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1 INTRODUCTION Nature reserves are special regional ecological systems. They are the cornerstone for the protection of ecosystems on a global scale (Fuentes et al., 2000), and a necessary method to protect biological resource, species, and the diversity of the ecosystem (Zhang, L.Y., et al., 2002). Since the 1970s the research for designing, planning, and managing various kinds of nature reserves has seen rapid development. Many sorts of disturbance factors occurring in nature reserves, …  相似文献   

3S技术在衔接主体功能区规划与土地利用管理中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
主体功能区规划的基本任务是优化国土开发格局,其与国土资源部“加强国土规划、土地利用总体规划的整体控制作用”这一主要职能有着共同目标内涵,因此,理顺主体功能区规划和土地利用管理的关系,将二者有机衔接已成为促进国土合理规划与开发、提高土地利用管理水平的重要基础。研究以3S技术应用流程为主线,从主体功能区规划与土地利用管理衔接的需求、定位与内容出发,分别从数据获取与集成管理、空间评价、区划界线划分与协调以及辅助决策和智能应用等方面探讨数据库、模型库、空间分析以及空间多准则决策和元胞自动机等3S技术在二者衔接过程中的理论基础和实践应用,特别是对应用3S技术实现主体功能区宏观引导作用,发挥土地利用调控功能进行了系统分析,为促进基于主体功能区规划的土地利用与管理工作提供技术参考。  相似文献   

土地利用规划环境影响评价是针对土地利用的宏观结构调整与布局对环境可能造成的影响作出的预测性评估。当前我国的土地利用规划环境影响评价工作刚刚起步,国内还没有形成公认的范例,旨在通过实例研究建立一个适用于土地利用规划环境影响评价的方法。选用综合指数和协调度指标相结合的方法对贵州省毕节地区的土地利用规划环境影响进行评价,并且系统地探讨了基于该方法的评价指标体系的建立。结果表明,毕节地区土地利用规划修编方案对生态、社会和经济环境的综合影响属中等水平协调,通过适当的环境影响减缓措施加以改善即可。  相似文献   

The European waste sector is undergoing a period of unprecedented change driven by business consolidation, new legislation and heightened public and government scrutiny. One feature is the transition of the sector towards a process industry with increased pre-treatment of wastes prior to the disposal of residues and the co-location of technologies at single sites, often also for resource recovery and residuals management. Waste technologies such as in-vessel composting, the thermal treatment of clinical waste, the stabilisation of hazardous wastes, biomass gasification, sludge combustion and the use of wastes as fuel, present operators and regulators with new challenges as to their safe and environmentally responsible operation. A second feature of recent change is an increased regulatory emphasis on public and ecosystem health and the need for assessments of risk to and from waste installations. Public confidence in waste management, secured in part through enforcement of the planning and permitting regimes and sound operational performance, is central to establishing the infrastructure of new waste technologies. Well-informed risk management plays a critical role. We discuss recent developments in risk analysis within the sector and the future needs of risk analysis that are required to respond to the new waste and resource management agenda.  相似文献   

完善土地利用总体规划有利于政府宏观管理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在社会主义市场经济体制的建立与发展的条件下,土地使用制度改革的日益深化,以及土地可持续利用日益被高度重视的新形势下,土地利用总体规划作为政府对土地利用实行宏观调控的有效手段,在规划修编时必须重点对规划目标、科学测算、用地平衡和规划协调等几个方面作进一步深入研究。同时,要通过切实可行的法律、行政的政策和措施,予以必要保障。  相似文献   

建筑部门的低碳发展已成为推进我国低碳经济至关重要的一个组成部分,因此正确客观地评价建筑的低碳水平具有重要的指导意义。本文以2010年上海世博会中国馆为研究对象,采用碳排放情景分析法,针对中国馆的基准建筑与实际建筑,计算其世博结束后正常运行条件下的碳排放水平,评估中国馆实际建筑的碳减排效益。使用建筑能耗模拟软件DesignBuilder对建筑全年能源消耗水平进行了模拟,并通过相应能源品种的碳排放因子分别计算了实际建筑和基准建筑的碳排放水平;同时应用全生命周期方法(LCA)分析了中国馆实际建筑应用太阳能光伏、LED照明技术相比于基准建筑所带来的减排效益。结果表明:世博结束后正常运行条件下,中国馆实际建筑年碳排放量为18 969 t CO2e,基准建筑年碳排放量为25 770 t CO2e,因此,相比基准建筑,中国馆实际建筑一年减排6 801 t CO2e,年碳减排率为26.4%;减排效益主要由节能设计及绿色技术贡献,分别占96.3%和3.7%。本文通过综合评估中国馆的碳减排效益,以期为我国公共建筑低碳工作的开展进行有益的探索。  相似文献   

三峡水库水质模型的选取和系统集成   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
水环境信息系统与水质模型在水环境保护中具有互为补充的作用,将它们有机结合,对水环境的预测和管理具有重要意义。根据三峡水库水污染控制的特点和水环境管理的需要,选取了5个不同的水质模型,在讨论水质模型不同集成模式的基础上,采用半紧密内嵌集成模式实现了所选水质模型与三峡水库水环境管理信息系统的有效连接。最后以分层三维模型为例,通过开发水质模型的前处理模块、后处理模块以及计算模型接口模块,完成了模型与三峡水库水环境管理信息系统的集成,并将集成后的水质模型成功应用于三峡水库万州段水流及水质的预测模拟。结果表明,通过GIS、数据库、图形界面等技术手段,实现了水质模型数据准备的自动化和计算结果快速分析,它不仅增强了系统的水质预测和分析能力,还强化了水质模型的易用性,提高了模型的应用范围和预测效率,为库区的水污染控制和水环境保护提供了有力的技术支持。  相似文献   

虚拟水概念丰富水资源的形态与内涵,其价值不仅表现在人口-粮食-贸易为纽带的虚拟水贸易上,还表现在其社会属性上。基于虚拟水的双重价值,结合全国粮食各地产消平衡数据,构建线性优化模型,估算我国粮食省际间贸易的虚拟水流动格局,从资源、经济、环境3方面出发分析虚拟水流动引发的综合效益。结果发现:我国粮食省际间贸易的虚拟水流动格局表现为北水南运的特点,同实体水的南水北调形成互补,水资源南北互通;资源效益而言,我国省际间粮食贸易的虚拟水流动格局在全国范围内共节约了152.96亿m3的水资源,占总的虚拟水流动量的15.79%,表面的水资源节约现象背后隐藏着缺水区输水给丰水区的反常现象以及广大富水地区水资源利用效率低下的严重问题;经济效益总体上是增加的,工业增加值为6.77万亿元。经济效益增加分布较为集中,经济效益减损分布较为分散,效益减损需要构建地区补偿机制;环境效益结果不佳,农作物绿水占用指数高的地区在透支当地农业生态绿水情况下大量输出虚拟水,将会对其陆地自然生态系统造成严重威胁并制约当地社会经济发展。根据结果得出政策启示,为水资源管理、区域发展及生态安全提供新思考:引入实体水与虚拟水结合的水资源管理方式;构建协调区域发展的虚拟水补偿机制;维持绿水与蓝水结构平衡的生态安全。 关键词: 省际间粮食贸易;虚拟水流动;资源效益;经济效益;环境效益  相似文献   

水-粮食贸易:虚拟水研究进展   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
虚拟水思想强调的是水资源贡献,量化计算是其深入研究的基本,而是否选择虚拟水作为战略政策,应该考虑由不同国家的资源贡献和生产技术决定的比较利益。社会调适能力要求社会针对资源的第一性缺乏做相应调适并谋求解决手段,以提高资源管理能力。为此,需要结合我国的水和粮食安全问题,提出用虚拟水贸易解决我国水资源和粮食问题,提高我国对水资源缺乏的调适能力。  相似文献   

Much of the widespread poverty, environmental desecration, and waste of human life seen around the globe could be prevented by known (to humanity as a whole) technologies, many of which are simply not available to those that need it. This lack of access to critical information for sustainable development is directly responsible for a morally and ethically unacceptable level of human suffering and death. A solution to this general problem is the concept of open source appropriate technology or OSAT, which refers to technologies that provide for sustainable development while being designed in the same fashion as free and open source software. OSAT is made up of technologies that are easily and economically utilized from readily available resources by local communities to meet their needs and must meet the boundary conditions set by environmental, cultural, economic, and educational resource constraints of the local community. This paper explores both the open source and appropriate technology aspects of OSAT to create a paradigm, in which anyone can both learn how to make and use needed technologies free of intellectual property concerns. At the same time, anyone can also add to the collective open source knowledge ecosystem or knowledge commons by contributing ideas, designs, observations, experimental data, deployment logs, etc. It is argued that if OSAT continues to grow and takes hold globally creating a vibrant virtual community to share technology plans and experiences, a new technological revolution built on a dispersed network of innovators working together to create a just sustainable world is possible.  相似文献   

This paper argues that geo-spatial technologies (GST) such as Google Earth and Google Maps offer the potential for environmental advocates to generate virtual toxic tours. By analyzing the use of GST by I Love Mountains, a coalition of organizations attempting to stop the practice of mountaintop removal, this paper illustrates how a virtual tour generated through GST such as Google Earth can be a means to generate presence and promote identification between those local residents impacted by the practice and those who inhabit places seemingly distant from the same practice. The study not only acknowledges the limits of virtual tours but also identifies specific qualities not evident in tours of physical environments. Due to the potential virtual tours, this study also seeks to prompt further consideration of the use of GST and their role in contemporary environmental advocacy efforts.  相似文献   

本文综述了城市居住区绿地规划现状及趋势,指出景观生态规划的内涵及其意义,并进一步指出城市居住区绿地系统的景观生态规划的特征及原则。为了创造良好的环境效益,提高居民生活质量,本文运用景观生态规划的原理,遵循城市居住区景观体系的规划原则,从生态设计和景观设计的角度来探讨城市居住区绿地景观生态规划设计的新思路,并提出了较为合理可行的建议。  相似文献   

区域热环境问题是影响城市生态环境的重要因素之一,如何通过合理的城市规划从而最大限度降低热环境问题带来的负面影响,是城市规划需要解决的关键问题之一。以南京江北新区为研究对象,基于城市规划下垫面类型数据,利用WRF模式(Weather Research and Forecasting model,WRF)来模拟近地表气温变化,进而分析研究区域热环境对城市规划的响应。研究表明:(1)高时空分辨率土地利用数据的输入能够显著提高WRF模式模拟的近地表气温精度,在此基础上耦合城市冠层模式,可以更准确地反映城市内部气温变化情况;(2)区域热环境受城市规划中土地利用类型变化的影响显著,城镇用地增加区域的气温变化幅度在不同时段有差异,其中气温升高幅度最大为1. 8℃,出现在20∶00~22∶00时段;相比于自然地表,城镇用地呈现出升温快和降温慢的特点;(3)与2013年相比,2030年研究区热岛范围扩大,热岛强度增强。因此,初步建议在城市规划时,除有效控制城镇用地增长外,需考虑该用地的分散布局,将其对热环境造成的影响降到最低,更有利于江北新区生态规划建设。  相似文献   

During 1977–1978, Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) prepared environmental impact assessments for nine U.S. Department of Energy-sponsored enhanced oil recovery (EOR) field demonstration projects located in six states and reviewed the oil regulations for all oil-producing states. These evaluations revealed some potentially important environmental impacts associated with EOR including (1) pollution of land and surface waters from spills or leaks of oil and brine or other chemicals, (2) loss of biota, (3) excessive erosion and sedimentation (mostly in hilly terrain) and subsequent deterioration of surface-water quality, (4) contamination of groundwater, and (5) excessive air emissions from thermal operations. Potential groundwater impacts include (1) production of toxic and carcinogenic substances from synergistic interactions among chemicals used primarily in the micellar-polymer flooding technique, (2) formation of acid waters with small amounts of oil and metal residues and oxides from in situ combustion, and (3) corrosion of well casings and potential leaks of hydrogen sulfide primarily from injection of miscible carbon dioxide. For use of EOR techniques to expand in an environmentally acceptable manner, environmental planning (including monitoring, protection measures, and reclamation strategies) must be an integral part of the initial project development. Acceptable monitoring, prevention, mitigation, and reclamation procedures are available for most of the identified environmental problems, but the best techniques may not be known by operators or required by law. Most states have stringent controls for plugging abandoned wells and disposal of waste material, but these may not be enforced because of limited staff and funds. However, other environmental considerations, e.g., reclamation plans, water quality and other monitoring programs, and abandonment plans, are often lacking. The need for additional environmental planning and monitoring requirements specific to the oil-production industry is emphasized. States are encouraged to continue strengthening and upgrading their oil-regulatory programs to safeguard the environment. More studies are needed on (1) toxicity and carcinogenicity of chemicals used in injection processes, (2) evaluation of groundwater monitoring methods, and (3) reclamation procedures for soils contaminated by oil and brine.  相似文献   

土地利用总体规划和城市总体规划(以下简称“两规”)编制成果是指导城市土地利用和管理的重要依据,两者的协调对于“两规”的协调编制和实施具有重要意义。通过分析“两规”的内在联系,基于“两规”编制成果,从经济、社会、资源和环境4个方面构建了“两规”编制成果的协调状况综合评价体系,先计算了“两规”规划目标年和基期年的指标计算增长率,再采用协调度模型计算各个指标增长率的协调值,运用层次分析法确定各个因子的权重,最后采用指标加权求和法进行综合计算;并进一步通过ArcGIS软件空间叠加分析确定“两规”空间布局的差异。以南京市为例,计算了该市“两规”编制成果协调程度分值和土地利用空间布局差异。评价结果表明:南京市“两规”编制成果协调分值为9158,协调类型为中级协调;指标准则层中经济与资源相关因子的协调程度较好,但社会与环境相关因子协调程度有待提高,其主要原因是“两规”土地利用数据率与规划率及基期年存在差异;因此南京市“两规”编制成果在实施和修编中应进一步加强基础数据库与规划年限的统一  相似文献   

In subsistence farming systems of the developing world, adoption of resource-conserving practices such as integrated pest management (IPM) is often strikingly low. This has partially been ascribed to researchers’ limited understanding of how technologies develop at the interface of the systems’ social and ecological components. In Honduras (Central America), there exists concern about limited adoption and diffusion of IPM technologies in certain smallholder production systems. In this study, we determine social and ecological drivers of IPM adoption in subsistence maize production in the country’s hillside environment. Honduran small-scale maize production is typified by a key insect pest (the fall armyworm, Spodoptera frugiperda) being partly kept at bay through action of a diverse natural enemy complex, including ants, social wasps, carabid beetles, and spiders. Local agricultural landscapes, primarily shaped through shifting cultivation, provide key resources to maintain this natural enemy diversity. These local ecological conditions and related natural enemy abundance strongly influence farmers’ agroecological knowledge and pest management practices. In the meantime, farmer practices are also affected by local communication networks, which help validate and spread IPM concepts and technologies. Based on our findings, we advocate a holistic approach to improve IPM extension through mapping of agroecological opportunities, visualization of regional patterns in farmer knowledge, and associated priority setting. Local IPM capacity could be built through institutional strengthening and adaptive comanagement, while IPM training should be linked with natural resource management initiatives. These approaches may eventually improve the way IPM is delivered to small-scale farmers who operate in the ecologically diverse environments of the tropics.  相似文献   

This work addresses increasing concerns about water management for rural productive activities in the vast dry regions of Latin America by assessing renewable energy technologies (RETs) that could be suitable for localized needs. Forecasted trends in climate change and variability make this analysis very relevant, in an area where very little published work exists. While Argentina is widely known for its fertile pampas, around 75 % of the country consists of dry lands. In addition, erosion is increasing by up to 650,000 hectares each year. The coordinated adoption of a set of actions, including land use planning and strengthening productive activities that guarantee access to water and improve water and soil management is needed. Renewable energies could help towards achieving these aims, if water is made available at affordable costs and with suitable technologies. This paper evaluates experiences with three RETs—photovoltaic pumping from deep wells, small wind turbine pumping, and high-power wind turbines, and discusses a potential role for use in rural Argentina. Although cheaper and more reliable renewable alternatives to energy sources such as diesel could be used for pumping from groundwater resources in isolated locations, limitations arise when pumping head and/or water volume requirements are large or highly seasonal. The cost increases and technical challenges of accessing this deeper water, as indicated by case studies, emphasize the importance of planning and support schemes development.  相似文献   

The concept of the virtual ecological footprint (VEF) was proposed to overcome the drawbacks of existing ecological footprint (EF) calculations, and was applied to the dynamic prediction of development in the Boao special planning area. The restriction of ecological carrying capacity to the EF was quantified using the ecological carrying capacity occupation index, k, and this restriction was designed in the system dynamics model of EF. The modeling results revealed that the planning area presented 0.44 global ha ecological surplus per capita in 2004. However, a remarkable ecological deficit was predicted to occur after planning is implemented. According to the prediction, ecological deficit per capita would be 0.49 and 2.36 ha in 2010 and 2020, respectively. Strategies for regional sustainable development were proposed according to the results. To reduce adverse effects, measures related to EF and VEF, including population control, optimization of consumption pattern and land use, and ecological compensation, were proposed for the sustainable development of a planning area.  相似文献   

A method of weapon detection for the Comprehensive nuclear-Test-Ban-Treaty (CTBT) consists of monitoring the amount of radioxenon in the atmosphere by measuring and sampling the activity concentration of 131mXe, 133Xe, 133mXe, and 135Xe by radionuclide monitoring. Several explosion samples were simulated based on real data since the measured data of this type is quite rare. These data sets consisted of different circumstances of a nuclear explosion, and are used as training data sets to establish an effective classification model employing state-of-the-art technologies in machine learning. A study was conducted involving classic induction algorithms in machine learning including Naïve Bayes, Neural Networks, Decision Trees, k-Nearest Neighbors, and Support Vector Machines, that revealed that they can successfully be used in this practical application. In particular, our studies show that many induction algorithms in machine learning outperform a simple linear discriminator when a signal is found in a high radioxenon background environment.  相似文献   

虚拟水是水资源需求管理的创新领域。投入产出法是研究虚拟水的重要方法,但既有研究多以线性静态投入产出模型为主,存在较强的比例性假设,在解释现实经济活动中的虚拟水贸易时存在一定缺陷和不足。为更加贴近现实状况,本文利用可计算一般均衡(CGE)思想,设计了一种新的虚拟水测算思路,对传统的线性静态投入产出模型进行了非线性和动态化的拓展,旨在对区域经济系统中的虚拟水贸易进行更加科学合理的计算和考察。首先,参照国家统计机构常用的42产业部门划分方式,根据一般均衡理论,围绕区域经济系统的生产模块、价格模块和供需平衡模块三个部分,定义有关变量和参数,对区域经济系统非线性动态投入产出模型进行了详细的方程列写。在此基础上,将虚拟水流动的因素与一般形式的非线性动态投入产出模型进行嵌套,采用"母表"(价值型流量表)和"子表"(水资源流量表)相结合的形式,给出了一种全新的区域水资源投入产出表的设计思路与编制方法,将可计算非线性动态产出模型从一般形式扩展至水资源领域,构建了区域经济系统中虚拟水贸易的可计算非线性动态投入产出分析框架。分析同时指出,通过对该模型进行求解,可以推导和计算平衡增长路径和最优增长路径下的区域经济系统产出结构和用水结构,并可结合虚拟水贸易对区域经济的作用机理,分析最优增长路径下实施虚拟水贸易对区域经济增长的贡献。  相似文献   

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