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Leachates of anti-fouling paints for use on ships and leisure boats are examined for their ecotoxicological potential. Paint leachates were produced in both 7‰ artificial (ASW) and natural seawater (NSW) and tested on three organisms, the bacterium Vibrio fischeri, the macroalga Ceramium tenuicorne, and the crustacean Nitocra spinipes. Generally, leaching in ASW produced a more toxic leachate and was up to 12 times more toxic to the organisms than was the corresponding NSW leachate. The toxicity could be explained by elevated concentrations of Cu and Zn in the ASW leachates. Of the NSW leachates, those from the ship paints were more toxic than those from leisure boat paints. The most toxic paint was the biocide-free leisure boat paint Micron Eco. This implies that substances other than added active agents (biocides) were responsible for the observed toxicity, which would not have been discovered without the use of biological tests.  相似文献   


The bran toxic baits (0.5 % w/w) of five oxime carbamate pesticides; aldicarb, aldoxycarb, methomyl, oxamyl and thiofanox were tested for their molluscicidal activity against Theba pisana snails under Laboratory conditions. In addition, the in vivo effects of these compounds on seven vital enzymes namely Acetylcholin‐esterase (AchE), glutathion‐S‐transferase (GST), glutamic oxlaoacetic transaminase (GOT), glutamic pyruvic transaminase (GPT), acid phosphatase (AcP), alkaline phosphatase (AIP), and adenosine triphosphatase (ATPase) activities of the snail tissue were also investigated after 1,3, and 5 days of exposure. The results showed that methomyl was the most potent candidate, whereas thiofanox was the least effective one against the snails. LT50’s values of aldicarb, aldoxycarb, methomyl, oxamyl and thiofanox were 5.77, 4.69, 2.31, 3.97 and 6.67 days, respectively. Results of the potency of the tested pesticides against AchE activity were in harmony with the toxicity of these compounds to snails. AchE, AcP, and AIP activities were inhibited by the tested pesticides. GST activity was inhibited by aldicarb but stimulated by oxamyl and thiofanox. Methomyl and oxamyl lead to significant elevation of GOT and GPT, whereas thiofanox treated snail induced a reduction of both enzymes activities. Aldicarb and aldoxycarb caused significant induction of ATPase activity.  相似文献   

Effects of crude oil on survival and behavior of the mayfly Hexagenia bilineata were evaluated in laboratory studies. Mayfly nymphs were exposed to the water soluble and oil residue fractions of crude oil. Mayfly survival was not reduced by a 96-h exposure to either the water soluble fraction or the oil residue mixed with sediment. However, significant mortality did result from a 21-day exposure to oil residue mixed with sediment at concentrations as low as 500 microg g(-1). Survival was also reduced after a 21-day exposure to oil-contaminated sediments (1905 microg g(-1)) collected 6 weeks after a crude oil spill in the Chariton River, Missouri. In a behavioral test measuring habitat exclusion, organisms did not avoid contact with sediment containing oil residue (50-800 microg g(-1)). Collectively, results from these studies indicate that exposure to oil residue in sediment will reduce survival of H. bilineata in the laboratory and may reduce survival in the environment for 6 weeks or more after an oil spill.  相似文献   

Nematomorpha (horsehair worms) is a poorly known group of worm-like animals similar to nematodes. Adults are free-living and reproduction takes place in freshwater environments, where preparasitic larvae undergo development. All species have a parasitic juvenil stage and infection may result in the host's death, insects being the most frequent host. Most of the life cycle occurs in freshwater environments, which are often contaminated by different pollutants. Based on the lack of information on the toxicity of herbicides to horsehair worms, the objective of this study is to evaluate the effect of different concentrations of glyphosate (technical grade and formulated product) on Chordodes nobilii (Gordiida, Nematomorpha). Bioassays were performed with embryos and larvae (preparasitic stages), and adults (postparasitic stage). Test organisms were exposed for a short period of time to concentrations ranging between 0.1 and 8 mga.e.l(-1) of glyphosate (technical and formulated). Although embryo development was not inhibited, there was a significant decrease in the infective capacity of larvae derived from eggs that had been exposed to >or= 0.1mg/l. Similar results were obtained for directly exposed larvae. No differences in toxicity were detected between the active ingredient and formulated product. Adult exposed for 96 h to 1.76 mgl(-1) formulated Gly shown a mortality of 50%. Results indicate that C. nobilii is affected at glyphosate concentrations lower than those expected to be found in freshwater environments and those specified in the legislation.  相似文献   

Copper (Cu) desorption and toxicity to the Florida apple snail were investigated from soils obtained from agricultural sites acquired under the Comprehensive Everglades Restoration Plan. Copper concentrations in 11 flooded soils ranged from 5 to 234 mg/kg on day 0 and from 6.2 to 204 mg/kg on day 28 (steady-state). The steady-state Cu concentration in overlying water ranged from 9.1 to 308.2 microg/L. In a 28-d growth study, high mortality in snails occurred within 9 to 16 d in two of three soil treatments tested. Growth of apple snails over 28 d was affected by Cu in these two treatments. Tissue Cu concentrations by day 14 were 12-23-fold higher in snails exposed to the three soil treatments compared to controls. The endangered Florida snail kite and its main food source, the Florida apple snail, may be at risk from Cu exposure in these managed agricultural soil-water ecosystems.  相似文献   

An invertebrate embryo toxicity test with the ampullariid snail, Marisa cornuarietis, to assess the toxicity of pesticides and heavy metals recently was established. Snail embryos were treated with atrazine (100, 1000, 10 000, and 30 000 μg/L), imidacloprid (10 000, 25 000, and 50 000 μg/L), Ni2+ (0.1, 1, 10, and 100 μg/L) or Zn2+ (100, 200, 500, 1000, 2000, and 5000 μg/L). The effect of these substances was examined by monitoring the following endpoints: mortality, formation of tentacles and eyes, heart rate, hatching, and weight after hatching. Effects in term of a significant delay on the formation of both tentacles and eyes were found after treatment with 100 μg/L Ni2+ or 200 μg/L Zn2+. The heart rate was shown to significantly decrease at 25 000 μg/L imidacloprid or 1000 μg/L Zn2+. At 100 μg/L atrazine, 10 μg/L Ni2+, or 1000 μg/L Zn2+ a significant delay in hatching became visible. No significant mortality was observed for the tested concentrations of atrazine, imidacloprid, or Ni2+, while 5000 μg/L Zn2+ resulted in 100% mortality after 10 d. The weight of freshly hatched individuals remained unaffected in all treatments. On the basis of the lowest observed effect concentrations (LOECs) recorded, we could show the M. cornuarietis embryo toxicity test (MariETT) to react up to three orders of magnitude more sensitive (for metals) and at least one order of magnitude more sensitive (for the tested organics) than the established Danio rerio embryo test.  相似文献   

Mukhi S  Pan X  Cobb GP  Patiño R 《Chemosphere》2005,61(2):178-185
Hexahydro-1,3,5-trinitro-1,3,5-triazine, a cyclonitramine commonly known as RDX, is used in the production of military munitions. Contamination of soil, sediment, and ground and surface waters with RDX has been reported in different places around the world. Acute and subacute toxicities of RDX have been relatively well documented in terrestrial vertebrates, but among aquatic vertebrates the information available is limited. The objective of this study was to characterize the acute toxicity of RDX to larval zebrafish. Mortality (LC50) and incidence of vertebral column deformities (EC50) were two of the end points measured in this study. The 96-h LC50 was estimated at 22.98 and 25.64 mgl(-1) in two different tests. The estimated no-observed-effective-concentration (NOEC) values of RDX on lethality were 13.27+/-0.05 and 15.32+/-0.30 mgl(-1); and the lowest-observed-effective-concentration (LOEC) values were 16.52+/-0.05 and 19.09+/-0.23 mgl(-1) in these two tests, respectively. The 96-h EC50 for vertebral deformities on survivors from one of the acute lethality tests was estimated at 20.84 mgl(-1), with NOEC and LOEC of 9.75+/-0.34 and 12.84+/-0.34 mgl(-1), respectively. Behavioral aberrations were also noted in this acute toxicity study, including the occurrence of whirling movement and lethargic behavior. The acute effects of RDX on survival, incidence of deformities, and behavior of larval zebrafish occurred at the high end of the most frequently reported concentrations of RDX in aquatic environments. The chronic effects of RDX in aquatic vertebrates need to be determined for an adequate assessment of the ecological risk of environmental RDX.  相似文献   

Imidacloprid is a neonicotinoid insecticide with neurotoxic action that, as a possible alternative for commonly used organophosphorus pesticides, has gained registration in about 120 countries for use in over 140 agricultural crops. Only few data are available on its toxicity for soil invertebrates. We therefore assessed the effects of imidacloprid on survival, weight gain, feeding rate, total protein content, glutathione S-transferase activity (GST), and digestive gland epithelial thickness in juveniles and adults of the terrestrial isopod Porcellio scaber. After two weeks of feeding on imidacloprid-dosed food, weight gain (NOEC 5 microg/g dry food) and feeding rate (NOEC 10 microg/g) in juveniles, and feeding rate (NOEC<10 microg/g) and digestive gland epithelial thickness (NOEC<10 microg/g) in adults were most affected. In juveniles induction of GST activity and increase of total protein content per wet animal weight was detected at 5 microg/g dry food, whereas in adults a reduction of GST was observed at 25 microg/g (NOEC 10 microg/g). An estimate of actual intake rates suggests that imidacloprid affects isopods at similar exposure concentrations as insects. The toxicity of imidacloprid was similar to that of the organophosphorus pesticide diazinon, tested earlier using the same methods [Stanek, K., Drobne, D., Trebse, P., 2006. Linkage of biomarkers along levels of biological complexity in juvenile and adult diazinon fed terrestrial isopod (Porcellio scaber, Isopoda, Crustacea). Chemosphere 64, 1745-1752]. At actual environmental concentrations, diazinon poses a higher risk to P. scaber. Due to its increasing use in crop protection and higher persistence in soil, imidacloprid might however, be potentially more dangerous after long-term application. We conclude that toxicity testing with P. scaber provides relevant, repeatable, reproducible and comparable toxicity data that is useful for the risk assessment of pesticides in the terrestrial environment.  相似文献   

Background Many contaminated sites contain a variety of toxicants. Risk assessment and the development of soil quality criteria therefore require information on the interaction among toxicants. Interactions between heavy metals are relatively well studied, but little is known about those between heavy metals and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). Methods 0.1 mg/kg dry soil phenanthrene alone or phenanthrene plus 10 mg/kg cadmium (Cd) were added to soil to determine the influence of phenanthrene on Cd toxicity to soil enzymes (invertase, urease, dehydrogenase and phosphatase) and microorganisms (fungi, bacteria and actinomycete) in paddy soil. Results and Discussion 0.1 mg/kg phenanthrene did not reduce the number of microorganisms. However, the addition of phenanthrene to soil with Cd enhanced the Cd toxicity to soil enzymes and microorganisms. This deleterious effect was seen to mainly affect the growth of fungi and the activity of invertase, urease and dehydrogenase. The order of combined inhibition of Cd and phenanthrene was fungi>bacteria>actinomycete. Conclusion The presence of phenanthrene might enhance the toxicity of Cd to soil microorganisms. Phenanthrene can easily be used by the soil actinomycetes as a source of carbon and energy and the finding may be supportive to the development of bioremediation techniques.  相似文献   

The study was prompted to characterize the B-type esterase activities in the terrestrial snail Xeropicta derbentina and to evaluate its sensitivity to organophosphorus and carbamate pesticides. Specific cholinesterase and carboxylesterase activities were mainly obtained with acetylthiocholine (Km = 77.2 mM; Vmax = 38.2 mU/mg protein) and 1-naphthyl acetate (Km = 222 mM, Vmax = 1095 mU/mg protein) substrates, respectively. Acetylcholinesterase activity was concentration-dependently inhibited by chlorpyrifos-oxon, dichlorvos, carbaryl and carbofuran (IC50 = 1.35 × 10−5-3.80 × 10−8 M). The organophosphate-inhibited acetylcholinesterase activity was reactivated in the presence of pyridine-2-aldoxime methochloride. Carboxylesterase activity was inhibited by organophosphorus insecticides (IC50 = 1.20 × 10−5-2.98 × 10−8 M) but not by carbamates. B-esterase-specific differences in the inhibition by organophosphates and carbamates are discussed with respect to the buffering capacity of the carboxylesterase to reduce pesticide toxicity. These results suggest that B-type esterases in X. derbentina are suitable biomarkers of pesticide exposure and that this snail could be used as sentinel species in field monitoring of Mediterranean climate regions.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - The presence of oral contraceptives (basically applying estrogens and/or progestogens) poses a challenge to animals living in aquatic ecosystems and...  相似文献   

This study investigated the toxicity of various concentrations of technical resmethrin and Scourge on adult and larval Palaemonetes pugio, a common grass shrimp species. Two types of tests were conducted for each of the resmethrin formulations using adult and larval grass shrimp life stages, a 96-h static renewal aqueous test without sediment, and a 24-h static nonrenewal aqueous test with sediment. For resmethrin, the 96-h aqueous LC50 value for adult shrimp was 0.53 microg/L (95% confidence interval (CI): 0.46-0.60 microg/L), and for larval shrimp was 0.35 microg/L (95% CI: 0.28-0.42 microg/L). In the presence of sediment, technical resmethrin produced a 24-h LC50 value for adult shrimp of 5.44 microg/L (95% CI: 4.52-6.55 microg/L), and for larval shrimp of 2.15 microg/L (95% CI: 1.35-3.43 microg/L). For Scourge, the 96-h aqueous LC50 for adult shrimp was 2.08 microg/L (95% CI: 1.70-2.54 microg/L), and for larval shrimp was 0.36 microg/L (95% CI: 0.24-0.55 microg/L). The 24-h sediment test yielded an LC50 value of 16.12 microg/L (95% CI: 14.79-17.57 microg/L) for adult shrimp, and 14.16 microg/L (95% CI: 12.21-16.43 microg/L) for larvae. Adjusted LC50 values to reflect the 18% resmethrin concentration in Scourge are 0.37 microg/L (adult), 0.07 microg/L (larvae) for the 96-h aqueous test, and 2.90 microg/L (adult), 2.6 microg/L (larvae) for the 24-h sediment test. Larval grass shrimp were more sensitive to technical resmethrin and Scourge than the adult life stage. The results also demonstrate that synergized resmethrin is more toxic to P. pugio than the nonsynergized form, and that the presence of sediment decreases the toxicity of both resmethrin and Scourge.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - It is important to establish the toxicity pesticides against non-target species, especially those pesticides used in commercial formulations....  相似文献   

Liu H  Yu H  Giesy JP  Sun Y  Wang X 《Chemosphere》2007,66(11):2159-2165
HC Orange No. 1 (HCO1; 2-nitro-4′-hydroxydiphenylamine) (CAS No. 54381-08-7) is used as a color additive in hair dyes and can be released into aquatic environments in wastewater. In this paper, the effects of HCO1 on aquatic organisms were studied using a battery of toxicological tests. These included measuring immobilization of Daphnia magna, inhibition of zebrafish embryo development, and acute lethality in zebrafish and goldfish, which are different species belonging to different trophic levels. HCO1 was toxic to all of the organisms studied. In our experiments, HCO1 remarkably restrained the mobility of D. magna, which may cause subsequent death. The EC50 value for restrained the mobility of D. magna at 48 h was 1.54 mg HCO1 l−1. In addition, HCO1 showed toxicity in zebrafish and goldfish, where LC50values at 96 h were 4.04 and 5.37 mg l−1, respectively. The results also indicated that HCO1 remarkably retarded the development of zebrafish embryos, which may cause embryo abnormality and even lethality. The most sensitive toxicological endpoint in the development of the embryos was failure to hatch, which had an EC50 of 0.19 mg HCO1 l−1. These results indicated that HCO1 is a potential teratogen to zebrafish embryos. In addition, as HCO1 concentrations increased, the outcomes of each of these toxicity tests changed in a concentration-dependent manner. Together, the results revealed that HCO1 appears to be toxic to multiple different species of aquatic organisms. The EC50 (LC50) values contain sufficient discriminatory power for risk assessment of HCO1 in aquatic environments. Based on the present results, more efficient risk assessment procedures for HCO1 will be designed in the future, integrating more flexible testing methods into the testing schemes that employ only the necessary tools for each case.  相似文献   

Pollution from urban highway runoff has been identified as one of the major causes of the deterioration of receiving water quality. The purpose of this study is to assess the toxicity of urban storm water samples in Shanghai using the zebrafish (Danio rerio) embryo test and the bacterial luminescence (Vibrio qinghaiensis) assay. The toxicity of highway runoff from seventeen storm events was investigated in both grab and composite samples. Zebrafish embryos were exposed to the runoff samples and development parameters including lethality, spontaneous movements in 20 s, heart beat rate, hatching rate, and abnormality of zebrafish embryos were observed after 24, 48, 72, and 96 h of exposure. Inhibition rates of luminescence intensity were also recorded. The results showed that in the zebrafish embryo toxicity tests, both grab and composite samples increased the lethality, reduced the percentage with spontaneous movements and heart beats, inhibited the hatching of embryos, and induced morphological abnormalities. In the Vibrio qinghaiensis toxicity test, all the grab samples inhibited the luminescence, while some of the composite samples promoted it, which indicated that different types of toxicants might have been affecting the species. The multivariate statistics analysis indicated that heavy metal (zinc, manganese, and copper) and PAHs might mainly contribute to the toxicity of runoff samples.  相似文献   


This study investigated the toxicity of various concentrations of technical resmethrin and Scourge® on adult and larval Palaemonetes pugio, a common grass shrimp species. Two types of tests were conducted for each of the resmethrin formulations using adult and larval grass shrimp life stages, a 96-h static renewal aqueous test without sediment, and a 24-h static nonrenewal aqueous test with sediment. For resmethrin, the 96-h aqueous LC50 value for adult shrimp was 0.53 μg/L (95% confidence interval (CI): 0.46–0.60 μg/L), and for larval shrimp was 0.35 μg/L (95% CI: 0.28–0.42 μg/L). In the presence of sediment, technical resmethrin produced a 24-h LC50 value for adult shrimp of 5.44 μg/L (95% CI: 4.52–6.55 μg/L), and for larval shrimp of 2.15 μg/L (95% CI: 1.35–3.43 μg/L). For Scourge®, the 96-h aqueous LC50 for adult shrimp was 2.08 μg/L (95% CI: 1.70–2.54 μg/L), and for larval shrimp was 0.36 μg/L (95% CI: 0.24–0.55 μg/L). The 24-h sediment test yielded an LC50 value of 16.12 μg/L (95% CI: 14.79–17.57 μg/L) for adult shrimp, and 14.16 μg/L (95% CI: 12.21–16.43 μg/L) for larvae. Adjusted LC50 values to reflect the 18% resmethrin concentration in Scourge® are 0.37 μg/L (adult), 0.07 μg/L (larvae) for the 96-h aqueous test, and 2.90 μg/L (adult), 2.6 μg/L (larvae) for the 24-h sediment test. Larval grass shrimp were more sensitive to technical resmethrin and Scourge® than the adult life stage. The results also demonstrate that synergized resmethrin is more toxic to P. pugio than the nonsynergized form, and that the presence of sediment decreases the toxicity of both resmethrin and Scourge®  相似文献   

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