中,洪冲积扇上的灌耕灰漠土和灌淤土及冲积平原的残余沼泽土,是该地区最优良的土壤类型。  相似文献   

当今世界人们最为关注的问题之一是生物多样性的保护,任何一种物种的消亡都是对我们这个世界的一种巨大损失.为保护世界极旱荒漠区的新疆罗布泊野骆驼,在国家环保总局的支持和全球环境基金会、联合国环境规划署、野骆驼保护基金会等国际组织的资助下,新疆政府成立了罗布泊自然保护区.但是由于人为活动因素和大气候环境的变化,该区域生存的野骆驼等野生动物栖息地环境也发生了不利的变化,为了改善野骆驼的饮水和觅食环境,保护区采取了打井等多种管理措施.对保护区目前野骆驼生存环境的变化进行剖析,并介绍生态恢复措施等.  相似文献   

野骆驼是世界上唯一存在的骆驼科真驼属野生种,属世界极度濒危物种,历史上广泛分布在中亚干旱荒漠区,数量曾达到10,000峰以上,但到上世纪末,由于人类活动加剧,野骆驼数量和分布面积都急剧减少。1997年前后,分布在罗布泊地区的野骆驼数量仅为340~420峰。2010-2013年,在新疆罗布泊野骆驼国家级自然保护区设定了14条样线,每年的04-06月沿样线对野骆驼数量进行野外调查,记录样线两侧3 000 m以内观察到的野骆驼个体数量、群体大小、成年与幼年驼。根据四月的观测结果,罗布泊野骆驼国家级自然保护区内分布的野骆驼数量为638±251峰,平均种群密度为0.068±0.025峰/km~2。大于10峰野骆驼群的种群结构2010-2013年的野骆驼成幼驼比3.0:1,略低于2003~2005年的3.6:1,由此可见,近些年野骆驼种群结构趋合理,保护区野骆驼数量有所增加。  相似文献   

在干涸的罗布泊西北角上,有一个名曰楼兰的古城遗址。在汉魏时期楼兰是西域屈指可数的文明都市,它位于当时孔雀河三角洲的下部,濒临水映蓝天的罗布泊,故楼兰亦有“海头”之名。在大约两千年前,楼兰是在森林密布、水  相似文献   

新疆罗布泊野骆驼国家级自然保护区是全国最大的荒漠类型自然保护区,也是新疆最大的自然保护区,保护区总面积6.12×106hm~2。其地处极端干旱的温带大陆性气候区,区域裸地景观的频率高达71.37%,自然条件极为恶劣,采矿等人为干扰也较为严重,野生动物栖息地面积日渐萎缩。保护区的现行管理体制实行三级管理,存在基础设施严重不足、研究条件落后、开发建设干扰突出、管理体制机制不顺等诸多问题。基于罗布泊野骆驼国家级自然保护区现行管理中存在的主要问题,提出应坚持"保护优先、依法治区、科研强基、合理利用、合作提升"的发展思路开展保护区生物多样性保护示范性建设,明确保护区定位与顶层设计,提升基础设施建设与科研能力,强化管理体制机制改革与执法管护。  相似文献   

复合绝缘子的积污特性与瓷绝缘子和玻璃绝缘子有所不同,研究其积污规律对防止污闪有着重要意义。为此,以3支实际运行后的±500kV直流复合绝缘子为研究对象,系统测量其沿串不同位置的污秽度,用等值盐密(ESDD)和灰密(NSDD)表征。试验发现绝缘子不同伞上下表面的等值盐密和灰密大多呈现出U形的分布规律,尤其以等值盐密的U形分布更为明显,而且不同伞上下表面污秽U形分布规律性的强弱有一定差异。讨论了积污过程中电场对污秽沉积的作用以及自清洗过程中雨水冲洗的随机作用,更好地解释了直流复合绝缘子的沿串积污规律。  相似文献   

甲烷氧化细菌以甲烷为其唯一的碳源和能源,在全球大气甲烷平衡中起着重要的作用。水稻土作为主要的甲烷的源和汇,其中分布大量的甲烷氧化细菌。文章通过利用T-RFLP技术发现我国干杉、广州、重庆、江都及进贤五地的水稻土中的甲烷氧化细菌主要的种群是甲基球菌属(Methylococcus)、甲基微球菌属(Methylomicrobium)、甲基孢囊菌属(Methylocystis)、甲基杆菌属(Methylobacter);五个地区水稻土的土壤中的甲烷氧化细菌分布存在差异,江都水稻土中甲烷氧化细菌种群类型较多,重庆水稻土中甲烷氧化细菌种群多样性指数最大。  相似文献   

新疆艾比湖流域平原区景观土壤属性特征研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以新疆艾比湖流域平原区为对象,在对研究区进行景观生态分类及野外调查验证的基础上,利用"3S"技术将1∶100×104的新疆土壤类型图与研究区景观类型图叠加,从土壤属性层次上对研究区各类景观的生态土壤类型进行确认,并分析其在研究区内分布的特征。结果表明:研究区主要土壤类型为26类,以石膏灰棕漠土所占比例最大,占研究区总面积的19.03%,棕钙土、荒漠风沙土、草甸盐土、盐化草甸土、和灌耕灰漠土等面积也较大。  相似文献   

塔里木沙漠油田开发工程的环境影响评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
塔里木是一个内陆封闭盆地,是世界第二大流动沙漠,它具有丰富的油气资源,目前正在积极开发中。在油气田开发过程中必须做环境影响评价,文中介绍了沙漠环境及生态状况,在沙漠区域必须以水域和生态环境影响评价为重点,评价结果应提出固沙、防沙和保护自然生态等一系列防治措施和对策。  相似文献   

Expansion of irrigated agriculture in the Aral Sea Basin in the second half of the twentieth century led to the conversion of vast tracks of virgin land into productive agricultural systems resulting in significant increases in employment opportunities and income generation. The positive effects of the development of irrigated agriculture were replete with serious environmental implications. Excessive use of irrigation water coupled with inadequate drainage systems has caused large‐scale land degradation and water quality deterioration in downstream parts of the basin, which is fed by two main rivers, the Amu‐Darya and Syr‐Darya. Recent estimates suggest that more than 50% of irrigated soils are salt‐affected and/or waterlogged in Central Asia. Considering the availability of natural and human resources in the Aral Sea Basin as well as the recent research addressing soil and water management, there is cause for cautious optimism. Research‐based interventions that have shown significant promise in addressing this impasse include: (1) rehabilitation of abandoned salt‐affected lands through halophytic plant species; (2) introduction of 35‐day‐old early maturing rice varieties to withstand ambient soil and irrigation water salinity; (3) productivity enhancement of high‐magnesium soils and water resources through calcium‐based soil amendments; (4) use of certain tree species as biological pumps to lower elevated groundwater levels in waterlogged areas; (5) optimal use of fertilizers, particularly those supplying nitrogen, to mitigate the adverse effects of soil and irrigation water salinity; (6) mulching of furrows under saline conditions to reduce evaporation and salinity buildup in the root zone; and (7) establishment of multipurpose tree and shrub species for biomass and renewable energy production. Because of water withdrawals for agriculture from two main transboundary rivers in the Aral Sea Basin, there would be a need for policy level interventions conducive for enhancing interstate cooperation to transform salt‐affected soil and saline water resources from an environmental and productivity constraint into an economic asset.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. A hybrid computer program was developed to predict the water and salt outflow from a river basin in which irrigation is the major user of water. The model combines a chemical model which predicts the quality of water percolated through a soil profile with a general hydrologic model. The chemical model considers the reactions that occur in the soil, including the exchange of calcium, magnesium, and sodium cations on the soil complex, and the dissolution and precipitation of gypsum and lime. The chemical composition of the outflow is a function of these chemical processes within the soil, plus the blending of undiverted inflows, evaporation, transpiration, and the mixing of sub surface return flows with groundwater. The six common ions of western waters, namely calcium (Ca++), magnesium (Mg++), sodium (Na+), sulfate (SO4=), chloride (Cl?), and bicarbonate (HCO3?) were considered in the study. Total dissolved solids (TDS) outflow was obtained by adding the individual ions. The overall model operates on a monthly time unit. The model was tested on a portion of the Little Bear River basin in northern Utah. The model successfully simulated measured outflows of water and each of the six ions for a 24-month period. The usefulness of the model was demonstrated by a management study of the prototype system. For example, preliminary results indicated that the available water supply could be used to irrigate additional land without unduly increasing the salt outflow from the basin. With minor adjustments the model can be applied to other hydrologic areas.  相似文献   

以新疆喀什噶尔河流域克孜河卡拉贝利水利枢纽工程为例,采用水均衡模型计算方法,从工程建成后区域荒漠河岸林草耗水量变化、荒漠河岸林草区地下水位变化情况、工程建成后洪水过程变化等方面分析工程建设对工程影响区荒漠河岸林草的影响。评价结果显示,工程建成后,与现状相比荒漠河岸林草植被的耗水量有所增加,区域平均地下水埋深仍能维持现状,在河岸林草生长和繁殖的6-9月,区域地下水位较现状略有上升,可满足大部分荒漠河岸林草植被的正常生长需求,水库对5年一遇标准以下洪水不调蓄,不会对荒漠河岸林草的繁衍存活产生明显不利影响。  相似文献   

张红 《四川环境》2022,(1):126-135
水资源匮乏成为当前世界改善沙漠生态环境面临的凸出问题之一,合理利用企业尾水成为缓解甚至实现改善沙漠环境的一种尝试。研究以群克消纳地沙漠尾水处理工程为例,提出一种针对尾水沙漠综合利用的新型技术模式。通过研究分析尾水对周边水域、土壤以及绿地植物、脊椎动物、水体生物的影响,结合科学的评价方法,对沙漠尾水综合利用进行评价,得出以下结论:群克消纳地尾水沙漠综合利用的规范化技术新型技术工程有利于周边生态环境变好,对动植物、水体、土壤等没有不良影响;水域边上植被盖度增加,对周边活动沙丘固定起到初步积极作用,同时,也为周边动植物提供栖息场所以及生长发育的环境基础;区域生态环境恢复良好,形成了与区域自然水体类似的生态系统结构,群克消纳地尾水处理工程形成的稳定的生态系统表明,在沙漠中采用无害、生态性的尾水处理技术是可行的。  相似文献   

Preliminary observations of environmental damage due to the Gulf War   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Preparing for and conducting the Gulf War resulted in much damage to the environment of the region. The first and most visible effect is related to the damage caused by oil well fires in terms of air pollution as well as the potential damage to the petroleum reservoirs. The second detrimental effect has been caused by the oil spill in the Gulf water. Hundreds of miles of the western coastline of the Gulf are already covered with oil. Petroleum 'mats' have settled on coral reefs and have reduced Gulf water productivity. Foremost among the irreparable damages are changes to the terrain due to the digging of trenches, building walls of soil and otherwise disturbing the desert pavement in and around Kuwait. Disruption of the, usually, one-grain thick layer of pebbles on the desert floor exposes soil to wind action. Changing the contours of the normally flat land increases resistance to the wind and increases the potential of particle transport until the land is peneplained. This condition will increase the frequency and the ferocity of dust storms in the region. It will also result in the formation of new sand dunes; sand drifts already exist along roads in northern Kuwait. It is believed that the detrimental effects on the atmosphere will last for years, on the Gulf water for decades, and on the desert surface for centuries.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Relative yields of water, sediment, and salt (as indexed by electrical conductivity) were determined using simulated rainfall plots on three soil landform units on Mancos shale in the Price River Basin, Utah. Final infiltration rates on residual shale derived soils were between 0.13 and 0.50 cm/hr. No runoff was generated on cracked soils derived from aeolian deposits. Suspended sediment concentrations and elehcal conductivities were 180 and 68 times greater, respectively, for a steep dissected Mancos shale upland than for a low relief shale pediment and recent alluvial surface. Riling accounted for approximately 80 percent of the sediment produced on the steep, dissected shale surface. Channel scow and soil creep also produced measurable mounts of sediment. A survey of sediment basins in steep, dissected shale up lands indicated that an average of 1.25 Mg/ha/year of sediment is produced by that landform unit Carefully designed and located basin plugs can be used effectively to trap sediment, water, and salt from dissected shale uplands.  相似文献   

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