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Experience with prenatal karyotyping of 237 fetuses with sonographic evidence of malformation is reported. Abnormal karyotype was found in 40 cases (16-8 per cent): chromosomal aberrations were found in 19 of the 178 fetuses with an isolated structural anomaly (10-6 per cent) and in 21 of the 59 fetuses with multiple malformations (35-6 per cent). Detailed cytogenetic and morphological information concerning fetuses affected by omphalocele, duodenal atresia, hydrocephalus, multicystic kidney, unilateral hydronephrosis and cystic hygroma is reported. The need for a very careful ultrasound evaluation of fetal anatomy in these pregnancies is stressed, as the risk of a chromosomal anomaly depends mainly on the existence of more than one ultrasonically diagnosed structural defect.  相似文献   

This study examined rates of karyotype abnormalities in fetuses diagnosed by ultrasound as abnormal before 20 weeks' gestational age and which prompted a follow-up amniocentesis or chorionic villus sampling. Those diagnosed before 20 weeks were compared with those diagnosed at or after 20 weeks. A retrospective study identified ultrasonographically abnormal fetuses in whom karyotyping had been undertaken, 306 fetuses before 20 weeks' gestational age and 241 after. Isolated malformations before 20 weeks had, on average, an 18 per cent risk of karyotype abnormality, compared with 20 per cent later. Specific rates were calculated; for example, heart abnormality was associated with karyotype abnormality in 7 per cent of cases before 20 weeks and in 14 per cent later. Multiple malformations and karyotype abnormalities were found together in 28 per cent of fetuses prior to 20 weeks and in 33 per cent of the older fetuses. Specific associations included nuchal oedema and trisomy 21 in 21 per cent of fetuses before 20 weeks. No karyotype abnormalities were found in fetuses diagnosed with choroid plexus cysts. An overview of trisomies in Victoria, in 1991, showed that 50 per cent of trisomy 18, 42 per cent of trisomy 13, and 9·5 per cent of trisomy 21 cases were identified by ultrasound in women less than 37 years of age. Another 28·6 per cent of trisomy 21 fetuses were detected in women of advanced maternal age who underwent amniocentesis or chorionic villus sampling, making a total of 38·1 per cent of trisomy 21 that were detected prenatally. The importance of early karyotyping specifically relates to the ongoing management of the pregnancy if the chromosomes are normal, and facilitates decision-making regarding termination of pregnancy if the chromosomes are abnormal.  相似文献   

Over a four-year period, 140 pregnancies with different malformations detected by ultrasound were examined cytogenetically. Gestational age ranged from 13 to 36 weeks. Twenty-six fetuses (18.6 per cent) had abnormal karyotypes, including trisomies, triploidy, monosomy X, and structural anomalies. Similar malformations were found in fetuses with different chromosomal anomalies, indicating that the types of malformations are not specific for particular chromosomal anomalies. Chromosomal analysis was performed on amniotic fluid culture and by direct karyotyping of placental biopsies. Direct karyotyping is suggested to be the most rapid approach, especially if sonographic anomalies are detected close to the 24th week of gestation, shortly before delivery, and in cases of significant oligohydramnios.  相似文献   

Prenatal diagnosis performed by fetal karyotype and ultrasound scan is now a routine part of antenatal care in many countries. How many fetal anomalies are actually detected by these procedures? We have used our registry of congenital malformations to answer this question. In our region, prenatal diagnosis was performed in 23.1 per cent of fetuses with a chromosomal aberration and in 20.1 per cent of fetuses with non-chromosomal anomalies. Only 6.9 per cent of the pregnancies with fetuses with non-chromosomal anomalies were terminated. The sensitivity of prenatal diagnosis by ultrasonographic examination was much lower for isolated malformations (fetuses with only one anomaly) than for multiple malformed children, 15.3 and 48.3 per cent respectively, chromosomal anomalies excluded.  相似文献   

Between 1981 and 1991, 461 pregnant women between 15 and 40 weeks of gestation (mean 30 weeks) with completed follow-up were referred to our centre for prenatal diagnosis because of a small-for-gestational age (SGA) fetus or combined SGA and structural abnormality. The referral diagnosis was based either on biparietal diameter measurements or on measurement of the upper-abdominal circumference. SGA in our centre was defined as a fetal upper-abdominal circumference below the tenth centile. SGA was confirmed by ultrasound in 75 per cent of the fetuses, whilst combined SGA and fetal structural abnormality was substantiated in only 16 per cent of the fetuses. However, in our centre structural abnormality was detected in 34 fetuses who were referred because of SGA alone. Nearly half of the structurally normal SGA fetuses displayed a normal head-to-abdomen (H/A), ratio, whereas an increased H/A ratio was found in 13/15 fetuses with an abnormal karyotype. An abnormal karyotype was present in 20 fetuses, which is 7 per cent of the total SGA population. Nearly 50 per cent represented triploidy associated with oligohydramnios. SGA was confirmed by a birth weight below the tenth centile in 89 per cent, below the fifth centile in 77 per cent, and below the 2·3rd centile in 55 per cent of infants. Structural abnormality was confirmed in 65 per cent of infants, whereas in 19 per cent of infants the abnormality was missed or a misclassification was made. Perinatal mortality was 31 per cent for all SGA fetuses, 27 per cent for SGA fetuses without anomalies, and 64 per cent for SGA fetuses with structural abnormality.  相似文献   

Cytogenetic data are presented from a total of 1306 consecutive pregnancies with successful diagnosis obtained from both chorionic villi after short-time culture (CVS-SC) and amniotic fluid cell cultures (AC); samples had been taken simultaneously at combined placentacentesis (placental biopsy) and amniocentesis during the second (92·8 per cent) and third (7·2 per cent) trimesters. Concordant results were obtained in 1218 pregnancies with a normal karyotype and in 62 pregnancies with an aberrant fetal karyotype. Discrepant, i. e. false-positive and false-negative, results were found in 26 cases (2 per cent). From these data the accuracy of CVS-SC, defined as the proportion of all correct diagnoses, is calculated to be 98 per cent. Three non-mosaic and 14 mosaic false-positive results obtained after CVS-SC could not be confirmed by AC. Related to 1235 true normal fetal karyotypes, the specificity of CVS-SC, i.e. the proportion of normal karyotypes correctly diagnosed, amounts to 98·6 per cent. In nine pregnancies, an aberrant fetal karyotype detected after AC was missed by CVS-SC. The sensitivity of CVS-SC, i.e. the proportion of abnormal fetuses correctly diagnosed (62 out of 71), amounts to 87·3 per cent in our study group.  相似文献   

Structural pathology and outcome were studied in 170 chromosomally abnormal fetuses. Numerical chromosomal abnormalities were established in 158 (93 per cent) cases, of which 110 (71 per cent) represented trisomies, 30 (18 per cent) Turner syndrome, and 18 (11 per cent) triploidy. Structural chromosomal abnormalities were diagnosed in 12 (7 per cent) cases. Gestational age at referral was significantly shorter for pregnancies with Turner syndrome than for the other chromosomal abnormalities. Referral before 20 weeks of gestation was mainly based on fetal structural pathology alone (92 per cent); after 20 weeks, patients were referred because of structural pathology combined with small for gestational age, oligohydramnios, or polyhydramnios. Referral as a result of suspected multiple organ pathology occurred in 73.5 per cent of pregnancies. An abnormal amniotic fluid volume was present in 59/170 (34.5 per cent) chromosomally affected pregnancies, i.e., oligohydramnios in 31 and polyhydramnios in 28 cases. Birth weight was below the tenth percentile in over half of the chromosomally abnormal fetuses, except for Turnersyndrome. Fetal outcome was poor, with a survival rate at 1 month of 30 per cent for trisomies which was mainly determined by trisomy 21 (14/18=77.5 per cent).  相似文献   

A prospective study of maternal serum alphafetoprotein (α-FP) screening of 9838 women in an area with low prevalence of neural tube defects and predominance of anencephalics revealed that an intervention point of single serum α-FP level above 2·8 times the median was appropriate for this population. Ninety per cent of anencephalics and all fetuses with anterior abdominal wall defects were detected. There was no spina bifida among the population screened. Two per cent of the population screened had serum α-FP level above this cut-off level. Thirty-two per cent of twin pregnancies, 7 per cent of small-for-gestational age infants and 9 per cent of pregnancies which ended in either abortion or perinatal death in the population screened also had one serum α-FP level above this intervention point. The false positive rate was 66 per cent. This false positive rate was only reduced to 63 per cent if instead of one, two serum α-FP level above this intervention point was considered abnormal. Using this strategy there was no significant reduction in the detection rate of fetal anomalies and other pregnancy complications. Because of the predominance of anencephalics in this population the diagnosis of fetal anomaly in women with abnormal serum a-FP level was made by ultrasound examination alone. The reason amniocentesis was not performed in these patients was to avoid unnecessary loss of normal pregnancies which may result from this procedure.  相似文献   

The alpha subunit of human chorionic gonadotropin (alpha-hCG), human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) and alpha fetoprotein (AFP) were measured in the serum of 25 women with chromosomally abnormal fetuses between 18 and 25 weeks of gestation and in 74 normal pregnancies. AFP levels less than 0.5 multiples of the median (MoM) or greater than 2.5 MoM were observed in 24 per cent of the abnormal pregnancies and in 6.76 per cent of the normal pregnancies. A low concentration of hCG (< 0.25 MoM) was observed in 8 per cent of abnormals and in 2.7 per cent of normals while an elevated concentration of hCG (>2.5 MoM) was observed in 56 per cent of abnormals and in 1.35 per cent of normals. Elevated hCG-alpha (>2.5 MoM) was observed in 28 per cent of abnormals and in none of the normals. Determination of elevated levels of hCG-alpha or hCG resulted in detection of 68 per cent of pregnancies with chromosomally abnormal fetuses with a false positive rate of 1.35 per cent. Determination of both elevated and depressed gonadotropin levels resulted in detection of 76 per cent of abnormal pregnancies with a false positive rate of 4.05 per cent. Measurement of hCG and hCG-alpha in maternal serum samples can be used as a screening procedure for detecting pregnancies at risk for fetal chromosome abnormalities.  相似文献   

Fifty-two second-trimester and eight third-trimester (>28/40) autopsies with clinical or pathological evidence of oligohydramnios sequence (“Potter's syndrome”) were reviewed. Twenty-eight cases had renal anomalies (71 per cent in terminations following prenatal ultrasound), 27 had no renal malformation (35 per cent with chorioamnionitis), and five had external assessments only. In 15 cases, the renal lesion was part of a multiple malformation syndrome. Seven cases had a lesion which either recurred in a sibling in the same family or was a recognized autosomal recessive syndrome. Three cases had an abnormal karyotype, two of which had renal anomalies. Maternal serum alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) did not discriminate between cases with renal malformations and those without. Pulmonary hypoplasia was commoner in third-trimester than in second-trimester cases. External appearance and absent umbilical artery were not reliable predictors of underlying internal anomalies. These findings reflect the shift from postnatal to prenatal diagnosis in modern practice. In this series, mainly second-trimester cases, 50 per cent of cases had no malformations, in a condition which is traditionally associated with renal disease. The high incidence of chorioamnionitis suggests that the mechanism of oligohydramnios is occult amniotic fluid leakage. Prenatal diagnosis of oligohydramnios in the second trimester is dependent on ultrasound scanning and a full post-mortem examination is necessary to identify any underlying fetal cause.  相似文献   

Fetal movements were examined by ultrasound in 24 pregnancies in which an abnormal karyotype was detected in fetal cells and compared to ultrasound fetal movement patterns in normal pregnancies. The main features in fetuses with chromosome anomalies observed at 18–20 weeks of gestation are the persistence of global, jerky movements with twitches usually seen at 13–14 weeks of gestation in normal fetuses. This fetal motor behaviour is inconstant in trisomy 21. In trisomy 18 the hand deformities are easily detected.  相似文献   

Fetal nuchal translucency was measured at 11–14 weeks' gestation in 97 pregnancies referred for early amniocentesis for advanced maternal age. The nuchal translucency was abnormal in 11 fetuses and the fetal karyotype was abnormal in five of these 11 cases. The karyotype was normal in 86 cases with normal nuchal translucency. The culture failure and miscarriage rates associated with early amniocentesis were 3·3 per cent and 2·2 per cent respectively. Amniotic fluid leakage occurred in 6 per cent of cases. In women requesting fetal karyotyping for advanced maternal age without additional biochemical screening, fetal nuchal translucency should be measured at 11–14 weeks. If the nuchal thickness is ≥ 3 mm, a first-trimester diagnostic procedure is indicated; however, if it is <3 mm, amniocentesis should be delayed until 16 weeks' gestation.  相似文献   

The presence of a single umbilical artery is associated with fetal congenital malformations and cytogenetic abnormalities. The incidence of chromosomal abnormalities in perinatal deaths complicated by a single umbilical artery is unknown. We studied the proportion of cytogenetic abnormalities associated with a single umbilical artery among perinatal deaths undergoing autopsy. Of 1078 autopsies, 42 (3·9 per cent) were identified with a single umbilical artery. Chromosome analysis was attempted in 21 of the 42 cases (50 per cent). There were 16 successful chromosome analyses, of which three (18·75 per cent) were abnormal. All the chromosomally abnormal fetuses had major congenital malformations. These data suggest that in a perinatal death, the presence of a single umbilical artery does not clinically alter the a priori risk of cytogenetic abnormalities.  相似文献   

Seventeen patients were referred to our ultrasound unit because of fetal bradyarrhythmia (<100 bpm). Duration of pregnancy varied between 21 and 40 weeks. Bradyarrhythmia was diagnosed as atrioventricular block (n = 12), mild sinus bradycardia (n = 3), and irregular bradycardia (n = 2). The association with maternal collagen disease was 29 per cent and with cardiac structural defects 59 per cent. The overall mortality was 41 per cent. There were three abnormal karyotypes (17 per cent) and four cases of cardiac compromise (23 per cent). Prognosis depends on the nature of the bradyarrhythmia and recognition of associated pathology such as cardiac structural defects, abnormal karyotype and degree of cardiac compromise.  相似文献   

Prenatal diagnosis performed by ultrasound scan is now a routine part of prenatal care in many countries. How many fetal anomalies are actually detected by these procedures? We have used our registry of congenital malformations to answer this question. In a previous study (Prenat. Diagn., 12 , 263–270, 1992), considering the period 1979–1988, we have shown that prenatal diagnosis was performed in 23.1 per cent of fetuses with a chromosomal aberration and in 20.1 per cent of fetuses with non-chromosomal anomalies. In 1991 and 1992, the percentatge of termination for Down syndrome was 44.4 and 41.9 per cent, respectively. From 1989 to 1992, the detection rate and the specificity of prenatal diagnosis by ultrasonographic examination were improved. The detection rate for isolated malformations (fetuses with only one anomaly) and for multiple malformed children was 26.2 and 66.0 per cent, respectively. The detection rate of congenital anomalies by ultrasonography was variable for the different categories of malformation. A high detection rate was observed for anencephaly (100 per cent) and urinary tract malformation. A low detection rate was seen for cleft lip (17.5 per cent) and limb reduction defects (18.2 per cent).  相似文献   

Transabdominal chorionic villus sampling (TA-CVS) was performed in 210 pregnancies from 13 to 38 weeks using a double-needle technique. The sampling success was comparable to first-trimester TA-CVS and the diagnostic success rate was 98.2 per cent for the short-term technique and 99.3 per cent for cultured villi. Two fetuses could not be karyotyped. We found the chromosome quality to be similar to that in the first trimester, comparing the number of G-bands and other chromosome attributes. There were no unintended losses in a group (n = 142) with no sonographic abnormality, except for one death in utero at 38 weeks, 20 weeks after sampling. Chromosomal aberrations were seen in 19 per cent of cases with abnormal sonograms (n = 58). One case of a discordant karyotype was found (false-negative prediction of Down's syndrome by the short-term preparation). There were no cases of fetal demise due to feto-maternal bleeding. It is suggested that double-needle TA-CVS in advanced pregnancies combines the advantages of rapid karyotyping of chromosomes of good quality and low risk for the fetus, and seems to be easier to practise and is probably safer than cordocentesis.  相似文献   

Data from 1550 consecutive pregnancies after first-trimester prenatal diagnosis by transcervical chorionic villus sampling (TC-CVS) are presented. The sampling efficacy was 97.8 per cent; the mean amount of collected villus tissue was 23 mg (range 5–100 mg). There were 97 affected fetuses, mainly (73.2 per cent) with a chromosomal abnormality or a male karyotype in carriers of X-linked disease. Pregnancy termination in these and four other women for social reasons resulted in 1449 continuing pregnancies. In these pregnancies, the fetal loss rate up to 28 weeks of gestation was 5.1 per cent with the highest loss rate (3.9 per cent) before 16 weeks. When relating this fetal loss rate to maternal age, this was 6.1 per cent in the advanced maternal age group (⩾36 years) against 3.1 per cent in the younger age group. In 1376 pregnancies continuing beyond 28 weeks, the perinatal mortality rate was 1.1 per cent; the percentage of non-genetic congenital anomalies was 0.9 per cent. The reproductive pattern of women at high genetic risk after CVS followed by pregnancy termination was evaluated. Within 12 months after the first CVS followed by pregnancy termination, 70 percent of women again requested CVS in a subsequent pregnancy.  相似文献   

The relationship between first-trimester maternal serum Schwangerschafts protein 1 (SP1) and the karyotype of the pregnancy was examined in 692 women who underwent chorionic villus biopsy at 6–12 weeks. There were 30 pregnancies with abnormal karyotypes, consisting of 14 Down's syndrome (DS), eight trisomy 18, and eight other anomalies, two of which were mosaics. The normal ranges and medians for gestation were defined from the 662 cases in which the karyotype was normal. The median SP1 (0·5 MOM) of the abnormal group was significantly lower than that of the normal group (10 MOM). This relationship was maintained for the DS pregnancies (0·4 MOM) and for anomalies other than trisomy 18 (0·43 MOM) but not trisomy 18 (1·1 MOM). It is possible that the use of SP1 as a screening test for chromosome anomalies in the first trimester could have a 43 per cent detection rate for a 5 per cent false-positive rate.  相似文献   

Six cases of cystic hygromas detected during second trimester ultrasound examination are reported: 4 fetuses (67 per cent) had a 45, X karyotype, 1 fetus had trisomy 18, 1 fetus had a normal karyotype (46,XX) and at autopsy multiple anomalies were observed. In the latter case the family history suggested an autosomal recessive pattern of inheritance. In order to reach a definite diagnosis and give proper genetic counselling when a fetus is found to have cystic hygroma, a fetal karyotype as well as a family and reproductive history should be obtained.  相似文献   

Over a 4-year period, 14 dyskaryotic fetuses were diagnosed by amniocentesis, performed after early detection of malformations using transvaginal sonography (TVS). These 14 dyskaryotic fetuses were detected out of 4878 sonographic screenings performed by TVS between 9 and 16 weeks' gestation. Twenty-eight per cent of the referrals were at high risk and 72 per cent were at low risk for fetal malformations. Two hundred and twenty-nine fetuses (4.7 per cent) of the screened population had 265 anomalies, 39 per cent of them being transient. In 7 of the 14 dyskaryotic fetuses (50 per cent), the sonographically detected anomalies were transient, being undetected by follow-up sonographic screenings at later gestational ages (⩾18 weeks). Postponing the first sonographic scan aimed at malformation detection to a later gestational age may lead to transient anomalies and their associated dyskaryosis being missed.  相似文献   

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