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污染物通过多途径进入海洋,以多种方式在海水和海洋沉积物中积累,成为海洋生物尤其是底栖生物体内污染物的主要来源.海洋无脊椎动物作为海洋食物链中的低营养级生物,多数种类均为底栖生活,具有较强的污染物富集能力.通过食物链的生物放大作用,其体内富集的污染物会传递到高营养级生物和人类体内,最终对海洋生物和人类产生危害,甚至引发公害事件.重金属(heavy metal)作为主要的污染物之一,具有毒性大、持续性长、耐还原性和耐降解性的特点,长久以来得到广泛的关注和研究.本文以海洋无脊椎动物为代表,从机体暴露途径、机体组织分布情况及过程、污染物在组织间的转移规律和变化因素4个方面入手,全面归纳和总结了重金属污染物在海洋生物体内富集的相关研究进展,并对目前的研究热点、存在的问题进行分析总结,对今后的研究方向进行展望,以期为国内外学者进一步开展海洋无脊椎动物重金属富集相关的研究提供有效参考.  相似文献   

全氟化合物的生物富集效应研究进展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
研究污染物的生物富集效应,对于预测污染物在生物体内的含量、建立环境标准以及评估污染物的生态风险具有重要的意义。结合近年来国内外报道的有关全氟化合物(PFCs)的生物浓缩因子(BCF)、生物富集因子(BAF)、生物放大因子(BMF)和营养级放大因子(TMF)等参数,对PFCs的生物富集效应及其影响因素进行了综述。研究结果表明,氟代碳原子数高于7的PFCs一般在生物体或食物链(网)上具有生物富集效应,而氟代碳原子数低于7的PFCs的生物富集效应较低。PFCs的理化性质(碳链长度、碳链末端基团类型和是否含有支链等)、生物的种类及其生理生化参数(体长、体重和性别等)和环境条件(生态系统的组成、水温和污染物含量等)等都影响PFCs在生物体内或食物链(网)上的富集。综观当前研究成果,PFCs在食物链(网)上生物放大效应研究主要集中于极地地区海洋食物网,应加强其他区域(特别是典型污染区域)、各种类型食物网(如淡水食物网和陆生食物网)上PFCs的生物富集效应及其影响因素研究,为全面评估PFCs的生态风险提供基础数据。  相似文献   

多溴联苯醚的生物富集效应研究进展   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
研究污染物的生物富集效应对于预测污染物在生物体内的含量、建立环境标准以及评估污染物的生态风险具有重要的意义.论文结合近年来国内外有关多溴联苯醚(PBDEs)的生物富集及其沿食物链(网)生物放大效应的研究文献,对PBDEs的生物富集效应进行了综述.文献计算的生物富集因子(BAFs)、生物-沉积物/土壤生物富集因子(BSAFs)和生物放大因子(BMFs)表明,生物对大多数PBDEs具有生物富集作用,且生物对PBDEs的富集能力与其生物进化等级及其营养级有关.文献计算的营养级放大因子(TMFs)表明,大多数PBDE单体可以在食物网上产生生物放大效应,但只有较少单体具有统计上的显著性.生物的生理生化参数、化合物本身的特性以及环境条件等因素影响了PBDEs在生物体内及食物链(网)上的富集与放大.  相似文献   

借助环境模型模拟污染物在多介质间的迁移、归趋行为和生物积累放大,既是生态和健康风险的评估基础,又是研究污染物环境过程的一种重要的方法和手段。利用生物积累模型研究持久性有机污染物(POPs)在食物链中的生物富集和生物积累放大对于生态及健康风险评价具有重要意义。重点介绍了国内外关于POPs在陆生食物链中的各类生物积累模型及应用,包括原理、模型的特点和优势及不足之处,并对模型的改进提出了相应的建议。基础环境参数不足、实验数据缺乏和物种特异性是制约此类模型发展的主要原因。  相似文献   

甲基汞是一种高毒性的污染物,其易累积在水生生物体内,从而对水生生态系统和人体健康产生危害.作为水生生态系统的初级生产者,藻类控制着进入食物链的甲基汞浓度和总量.藻类对甲基汞的显著富集作用及水生食物链传递过程导致其在高营养级生物中显著累积.因此,厘清藻类在甲基汞的富集与食物链传递过程中的作用对于揭示甲基汞的生物累积和预测甲基汞的环境风险具有重要意义.本文概述了藻类对甲基汞的富集与食物链传递特征与机制,总结了影响富集与食物链传递的生物与环境因素,讨论了全球变暖和富营养化等环境变化对藻类富集与传递甲基汞的影响,并展望了藻类富集甲基汞研究的发展方向.  相似文献   

全氟化合物(perfluorocarbons,PFASs)作为一种新型污染物已引起广泛关注.PFASs在环境中具有持久性和生物毒性,并可以通过食物链传递,在生物体内富集并产生生物学放大效应.近年来已成为全球性污染物,并已在各类环境介质、生物体及人体内被检出.因此本文主要综述了当前国内外PFASs在不同环境介质中的污染现状,比较分析了 PFASs及与其他有机污染物对生物的单一、联合毒性并对PFASs污染治理和防控提出了展望,为今后PFASs的研究及毒理学评价提供参考依据.  相似文献   

邻苯二甲酸酯类(PAEs)增塑剂被普遍用于塑料制品中,在大气、水等环境中广泛存在,其潜在危害受到关注。水环境中的PAEs,从藻类等初级生产者吸收,到浮游动物、游泳动物等通过鳃和皮肤直接接触或捕食摄取,在水生生物之间转化和传递。笔者总结了PAEs在水生食物链中不同营养级生物体的含量,分析了PAEs在食物链中富集和转化的影响因素(辛醇-水分配系数Kow、代谢转化、生长阶段等)。目前的研究表明PAEs可能在食物链中传递,最终在较高营养级生物体中富集。同时总结了5种PAEs(邻苯二甲酸二丁酯、邻苯二甲酸二乙酯、邻苯二甲酯丁苄酯、邻苯二甲酸二(2-乙基)己酯和邻苯二甲酸二甲酯)对水生生物的毒性效应的研究进展,已有研究表明PAEs对藻类的细胞器和抗氧化体系,对鱼类的生殖系统、内分泌系统和抗氧化体系都有一定程度损伤。PAEs在食物链中传递和富集现象的存在会对高营养级水生生物产生潜在危害。针对目前PAEs在食物链中传递的研究数量较少、结构简单等问题,对未来研究方向做了简要分析和展望。  相似文献   

浙江省沿海地区四种贝类中砷的形态及含量分布   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
唐健  李士敏 《环境化学》2006,25(2):236-237
贝类等海产品中砷的含量比其它食品高,因为贝类不同程度地具有富集砷的能力.通过检测它的组织污染程度能反映水体环境的化学物质变化.贝类中砷的形态多种多样,包括无机砷和有机砷,有机砷包括甲基砷、二甲基砷、砷甜菜碱、砷胆碱等,通常是低毒或者无毒的,而无机砷的毒性远大于有机砷.因此,考察海洋食品中砷的限量主要是检测其无机砷的含量.  相似文献   

砷是一种强毒性化学物质,毒性不但与其在环境中的总量有关,更与其化学形态密切相关。砷在海洋环境中普遍存在,而海洋生物体内砷化合物的含量较高,是海洋环境中的"砷库"。本文结合国内外对海洋生物体内总砷及砷形态的分析,总结了国内外对各类海洋生物,包括海藻、海葵、多毛类、贝类、鱼类和其他高营养级海洋动物体内不同形态砷含量、累积和形态转化等研究概况和进展。针对目前研究工作和技术水平差异,建议我国应在检测技术、样品前处理、标准品制备、砷对生物体的健康效应等方面开展深入研究,以期揭示海洋生物对砷的累积规律、形态转化机制以及在人类体内代谢过程与危害性,为保护海洋生态环境、维护海洋食品安全提供科学依据。  相似文献   

持久性有机污染物在食物链中积累与放大研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
研究持久性有机污染物(Persistent organic pollutants,POPs)在食物链中的积累与放大是进行环境风险评估和有效污染控制的生态学基础.本文综述了POPs的基本特征,POPs在食物链中的生物积累与放大的机制、影响因素以及POPs在食物链中积累与放大的模型等的研究进展.国外学者对POPs在水生食物链的积累与放大方面研究较多,并提出了较为完善的预测模型,而有关POPs在陆生食物链中的生物积累与放大的研究报道较少.大部分学者并未对完整食物链进行过系统而完整的研究.与国外相比,国内学者对POPs在水生陆生食物链中的生物积累、生物放大和预测模型探讨较少.目前POPs对环境和人体健康危害越来越严重,开展对POPs在食物链中积累、放大及相关预测模型更深入更完整的研究,已成为当前生态学和环境科学研究的重点课题和前沿领域.  相似文献   

We analysed changes in the ecological roles of species, trophic structure and ecosystem functioning using four standardized mass-balance models of the South Catalan Sea (North-western Mediterranean). Models represented the ecosystem during the late 1970s, mid 1990s, early 2000s, and a simulated no-fishing scenario. The underlying hypothesis was that ecosystem models should quantitatively capture the increasing exploitation in the ecosystem from the 1970s to 2000s, as well as differences between the exploited and non-exploited scenarios. Biomass showed a general decrease, while there was an increase in biomass at lower trophic levels (TL) from the 1970s to 2000s. The efficiency of energy transfer (TE) from lower to higher TLs significantly increased with time. The ecosystem during the 1990s showed higher biomass and flows than during the 1970s and 2000s due to an increase in small pelagic fish biomass (especially sardines). Exploited food webs also showed similarities in terms of general structure and functioning due to high intensity of fishing already in the 1970s. This intensity was highlighted with low trophic levels in the catch, high consumption of production by fisheries, medium to high primary production required to sustain the catches and high losses in secondary production due to fishing. Significant differences on ecosystem structure and functioning were highlighted between the exploited and no-fishing scenarios. Biomass of higher TLs increased under the no-fishing scenario and the mean trophic level of the community and the fish/invertebrate biomass ratios were substantially lower in exploited food webs. The efficiency of energy transfer (TE) from lower to higher TLs was lower under the no-fishing scenario, and it showed a continuous decrease with increasing TL. Marine mammals, large hake, anglerfish and large pelagic fish were identified as keystone species of the ecosystem when there was no fishing, while their ecological importance notably decreased under the exploited periods. On the contrary, the importance of small-sized organisms such as benthic invertebrates and small pelagic fish was higher in exploited food webs.  相似文献   

POPs (persistent organic pollutants) associated with aquatic sediments can pose a risk to aquatic food chains, since they can be re-introduced to the food web. One major pathway is the bioaccumulation of POPs by endobenthic, sedimentingesting invertebrates (especially tubificid oligochaetes). These worms serve as food for benthivorous fish, which thereby ingest the sediment-borne chemicals and may accumulate contaminant concentrations far higher than from water exposure alone, and consequently transfer them to organisms of higher trophic levels. In order to evaluate such a potential biomagnification, a laboratory test was developed. It consisted of a two-step food chain including the sediment dwelling freshwater oligochaete Tubifex tubifex (Müller) and the three-spined stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus, Linné), a small teleost fish which often feeds primarily on benthic invertebrates. Artificial sediment and reconstituted water were used. To examine the influence of benthic prey on the bioaccumulation of a POP in the predator, fish were exposed to 14C-labelled hexachlorobenzene via spiked water, spiked sediment, pre-contaminated prey organisms, and to combinations of these exposure routes. Summarising the results of these experiments, it could be shown that the exposure to HCB via different routes resulted in a significantly higher accumulation in fish than an exposure to single pathways. It was concluded that the major uptake routes for fish were the overlying water and the food, whereas the contribution of spiked sediment itself was relatively small. HCB was biomagnified in the rested laboratory food chain. Therefore, concerning secondary poisoning, the environmental risk assessment of POPs like HCB should not be based on existing bioaccumulation tests alone, since they focus only on exposure via the water pathway. Instead, the influence of food and sediment as exposure routes should be considered as well, using comprehensive food chain modelling and/or laboratory studies.  相似文献   

It is proposed that unstructured food webs may more closely resemble real marine food webs than does the conventional, structured model. An unstructured food-web model leads to a set of very simple expressions for the potential partition of matter in the food web in steady state, including the potential fluxes of material and biomasses of trophic types and the concentration of trace substances in the members and materials of such a food web. The approach may explain some anomalies of relative predator-prey biomasses and of trace-element distribution, and may be of further use for analyzing and predicting (a) the tropho-dynamic parameters of marine systems, (b) the trophic positions, and the steadystate fluxes and biomasses of marine organisms, (c) the distribution of trace materials in marine biota; and for relating findings among these areas. Other matters, such as limitations of food conversion, indicated by concentration factors of trace substances, the possibilities of non-causal association of anomalously high levels of trace substances (including pollutants) with diseased or otherwise abnormal marine creatures, and an inverse relationship of early concentrations of newly introduced trace substances and their eventual concentrations in various organisms, are also developed in this approach.  相似文献   

The concept of trophic levels is one of the oldest in ecology and informs our understanding of energy flow and top-down control within food webs, but it has been criticized for ignoring omnivory. We tested whether trophic levels were apparent in 58 real food webs in four habitat types by examining patterns of trophic position. A large proportion of taxa (64.4%) occupied integer trophic positions, suggesting that discrete trophic levels do exist. Importantly however, the majority of those trophic positions were aggregated around integer values of 0 and 1, representing plants and herbivores. For the majority of the real food webs considered here, secondary consumers were no more likely to occupy an integer trophic position than in randomized food webs. This means that, above the herbivore trophic level, food webs are better characterized as a tangled web of omnivores. Omnivory was most common in marine systems, rarest in streams, and intermediate in lakes and terrestrial food webs. Trophic-level-based concepts such as trophic cascades may apply to systems with short food chains, but they become less valid as food chains lengthen.  相似文献   

《Ecological modelling》2004,179(3):405-416
The fate of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) in aquatic ecosystems is intimately linked to the cycling of organic matter. In this paper, we present a model of the effect of organic matter decomposition on the distribution of persistent organic pollutants in sediments. The model predicts a diagenetic (sediment-ageing) magnification of chemical concentrations in sediments enriched with labile organic matter. We predict two- to four-fold diagenetic magnification across a wide range of realistic parameter values, and higher levels (up to 20-fold) for labile organic matter in systems with low burial rates (i.e., residence times on the order of years). As an illustration, we apply our model to understand the fate of waste organic matter and associated PCBs discharged by marine fish farms. The available data support both the spatial pattern (as a function of burial rate) and the range of sediment PCB concentrations predicted by our model. This model explains why equilibrium models fail to predict the very high sediment-water partitioning coefficients often observed in the field. Effectively, diagenetic processes impose an additional biomagnification step at the bottom of the detritus-based food web, increasing the exposure to POPs of organisms at higher trophic levels.  相似文献   

Consumption of marine fish is a major route of toxic methyl mercury (MeHg) exposure to ocean apex predators and human populations. Here we explore the influence of trophic structure on total mercury (Hg) accumulation in red snapper (RS, Lutjanus campechanus) and gray snapper (GS, Lutjanus griseus) from the coastal Louisiana region of the Gulf of Mexico, west of the Mississippi River. The objectives of this investigation were to: (1) determine the effectiveness of the use of offshore recreational fishing charter boats and marinas as sources of fish samples and (2) compare species differences in Hg bioaccumulation, trophic position, and carbon sources. Our data show that length-normalized Hg concentrations (> or = 97% as MeHg in tissue of both species) were 230% greater in GS in comparison to RS collected from the same general area. Stable C and N isotope signatures (delta15N and delta13C) indicate that GS occupy a slightly higher trophic position (approximately 30% of one trophic position higher) on the Gulf food web in comparison to RS and that GS appear to incorporate higher trophic positioned prey, continually and at smaller sizes. Mercury was strongly correlated with combined delta15N and delta13C in pooled species data, arguing that most of the substantial difference in Hg bioaccumulation between RS and GS can be explained by modest differences in their trophic position and, to a lesser degree, carbon sources, which had low variation and high overlap among species. These observations demonstrate that even minor to moderate differences in trophic position and food habits in sympatric species can create relatively large differences in bioaccumulation regimes and underscores the importance of quantitative characterization of trophic structure in marine MeHg bioaccumulation studies.  相似文献   

Three cyclic volatile methylsiloxanes (cVMS) were widely used in various processes of production and industrials and frequently added to consumer products. cVMS are continuously released into the environment, causing increasing environmental and human exposing risks. cVMS were investigated in air, water, biogas, soil, sediment, biosolid and organism. Many scholars focused on the occurrence, behaviours, fate and effects of cVMS in environmental matrices all over the world. However, few studies paid attention to the environmental behaviour of cVMS in the solid phase. We assessed their environmental behaviour and fate in soil, biosolid and sediment. High concentrations of cVMS were detected in biosolids. Volatilisation, adsorption and degradation were the major environmental behaviours for cVMS in the solid phase. Although some aquatic organisms showed an appropriate level of bioaccumulation and bioconcentration, there were no obvious evidence of trophic biomagnification in aquatic food webs for octamethylcyclotetrasiloxane (D4) and decamethylcyclopentasiloxane (D5). In addition, cVMS in the environment have not impacted for natural organisms because the concentrations in soil and sediment have not exceeded the maximum no-observed-effect-concentration threshold. Finally, regarding the major environmental behaviour in soil and sediment, suggestions for further study are proposed.  相似文献   

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