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刘洁 《生态环境》2010,26(6):1502-1506
从人与自然的关系实际上是人与人之间的利益关系的论点出发,揭示了生态危机发生实质是人类为了获取自身利益的最大化,对自然资源无止境的索取和争夺而导致的;论证了生态危机发生的社会伦理根源是技术理性的扩张导致科学技术的异化、消费主义的盛行加重了对自然的消耗与污染、功利主义的漫延导致代际自然资源分配不公;提出了要缓解人与自然日趋紧张的关系,解决生态危机,不仅要依靠科技、经济手段,最根本的还是要从改变人们的社会伦理观出发,用价值理性自觉地调适技术理性的非理性倾向、改变物质主义的生活方式、摒弃发展理念的功利主义,从而调节好人与人之间的利益冲突,处理好人与自然的"物质变换"关系。  相似文献   

从人与自然的关系实际上是人与人之间的利益关系的论点出发,揭示了生态危机发生实质是人类为了获取自身利益的最大化,对自然资源无止境的索取和争夺而导致的;论证了生态危机发生的社会伦理根源是技术理性的扩张导致科学技术的异化、消费主义的盛行加重了对自然的消耗与污染、功利主义的漫延导致代际自然资源分配不公;提出了要缓解人与自然日趋紧张的关系,解决生态危机,不仅要依靠科技、经济手段,最根本的还是要从改变人们的社会伦理观出发,用价值理性自觉地调适技术理性的非理性倾向、改变物质主义的生活方式、摒弃发展理念的功利主义,从而调节好人与人之间的利益冲突,处理好人与自然的"物质变换"关系。  相似文献   

工业文明在推动经济发展的同时,给人类生态环境带来深重灾难.生态危机实质上是一场伦理道德危机.现代生态伦理学把生态思维与伦理道德思维有机结合起来,从新的视角审视道德关系,其独特视域主要有:重新审视人与自然的关系,把种际义物纳入人类关注的视野;重新审视人类自身的伦理关系,把人际义务从共时人际义务扩展到代际义物;扩展公共伦理的空间,把工业文明的民族主义推向生态文明的世界主义.现代生态伦理学视域的扩展引领了世界观的转变、价值观的转及道德观的转变,对推动生态文明建设、促进社会和谐的伟大实践具有非常重要的现实意义.  相似文献   

我国已建构起体系较完整的新闻伦理研究成果和教学内容.但新闻学界在新闻伦理范畴及其研究对象的界定上存在分歧,由此新闻伦理的研究与教学形成了不同的建构取向和建构体系.共同的主要不足在于,教材侧重于学理的论述和道德原则规范的阐释,以致新闻伦理教学成了一种道德说教.目前,我国新闻伦理研究与教学的重点应围绕新闻实践中引人关注的伦理问题和典型案例进行建构,注重培育学生解决新闻传播中的道德两难问题的能力.  相似文献   

全球化视阈下的生态伦理学研究述论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
任重 《生态环境》2012,(6):1184-1188
作为人类文化的重要创新,生态伦理学研究推动了将道德延伸到自然界,通过协调各方利益,规范人类的环境态度和行为,重建人与自然的和谐关系,从而保证人类整体事业的繁荣。生态学所描述的仅仅自然界的自然生态,虽然其基本原理为生态伦理学所吸纳,但后者并非生态加伦理如此简单而已,它的研究对象更为广阔,也更为复杂。人始终是伦理学关怀的主体,其出发点是人,最终的对象也必然是包含人在内的整个自然。在伦理学层面上,人首先是社会性的,其次才是生物性的,在这一方面中国自古以来便形成了良好的生态文化传统。生态伦理的思想若要深深扎根当前所有人的心中,必须首先在全社会形成浓厚的生态文化,使环境保护的理念真正落到实处。以生态伦理为核心的生态文化必将成为人类社会生态文明建设的指南。21世纪继往开来的中国的生态伦理学应该具有清晰的价值定位,不仅需要超越生态学的全自然视角,突出人的社会性,而且需要体现社会主义的制度特征,构建自己的生态伦理话语体系。  相似文献   

在当前中国社会转型时期,人们的生活方式、行为方式、价值规范和文化观念都发生了急剧的变化,使得公共生活产生了许多新的伦理问题,面临着新的伦理困境.主要表现在:一是"熟人社会"向"陌生人社会"转变,交往实践前所未有的拓宽了,信息交流产生不对称;二是社会公共生活在"情"和"理"之间矛盾增加;三是群己调适的问题凸显,在"群己"问题上更强调二者的合理性共存.参9.  相似文献   

文章系统地总结了影响生态状况判断的六个理论,分别为:可持续发展、跨越式发展、环境库兹涅茨曲线、熵与混沌理论、耗散结构和社会-经济-自然复合生态系统理论。这些理论是人类认识自然的结晶,而且也是区域生态状况判断坚实的理论基础。在阐述理论的基础上,对中国生态状况作出的准确判断,认为中国的生态状况总体上处于治理与破坏的相持阶段,水土流失、土地荒漠化等得到有效遏制、人们的生态意识不断增强,但传统经济结构和发展模式的调整目标尚未完成,退化生态系统还未得到根本恢复,社会经济可持续发展的目标还需很长时间。这些基于理论分析的判断对于对中国生态建设和可持续发展具有重要指导意义。  相似文献   

区域生态安全:概念及评价理论基础   总被引:15,自引:3,他引:15  
借鉴国内外的研究成果,提出区域生态安全的概念是指在一定时空范围内,在自然及人类活动的干扰下,区域内生态环境条件以及所面临的生态环境问题不对人类生存和持续发展构成威胁,并且自然-经济-社会复合生态系统的脆弱性能够不断得到改善的状态。指出生态安全评价是一个多学科交叉的研究领域,其评价理论基础涉及可持续发展理论、生态系统服务功能理论、生态承载力理论、时空论和系统工程论等;生态安全是可持续发展的基础,两者具有内涵和目标的一致性;区域生态安全研究的目的就是平衡人类的自然资源利用与生存环境质量需求的矛盾,保证生态系统在持续安全的状态下提供服务;应用生态承载力的研究成果有助于补充和完善生态安全评价。区域生态安全评价强调研究对象的时空性和研究方法的系统性。多学科整合能更好地指导区域生态安全评价。  相似文献   

理论理性和实践理性的分野是人类作为实践主体对外在世界,以及处理人与世界关系之观念发展的自然结果.对于高校生态文明教育而言,以实践理性为指导,探寻培育"生态人"的有效路径,既是客观环境的紧迫之需,也是生态文明人才培养的内在需求.所以,在实践理性的指导下拓宽夯实课堂教学主渠道的同时,也注重各类生态文明教育实践活动的开展是高校加强生态文明教育建设的必由之路.  相似文献   

中国古代思想家老子、庄子在生态环境伦理方面就如何协调人与自然的关系提出了许多宝贵的思想,如“天人合一”、“道法自然”、“知止”等。这些观点对我们解决二十一世纪所面临的生态环境问题具有重要的启迪意义。  相似文献   

Whither Conservation Ethics?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract: A review of the moral foundations of American conservation provides a historical perspective for formulating a twenty-first century conservation ethic. Building on the Work of R.W. Emerson and H.D. Thoreau, John Muir formulated a Romantic-Transcendental Preservation Ethic that pitted the allegedly higher aesthetic and spiritual uses of nature against consumptive and extractive material uses. Gifford Pinchot formulated a more pedestrian and egalitarian Resource Conservation Ethic consistent with utilitarian and democratic ideals. Muir also adumbrated a more radical nonanthropocentric preservation ethic rhetorically cast in Biblical terms Aldo Leopold articulated a similarly nonanthropocentric environmental ethic in evolutionary and ecological terms. A review of Leopold's large literay estate, however, reveals that he continued to advocate active management for a mutually beneficial human-nature symbiosis, in addition to the passive preservation of "wilderness" As the human population grows and more nations develop, the best hope for conservation biology lies in a generalization of Leopold's ideal of ecosystems which are at once economically productive and ecologically healthy. The principal intellectual challenge raised by such an ideal for conservation biology is the development of criteria of ecological health and integrity in an inherently dynamic, evolving, and human-saturated biota.  相似文献   

阐述了生态住宅和住区的产生背景,提出生态住宅和住区是按生态学原理规划、设计、建设和管理的具有较完整的生态代谢过程和生态服务功能,人与自然协调、互惠互利、可持续发展的人居环境。以一树形图表示建设生态住宅和生态住区所倡导的5大主题,即健康(人的身心和环境健康)、自然和环境保护、生态良性循环、风水(所选居住地与自然环境间存在的地理和生态关系)、生态文明。认为营建生态住宅和生态住区是一类由许多相互联系、相互作用、相生相克、互为因果的成分和技术组成的生态工程。  相似文献   

面对严重的全球性生态危机与困境,寻找新型的人与自然关系成为人类的共同呼声。时代呼唤生态文化,生态文化是人与环境和谐共处、持续生存、稳定发展的文化。是海南生态省建设的四大内容之一。从体制文化、企业文化、认知文化和心态文化4方面对海南生态文化建设战略作了探讨。  相似文献   

可持续发展定量评价方法研究是当前可持续发展研究的前沿和热点.生态足迹分析模型是通过对区域人口对自然利用程度的测度,确定区域的发展是否处于生态承载力范围之内.运用生态足迹理论和计算方法,采用2004-2007年东源县统计年鉴、历年年初土地面积、2002世界粮农组织(FAO)和世界自然基金会(WWF)的相关数据,对重点饮用水源地--东源县14 a(1994-2007年)来人均生态足迹和人均生态承载力进行实证计算和分析.结果表明:2007年的东源县人均生态足迹需求为0.856 1 hm~2·cap~(-1),而实际人均生态空间面积(均衡承载力面积)为1.641 8 hm~2·cap~(-1),人均生态盈余为0.588 7hm~2·cap~(-1).14 a来东源县的生态承载力总体上几乎都是大于生态需求(除了1995年、1996年生态需求略大于生态供给外),处于生态盈余状态且生态盈余呈现稳中增长的趋势,区域生态系统处于一种相对可持续状态.其中,林地生态承载量最大,生态盈余最多,呈现逐年减少的态势;耕地生态承载量次之,生态足迹最大,生态赤字大,生态压力严重;水域和草地的生态压力逐年增大.  相似文献   

The Ethics of Ecological Field Experimentation   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Ecological field research has generated a wealth of valuable information, much of which informs conservation efforts. Such research raises ethical issues when we propose to modify or endanger the individual organism, population, species, or ecosystem we study. Yet the scientific literature contains little explicit consideration of the impact of ecological study itself on organisms or ecosystems. We propose that the lack of public ethical discourse among field scientists is due to (1) trepidation about initiating a controversy that could endanger future research efforts; (2) an assumption that the relative benefits of our research outweigh potential short-term costs to the study object (that is, increased knowledge of the study object may inform its conservation); (3) difficulties in perceiving the potential negative impact of our work; (4) tacit assumptions about certain experiments that are simply "wrong" to do. Ethical considerations have already arisen with the collection of organisms, the effects of scientific observation on survivorship and behavior, and experimental manipulations of whole ecosystems. The literature on environmental ethics and animal experimentation, two sources that bear tangentially on the issues of ecological ethics, may afford diverse and occasionally conflicting value systems on which to build an ethic of ecological experimentation. Although methods specifically devised to minimize the impact on study subjects have been published, we find few existing formal mechanisms of external regulation or self-regulation of research activities in the field. We suggest that ethical considerations, conservation and restoration measures that are compatible with sound scientific protocols, may be profitably incorporated into the design of field experiments. We encourage a dialogue between scientists and philosophers on this issue.  相似文献   

Abstract:  If value entails or implies purpose, it follows that natural objects (e.g., endangered species) lack value and thus cannot be worth protecting except for a purpose they may serve—either the end for which God created the world (according to natural theology) or some use to which human beings may put them (according to a consequentialist or utilitarian ethic). If value requires purpose, the refutation of natural theology after Darwin implies that humanity has no obligation to respect or preserve the natural world except insofar as it is economically efficient to do so. Drawing on the distinction between explanation and communication found in Calvinist theology, I argue that value does not entail purpose. The expressive, aesthetic, or communicative aspects of nature may be valuable or endow natural objects with value apart from any use or purpose these objects may serve. The crucial distinction between explanation and communication—one scientific, the other aesthetic—offers a rationale for an obligation to protect the natural world that may appeal to members of faith communities and to biologists and other scientists. This approach also helps resolve the "lurking inconsistency" some scholars see in the relationship between a deterministic biological science and a conservationist ethic.  相似文献   

Abstract:  Most scientists take ethical arguments for conservation as given and focus on scientific or economic questions. Although nature conservation is often considered a just cause, it is given little further consideration. A lack of attention to ethical theory raises serious concerns for how conservation scientists conceive and practice ethics. I contrast two common ways scientists approach ethics, as demonstrated in the writings of Stephen Jay Gould and E. O. Wilson. Gould casts severe doubt as to whether any ethics are possible from science, whereas Wilson proposes science as the only path to ethics. I argue these two methods ultimately limit popular support for conservation and offer Alasdair MacIntyre's "virtue ethics" as an alternative. Unlike Gould and Wilson, MacIntyre provides an ethical theory that reconciles scientific inquiry and social traditions. Recent studies of the Civil Rights Movement in the United States affirm MacIntyre's claims and provide important insights for conservation today. These accounts argue that social solidarity and political success against segregation were possible only as rooted in the particular language, logic, and practices of a robust cultural tradition. If correct, conservation science should attend to several questions. On what basis can conservation achieve widespread cultural legitimacy? What are the particular social currencies for a conservation ethic? What role does science play in such a scheme? MacIntyre's careful positioning of scientific and social traditions provides a hopeful ethical direction for conservation.  相似文献   

Based on the case study of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone, China, this paper investigates the theories and application of ecological planning for promoting urban sustainable development. The stated significance of such development is to promote the co-ordination of relationships between man and nature, and man and the environment.  相似文献   

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