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Three fetuses with TAR (thrombocytopenia with absent radii) or TAR variant syndrome were found to be thrombocytopenic during the third trimester of the pregnancy. These findings indicate that fetal blood sampling, besides ultrasonography, skeletal radiographs, or even fetoscopy, may indeed contribute to the prenatal diagnosis of TAR syndrome, and thus may help in differentiating TAR syndrome from other syndromes with malformations of the upper limbs.  相似文献   

The prenatal diagnosis of thrombocytopenia absent radius (TAR) syndrome, utilizing ultrasound and cordocentesis, is described. To our knowledge, this represents the first prenatal diagnosis of this condition in an index case. The diagnostic evaluation of a fetus with upper extremity limb reduction defects is discussed.  相似文献   

A case of thalidomide syndrome diagnosed by ultrasound in the 17th week of pregnancy is presented. The pregnant woman had leprosy and received adjuvant treatment with thalidomide. The affected fetus was exposed to the drug until the 35th day of pregnancy and presented absent external ears, upper limb phocomelia and absent tibiae and fibulae. No internal organ abnormalities were noticed at autopsy.  相似文献   

A single copy Y-chromosome DNA sequence was amplified using the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) from the peripheral blood of 30 women who had achieved a pregnancy through an in vitro fertilization (IVF) programme. The time of conception was known precisely and was confirmed by serial ultrasound scans. Conceptions were dated as the number of weeks after fertilization plus 2, to give a time equivalent to the obstetric menstrual dating of the pregnancy (LMP). Y-chromosome-specific DNA was detected in all pregnancies with a male fetus (18/30). The earliest detection was at 4 weeks and 5 days, and the latest at 7 weeks and 1 day. Y-chromosome-specific sequences were no longer detected in any of the male pregnancies 8 weeks after delivery. No Y-chromosome sequences were detected in any of the pregnancies where only female babies were delivered. This demonstrates that fetal DNA appears in the maternal circulation early in the first trimester, that it can be identified in all pregnancies tested by 7 weeks, that it continues to be present throughout pregnancy, and that it has been cleared from the maternal circulation 2 months after parturition. Early non-invasive prenatal diagnosis for aneuploidies and inherited disorders will be possible in all pregnancies if fetal cells can be isolated free from maternal contamination (or identified accurately in the presence of maternal cells) without problems of contamination from previous pregnancies.  相似文献   

A mother affected with Apert's syndrome was diagnosed by ultrasound scan at 16–17 weeks to have a fetus similarly affected. The typical features of acrocephaly and symmetrical syndactyly were seen. This is probably the first time that this condition has been diagnosed at such a gestation by ultrasound scan. The patient decided to continue the pregnancy, and intrauterine death occurred at 34 weeks. The diagnosis was confirmed by pathological examination.  相似文献   

An early case of prenatal Caffey disease is reported. Ultrasound examination performed at 20 weeks showed major angulations of long bones, but both ultrasound scan and X-rays failed to make the differential diagnosis between Caffey disease and lethal osteogenesis imperfecta. A cordocentesis allowed us to find important biological abnormalities. The pregnancy was terminated after the rapid development of hydrops fetalis. The definitive diagnosis of Caffey disease was obtained by special X-ray and pathological study.  相似文献   

The Antley-Bixler syndrome is characterized by multiple skeletal fusions including humero-radial synostosis, anterior bowing of the femora, cardiac and renal malformations and a high incidence of early postnatal lethality. In the pregnancy of a mother who had previously given birth to a child with the Antley-Bixler syndrome, prenatal ultrasound diagnosis was performed at 17 and 20 weeks. Fixed flexion of about 80° in both elbows was seen together with humero-radial synostosis and bowing of the ulnae. The fetus performed jerky cranio-caudal movements in its shoulders, but did not, during five hours of real-time observation, move at all in the elbows. Mild anterior bowing of the femora was also observed. The pregnancy was terminated at 21 weeks, and radiological examination of the female fetus confirmed the above mentioned findings including complete bilateral humero-radial synostosis. She also had cardiac and renal malformations. An ultrasound diagnosis of syndromes which have humero-radial synostosis as one feature is possible. Immobility and flexion in the elbows during a long period is probably the essential diagnostic finding.  相似文献   

The prenatal diagnosis of thrombocytopenia absent radius syndrome in both dizygotic twins utilizing ultrasound, radiography and fetoscopy is described.  相似文献   

Autosomal recessive polycystic kidney disease (ARPKD) is a rare hereditary disease with a high neonatal mortality. Currently, prenatal diagnosis is possible only during the second half of pregnancy, when bilaterally enlarged, echogenic kidneys are visible by ultrasound. We describe a case in which a diagnosis of ARPKD was sought in the first half of pregnancy. High-resolution ultrasonography revealed echogenic, normal-sized kidneys at 15+4 weeks. Microsatellite DNA analysis of a chorionic villus sample, parental blood, and blood of an affected sibling showed that the fetus had the maternal haplotype and a recombination of the paternal haplotype. Thus, no distinction between homo- and heterozygosity for the ARPKD mutation in the fetus was possible. A further ultrasound examination at 19+4 weeks confirmed the previous results, indicating that the fetus was likely to be affected. After termination of the pregnancy, the diagnosis was confirmed on microscopic examination.  相似文献   

Ultrasound examination of a 31-year-old woman at 27 weeks' gestation revealed fetal growth retardation, a bilateral cleft lip and palate, and the absence of median cerebral structures. Chromosome analysis after cordocentesis showed an abnormal karyotype with a structural abnormality of the long arm of chromosome 7: 46,XX,—7,+der(7), t(7;18) (q34;q21.3)mat. The pregnancy was terminated at week 29. The ultrasound findings were confirmed by post-mortem examination, which also revealed a semilobar holoprosencephaly.  相似文献   

A case of del(15)(q11q13) was detected in amniotic fluid cell cultures and confirmed by cordocentesis in a 27-year-old woman with a low maternal serum alpha-fetoprotein level. The fetus was shown to have a short femoral length on ultrasonography. This structural chromosome abnormality associated with the prenatal ultrasonographic findings and the morphological characteristics visualized after termination of pregnancy strongly suggest Prader-Willi syndrome.  相似文献   

Hydrops fetalis was diagnosed at 22 weeks. An ultrasound examination demonstrated cardiomegaly and a fetal blood specimen obtained by cordocentesis revealed thrombocytopenia, anaemia, and neutropenia. Fetal paracentesis yielded straw-coloured fluid with electrolytes indicative of a transudate. Non-enveloped icosahedral viral particles approximately 23 mm in diameter were visualized in the ascitic fluid by electron microscopy. Immune electron microscopy confirmed human parvovirus B19. Direct fetal digitalization led to a reduction in umbilical artery resistance, a decline in the abdominal circumference from 20·3 to 17·8 cm, and resolution of the ascites within 72 h. Despite this dramatic response to therapy, fetal death occurred on day 5 of treatment. The initial maternal serum was positive for anti-B19 IgM and IgG antibodies. Electron microscopy of fetal cardiac tissue obtained post-mortem revealed intranuclear viral particles typical of B19, confirming the antenatal diagnosis of myocarditis. This case demonstrates that direct viral identification is applicable to prenatal diagnosis. To our knowledge, this is the first reported case of the antenatal diagnosis and palliative treatment of fetal viral infection.  相似文献   

Objective The aim of this study is to describe a fetus with androgen insensitivity syndrome diagnosed at mid-second trimester. Case and Methods Nuchal translucency was measured thick and double test was found higher. The patient referred to our center at 16th weeks of gestation. Fetal ultrasound examination and amniocentesis was performed. Results The nuchal translucency (NT) of fetus in present pregnancy was measured approximately 10 mm at 13 weeks and Down syndrome risk was calculated 1 in 10 by double test. On ultrasound examination; thick nuchal fold (NF) and short fetal limbs were found, and the fetus was seen a female and amniocentesis was performed. Three weeks later the fetal karyotype was reported normal as 46,XY. Thereupon the fetus reexamined for 2D and 4D ultrasound, and confirmed previous findings. The fetus was terminated at 19th weeks and seen a female phenotype. The fetal gonads removed in abdomen and testicles confirmed histopatologically. Conclusion In generally, diagnosis of AIS is most made postnatally. This is the second case in English literature, which diagnosed mid-second trimester. In this situation, the fetus with thick NT/NF and short limbs may be AIS, therefore appearance of fetal sex on ultrasound should be compared with genetic sex Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The Jarcho–Levin syndrome is a specific form of spondylocostal/spondylothoracic dysostosis. There have been various classifications of this syndrome. We present the case of a severe prenatal Jarcho–Levin syndrome, diagnosed by ultrasound examination during the first trimester of pregnancy in a family with no previous medical history of an affected child. X-ray exploration, high-resolution spiral computed tomography and autopsy confirmed the diagnosis. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Transabdominal chorionic villus sampling (TA-CVS) was performed in 210 pregnancies from 13 to 38 weeks using a double-needle technique. The sampling success was comparable to first-trimester TA-CVS and the diagnostic success rate was 98.2 per cent for the short-term technique and 99.3 per cent for cultured villi. Two fetuses could not be karyotyped. We found the chromosome quality to be similar to that in the first trimester, comparing the number of G-bands and other chromosome attributes. There were no unintended losses in a group (n = 142) with no sonographic abnormality, except for one death in utero at 38 weeks, 20 weeks after sampling. Chromosomal aberrations were seen in 19 per cent of cases with abnormal sonograms (n = 58). One case of a discordant karyotype was found (false-negative prediction of Down's syndrome by the short-term preparation). There were no cases of fetal demise due to feto-maternal bleeding. It is suggested that double-needle TA-CVS in advanced pregnancies combines the advantages of rapid karyotyping of chromosomes of good quality and low risk for the fetus, and seems to be easier to practise and is probably safer than cordocentesis.  相似文献   

A 20-year-old woman with Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome (BWS) was ultrasonographically appraised at intervals during her pregnancy. Unequivocal evidence for a diagnosis of BWS was obtained in the fetus and this was confirmed postnatally. Early ultrasound diagnosis enabled appropriate genetic counselling to be given; neonatal complications, such as hypoglycaemic episodes, were prevented.  相似文献   

Blood was obtained by cordocentesis from a fetus with non-immune hydrops demonstrated by ultrasound scanning at 27 weeks' gestation. Abnormalities of serum transferrin isoelectric focussing (IEF) were identified, characteristic of a congenital disorder of glycosylation type I (CDG-Ia). A diagnosis of CDG-Ia was confirmed by enzyme analysis of cultured amniocytes. This is the first report of CDG-Ia diagnosed by serum analysis in a fetus. Previous reports have warned that diagnostic abnormalities do not appear in serum until several weeks after birth. The sensitivity of cordocentesis transferrin IEF is unknown but is less than 100% effective because cases have been diagnosed postnatally after normal prenatal or neonatal studies. Enzyme analysis or mutation analysis is required for diagnosis of congenital disorder of glycosylation (CDGs) regardless of whether a diagnostic transferrin pattern is identified prenatally. The analysis of a small sample of serum, from cordocentesis, performed to check for fetal anemia, simplified the investigation, diagnosis, and genetic counselling of a case of non-immune hydrops detected at 27 weeks' gestation. This might be a useful test for other cases in these circumstances, as fetal blood is usually collected to check for anemia. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Forty-two women with abnormal ultrasound findings after 27 weeks' gestation underwent a placental biopsy. In 39 cases, a karyotype was obtained from a direct preparation within 48 h, five abnormal karyotypes being detected (four trisomies and a triploidy). One confirmed placental mosaic was also detected. In one case, a small terminal deletion of chromosome 7 was not detected at the time due to the quality of the preparation. A karyotype can be obtained from a direct preparation in the third trimester in over 90 per cent of cases, the quality of the preparation allowing the reliable detection of abnormalities of chromosome number. We believe that this technique may be usefully, reliably, and safely employed in the third trimester of pregnancy by those with an interest in antenatal ultrasound diagnosis who do not have immediate access to a cytogenetics laboratory and who feel that cordocentesis is inappropriate for their situation.  相似文献   

Two de novo cases with Apert Syndrome detected prenatally are presented herein. In the first, fetal ultrasound findings of syndactyly of the hands, craniosynostosis and proptosis resulted in a prenatal diagnosis in the nineteenth week of gestation. This is the earliest prenatal diagnosis of this syndrome in a not-at-risk case. Following counseling, this pregnancy was terminated and subsequent pathological examination and DNA analysis confirmed the diagnosis of Apert Syndrome and coarctation of the aorta. In the second case, fetal ultrasound at 21 weeks' gestation revealed a hypoplastic left heart and clover-leaf skull. Following counseling, this pregnancy was also terminated. Further examination of the fetus and DNA analysis led to a diagnosis of Apert Syndrome. These cases emphasize the need to complete a thorough fetal ultrasound in cases with potentially lethal cardiac abnormality and the importance of incorporating a fetal pathologist, as well as a medical geneticist, in the investigations performed after delivery or pregnancy termination when a fetal abnormality is detected on ultrasound. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We report a case of monochorionic diamniotic twin gestation confirmed by ultrasound visualization of the thin intertwin-dividing membrane at 32 weeks' gestation. Ultrasound at 36 weeks failed to demonstrate the thin dividing membrane. The pregnancy ended a few days later with spontaneous vaginal delivery of the first twin. The second twin was in transverse lie with no membranes that could be felt around. Severe fetal heart rate deceleration developed, prompting delivery by emergency caesarean section. Cord entanglement was noted at the time of delivery, which resulted in severe perinatal morbidity of the second twin. The antepartum rupture of the dividing membrane must have happened some time between 32 and 36 weeks. The etiology for this intrauterine disruption is unknown. A review of the literature about the antepartum rupture of the intertwin-dividing membrane is described, along with its possible causes and complications. In addition, we discuss possible causes of incorrect amnionicity determination, and thus how to minimize these pitfalls. We conclude that antepartum disruption of the intertwin-dividing membrane is more common than previously thought. Moreover, prenatal ultrasonographic visualization of a dividing membrane in a diamniotic twin pregnancy does not rule out future change in this environment to a monoamniotic one, with all its perinatal morbidity and mortality complications, which result mainly from cord entanglement. This suggests a modification in the method and frequency of the prenatal fetal well-being follow-up, as well as the time and mode of delivery. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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