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Cytogenetic data are presented from a total of 1306 consecutive pregnancies with successful diagnosis obtained from both chorionic villi after short-time culture (CVS-SC) and amniotic fluid cell cultures (AC); samples had been taken simultaneously at combined placentacentesis (placental biopsy) and amniocentesis during the second (92·8 per cent) and third (7·2 per cent) trimesters. Concordant results were obtained in 1218 pregnancies with a normal karyotype and in 62 pregnancies with an aberrant fetal karyotype. Discrepant, i. e. false-positive and false-negative, results were found in 26 cases (2 per cent). From these data the accuracy of CVS-SC, defined as the proportion of all correct diagnoses, is calculated to be 98 per cent. Three non-mosaic and 14 mosaic false-positive results obtained after CVS-SC could not be confirmed by AC. Related to 1235 true normal fetal karyotypes, the specificity of CVS-SC, i.e. the proportion of normal karyotypes correctly diagnosed, amounts to 98·6 per cent. In nine pregnancies, an aberrant fetal karyotype detected after AC was missed by CVS-SC. The sensitivity of CVS-SC, i.e. the proportion of abnormal fetuses correctly diagnosed (62 out of 71), amounts to 87·3 per cent in our study group.  相似文献   

This study examined rates of karyotype abnormalities in fetuses diagnosed by ultrasound as abnormal before 20 weeks' gestational age and which prompted a follow-up amniocentesis or chorionic villus sampling. Those diagnosed before 20 weeks were compared with those diagnosed at or after 20 weeks. A retrospective study identified ultrasonographically abnormal fetuses in whom karyotyping had been undertaken, 306 fetuses before 20 weeks' gestational age and 241 after. Isolated malformations before 20 weeks had, on average, an 18 per cent risk of karyotype abnormality, compared with 20 per cent later. Specific rates were calculated; for example, heart abnormality was associated with karyotype abnormality in 7 per cent of cases before 20 weeks and in 14 per cent later. Multiple malformations and karyotype abnormalities were found together in 28 per cent of fetuses prior to 20 weeks and in 33 per cent of the older fetuses. Specific associations included nuchal oedema and trisomy 21 in 21 per cent of fetuses before 20 weeks. No karyotype abnormalities were found in fetuses diagnosed with choroid plexus cysts. An overview of trisomies in Victoria, in 1991, showed that 50 per cent of trisomy 18, 42 per cent of trisomy 13, and 9·5 per cent of trisomy 21 cases were identified by ultrasound in women less than 37 years of age. Another 28·6 per cent of trisomy 21 fetuses were detected in women of advanced maternal age who underwent amniocentesis or chorionic villus sampling, making a total of 38·1 per cent of trisomy 21 that were detected prenatally. The importance of early karyotyping specifically relates to the ongoing management of the pregnancy if the chromosomes are normal, and facilitates decision-making regarding termination of pregnancy if the chromosomes are abnormal.  相似文献   

Fetal nuchal translucency was measured at 11–14 weeks' gestation in 97 pregnancies referred for early amniocentesis for advanced maternal age. The nuchal translucency was abnormal in 11 fetuses and the fetal karyotype was abnormal in five of these 11 cases. The karyotype was normal in 86 cases with normal nuchal translucency. The culture failure and miscarriage rates associated with early amniocentesis were 3·3 per cent and 2·2 per cent respectively. Amniotic fluid leakage occurred in 6 per cent of cases. In women requesting fetal karyotyping for advanced maternal age without additional biochemical screening, fetal nuchal translucency should be measured at 11–14 weeks. If the nuchal thickness is ≥ 3 mm, a first-trimester diagnostic procedure is indicated; however, if it is <3 mm, amniocentesis should be delayed until 16 weeks' gestation.  相似文献   

Nine hundred and thirty-six prenatal chromosomal analyses were performed by four cytogenetic centres after ultrasound diagnosis of fetal abnormalities, amniotic fluid disorders, fetal growth retardation, and fetal or placental abnormalities. During the same period, 6515 fetal karyotypes were analysed because of maternal age. Frequencies of chromosomal aberrations in each case were respectively 4·4, 6·7 and 15·8 per cent, compared with 3·18 per cent when the fetal karyotype was performed because of maternal age. High rates of chromosomal aberrations are observed in cases of cervical hygroma, limb abnormalities, omphaloceles, duodenal stenosis, hydrocephalus, and facial abnormalities. In the case of polymalformations, this rate was 29·2 per cent. When malformations were seen together with an amniotic fluid disorder or growth retardation, 21·5 per cent chromosomal aberrations were observed. This frequency was 10·4 per cent when growth retardation was associated with an amniotic fluid disorder. Trisomy 13, 18, 21 and monosomy X accounted for 4/5 of all abnormalities in which we observed a high rate of triploidies (4·9 per cent) and balanced (3·3 per cent) or unbalanced (9·8 per cent) non-Robertsonian structural abnormalities. Sonographic ascertainment of these aberrations and prenatal characteristics of major anomalies are discussed.  相似文献   

Estimation of alpha-fetoprotein (A.F.P.) in maternal serum was used as a screening method for the detection of fetal neural tube defect (N.T.D.) in 7315 women over a four year period. Of these, 5668 pregnancies were tested between 15 and 21 weeks. Action was advised in 129 patients (2·3 per cent). In 74 patients, the only action required was reviewing the notes, including the report of any ultrasound examination, and repeating the blood A.F.P. Detailed ultrasound including scanning the fetal spine was requested in 47 patients and amniocentesis was advised in 19 of these (0·33 per cent). In practice the incidence of amniocentesis was 0·28 per cent as three patients declined our advice. The programme gave detection rates between 15 and 21 weeks of 100 per cent and 75 per cent respectively for anencephaly and open spina bifida. A high fetal mortality was associated with persistently elevated blood A.F.P. levels whether amniocentesis was performed or not.  相似文献   

First trimester fetal diagnosis was established in 100 pregnancies at risk by transabdominal chorionic villus sampling (TA-CVS). Forty-eight per cent of the women were 35 years or more at the time of sampling. Using the double needle technique, both the aspiration and the diagnostic success rate were 100 per cent. The mean amount of villi aspirated was 28·2 mg (10–50 mg). The mean needle time was 3 min. Vaginal spotting appeared in 2 per cent of the women. Four women had therapeutic abortion due to abnormal findings and one for social reasons. Three fetuses with normal karyotypes were lost. Excluding the therapeutic abortions, the fetal loss rate was 3±2 per cent. The fetal loss rate in the amniocentesis control group (n = 200) was 3±6 per cent. The cytogenetic diagnosis was carried out by the direct preparation technique as well as by chorion villus cultivation. All karyotypes were confirmed by lymphocyte cultures from umbilical cord blood or heel blood from the newborn or from aborted fetal tissue. Transabdominal CVS is deemed a safe and easy tool for achieving chorionic villi in the first trimester.  相似文献   

Between August 1989 and December 1991, 356 patients underwent first-trimester transvaginal amniocentesis (10–12 weeks). The same number of patients referred in the same period for mid-trimester amniocentesis (14–21 weeks) was matched also for maternal age and indication. A third group consisted of the first 356 cases in which chorionic villus sampling (CVS) was attempted. The overall success rate was 99·7 and 100 per cent for early and mid-trimester amniocentesis, respectively, and 97·2 per cent for CVS. The mean harvesting time was 12·8, 11, and 7·9 days, respectively. The percentage of patients rescheduled was 3·4 per cent in first-trimester amniocentesis, 1·7 per cent in mid-trimester amniocentesis, and 6·2 per cent in the CVS group. The early (less than 2 weeks) pregnancy loss was 1·7 and 0·6 per cent in early and mid-trimester amniocentesis, respectively, and 1·7 per cent in CVS. The total pregnancy loss was 3·2, 0·9, and 2·9 per cent, respectively. The rate of preterm birth was 6·0, 5·2 and 6·9 per cent, respectively. The results indicate that CVS has the shortest procedure-result interval, but the highest rescheduling rate. First-trimester amniocentesis has a higher procedure and laboratory success rate but, until otherwise proved, mid-trimester amniocentesis is the most efficient and safest procedure.  相似文献   

Placental biopsy was performed on 81 patients at greater than 16 weeks' gestation. The major indication for such biopsies was an increased risk of chromosomal abnormality because of either abnormal ultrasound findings or late presentations for advanced maternal age. Six abnormal karyotypes resulting in elective termination were found. The use of rapid karyotyping by this procedure as an alternative to amniocentesis or fetal blood sampling is discussed.  相似文献   

Three hundred and twenty-two percutaneous umbilical blood samplings were performed over 4 years in our prenatal diagnostic centre. A 3·5 MHz sector ultrasound transducer was used to guide a 22·5-gauge needle under local anaesthesia. Sampling was performed fcir rapid fetal karyotyping (within 72 h) in 120 cases, for diagnosis of fetal toxoplasmosis in 133 cases, for determination of the severity of Rh immunization in 15 cases, and for diagnosis of congenital rubella in 4 cases. Pure fetal blood was obtained in 98·7 per cent of the cases after two attempts. The approach to the cord was either transamniotic or trans-piacental. Puncturing was preferentially done at the placental insertion of the cord (72·2 per cent of the cases) and the mean blood sample volume was 3·5 ml. The rate of fetal death in utero was 1 9 per cent, including two cases of amnionitis, one trisomy 18, and one severe bradycardia. The failures were due to sampling at an early stage of pregnancy (before gestation week 18), to maternal obesity, oligohydramnios, and the inexperience of the operator.  相似文献   

Over a four-year period, 140 pregnancies with different malformations detected by ultrasound were examined cytogenetically. Gestational age ranged from 13 to 36 weeks. Twenty-six fetuses (18.6 per cent) had abnormal karyotypes, including trisomies, triploidy, monosomy X, and structural anomalies. Similar malformations were found in fetuses with different chromosomal anomalies, indicating that the types of malformations are not specific for particular chromosomal anomalies. Chromosomal analysis was performed on amniotic fluid culture and by direct karyotyping of placental biopsies. Direct karyotyping is suggested to be the most rapid approach, especially if sonographic anomalies are detected close to the 24th week of gestation, shortly before delivery, and in cases of significant oligohydramnios.  相似文献   

Rapid karyotyping in the second and third trimesters has important implications for the management of pregnancies at risk. From September 1985 to March 1992, 735 amniotic fluid samples sent to our laboratory for rapid karyotyping from 64 different diagnostic centres of the Federal Republic of Germany were included in a comparative study on harvesting for chromosome analysis using the ‘pipette method’ or the ‘in situ’ technique. The average time between preparation of the amniotic fluid and verbal notification of the analysed karyotype was 5·41 days. The ‘pipette method’ needed on average 4·65 days, and the ‘in situ’ technique 5·97 days. In comparison with other more invasive techniques available for rapid karyotyping such as cordocentesis and placental biopsy, amniocentesis and subsequent chromosome harvesting using the ‘pipette method’ and/or the ‘in situ’ technique proved very useful and efficient. The overall incidence of chromosome aberrations was 15·3 per cent. The high rate of structural chromosome aberrations and uncommon aneuploidies found in our investigation (12 per cent) indicates that for rapid karyotyping in the second and third trimesters, conventional cytogenetic techniques cannot be replaced by faster techniques based on fluorescent in situ hybridization on interphase cells in the near future.  相似文献   

The management of isolated fetal choroid plexus cysts remains controversial. We have prospectively studied 15 565 pregnancies at two large obstetric units for the presence of choroid plexus cysts. In all cases where cysts were present at 19 weeks' gestation or greater, and were multiple, bilateral or solitary and greater than 5 mm maximum diameter, women were offered amniocentesis or placental biopsy, irrespective of the presence or absence of other abnormalities. Choroid plexus cysts were present in 152 (0·98 per cent) of cases. Four cases (2·6 per cent) of autosomal trisomy (three of trisomy 18, one of trisomy 21) were detected on prenatal karyotyping. In all cases, choroid plexus cysts were the only detectable prenatal anomaly. This study and a review of other large studies do not support the view that isolated choroid plexus cysts are a benign variant, the risk of trisomy being 1 in 82. Until further evidence is available, we recommend that cases of isolated fetal choroid plexus cysts at 19 weeks' gestation or greater should be offered prenatal karyotyping.  相似文献   

The fetal loss rates and fetal congenital birth defects in 821 transabdominal (TA) chorionic villus sampling (CVS) and 771 amniocentesis (AC) cases were evaluated from a 5-year period (1987–1991) at the University Central Hospital of Turku. The parents were given the option of choosing between the two sampling procedures. CVS was performed, in most cases, at 11 weeks of gestation; and AC, at 15 weeks. The rate of total post-procedure loss was 6·7 per cent in the CVS group and 4·4 per cent in the AC group (p=0·08). The rate of spontaneous abortions was 1·9 per cent in the CVS group and 1·0 per cent in the AC group (p=0·10). The number of birth defects was low in both study groups. No limb reduction cases were observed. Mosaicism was noted in 14 CVS cases and in five AC cases. We conclude that TA-CVS is a safe and practical alternative to AC in prenatal fetal karyotyping.  相似文献   

The relationship between first-trimester maternal serum Schwangerschafts protein 1 (SP1) and the karyotype of the pregnancy was examined in 692 women who underwent chorionic villus biopsy at 6–12 weeks. There were 30 pregnancies with abnormal karyotypes, consisting of 14 Down's syndrome (DS), eight trisomy 18, and eight other anomalies, two of which were mosaics. The normal ranges and medians for gestation were defined from the 662 cases in which the karyotype was normal. The median SP1 (0·5 MOM) of the abnormal group was significantly lower than that of the normal group (10 MOM). This relationship was maintained for the DS pregnancies (0·4 MOM) and for anomalies other than trisomy 18 (0·43 MOM) but not trisomy 18 (1·1 MOM). It is possible that the use of SP1 as a screening test for chromosome anomalies in the first trimester could have a 43 per cent detection rate for a 5 per cent false-positive rate.  相似文献   

Parental decisions concerning the continuation of pregnancy following prenatal detection of abnormal chromosomes were evaluated for 80 patients whose diagnosis and prenatal counselling were performed in our centre. Twenty-two anomalies were diagnosed by chorionic villus sampling (CVS) and 58 by amniocentesis. The severity of the chromosome anomaly and associated ultrasound findings in the first vs. second trimester were correlated with patients' decisions. No difference was found in the likelihood of parental decisions to interrupt or continue a pregnancy between CVS and amniocentesis for either the‘severe’ or the‘questionable’ group of chromosome anomalies. Ninety-three per cent of patients with severe prognosis and 27 per cent with questionable prognosis opted for pregnancy termination (p <0·0001). The association of ultrasound anomalies and termination was highly significant (p< 0·001). The severity of the chromosome anomaly, and, to a lesser extent, the visualization of anomalies on ultrasound were the major determinants of parental decisions to terminate the pregnancy. The diagnosis of an anomaly in the first trimester was no more likely ito lead to a termination of pregnancy than in the second trimester.  相似文献   

We report our experience in ascertaining fetal triploidy during routine maternal serum alpha-fetoprotein (MSAFP) screening. Three cases were identified after elevated MSAFP tests. Two of the three had normal amniotic fluid alpha-fetoprotein (AFAFP). The third had amniocentesis too late for AFAFP interpretation. Three additional cases were detected by amniocentesis without prior MSAFP screening and none had an elevated AFAFP. A literature review revealed eight triploid fetuses detected as a result of an elevated MSAFP. Of the five with AFAFP quantitation, only one had an abnormal value and the elevation was minimal. In these 14 cases from our own and other reports, ultrasound findings of placental and fetal abnormalities were often noted, but a pattern diagnostic of triploidy was not present. We conclude that, for optimal prenatal detection of triploidy, fetal karyotyping should be included when an amniocentesis is performed for elevated MSAFP.  相似文献   

We studied 201 pregnancies that were established by in vitro fertilization and embryo transfer (IVF–ET) and compared the frequency of cytogenetic abnormalities with that found in a large control population matched for indication group (advanced maternal age) and time of sampling. A total of 252 IVF–ET fetuses were cytogenetically analysed by either chorionic villus sampling (CVS; n = 80) or amniocentesis (n = 172). Eleven chromosome abnormalities were found in the CVS group (13·8 per cent); among them, a 45, X/46, X, dic(q11)/46, X, del(Y)(q11) mosaic that was found in an IVF pregnancy established by intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI), four cases of trisomy 21, and three cases of trisomy 7 confined to the placenta. The results indicate a statistically significant three-to five-fold increase in both confined placental abnormalities (P<0·008) and true fetal chromosome anomalies (P<0·04). In the amniocentesis group, identical rates (1·7 per cent) of chromosome abnormalities were found in the IVF–ET and control groups. It is concluded that late first trimester, but not early second trimester, IVF–ET pregnancies are characterized by an increased frequency of cytogenetic abnormalities found at prenatal diagnosis.  相似文献   

In the North-Western Region we offer a service to examine fetuses aborted after the diagnosis of fetal abnormalities. Many obstetricians use this service. We examined 343 mid-trimester fetuses over the last 5 years: 215 following an abnormal scan and 128 abnormal amniotic fluid or villus findings. When necessary, investigations were performed. A post-mortem examination was always required. As a result of fetal investigation, the scan diagnosis was modified or refined in 91 cases (42·3 per cent). In three of these cases, no fetal abnormality was found. For the fetuses diagnosed as abnormal by amniocentesis or chorionic villus biopsy, in one (0·8 per cent) the pre-termination diagnosis was not confirmed. The results were similar to those of our previous 5-year study except (a) diagnosis of neural tube defects was rarely based on amniocentesis in the present study (2/62, 3·2 per cent) compared with the previous one (32/103, 31 per cent), and (b) renal abnormalities were more often diagnosed in the pre-termination scan in the present study. We conclude that the examination of aborted mid-trimester fetuses by dysmorphologists continues to improve diagnosis, allowing more accurate genetic counselling for the families.  相似文献   

Chorionic villus sampling (CVS) was performed in 12 pregnant women (9–25 gestational weeks) with ultrasonographic evidence of missed abortion. An ultrasonographically guided transabdominal (eight cases) or transcervical (four cases) approach was used. Fetal karyo-typing was successful in all cases; in five, chromosomal aberrations were found and in seven, chromosome analyses revealed normal karyotypes. Tissue culture for fetal karyotyping was successful in only 72.5 per cent of 40 live pregnancies which were electively interrupted because of abnormal ultrasonographic findings or an abnormal fetal karyotype, and in 57 per cent of seven missed abortions. CVS is suggested as a feasible and effective method for fetal karyotyping in missed abortions and it seems to be superior to post-abortion tissue culture.  相似文献   

The history of amniocentesis utilization in the seventh largest state of the United States is documented from its inception in 1972 through the first half of 1984. Amniocentesis utilization ratios for Ohio residents aged ⩾35 have increased from 0.21 per cent (19/9091) in 1972 to 23.4 per cent (1655/7531) in 1983, representing an average annual growth rate of 43.1 per cent. Of the amniocenteses performed from January 1, 1978–July 1, 1984, 71 per cent were referred for advanced maternal age (⩾35), 15 per cent for maternal anxiety (30–34), 10 per cent for family history or previous child with a genetic defect, and 4 per cent for other reasons. Between 1978-1983 utilization by women 45 years of age was only 20 per cent higher than women 35 even though their risk of giving birth to a Down syndrome child was about one order of magnitude higher. In addition, various factors were tested as to whether they affected utilization of amniocentesis by women ⩾35 during 1978 1983. A strong correlation of +0.89 existed between county population size and utilization ratios. No difference in utilization was found between whites and nonwhites, regardless of county population size. When utilization ratios were compared separately between Protestants, Catholics and other religions in Ohio's most populated county, no statistical differences were found. From 1978–July 1, 1984, the frequency of all cytogenetically abnormal chromosome results observed in Ohio amniocenteses to women ⩾35 was 2.48 per cent (187/7536). Of these, 2.15 per cent (162/7536) had unbalanced karyotypes. Future maximum amniocentesis utilization for women ⩾35 is estimated at 60–70 per cent.  相似文献   

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